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Reflection on Guest Lecture

International Business Machine Corporation (IBM) was a famous company and it was
supposed to be around forever until 1990. The growth of new technology innovations
and entrance of personal computers, which could be a signal, caused a considerable loss of
money to this company, and many employees were laid off.
Using this example as a case study, Sara Kaplan pointed out that it is not the companies'
capability to respond the technological change but their cognition about how it will happen.
She emphasized if the companies could changes their mindset about their business and the
more that new technologies are taken seriously, especially by senior leaderships or
shareholders, the more it is possible to enter this new technologies and it would survive the
company. It means that people think, not firms. It implies that these companies accept the
transformation as a part of their destiny and will be able to keep people employed. In
addition, people have the chance to shift their skill and adapt to changes to remain at their
job in comparison with companies avoid talking about negative things that might cause a
tremendous changes in their organization and the others that everyone assumed that
someone else was the change agent which was mentioned in Stupidity Paradox and each
of these mistakes has the potential to lead to significant long-term failures.

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