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Hawassa University

Information technology 2nd year

Section 1
Course title : database

Non café management system requirement

Group name Id no

1 Abel belete 0093/13

2 Duresa Gemechu 0861/13

3 Tekalegn Tadewos 2365/13

4 Tsilate Musse 0001/13

Writing requirement for non café students cost sharing management system

 Hawassa university registrar office has a job to register, dismiss and edit student’s
information. Every student has a name, id number, department, address and sex.
 Student service office works for hu registrar; the office have employees who have
employee id employee name address salary sex etc. among those employees there
is a manager who manages the employees task.
 Every student have a right to select from being a café or non café user if they
choose non café they should give their bank information to student service office
 Employees have a task to check if the student is a cafe or non café user. bind
students bank information to students data and make a monthly payment by
checking if the student is still in education.

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