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The possessive case is used to show possession (Nick´s pen, my brother´s ball) or another

close relationship (the teacher´s friends)


Singular: ´s Plurals: s´
Alexandra´s car. The girls’ dad
Julie and Tom´s birthday party (= The cats´ whiskers
one party)
Julie´s and Tom´s birthday parties ( Two weeks ´holiday
= two parties)
The cat´s whiskers
Today´s newspaper Irregular Plurals
Women´s hairdressers
Usually with things or formal titles and names beginning with `the´:
A cup of tea / The Queen of England / The city of London

Note: You can use the possessive case without a noun after it.

e.g.: “Whose car is that?” “It’s my parents´.

Rewrite the sentences, using the possessive case .


a) My sister has a book.

It´s my ____________________________________________________________
b) My cousins live in that house.
It´s ___________________________________________________________
c) This school is for boys only.
It´s a _________________________________________________________
d) The house has a number.

What´s ____________________________________________________________?
Complete the sentences with the information in brackets.

My ____________ waiting room is very comfortable and modern. (dentist)

____________ wedding ring was very expensive. (Emma)
____________ sports car is very fast. ( Charles)
____________ room is upstairs. (the twins)
____________ room is on the first floor. (Ken)
These are ____________schoolbags.(the boys)
We arrived late at the cinema, so we didn´t see ____________ beginning (the film)
____________ living room is painted white. ( Orlando and Joanne)
What is ____________ capital? ( Italy)
Children must sit in ____________ backseat. ( the car)
I went to see ____________ house yesterday. ( my sister )
I especially like ____________ cat. ( my friend)
The car stopped at the _______________end. ( the street)
Do you know ____________ problem? (the girl)

Put apostrophes in the correct places.

a) I´d like to have my mums green eyes and my dads blond hair.

b) I´ve got my fathers nose and my mothers hair colour.

c) My sister has got my grandmothers temper.

d) My parents would like to inherit my grandparents beach house.

e) The Coopers house faces the beach.

f) Last summer, I spent a two week holiday at Bens house.

g) The childrens playground is only ten minutes walk from their house.

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