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The Influences of Family Leisure Patterns on Perceptions of

Family Functioning*
Ramon B. Zabriskie** and Bryan P. McCormick

This study conducted a preliminary test of a model of family leisure functioning by examining the relationship of core and balance
family leisure patterns to family cohesion and adaptability. We hypothesized that core family leisure patterns address family needs for
stability, facilitate the development of cohesive relationships, and are related to perceptions of family cohesion, whereas balance family
leisure patterns address family needs for change, facilitate the development of adaptive skills, and are related to perceptions of family
adaptability. Findings from 2 multiple regression analyses provided preliminary support for the model. Conclusions and implications
are discussed.

F amilies are still considered to be the fundamental units of systems theory, a number of models have been developed. One
society and are perhaps the oldest and most important of of the most widely used is Olson’s (1986) Circumplex Model of
all human institutions. Examinations of family leisure Marital and Family Systems. Olson’s approach to family systems
have consistently demonstrated a positive relationship between has a broad range of applications that successfully cut across the
family recreation and aspects of family functioning such as sat- social and behavioral sciences, as well as the diversity of today’s
isfaction and bonding (Hawkes, 1991; Holman & Epperson, families.
1989; Orthner & Mancini, 1991). It has been suggested that in Olson’s Circumplex Model revolves around two main di-
modern society, leisure is the single most important force de- mensions of family cohesion and adaptability and is said to be
veloping cohesive, healthy relationships between husbands and facilitated by a third dimension, communication (Olson, 1993).
wives and between parents and their children (Couchman, 1988, Olson characterized family cohesion as ‘‘the emotional bonding
as cited in Canadian Parks/Recreation Association, 1997), yet that family members have toward one another’’ (p. 105). It is
the nature of the family leisure relationship remains poorly un- this dimension that balances the importance of independence or
derstood. Much of the research in the area lacks an adequate differentiation with the mutuality of being a member of a family
theoretical framework, which has limited findings ‘‘to the idio- system. Family adaptability is related to the family’s flexibility
syncrasies of the investigation at hand’’ (Orthner & Mancini, in leadership roles and in rules of relationships. It is this dimen-
1991, p. 299). The majority of the family leisure literature is also sion that refers to the family system’s need to appropriately
based on inferences made from studies of married couples and change, to be flexible, or to adapt and learn from different ex-
assumes that the effects of leisure involvement are the same for periences and situations. Using Olson’s terminology, families
other family systems. Furthermore, leisure is often conceptual- that are either too enmeshed or disengaged (cohesion dimension)
ized in a simplistic, atheoretical, and inconsistent manner. This or too chaotic or rigid (adaptability dimension) for extended
leaves little foundation upon which researchers can build theo- amounts of time function less effectively than those operating in
retical frameworks, test hypotheses, and interpret results. It ap- the middle. In other words, ‘‘too little or too much cohesion or
pears that in order to significantly affect this line of research, adaptability is seen as dysfunctional to the family system’’ (Ol-
there is a need to identify a theoretical model of family leisure son, 1986, p. 339). The third dimension in the Circumplex Model
that relates well with a theory of family functioning, so as to is family communication, which Olson (1993) considers to be a
create a sound foundation upon which family leisure research critical ‘‘facilitating dimension’’ (p. 108). Through effective
can be based. The purpose of this study was to conduct a pre- communication and interactive skills, families facilitate their
liminary test of the Core and Balance Model of Family Leisure movement along the other two dimensions. Because most un-
Functioning. structured communication in families occurs during discretionary
time, leisure experiences may provide one of the best opportu-
Theoretical Framework nities for communication among families today (Orthner & Man-
cini, 1991).
