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Platon Mihai

Hey, I’m really looking forward to meeting you in the forthcoming month, and I’m glad that you
chose to attend a language course in my town, but I must warn that Romanian is very hard to learn at the
start. You don’t mind I could come to meet you at the airport because I’m free on that day, just let me

My town is well enough modernized so I doubt we will not be able to find something entertaining to
do on weekends. While we’re out in town I thought we could go to Luna Park as a start to our plans on
weekends, I could even bring some friends and go play paintball, if you would like of course. Another idea I
came up with is go to Megapolis, they have two pools centers, the first one is of normal size but the other
one is a bigger version of the first and the price difference isn’t that big at all so we should give it a shot
while you’re in Moldova.

After it gets darker outside we can finish the day by going to McDonald’s or something like that, and
if you would like we can go to my favorite kebab place, after we eat we go to my house and can play on my
console or I could invite some of my friends and play Monopoly or card games.

I hope you think about the ideas I thought about and decide what to do, and we can even go blindly
in town and do whatever catches our eyes, as I said, I doubt we wouldn’t find something to do in this town.

Hope to see you soon.

281 words

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