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Name : ___________________________ Date : ______________

Year / Section : _____________________ Score: ______________

Directions: Identify what is being asked for in the questions that follows. Write the correct
letter on your paper.

1. What do you call the shared knowledge, beliefs and values of those in a society?
a.State c. Political Science
b.Culture d. Government
2.What do you call a group of people, wherein each member shares similar lifestyle, culture and
a.Society c. Sociology
b.Peers d. Scientists
3.What do you call a state wherein several individuals with varied backgrounds and culture are
present in the institution?
a.Social Stratification c. Cultural Diversity
b.Political Identity d. Government
4.What do you call the transformation in social institutions?
a.Politics c. Social Change
b.Social Science d. Sociology
5.What do you call the institution that has authority to oversee a country or state?
a.Government c. Society
b.Culture d. Political Party
6.What do you call the study that deals with the differences in culture?
a.Sociology c. Paleontology
b.Anthropology d. Biology
7.What do you call the characteristics of a political group?
a.Political Identities c. Political Scientists
b.Political Science d. Politicians
8.What do you call the discipline that focuses on the study of the behavior of humans?
a.Social Science c. Political Science
b.Earth Science d. Natural Science
9.What is the kind of norm that tells us things to do?
a.Folkway c. Proscriptive
b.Laws d. Prescriptive
10. Which is a type of norm that tells us things NOT to do?
a.Mores c. Proscriptive
b.Taboos d. prescriptive
11. What do you call a form of norm that society holds so strongly that violating it results in
extreme disgust?
a.Mores c. Folkways
b.Taboos d. Laws
12. Which form of norm is a codified ethics, formally agreed and written down and enforced by
a.Folkway c. Mores
b.Laws d. Taboos
13. What is the term used to determine the species of human beings?
a.Hominid c. Homo
b.Homo Habilis d. Homo Erectus
14. How many groups does Australopithecus was divided?


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, I. Providing quality product and service to our customer and meeting
their country and whose values and culture-based, and complete basic education where: regulatory and all applicable ISO 9001:2015 requirements.II. Considering
competencies enable them to realize their full
Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and and meeting all external and internal issues relevant to our purpose,
potential and contribute meaningfully to building
motivating environment.Teachers facilitate learning and constantly strategic direction and that affect our QMS in achieving its intended
As a learner-centered public institution, the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for that are relevant to the ability of our QMS to meet customer and applicable
Department of Education continuously improves effective learning to happen.Family, community, and other regulatory requirements .IV. Continually improve our QMS by reducing
itself to better serve its stakeholders. stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for operational inefficiencies and enhancing customer satisfaction.
developing life-long learners.

a.Two c. Four
b.Three d. Five
15. Who discovered the Australopithecus Boisei?
Ra.aymond Dart c. Louis Leakey
b.Charles Boise d. Sigmund Freud
16. Where did the early civilization started?
a.Nile c. Africa
b.Indus Valley d. None of the above
17. What do you call the acceptance of the cultural goals and means of attaining those goals?
a.Conformity c. Deviance
b.Enculturation d. Innovation
18. Which is the fact or state of diverging from usual or accepted standards, especially in social
or sexual behavior?
a.Deviance c. Status
b.Values d. Personality
19. Which is the process of being socialized to a particular culture?
a.Society c. Role
b.Enculturation d. Norms
20. What is the practice of marrying or state of being married to one person at a time?
a.Polygamy c. Monogamy
b.Exogamy d. Endogamy
21. What is the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time?
a.Exogamy c. Endogamy
b.Monogamy d. Polygamy
22. What is the belief system wherein its followers believe in one Supreme Being?
a.Polytheism c. Monotheism
b.Monogamy d. Pantheism
23. What is the occurrence of people having unequal access to various resources and privileges
in the society?
a.Social Inequality c. Elitism
b.Ethnic Minority d. Racism
24. What is the process wherein the minority adopts a new culture or way of living?
a.Diffusion c. Acculturation
b.Assimilation d. Innovation
25. What is the process wherein the minority adopts a new culture and the native culture can
be forgotten?
a.Assimilation c. Innovation
b.Acculturation d. Diffusion

