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Learning English takes a great deal of effect. People who want to be good at
English have to spend a lot of ;me on studying in English. Some who learns English at
school for several hours rarely really improve their English. More importantly, they
shouldn’t be too shy to speak English in public though they don’t speak it not
AEer all, theie speaking are not expected as great and fluent as ones whose mother
language is English.
AEer all, they aren’t expected to speak English as fluently as those na;ve speakers;
as a saying goes, “Prac;ce makes perfect.”
It is like a saying that prac;ces make perfect.

Learning English needs a great deal of effect. Some who wants to be good at
English has to spend a lot of ;me on studying in English. Some who learns English at
school for several hours rarely improves their English. It is more important that they
are too shy to speak English in public though they speak not fluently. AEer all, theie
speaking are not expected as great and fluent as ones whose mother language is
English. It is like a saying that prac;ces make perfect.

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Many argue the increase of petrol price would force people to use less due to
saving money. With high petrol price, there would be less air pollu;on, which is good
for our environment. Mainly because for factories, they will have to replace the
high-priced ingredients or energy sources with cheaper alterna;ves . Moreover, that
could decrease traffic, too. As for commuters, they would choose to bike or take the
public transporta;on, such as the MRT and buses, instead of driving the car or riding
motorcycles. As a result, that could lead to cheaper commu;ng costs.
However, I personally disagree with this argument. I even believe this measure
would lead to more problems. As petrol price soaring, so does nearly everything
else, for it plays a crucial part in our society. We can hardly live or manufacture
without it. The world would be devastated in search for alterna;ve resources and
would live in misery for a considerable long period of ;me .For example, factories
may directly get stop processing wasted water to cut cost altogether. Consequently, I
believe that searching for the environmental-friendly energies to replace petrol is a
beVer solu;on. Using green energy would not only help protect our environment but
also guarantees us a convenient live style like before. In conclusion, rising the price of
petrol is only a temporary solu;on while using environmental-friendly energies is a
permanent one.
an act of searching for someone or something: the police carried out a
thorough search of the premises | he plans to go to the Himalayas in
search of a yeti

Many argue that increasing the price of the petrol would force people to use less
due to expensive. With high price, there would be less air pollu;on to achieve the
goal of protec;ng our environment. Because, for factories, they may use other kinds
of energy or ingredients to replace the high price one in order to cut cost. Moreover,
it could decrease traffic, too. As for people, they would ride the bike or take the
public transporta;on, such us the MRT and buses, instead of driving the car or riding
motorcycle. As a result, they could spend less money on their transporta;on.
However, I personally disagree this argument. I even regard this measure would
lead to more problems. With the petrol increasing, prices of everything almost rise,
as the petrol becomes expensive. All would live hard and have to search for other
solu;ons to overcome. For example, factories may directly get rid of the polluted
water to cut cost on cleaning. Consequently, I believe that finding out the
environmental-friendly energies to replace the petrol is a beVer solu;on. Using this
kind of energies would not only protect our environment but also have us a
convenient lives like before. In conclusion, liEing the price of the petrol is the
temporary solu;on while finding out other environmental-friendly energies is a
permanent one.

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