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NEWBORN ASSESSMENT - It is a systemic examination

of newborn from head to toe. After birth, newborn

babies are carefully checked for problem or

VITAL STATISTICS - Vital statistics measured for a

newborn usually consist of the baby`s weight, length
and head and chest circumferences.

CHEST CIRCUMFERENCE – Chest circumference is

measured at the level of the nipples. The chest
circumference in a term newborn is about 2 cm (0.75 to
1 in.) less than the head circumference.

VITAL SIGNS - Vital signs measurement begin to change

from those present in intrauterine life at the moment of

TEMPERATURE - The temperature of newborns is about

99° F (37.2° C) at birth because they have been confined
in their mother`s warm and supportive uterus. The
major heat loss occurs because of four separate
WEIGHT - As long as the newborns are breathing well, mechanisms: convection, radiation, conduction and
they are weighed nude and without blanket soon after evaporation.
birth in the birthing room. Measurements such as body
Types of heat loss in Solution:
length and head, chest and abdominal circumferences
are also done but can be obtained later so that the
newborn isn`t unnecessarily exposed to chilling. A. Convection – is the flow Eliminating drafts, such
of heat from the as from air conditioners.
LENGTH - A newborn`s length at birth in relation to newborn`s body surface
weight is a second to important determinant used to to the surrounding air.
confirm that a newborn is healthy.
B. Radiation – is the Moving the infant away
• The average birth length of a mature female transfer of the body heat as far as from the cold
newborn is 49 cm or 19.2 in. to a cooler solid object surface as possible.
• For mature males, the average birth length is 50 not in contact with the
cm or 19.6 in. baby, such as cold
• The lower limit of expected birth length is window or air
arbitrarily set at 46 cm or 18 in. conditioner.
HEAD CIRCUMFERENCES - Is measured with a tape
measure drawn across the center of the forehead and C. Conduction – is the Covering surfaces with a
around the most prominent portion of the posterior transfer of body to a warmed blanket or
head (the occiput). cooler solid object with a towel.
• In a mature newborn, the head circumference is
usually 34-35 cm or 13.5 to 14 in.
• A mature newborn with a head circumference
D. Evaporation – is the Lay a newborn on the
greater than 37 cm (14.8 in.) or less than 33 cm loss of heat through the mother`s abdomen
(13.2 in.) should be carefully assessed for neurologic
conversion of liquid to immediately after birth
involvement, although some well newborns have
vapor. and cover with warm
these measurements.
blanket for skin-to-skin
COLOR - All infants appear cyanotic at the moment of
PULSE - The heart rate of a fetus in utero average 120- birth. They grow pink with or shortly after the first
160 beats/min. Immediately after birth, as the newborn breath, which makes the color of newborns correspond
struggles to initiate respirations, the heart rate may be to how well they are breathing.
as rapid as 180 beats/min. Within 1 hour after birth, as
the newborn settles down to sleep, the heart stabilizes Apgar scoring is done at one and five minutes after
to an average of 120 to 140 beats/min. birth. The newborn is considered to be “vigorous” if the
initial scores are 7 and above. If the five-minute score is
RESPIRATION - The respiratory rate of a newborn in the than 7, scoring is done every five minutes thereafter
first few minutes of life may be as high a 90 until the score reaches 7.
breaths/min. As respiration activity is established and
maintained over the next hour, this rate will settle to an
average of 30 to 60 beats/min.

BLOOD PRESSURE - The blood pressure of a newborn is

approximately 80/46 mmHg at birth. By the 10th day, it
rises to about 100/50 mmHg and remains at that level
for the infant year.


APGAR SCORING - At 1 minute and 5 minutes after APPEARANCE OF NEWBORN - Although all newborns
birth, newborns are observed and rated according to an have similar physical findings, each is unique and has
Apgar score. The following points are considered in individual differences from all others.
obtaining the rating: heart rate, respiratory effort,
• The Skin - general inspection of a newborn`s skin
muscle tone, reflex irritability, color.
includes color, any birthmarks and general
HEART RATE - Auscultating a newborn heart with a appearance.
stethoscope is the best way to determine the heart • The Color - most term newborn have a ruddier
rate; however, it may be also obtained by observing and complexion for their first month than they will have
counting the pulsation of the umbilical cord at the later in life because of the increased concentration
abdomen if the cord is still uncut. of red blood cells in their blood vessels and a
decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat, which
RESPIRATORY EFFORT - Respirations are counted by makes blood vessels more visible.
observing chest movements. A mature newborn usually
• Birthmarks - several common types of birthmarks
cries and aerates the lungs spontaneously at about 30
occurs in newborns. It is important to be able to
seconds at birth.
differentiate the various types of hemangiomas that
MUSCLE TONE - Term newborn hold their extremities occur because some are more serious than others.
tightly flexed, stimulating their intrauterine position. • Hemangiomas - are vascular tumors of the skin and
Muscle tone is tested by observing their resistance to occur in three distinct types.
any effort to extend their extremities.

REFLEX IRRITABILITY - One of the two possible cues is

used to evaluate reflex irritability: response to a suction
catheter in the nostrils or response to having the soles
of the feet slapped. A baby whose mother was heavily
sedated for birth will probably demonstrate a low score
in this category.
NEVUS FLAMMEUS The Eyes - to inspect the eyes of a newborn, lay the
infant in a supine position and lift the head; this
maneuver usually causes the baby to open his or her
eyes. The eyes should appear clear without redness or
purulent discharge.

