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The chart indicates the habit of the students studying in an American high

school arranging their daily schedule. From the information given, we can see
that the students spend most of their time sleeping. Yet against the average
6.4 hours spent on study-related activities, it takes them approximately 9
hours weekly on non-study-related ones, such as participating in
extracurricular activities, working part-time as well as doing voluntary work,
and exercising. We can refer that, apart from devoting all their time and
energy to studying, these American students signify the importance of filling
their timetables with other events and their interests. By doing so enables
them to lead a more balanced lifestyle than we, their Taiwanese peers.

As for me, a typical busy student attending a local high school, things are
on the very contrasting conditions. I spend 12 hours daily preparing for my
exams and doing assignments and schoolwork. Thus, due to my excessive
tight schedule, I can barely spare 1 hour per week participating in recreational
and other social events, which only makes 20% of those of my American
peers. I think the reason for such huge difference in figures fully reflects that
we, regard gaining satisfactory results in College Entrance Exams more than
anything else, even our hobbies and enjoying our life. In order to achieve the
goal, lack of enough extracurricular activities is not an unexpected result. I
truly believe that only by having a balanced and heathy life can we learn how
to release our stress and appreciate what our lives have to bring, as they are
not supposed to be filled with only textbooks and tests.

*275 words
下圖呈現的是美國某⾼高中的全體學⽣生每天進⾏行各種活動的時間分配,請寫⼀一篇⾄至少 120
個單詞的英 ⽂文作⽂文。⽂文分兩段,第⼀一段描述該圖所呈現之特別現象;第⼆二段請說明整體
⽽而⾔言,你⼀一天的時間分 配與該⾼高中全體學⽣生的異同,並說明其理由。


1.依提⽰示在「答案卷」上寫⼀一篇英⽂文作⽂文。 2.⽂文⻑⾧長⾄至少120個單詞(words)。




學習相關活動6.4 打⼯工1.5 睡覺8.7 社交、休閒 3.8 運動 0.8 宗教、義⼯工 0.2 其他 2.6

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