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A certain pure substance, A, when heated is changed into two quite different

pure substances, C and D. Which of the following statements must be true?

A. A is a compound.

B. C and D are not elements.

C. A, C and D are all compounds.

D. C and D are elements.

Answer is A: only this choice must be true. The others are just possible.

33. Which of the following statements about atoms is FALSE?

A. They are mostly empty space.

B. Nearly all their mass is concentrated in the nucleus.

C. In a neutral atom protons and electrons are equal in number.

D. The nucleus contains equal numbers of protons and neutrons.

Answer is D: for the elements with smaller atoms, usually this is true, but for

heavier elements it is not.

34. In which of the following sequences are particles listed in order of increasing

size from left to right?

A. electron, atom, proton, molecule

B. molecule, atom, proton, electron

C. atom, proton, electron, molecule

D. electron, proton, atom, molecule

Answer is D: an electron so far is immeasurably small, while a molecule must

have at least two atoms and the proton is a sub-atomic particle.

35. Which of the following is the name of a subatomic particle?

A. anion

B. cation

C. molecule

D. neutron

Answer is D: a neutron is one of the constituents of the atomic nucleus.

36. Two atoms have the same mass number but different atomic numbers. Which
of the following statements concerning these atoms is TRUE?

A. Each has the same number of neutrons in its nucleus.

B. They are isotopes.

C. They are atoms of different elements.

D. Each has the same number of protons in its nucleus.

Answer is C: different atomic numbers means different numbers of protons and

hence different elements.

4 Chemistry for Physiology


37. What is the atomic number of the element occupying Group VA and Period 4 of

the Periodic Table?

A. 33

B. 34

C. 51

D. 52

Answer is C: This is Arsenic (As) – you may need to consult a periodic table to

answer this.

38. Some atoms of iodine, I, contain 53 protons and 78 neutrons in their nuclei. A

correct symbol for these atoms would be:

A. 53131I

B. 5378I

C. 78131I

D. 7853I

Answer is A: the convention is: the number of protons is the subscript; the sum

of the number of protons and neutrons (131) is the superscript.

39. Which of the following atoms normally forms ions having a single, positive


A. Mg

B. S
C. Cl

D. K

Answer is D: This is because potassium is a metal and from group IA of the

periodic table.

40. Which of the following statements concerning isotopes is FALSE?

A. They contain the same number of protons in their atoms.

B. They contain the same number of electrons in their atoms.

C. They contain the same number of neutrons in their atoms.

D. They have very similar chemical properties.

Answer is C: having a different number of neutrons (while having the same

number of protons) is what defines them to be isotopes

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