The Ears - the level of the top part of the external ear
should be even to a line drawn from the inner canthus
to the outer canthus of the eye and back across the side
of the head. Ears that are set lower than this are found
in infants with certain chromosomal abnormalities, p

Normal Anatomy of the Infant Ear (Pinna or Auricle)

The pinna, also referred to as the auricle, is the outer
part of the ear that collects sound. At birth, the external
ear is made of a soft, thin and pliable cartilage. Sound
travels to the ear canal (auditory canal) and ends at the
eardrum (tympanic membrane).

The Nose - Always test for choanal atresia (blockage at

the rear of the nose) when examining a newborn by
closing the infant`s mouth while compressing one naris
at a time your fingers. Note any distress with breathing

Do babies noses change shape?

The Head – A newborns head usually appears
Your newborn's nose may be pushed in or flat because
disproportionately large because it is about one fourth of the tight squeeze during labor and delivery. It may
of the total body length compared with an adult, whose take a week or longer before his or her nose looks more
head is one eight of total height. normal.while one side of the nose is blocked this way.

The Mouth - A newborn`s mouth should open evenly

when he or she cries. If one side of the mouth curves
more than the other, facial nerve injury may have
occurred. Also inspect the palate of a newborn to be
certain it is intact. If Epstein pearls are present be sure
to inform the parents that these require no treatment
and will eventually disappear after a week.
The Neck - the neck of a newborn appears short with The Abdomen - a contour of a newborn abdomen looks
creased skin folds. The head should rotate or turn slightly protuberant. A scaphoid or sunken appearance
freely. suggest missing abdominal contents or a diaphragmatic
At first, your baby's neck is far too weak to support her hernia (bowel or other abdominal organs positioned in
head. As he/she grows, though, the neck muscles will the chest instead of the abdomen).
quickly get stronger. Diaphragmatic hernia - is a birth defect where there is a
hole in the diaphragm (the large muscle that separates
the chest from the abdomen). Organs in the abdomen
(such as intestines, stomach, and liver) can move
through the hole in the diaphragm and upwards into a
baby's chest.

The Abdomen - for the first hour after birth, the stump
of the umbilical cord appears as white, gelatinous
By 2 months, you may notice her briefly popping her structure marked with the blue and red streaks of the
head up during tummy time, even if only for a few one umbilical vein and two arteries. Any child with a
wobbly seconds. He/She might also be able to turn her single umbilical artery needs close needs and
head at a 45-degree angle. assessment for anomalies that are frequently associated
with the lack of an umbilical artery.
The Chest - the chest in most newborns looks small - always inspects the cord clamp to be certain its secure.
because of the head is so large in proportion to it (an After the first hour of life, the cord will begin to dry,
important finding at birth so the largest diameter of the shrink and turn brown as if it were the dead end of the
baby is born first). vein. By the second or third day, it will have turned
-the clavicle should appear straight and feel smooth. A black. On the 6 to 10 day, it breaks free, leaving a
crepitus (crackling) or an actual separation of one or granulating area a few centimeters wide that will heal
both clavicle suggests a fracture occurred during birth during the following week.
(can happen with large infants).
- infants breast may be engorged because of maternal
hormone during pregnancy. And occasionally, breast
may secretes a thin, watery fluid popularly termed
witch`s milk. As soon as the hormones are cleared from
the infant`s system (about 1 week) the engorgement
and fluid will subside.

The Anogenital Area - examine the anus to ascertain its

presence and patency. Test for anal patency and that
the anus is not covered by a membrane (imperforate
anus) by gently inserting the tip of your gloved and
lubricated little finger.

What is possible treatment if a baby has a broken

In most cases, clavicle fractures in newborns heal very
quickly without any problems. Usually no treatment is
required; however, the parent may be instructed to pin
the child's sleeve of the affected arm to the front of
their clothing to avoid moving the arm while it heals.
The Male Genitalia - the scrotum in most male The Extremities - the arms and legs of a newborn
newborns is edematous and has rough rugae on the appear short in proportion to the trunk. The hands
surface. Both testes should be palpable in the scrotum. seem plump and are typically clenched. Newborn
If one or both testicles are not present (cryptorchidism), fingernails feel soft and smooth and extend over the
referral is needed to further investigate the problem. finger tips.
The penis of a newborn appears small, approximately 2 - Test the upper extremities for muscle tone by
cm long. unflexing the arms for approximately 5 seconds then
letting them return to their flexed position (which
typically occurs immediately if the muscle tone is good).
Next hold the arms down by the sides and note their
length. The fingertips on both sides should reach as far
as the mid-thigh. Usually short arms may signify
achondroplasia (dwarfism) and would require further
The Female Genitalia - the vulva in female newborns
may appear swollen because of the effect of maternal
hormones during intrauterine life. Some female
newborns have a mucus vaginal secretion, sometimes
blood tinged (pseudomenstruation), which is caused of
maternal hormones. The discharge does not indicate
infection or trauma and disappears in 1 to 2 days.

The Back - the spine of a newborn typically appears flat

in lumbar and sacral area; these curves appear after a
child is able to sit and walk. Inspect the base of a
newborn`s spine carefully to be certain there is no
dimpling, pinpoint opening, or sinus tract in the skin,
which suggest a dermal sinus or spina bifida occulta.

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