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Relevance Of creative writing in present day society

Creative writing one of the many means of expressing our

opinion thoughts ideals, notions and dreams through It we also
have seen and heard many wonderful, intriguing, captivating,
and joyful stories poems etc. from esteemed writers though
out the centuries. It has shaped our culture, expanded and
developed our thoughts and allowed us to grow in many ways
that we thought our impossible or out of reached.
A lot has happened these past few years, an abundance of
negative and dreadful things that we wished to forget and
ignore in hopes that it will lessen this pain and suffering. We
tried many ways to distract our self’s from everything that’s
happening around us such as hobbies and different skill sets.
Though there are others who prefer to submerge themselves
through a sea of literature. Reading different novels comic’s
poems stories history articles or simply keeping up with the
Creative writing has brought us many wonderful gifts and yet
it also sparked the flame of discord and conflict, spread hatred
though out the masses. Many fought brutal wars in the belief
that there ideals are the superior and everything besides it
should be eliminated. It has also destroyed
Many careers of other people through hateful and deceptive
articles published, tabloids, websites, etc.
Though the seed of hatred and conflict are woven deep
beneath the earth we cannot ignore the fact that through
literature we attain a piece of enlightenment and comfort. It
will take time and patience for the world and though many
conflict will arose through time

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