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Every beginning is intended to lead to an end. We're like sunrises and sunsets, just like how I met you.
Meeting you was so unexpected that even a parrot couldn't believe it. The first page of our story starts
with an awkward conversation where we could only say "hi" and "hello," but end up without even
saying goodbye to each other. Where did we go wrong that the story of you and me has faded into
obscurity and become antiquity?

When the quarantine began in 2020, my life became solitary but not dull. I liked the idea of being alone
and doing whatever I wanted, like watching K-dramas and reading Wattpad. Conversation with others is
something I despise the most. I'm not the type of person who likes to talk and inform others, but when I
met you, that person vanished. On the first page of our story, I was unintentionally attempting to catch
your attention until it came to an end. It was the most beautiful beginning I'd ever seen, like a sunrise. It
was also the moment when I realized that every beautiful beginning has a beautiful ending that is
painful to see, such as a sunset. Lovely, but painful.

I approached you because a friend told me you were too shy to start a conversation. I agreed and
chatted with you because I was bored at the time, not realizing that I would become overly attached to
you. We were in a stage where we didn't have a label, but there was something special between us. We
always talked about random topics, even if they made no sense at times. You were always telling me
about your days. Weirdly, we intended to construct something that only the two of us would be aware
of. Even though we had a lot on our plates, we were always talking. Even if it's late, we'll always find
ways to talk, as long as we can greet each other and ask how our days went. But, like a burning candle,
we slowly fade away. I'm not sure what I did to lose your interest in me, because we were fine the last
time I checked. Did we go down the wrong path, or is it the path that is meant for us?

To conclude, we only met but were not meant to be. We were both sunrises, but you turned out to be a
sunset, slowly fading away. You were always beautiful in my eyes, but also painful. Everything was
perfect at first, and the only thing you and I were missing was WE. But perhaps there was never a WE in
the first place.

Sunrises represent a new beginning, whereas sunsets represent an ending that can be good or bad. We
ended in a perplexing manner, just like you and me, but I managed to start over. I started adjusting to
the things I'd grown accustomed to. And that is where my sun rises to set again.

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