Family Systems
Family Systems Theory and College Student
Family systems theory holds that families are goal directed,
self-correcting, dynamic, interconnected systems that both affect Samples
and are affected by their environment and by qualities within the Although a number of previous studies have examined per-
family system itself (Klein & White, 1996). Based on family ceived family functioning in college student samples, this body
of research has typically studied reported family functioning as
*The authors gratefully acknowledge Deborah Fravel, Ph.D., for her valuable feed- an independent variable indicative of dependent variables of per-
back during the development of this manuscript. Funding for this study was provided in sonal functioning. Studies have tended to indicate that cohesion
part by the Student Research Grant-in-Aid Award, School of Health, Physical Education, and adaptability are indicative of different characteristics of per-
and Recreation, Indiana University.
sonal functioning. For example, family cohesion has been found
**Address correspondence to: Ramon B. Zabriskie, Ph.D., C.T.R.S., Department of to be inversely related to suicidal ideation (Zhang & Jin, 1996)
Recreation Management and Youth Leadership, Brigham Young University, 273 RB, Provo,
UT 84602-2033; (801) 378-1667; e-mail:
and positively related to self-concept (Wilson & Constantine,
1999), psychological health (Amerikaner, Monks, Wolfe, &
Key Words: adaptability, cohesion, family leisure. Thomas, 1994), and homesickness (Kazantzis & Flett, 1998).
Other studies have found family adaptability to be inversely re-
(Family Relations, 2001, 50, 281–289) lated to suicidal ideation (Carris, Sheeber, & Howe, 1998) and
2001, Vol. 50, No. 3 281
positively related to creativity (Gardner & Moran, 1990), inter- bility. Her findings stand alone in providing longitudinal evi-
personal relationship quality (Robinson, Garthoeffner, & Henry, dence suggesting that families that play together actually do stay
1995), and dispositional optimism (Boyd, 1996). Interestingly together.
enough, only suicidal ideation has been found to be related to Family leisure and systems theory. Orthner and Mancini
both cohesion and adaptability; however, these findings come (1991) reviewed several aspects of family leisure experience that
from two different studies. In general, both perceived cohesion coincide with a family systems theoretical approach. Family sys-
and adaptability have been found to be related to different as- tems concepts, such as family boundaries, are strengthened and
pects of personal functioning among college students. However, clarified through common leisure involvement. Shared interests
little is known about college students’ perceptions of family be- and activities may be one of the most salient forces establishing
haviors, such as shared activity, and family functioning. and maintaining boundaries in the contemporary family system
(Marks, 1989). Other family systems concepts, such as rules and
Family Leisure their enforcement, often are practiced and tested in the context
Researchers have examined recreation and leisure patterns of leisure. Family leisure activities provide opportunities for in-
in families for over 60 years and have consistently reported pos- teraction among members, as well as for interaction of the family
itive relationships between family leisure involvement and pos- system with its changing environment. This interaction offers
itive family outcomes (Hawkes, 1991; Holman & Epperson, new input, energy, and motivation needed for continued family
1989; Orthner & Mancini, 1991). Furthermore, it appears that system development. Furthermore, it facilitates the flow of in-
understanding of the family leisure and family functioning re- formation through the system, creates memorable experiences for
lationship can be enhanced through the use of a family systems archival comparisons, and provides a context for ongoing mon-
perspective. However, although family leisure has been exam- itoring of its members’ functioning.
