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This result slip is not a certificate. The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to correct the information given on result slips which will be confirmed by issue of certificates 406003/0236 OTIEND TONY GDUOR JULY. 2019 SERIES 406003 KABETE NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC 2920 DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY — (MODULE 1 101 102 103 104 105 108 108 THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL EXAMINATIONS FOR THE BUSINESS T.E.P COURSES. COMPUTER APPLICATION STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING COMMUNTCAT ION OPERATING SYSTEMS COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECT RESULT: REFERRED DATE PRINTED? 190925:11215922 arep 0154196 Hee NOTE Can lates’s names as printed on this result slip will appear on any certificate issued and in Council’s records. If it is incorrect, contact your examination centre immediately. This result slip is NOT a certificate. The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to correct the information given on result slips which will be confirmed by the issue of certificates.

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