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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of group 2 I would like to welcome you today,
thank you for coming! So we are the second group. I'm here Infront of you to talk about the
interactive model one of the three standard model of the communication. The interactive model
suggests that participants alternate positions as sender and receiver. It relies on an exchange of
communication from the sender to the receiver and from the receiver to the sender and back
again. Rather than illustrating communication as a linear, one-way process, The interactive
model allows for feedback, something that's absent in the linear model., which makes
communication a more interactive, two-way process. So to broaden your knowledge let me
introduce to you the wangxian booth.

JENEL-HI! I’m mark and you?
Jenel-Please take a seat.
*takes seat’s*
Jenel- so……………how’s your day?
Chris-great! Thanks for asking.How about you????
(uncomfortable body language)
Jenel-good. Uhm is something wrong??
Chris-N-no, nothing sorry.
Jenel- let me guess , you didn’t really wanted to be here right??
Chris-(AWKWARD LAUGH)…Honestly, I was forced to come here by my friend.
Jenel- oh really!? But should we have a chitchat then so that your friend’s payment won’t go to
Chris- oh sure… sorry(AWKWARD LAUGH)
Jenel-it’s fine so…. What are you up to nowadays??
chris-just working out and watching movies.
Jenel-oh really?
Chris-how about you?
Jenel-well,I readd books and I write as well.
Chris- oh! I would love to read your works.
Jenel-of course! If we can see each other again.
Chris- can I have your number?
Jenel-sure!(GIVE’S NUMBER)
Jenel- let’s call it a day then.
Chris-I really enjoyed our little chat.
Interactive model it provides a straightforward approach to communicating, with sender and
receiver trading roles back and forth in a circular pattern. Interactive model is also less message
focused and more interaction focused. While the transmission model focused on how a message
was transmitted and whether or not it was received, the interaction model is more concerned with
the communication process itself. the interactive communication isn’t judged effective or
ineffective in this model based on whether or not a single message was successfully transmitted
and received.
In Schramm's model, There is also one more important element and that is the stuff that were
talking about so far takes place within a specific context conditions sorrounding and influencing
the communication it Physical context in communication refers to the actual setting in which the
communication is taking place. So in the booth the physical aspects there, are how loud the area
is, the coldness of the area, the location in which the meeting is held which is in the booth, and
other physical factors. Psychological context refers to the state someone is in (e.g., moods,
emotions). Depending on what you are feeling and what your audience is feeling will have a
significant impact on the communication that is taking place. Just like how Chris' was talking
awkwardly because of nervousness and maybe he really is uncomfortable because he's being

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