ined for some time, there are consistent criticisms that are com- The three dimensions of Olson’s (1986) Circumplex Model
mon to the majority of past studies. (cohesion, adaptability, and communication) appear to be facil-
Family leisure outcomes. Studies of recreation and leisure itated through family leisure as well. In referring to six decades
benefits for families have been categorized in terms of family of family recreation research, Hawkes (1991) stated that ‘‘it has
outcomes including family satisfaction, family interaction, and been demonstrated that family strength or cohesiveness is related
family stability (Orthner & Mancini, 1991). Most of this research to the family’s use of leisure time’’ (p. 424). Shared leisure ex-
addresses family satisfaction, usually marital satisfaction. Find- periences emphasize the uniqueness of families, thus yielding
ings consistently report that husbands and wives who share lei- attachments and bonding in family relationships. Many qualities
sure time together, participating in joint recreational activities, of leisure, including perceived freedom, intrinsic reward, hap-
are more satisfied with their marriages than those who do not piness, pleasure, humor, and playfulness (Russell, 1996), add an
(Holman, 1981; Holman & Jacquart, 1988; Miller, 1976; Orthner, enjoyable or positive connotation to shared experiences in the
1975; Smith, Snyder, & Monsma, 1988). This relationship also context of family leisure. These add to the ability of such unique
has proved consistent in studies from Australia, England, and shared understandings to play a strengthening and cohesive role
Korea (Ahn, 1982; Bell, 1975; Palisi, 1984). In fact, this rela- in the family. The collective interest and identity developed
tionship is so pervasive ‘‘that there does not appear to be any through family leisure activities not only strengthens attachments
recent study that fails to find an association between joint activ- of system members, but continually offers new sources for in-
ities and marital satisfaction’’ (Orthner & Mancini, 1991, p. creased family cohesion and bonding.
290). In terms of adaptability, Orthner and Mancini (1991) stated
Although studies addressing family interaction outcomes are that ‘‘leisure experiences foster system adaptation to new inputs’’
less common, results consistently indicate positive relationships (p. 297). Family leisure input can provide new opportunities for
between such outcomes and marital leisure patterns. Orthner adaptation and interaction within the family system, as well as
(1976) identified a strong relationship between joint leisure ac- within the family’s environment. The nature of many leisure ac-
tivities and positive husband and wife communication. Other tivities is somewhat unpredictable; such activities could be chal-
studies indicate that joint marital activities of couples are posi- lenging and could contain an element of risk. Such qualities fos-
tively related to marital communication (Holman & Jacquart, ter the development of family skills in adaptability and flexibility
1988; Presvelou, 1971). In addition, Shaw (1999) found that par- that can be learned, practiced, and mastered in a less threatening,
ents perceived family leisure as an opportunity for family com- often enjoyable, leisure setting. These skills can prepare families
munication, bonding, child development, and learning. Finally, to adapt to and cope with other challenging situations in their
Mactavish and Schleien (1998) examined parents’ perceived constantly changing environment.
benefits of family recreation in families that included children Finally, the interactive nature of family leisure also provides
with a developmental disability. Among other findings, they con- a critical mechanism for developing and strengthening necessary
cluded that ‘‘shared recreation was especially helpful in devel- family communication skills. Communication between family
oping social skills such as learning to problem solve, to com- members in a leisure context is often less threatening and de-
promise, and to negotiate’’ (p. 221). manding and more open and relaxed than in other family con-
Research that addresses the effects of leisure on family sta- texts. Research indicates that joint leisure is highly correlated
bility is the least common. However, Hill’s (1988) study of mar- with positive communication (Orthner, 1976; Presvelou, 1971).
ital stability and spouses’ shared leisure stands out as one of the Overall, the literature indicates that family leisure plays an in-
few that has findings supporting a causal relationship between tegral role in family cohesion, adaptability, and communication,
leisure and family stability. Using data from a 5-year national which supports Orthner and Mancini’s (1991) statement that
study, Hill found a significant relationship between shared leisure ‘‘overall, a systems theory perspective offers a useful window
time and lower divorce and separation rates, even when con- into the family and leisure relationship’’ (p. 297).
trolling for a number of other factors that could influence sta- Critique of family leisure research. Many studies that have
282 Family Relations
examined family leisure have been descriptive in nature and have as a system have a need for stability in interactions, structure,
lacked specific theoretical grounding. Scholars have consistently and relationships, as well as a need for novelty in experience,
agreed that ‘‘theory has been undervalued and underused by re- input, and challenge. As with individuals, it can be argued that
searchers’’ (Holman & Epperson, 1989, p. 291) in family leisure families also seek such a balance between stability and change
research, and scholars have stated that ‘‘research that is descrip- through leisure behavior.
