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It’s true, that the main education starts from school, but in life, non-formal education matters just as

much as formal-education, that’s why, I think that, everyone should have knowledge in both sides. In
order, to develop myself non-formally, I decided to join the biggest club of people, who love books
called ,,B-612”.
Even though, ,,B-612” is called book club, we do way more than reading and analyzing books, such as:
meeting interesting people, creating creative events, learning leadership skills and gaining experience in
organizing big activities. Currently, I am now one of the most active member in this group. I think, that
was makes this place more fascinating is its environment. Here, you can meet lots of young people with
lots of great ideas. This place gave me a lots of learning experience and I think that, today, I am more
powerful then myself, from 2 years ago – before I started gaining non-formal education. What is the
most important, is that, we create events, without having funds. We have zero budget, which means
that, we have to do fundraising in local shops with local people. Actually, I think that, this is the greatest
thing, that I have learnt – the fact that, we can create interesting things even if we don’t have money.

I really want to develop others, just as I develop myself. Sadly, not many people know about the non-
formal side of the education and I hope that, I will keep developing myself further with the help of the
FLEX exchange program.

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