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MP1: We are what we eat.

Even at such young age, children should be aware of what they are
eating. Parents have no control over what they consume outside of home especially during school.
Moreover, it is impossible for parents to restrict their children food intake all the time. This
unsupervised period allowing children to consume what they want especially junk food which mostly
contained sugars and preservative ingredients. The recent studies found that, most children
diagnosed with obesity have high consumption of junk food. Do we really think parents would risk
their children well-being by permitting them to eat junk food on daily basis?

MP2: In addition, obesity is also associated with genetic factor. For instance, the history of family
with obesity could rise the chance to become obese. In addition, lower metabolism rate also
contributed to overweight and obesity. Therefore, parents should not be blamed over this inherited
factor which parents have no control of.

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