tive and explanatory without being a clear stop to creating test- The Core and Balance Model of Family Leisure Functioning
able, theoretical propositions is of negligible value’’ (Holman & combines Kelly’s (1999) notion of two different leisure patterns
Epperson, 1989, p. 291). Family leisure scholars unanimously with Iso-Ahola’s (1984) concept of the need for both stability
call for theoretically based research in the study of family leisure and change, doing so in the context of family leisure. This model
(Hawkes, 1991; Orthner & Mancini, 1990). of family leisure fits well with family systems theory, particu-
Another weakness in the literature is the generalizations larly Olson’s (1986) Circumplex Model of Marital and Family
made from married couples to families. A majority of the family Systems. The model suggests that there are two general cate-
leisure research demonstrating relationships between joint rec- gories or patterns of family leisure (core and balance) that fam-
reation and family satisfaction, interaction, and stability are ilies use to meet needs of stability and change. Further, the model
based on inferences made from studies of married couples and suggests that core family leisure patterns address a family’s need
assume that the effects of leisure involvement are the same for for familiarity and stability by regularly providing predictable
other family systems (Ahn, 1982; Hill, 1988; Holman & Jac- family leisure experiences that foster personal relatedness and
quart, 1988; Orthner, 1975, 1976; Palisi, 1984; Presvelou, 1971; feelings of family closeness. On the other hand, balance family
Smith et al., 1988). Although marital relationships are a major leisure patterns address a family’s need for novelty and change
component in the family system, the perspectives of other family by providing new experiences that provide the input necessary
members should be explored. Shaw (1997) indicated that ‘‘al- for family systems to be challenged, to develop, and to progress
most no data exist’’ (p. 107) from other family members for as a working unit. Thus, relatively equal amounts of both family
addressing outcomes of family leisure. leisure patterns will foster feelings of family cohesion and the
A further criticism of the family leisure research is that lei- ability of a family to be flexible and adapt to the challenges they
sure has typically been operationalized in a simplistic and in- face in today’s society. Core and balance patterns are apparent
consistent manner. Measurement has included any time spent to- when examining the nature of leisure activities engaged in by
gether, as well as lists of activities placed into categories with families as well as the context in which they occur.
no theoretical basis or working models upon which such desig- Core family leisure patterns. These patterns are depicted in
nations are founded. Even simple theoretical models of leisure the common, everyday, low-cost, relatively accessible, and often
have proven to be useful by providing the necessary framework home-based activities that many families do frequently. This in-
to strengthen measurement. Orthner’s (1975, 1976) model de- cludes activities such as watching television and videos together,
picting three leisure activity patterns for couples fit well with playing board games, playing together in the yard, shooting bas-
symbolic interaction theory, which provided a sufficient frame- kets together in the driveway, gardening, or playing in the leaves
work to establish an important group of studies in this area. once the pile has been raked together. Core activities often re-
Similarly, it is imperative to identify and test theoretical models quire little planning and resources and are quite spontaneous and
of family leisure that could provide the basis for strengthening informal. Core family leisure experiences can provide a consis-
measurement, generating hypotheses, and interpreting results tent, safe, and often positive context in which family members
when examining family leisure. can foster relationships. These common and spontaneous family
activities are generally nonthreatening because of their regularity
Core and Balance Model of Family Leisure and familiar environment. They are considered to be play, ‘‘just
for fun,’’ or even a step removed from the workday world. It is
Functioning in this context of leisure that family members can safely explore
Scholars often have theorized about the nature and meaning boundaries, clarify family roles and rules, and practice ways to
of leisure behavior for individuals. Kelly (1996, 1999) suggests enforce them. This is also the context in which family members
a notion of continuity and change in leisure by explaining that often are consoled, rewarded, refreshed, and rejuvenated.
