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Lezione 7

exercise 1

It may rain tomorrow.

I haven't seen Judith. She might be in her room
Richard can speak French: he's been living there for ages
Tony has to take his pills to cure his sore throat
Gina must be angry: you broke her heart!
During the next exam, I'm sure some students will fail.
During a written exam, someone will forget the vocabulary at home
You ate a giant ice-cream. Your stomach must hurt
She has studied until midnight. She must be tired
You can't call George! He doesn't have a phone!

exercise 2

The Romans might have created the first prototypes of golden jewels.
What bad luck: we lost the winning ticket! We could have won the lottery!
Fortunately she turned off the burner. She might have burnt the meat
Mike is in Spain! You may have met him in down the street
I can't find the keys of my car: it might have been my son
How do you know this information? Colin must have told you
We may live until 2080
Recent studies have confirmed the possibility that there could be water on Mars-
If I had heard your phone call, I might have answer
He must be really happy to see their parents.

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