II.Identification: Read the statements carefully. Identify the item being described in the following
statement. (Choose your answer from the box)

1. Laws 6. Taboos 11. Language

2. Proscriptive 7. Cultural Relativism 12. Folkways
3. Culture 8. Technology 13. Ethnocentrism
4. Norms 9. Values 14. Prescriptive
5. Xenocentrism 10. People 15. Mores

______________________ 1. Specific rules/standards to guide for appropriate behavior.

______________________ 2. It refers to the conceptions or ideas of people.
______________________ 3. It refers to the application of knowledge and equipment to
ease the task of living and maintaining the environment.
______________________ 4. It describes what is appropriate or inappropriate in a given


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, I. Providing quality product and service to our customer and meeting
their country and whose values and culture-based, and complete basic education where: regulatory and all applicable ISO 9001:2015 requirements.II. Considering
competencies enable them to realize their full
Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and and meeting all external and internal issues relevant to our purpose,
potential and contribute meaningfully to building
motivating environment.Teachers facilitate learning and constantly strategic direction and that affect our QMS in achieving its intended
As a learner-centered public institution, the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for that are relevant to the ability of our QMS to meet customer and applicable
Department of Education continuously improves effective learning to happen.Family, community, and other regulatory requirements .IV. Continually improve our QMS by reducing
itself to better serve its stakeholders. stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for operational inefficiencies and enhancing customer satisfaction.
developing life-long learners.

society or what ought to be.

_______________________ _5. They live in a culture wherein symbols are used to understand
each other.
________________________ 6. It is a shared set of written or spoken symbols. It is also known
as the storehouse of culture.
________________________ 7. They are norms for everyday behavior that people follow for
the sake of tradition or convenience.
________________________ 8. They are strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior.
________________________ 9. They are norms that society holds so strongly that violating it
results in extreme disgust.
______________________ 10. They are codified ethics, formally agreed and written down
and enforced by authorities.
______________________ 11. It is the principle that an individual human’s beliefs and
activities should be understood by others in terms of that
individual’s own culture.
______________________ 12. It is a type of norm that tells us things NOT to do.
________________________ 13. It is the tendency to see and evaluate other cultures in terms
of one’s own race, nation or culture.
______________________ 14. People who usually experience this came from lower
economic position as compared to the one preferred.
______________________ 15. It is the type of norm that tells us things to do.

III.Below are the lists of cultural heritage that are suffering or have suffered from different threats.
Recognize the heritage that were being damaged and write TANGIBLE on the blank if it is a tangible
heritage and INTANGIBLE if it is an intangible heritage. (1 point each)

______________________ 1. The destruction of the ancient city of Nimrud by the ISIS

______________________ 2. Vandalism of mausoleum in Timbuktu
______________________ 3. Misunderstanding of oral history
______________________ 4. Traditional dances are being set aside because of the new
trend of dances like hip hop, ballroom, etc.
______________________ 5. Traditional religion and ritual are being set aside because of
the new technology
______________________ 6. Building of Torre de Manila near Rizal Monument
______________________ 7. Italian Renaissance palaces were damaged by earthquake
______________________ 8. Impending destruction of an ancient Turkish cave city after
the completion of a dam that will put it under water.
______________________ 9. Deterioration of sites and monuments and other structures
made of stone
______________________ 10. Destruction of historical buildings because of war in Africa

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, I. Providing quality product and service to our customer and meeting
their country and whose values and culture-based, and complete basic education where: regulatory and all applicable ISO 9001:2015 requirements.II. Considering
competencies enable them to realize their full
Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and and meeting all external and internal issues relevant to our purpose,
potential and contribute meaningfully to building
motivating environment.Teachers facilitate learning and constantly strategic direction and that affect our QMS in achieving its intended

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