there are two different styles, kinds, or patterns of activities that Theoretically, core family leisure activities would make up
individuals pursue across the life course. One style is consistent, the majority of family leisure interaction, as they are relatively
is relatively accessible, and persists throughout the life course, accessible. It could be argued that many core activities would
whereas the other suggests variety, is less accessible, and chang- include ‘‘socializing,’’ in which coparticipants engage in regular
es throughout the life course. Iso-Ahola (1984) indicates that this conversation. Further, conversation is facilitated in a leisure con-
duality in leisure patterns is a result of the interplay and balance text in which not only are daily happenings addressed, but also
between two opposing needs or forces that simultaneously influ- feelings and emotions can be comfortably expressed. Therefore,
ence individual behavior. He states that an individual has a ten- it is hypothesized that such regular interpersonal interaction
dency to ‘‘seek both stability and change, structure and variety, based on shared leisure experience enhances the knowledge of
and familiarity and novelty in one’s leisure’’ (p. 98). In other coparticipants and thus fosters increased personal relatedness and
words, individuals meet needs for both stability (security) and feelings of family closeness and cohesion.
change (novelty) through leisure behavior. Balance family leisure patterns. On the other hand, balance
This interplay between stability and change may play an patterns are depicted through activities that are generally less
even greater role when one goes beyond the individual to ex- common and less frequent than core activities and that therefore
amine the needs of a family system. Such a balance is one of provide novel experiences. They usually require greater invest-
the underlying concepts of family systems theory, which sug- ment of resources (e.g., time, effort, and money) and are usually
gests that families seek a dynamic state of homeostasis. Families not home based. Balance patterns would include activities such
2001, Vol. 50, No. 3 283
as family vacations; most outdoor recreation (e.g., camping, fish- Table 1
Descriptive Summary of Traditional Students Used in Study Sample (n 5 138)
ing, boating); special events; and trips to a theme park, a sporting
event, or the bowling alley. Balance activities often require sub- Variable Frequency %
stantial planning and are therefore less spontaneous and more Gender (female) 100 72.5
formalized. As a result, it would be anticipated that these types History of divorce 38 28.4
Racial minority 10 7.3
of family activities occur less frequently. However, they would
tend to be of longer duration than most core activities. They tend Note: 80% of sample was #20 years of age. Means (SD) for age and for family
size were 19.55 years (1.10) and 4.67 members (1.15), respectively.
to be more ‘‘out of the ordinary’’ and usually include elements
of unpredictability or novelty. Therefore, balance activities likely
require that family members negotiate and adapt to new input,
experiences, and challenges. dents provides a different perspective of family behavior than
Although balance family leisure patterns also may provide the typical parent views found in the literature. Also, prior re-
a basis for continued cohesion, the nature of these types of ac- search with student samples has not examined perceptions of
tivities tends to facilitate the development of adaptive skills and family functioning as a dependent measure, nor have studies ad-
the ability to learn and change. Balance types of activities require dressed family activity patterns. Thus, a convenient sample was
families to be exposed to new and unexpected stimuli from the considered appropriate for this preliminary test of the model.
outside environment, which provides the input and challenge In an effort to address recall of the time frame referenced
necessary for families to learn and progress as an evolving sys- in the survey (i.e., ‘‘the year or two before you came to col-
tem. The adaptive skills that are developed and practiced in this lege’’), data from nontraditional students were excluded. Non-
context of family leisure may be readily transferred to other areas traditional students (n 5 10) composed 6.7% of the total sample,
of family life. and their ages ranged from 23–50 years, with a mean of 33.8
It is important, however, to point out that although most years (SD 5 11.2 years). They were predominantly female
family leisure activities tend to fall into one category or the other, (70%) and White (70%), and 30% of students in the nontradi-
here we are looking at the family leisure pattern and not just the tional group reported a family history of divorce.
specific activity. Iso-Ahola (1984) argued that stability (core) and Traditional students included in this study (n 5 138) were
novelty (balance) in leisure behavior can be pursued within or predominantly female (73%) and White (93%) (see Table 1).
