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“When the hours of your life are at their darkest and the trials are at their greatest, how

do you handle
them? Do you choose to be the carrot? The egg? Or the coffee bean? Explain your answer briefly and
concisely. Give some situations in your life that you experienced adversities, and how did you overcome


Before, I considered myself as a carrot. A weak, frail and fragile individual who will cower when
faced with unrelenting challenges. However, every person does change when faced with problems.
There are always two choices in every scenario either you caved in, or you dukedit out. I learned to
choose the latter the hard way. When I was young, I always had this motto that "if it's not for me, then
forget it". Due to this, I lose a lot of opportunities; opportunities that might have greatly benefitted me,
opportunities that might have changed my life, and opportunities that might have made me the best
version of myself. When I realized this, it was too late; therefore, I vowed that no matter what. I'll grab
that opportunity the moment it presents itself to me. From a mindset like "What if I fail?" to a mindset
like "What if I succeed?". Of course, it was difficult at first; thoughts like "Would I be able to pull this
off?" and "Is this the right choice? Should I back out?" are always wandering in my mind. It was hard;
however, I conquered it. It's always better to try something than to regret it afterwards. It might be
disappointing if you fail, but at least you try. It might not be your day, but things may be different
afterwards. One prime example of this is when I was in 5th grade. Back then, sports didn't matter to me;
I'd rather choose to play video games than to play outside because no matter how I tried joining some
clubs, all of them rejected me due to my small height. However, things began to change when I watched
a volleyball game, and I was mesmerized! I suddenly changed my motto from giving up to "trying first,
think later". Since then, I was able to change how I view things in life and what I can say is that; No
matter what happens, giving up on something without trying won't benefit you. The weak perish, while
the champions are born from trials.

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