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Jaymarc P.

Intruzo BSIT2
Platform Technologies
1. List and briefly define the four main elements of a computer.
 CPU - Computer scientists typically call the CPU the "brain" of the computer because
this is where programs are executed. A program is a set of instructions that tells the
computer how to accomplish a specific task, such as sending a file to the printer, opening
a browser window, or playing music or video.
 Input and Output modules - The microprocessor accepts input from devices, such as a
mouse, keyboard or scanner, and performs a function on that data. It makes a decision
based on the data, the microprocessor computes the information and then it sends the
results to the output devices, such as a monitor or printer, as readable information for the
user. For example, if a user using a word processor presses "m" on the keyboard, the
microprocessor will accept that and send the letter "m" to the monitor.
 Memory - Once the CPU converts a specific set of computer program instructions into
machine code, it stores that machine code in primary storage or memory. The machine
code will be treated as either data or instructions. The CPU fetches data and instructions
from memory, uses an instruction to manipulate the data, and then sends the result and
the next set of instructions back to memory.
 System Bus - The system bus lets the four components of the computer communicate
with one another. The system bus transmits data and instructions. It also sends addresses
that tell the CPU where in primary memory the data and instructions are coming from and
where the results should go.
2. Define the two main categories of processor registers.
 User-visible resisters - programmer can assign these registers to some variables while
writing the program codes.
 Control and status registers - These registers are not user – visible, but CPU uses these
registers to control the execution of programs or to store information about the
interrupted program so that processor can resume the program after execution of
3. What is interrupt?
 In digital computers, an interrupt is a response by the processor to an event that needs
attention from the software. An interrupt condition alerts the processor and serves as a
request for the processor to interrupt the currently executing code when permitted, so that
the event can be processed in a timely manner.
4. What is the difference between a multiprocessor and a multicore system?
 The difference between multicore and multiprocessor is that multicore refers to a single
CPU with multiple execution units while multiprocessor refers to a system that has two or
more CPUs.
5. What is the distinction between spatial locality and temporal locality?
 Spatial locality refers to the tendency of execution to involve a number of memory
locations that are clustered. Temporal locality refers to the tendency for a processor to
access memory locations that have been used recently.

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