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A day in the life of Kate Middleton.

Kate is married to Prince William, Queen Elizabeth II’s grandson. Her title is the Duchess
of Cambridge. How does she spend her time? Let’s see what she says.

I always get up at 6:30 a.m, when my alarm goes off. I have a quick shower and I do half an
hour of yoga. It really relaxes me. After that, I have a cup of tea and I look through the
newspapers. By now, it’s about 8 o’clock. I go through to the living room. The
children are usually already there. I have three children, George, Charlotte and
Louis. They have a nanny. The nanny gets their breakfast, then they watch TV
for a bit. These days we are still in lockdown in the UK, so I do many of my
duties via a video link. Today, I have a zoom interview with a children’s charity.
I support them in fundraising. I usually have lunch with my husband, William. I
have a live-in cook, but sometimes, I cook the lunch myself. Today is such a day.
I make cheese omelette and jacket potatoes. In the afternoon, I talk to some
headteachers. I am home-schooling my children and I tell them how much I
admire teachers. They do a good job! In ordinary times, I attend grand openings
and I go to theatres. I welcome heads of state, with my husband. I meet with
the Queen once a week. But now, things are much quieter. The cook serves us
dinner at 7 pm in the dining room. I prefer simple food. Today it is fish with
rice, followed by lemon sorbet. I read the children a bedtime story and put them
to bed at around 8:30. Then, I look over any papers with William and I check my
social media. We don’t stay up late; we are usually in bed before 11. Like everyone else, I just
want to get back to normal!

1) What time does she get up?

2) What does she do first?

3) How long does she spend on yoga?

4) Why does she do yoga?

5) When does she look at the newspapers?

6) Does she have a cup of coffee?

7) Who gives the children their breakfast?

8) Why does she carry out her duties via a video-link?

9) How does she support the children’s charity?

10) Who home-schools her children?

11) What does she think about teachers?

12) Which THREE things does she do normally? (before lockdown)

13) What kind of food does she like and where do they eat dinner?

14) When does she check her social media – morning or evening?

15) What is her usual bedtime?

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