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History Clinical Psychology January 20, 2023.

Clinical psychology is a field of psychology that focuses on the treatment of mental and emotional
disorders. Although it has been practiced in some form for centuries, modern clinical psychology began
to emerge in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The first recognized clinical psychologist was the German Emil Kraepelin, who in 1896 published a
manual of psychiatry that described mental illnesses and categorized them in a systematic way.
Kraepelin is also known for being one of the first to use the term "psychopathology".

In the 1920s, Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalytic school of thought began to have a major impact on
clinical psychology. Psychoanalysis focused on the unconscious and early life experiences as key factors
in the development of mental disorders.

Beginning in the 1950s, clinical psychology began to evolve towards a more scientific and empirical
approach. Clinical psychologists began to use assessment and therapy techniques based on empirical
research, and new treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy were developed.

Today, clinical psychology continues to evolve and incorporate new knowledge and techniques to help
people with mental and emotional disorders. From psychoanalytic theory to cognitive behavioral
therapy, the history of clinical psychology is an example of how research and knowledge have led to a
better understanding and treatment of mental disorders.

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