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English work

Name : Álvaro Felipe barrios

Name of the teacher: William Cifuentes

Grade: 10B

Subject: english

Gimnacio perzonalisado los pilares

First topic : present continuos

 he is playing with the cell pone

 She is sleeping in bed

 I'm reading the newspaper

 The city darkens

 She running down the road

 He is buying some things in the store

 He is sleeping in his girlfriend's house

 She is cooking a roast duck

 He is drinking blackberry juice

 He is downloading some games to the cell phone

 I am taking some English courses with Professor William

 I am eating salad

 She is reading a horror book

 SAMUEL and NATALIA will go on a love date

 We are learning mathematics in virtual classes

 Is falling from a plane

 They looking at the eyes

 Is your English getting better?


 Mafe shouldn't leave of home

 Felipe might wash his hands

 people should use antibacterial gel

 the covid-19 would make the end of the world?

 the covid-19 migth create the end of time?

 people should go home

 the people might watch netflix and not go outside

 scientists would do the cure for covid-19

 people might prevén covid-19

 people should take vitamins

 the covid-19 would make a catastrophe?

 the covid-19 might kill people?

 the covid-19 might have a cure?

 should the government help?

Topic 3: continuos past


 i was seeing netflix in my house

 she was runnig in the morning
 we were eating pizza in the shop
 my mom was driving the car of my dad
 my sister was crying for a toy
 i was Reading a horror book
 they were singing in the bar
 William was speaking in the class
 You were sleeping in the house of your girlfriend
 I was writing in the book


 Felipe was not running in the Street

 they were not singing in the bar
 William was not speaking in the class
 Adam was not driving of car of the dad
 She was not dreaming in cars
 Carlos was not building a house
 She was not eating tacos in mexico
 We were not driving motorcycle
 Bad bunny was not driving a nissan GTR skyline
 My dad was not drinking beer

 Why was my mom driving the car of my dad?

 why was sister crying for a toy?
 why was she Reading a horror book?
 why was julian dreaming in cars?
 Why was carlos building a house?
 Why was she eating tacos in mexico?
 Why was she planning a party?
 Why was she sleeping in the house of Samuel?
 Why was she running in the house?
 Why was sofia building a car?


Pag 10- exersice 7

1. No vi la luz roja porque miré / estaba mirando mi teléfono inteligente

2. Comimos un sándwich para el almuerzo y luego comimos /

tomamos una dona para el postre.

3. Compramos una bolsa nueva mientras compramos / íbamos de

compras al centro.

4. Cuando lan surfeo / surfeaba por Internet, un virus apagó su


5. olvidé encender mi despertador, así que no me desperté / no me

despertaba a tiempo para la escuela.
Pag 11- exersice 10

Olvida lulu
¿Cómo puedo mejorar mi memoria? Tengo trece años
y tengo muchos exámenes, ¡pero no recuerdo nada!
¿Cómo puedo mejorar mi memoria? Por favor,
ayúdame. ¿Qué no debería / debería hacer? Lulu


En primer lugar, Lulu, cuando estudias, (2) deberías /
no deberías simplemente leer cosas. Cuando
aprendes información nueva, usted debería / no
debería escribirla. Muchos adolescentes nunca
escriben notas, pero esto es una ayuda esencial para
la memoria. Además, usted (4) debería / no debería
intentar recordar todo al mismo tiempo. Cuando un
curso tiene muchos datos, como la historia, usted (5)
no debe / debe hacer algunas tarjetas y poner un
hecho en cada tarjeta. Luego, mire las tarjetas de vez
en cuando para recordar la información: ¡usted (6) no
debe / debe ponerlas en su bolso y olvidarse de ellas!
Los expertos

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