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1. 在台灣你可以吃到來⾃自世界各國的美⻝⾷食。
In Taiwan, you can eat delicalies from all over the world.
2. 無論是印度菜、希臘菜或是義⼤大利麵,你可以輕鬆的找到各種異國美⻝⾷食。
Whether it is Indian food, Greek food or spaghetti. You can find a variey of foreign
cuisine easily.
3. ⼀一般的⼈人⺠民都可以接受這些異國⻝⾷食物,不會覺得奇怪或是難以⼊入⼝口。
Everyone can acept these foreign cuisines and they will not find them strange or difficult
to eat.
4. 同時,來到台灣的外國⼈人很喜歡吃台灣的本地⼩小吃。
At the same time, foreigners coming to Taiwan like to eat Taiwanese snacks.
5. 像是珍珠奶茶、⼩小籠包或是鹹酥雞都是很熱⾨門的台灣特⾊色⼩小吃。
Such as bubble milk tea, little dumplings and Taiwanese fried chicken are the popular

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