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Care Certificate:

Module 5 - Working in a
Person Centred Way


Module Learning Outcomes

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Upon successful completion of this module,

you should be able to:

Define what is meant by person centred


Explain why person centred care is

important when working in health and
social care settings.

Define what is meant by 'dignity'

Understand the relevance of dignity to

person centred care.

Recall ways in which dignity can be

promoted within care.

Understand how to put person centred

care values into practice in their day to
day work including: how to take a person
centred history; how to support individuals
to plan their future; how to minimise
environmental factors which may cause
discomfort; and how to report
environmental concerns.

Recognise possible signs and symptoms

that someone is in pain, or is experiencing
discomfort and describe what immediate
action should be taken where this is the

Define what is meant by 'spiritual

wellbeing' and explain its importance for
those who you care for.

Support and encourage individual's

emotional and spiritual health, and know
who to report concerns to, if appropriate.

Explain how to document care in a person

centred way, and appreciate the
importance of a person's care plan
reflecting their changing needs.

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