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Egyptian art

Egyptian art, architecture and culture in general have always attracted the enormous attention of people
and tourists as well as many scientists. Architecture is still very vauge and stays unclear till this day. Art
is also very specific for many reasons. It was not made for people, it was made for divine recipiants. Art
creations usually contain text and pictures. Hieroglyphs were often rendered as tiny works of art in
themselves. Egyptian art over a long period of time has been characterized by an essential unity of style
and artistic goals. Historical and cultural developments in other civilizations never exerted any decisive
influence on Egyptian art; moreover, the opposite often happened. So Rome, having conquered Egypt,
accepted the Egyptian customs.Figure is very specific, the face is presented in profile, while the eye is
shown as if seen from the front to observe the viewer and his world, the body is frontal from the shoulders
to the hips, which are seen in three quarters; the legs, on the contrary, are in profile. The color was most
important factor. the buildings that now have the natural color of the stone were originally decorated with
brilliant colors to symbolically make the performances as vivid as possible, as well as for magical
reasons, since magic played a constant and important role in Egyptian creativity. The buildings that now
have the natural color of the stone were originally decorated with brilliant colors to symbolically make
the performances as vivid as possible, as well as for magical reasons, since magic played a constant and
important role in Egyptian creativity. Egyptian culture, compared to the arts of other Mediterranean
civilizations, lasted the longest.

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