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“A good girl´s guide to murder” - a story filled with thriller and suspense

“A good girl´s guide to murder” is a book which the only way to describe it is:
a page-turner.
This book is about the murder of a teenage girl, Andie Bell. Her killer (a better
way to say it the one who got charged with her murder) was her boyfriend Sal
Singh, who killed himself little after charged, but Andie´s body was never
found. Five years later, Pip, Sal´s best friend, decides to find out what actually
happened because she suspects that this wasn´t an open and shut case.
If you´re looking for a book that is action-packed, though-provoking,
breathtaking and with a plot twist, this is the perfect book for you, and before
you think about it: no this isn´t predicable at all! You may think you know who
the real killer is but trust me, you´ll never suspect who he or she actually is...
If you have finished the book, don´t worry there are two more books in this
amazing series that you will love and binge read but if you haven´t read it yet:
what are you waiting for?

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