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The Chicken with coccidiosis

Escrita y dirigida por Martin Scorsese

En la granja de isma y jhaimar ellas han notado como en su sistema de
producción las aves han tenido constantes diarreas y algunas muertes
provocadas por las mismas.
Comienzan una conversación al respecto.
Jhaimar: Have you noticed how our production has dropped this last week?
Isma: yeah, is like, our chickens have been suffering from diarrhea for an
entire month
Jhai: I don’t know why this is happening, we have been following all the
sanitary rules. This makes no sense for me. We should do a necropsy of a
chicken to know what´s going on.
Hacen la necropsia y descubren que las aves presentan las lesiones a nivel
gastrointestinal causadas por coccidiosis.
Isma: I just do a research in the veterinary manual and it could be a case of
Jhai: Coccidiosis? You mean a parasitic disease?
Isma: Yes, that’s it. I think the food supplier has been selling us spoiled food.
Jhai: all the food must be infected with protozoan of the genus Eimeria.
Isma: Our chickens have all the Clinical signs of the infection. dehydration
and diarrhea, bloody stools, excess orange-colored mucus.
Jhai: I think a bird shop has opened recently, we should go buy some
treatment for coccidiosis.
Van a la tienda y esperan para ser atendidas
Mar: Welcome to avifriends, how can we help you today?
Isma: We need cocciodiostatics, do you have something like that here?
Dan: Of course, we have Amprolio 50%, severe cases: 50 ml per 100 liters of
drinking water, for 5 days. moderate cases: 25 ml per 100 liters of drinking
water, for 5 days.
Mar: But these treatments are only in case the prevention failed.
Jhai: That’s what happened to us
Isma: Do you have something like sulfa drugs here.
Mar: We have Sulfamidatoxine and sulfadazine.
Dan: the sulfadazine we sell here is called sulfabac, is the commercial
presentation, but those are not for birds.
Mar: Sulfamic is the medicine that can be applied for birds. 1 to 1.5 ml per
liter of drinking water for 5 days; more than 3 ml per liter is only
recommended in severe cases.
Dan: I recommend you to buy the Amprolio, is the most effective right now.
Se le entrega el farmaco.
Jhai: Ok, lets buy the Amprolio. So we need to put this in the water and is
going to start working.
Isma Yeah that’s right. Thank you very much
Pagan por el product
Mar: you´re welcome.
Dan: Let us know how the treatment work
Se van de la tienda y proceden a irse a su Sistema de producción
Isma: Ok let´s apply the medicine, if we follow the instruction our chickens
should be fine at the end of the week.
Jhai: True, and we must change the food provider the fast as possible.

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