between leisure activities. For one family, a shared billiards Minority groups included Asian (1%), Hispanic (2%), and Black
game may be a part of the after-dinner routine and would there- (4%). The age range of the study group was 18–22 years, with
fore be considered a core pattern. For another family, planning a mean of 19.6 years (SD 5 1.1 years). Subjects with biological
to go to the bowling alley or a relative’s house to play billiards or adoptive parents who had experienced a divorce or separation
may be quite out of the ordinary and would be considered a at some time (current or past) made up 28% of the sample. Fam-
balance pattern. In other words, although the categories are iden- ily size ranged from two to nine members, with a mean of 4.7
tifiable and measurable, there is some ambiguity to the rules members (SD 5 1.2). Although class standing was not asked,
within specific families. In general, however, the core and bal- 61% of the subjects were aged 19 years or younger in an entry-
ance constructs suggest two basic family leisure patterns that level class, suggesting that most were freshmen or sophomores.
demonstrate different characteristics in order to meet needs of
both stability and change, which in turn lead to different out- Instrumentation
comes, including family cohesion and adaptability. The research survey included the 30-item Family Adapt-
ability and Cohesion Scale—FACES II (Olson et al., 1992), a
Hypothesis 14-item core and balance Family Leisure Activity Profile (FLAP)
The purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary test developed for this study, and a series of sociodemographic ques-
of the Core and Balance Model of Family Leisure Functioning. tions. FACES II measures perceptions of family cohesion and
To do so, the theorized relationships between family leisure pat- adaptability based on Olsen’s (1986) Circumplex Model. It asks
terns and aspects of family functioning were examined. Specif- respondents to indicate how frequently the 30 described behav-
ically, it was hypothesized that core family leisure patterns ad- iors occur in their family, using a scale ranging from 1 (almost
dress family needs for stability, facilitate the development of never) to 5 (almost always). The scale contains 16 cohesion
cohesive relationships, and are related to perceptions of family items and 14 adaptability items. Cohesion and adaptability scores
cohesion. On the other hand, it was hypothesized that balance are calculated by means of a formula that adds and subtracts
family leisure patterns address family needs for change, facilitate item scores for each dimension based on its positive or negative
the development of adaptive skills, and are related to perceptions reference, thus providing a total perceived family cohesion and
of family adaptability. Further, it was hypothesized that for op- family adaptability score.
timal functioning, families have a need for both family leisure Scores on the cohesion scale range from 16 to 80, with
patterns, and that therefore, the interaction between core and bal- national means (Olson et al., 1992) of 64.9 reported for adult
ance would be related to family cohesion and adaptability. parents (SD 5 8.4) and 56.3 for adolescents (SD 5 9.2). The
adaptability scale scores range from 14 to 70, with national
Methodology means of 49.9 reported for adult parents (SD 5 6.6) and 45.4
for adolescents (SD 5 7.9). In the current study, young adult
scores were as follows: cohesion mean of 61.2 (SD 5 8.9) and
Sample adaptability mean of 45.8 (SD 5 7.9). In national samples, re-
Data were obtained through group administration of the in- ported internal consistency alphas were .88 and .86 for cohesion
strument in three lower-division undergraduate health education and .78 and .79 for adaptability. In the current study, alphas for
courses at a large Midwestern university. Such a sample of stu- cohesion and adaptability scales were comparable, at .86 for co-
284 Family Relations
Table 2
Zero-Order Correlations Between Independent Variables
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Gender (female) — 2.060 .047 2.045 .044 2.048 .063 .003 .051
2. Age — .094 .082 .092 .137 2.044 .017 2.093
3. Family size — 2.038 .179* .072 .029 2.003 2.037
4. History of divorce — .028 2.096 2.006 2.059 2.119
5. Racial minority — .028 2.077 2.096 2.065
6. Core index — .368** .403** .231**
7. Balance index — .387** .264**
8. Cohesion — .705**
9. Adaptability —
*p , .05 (two-tailed). ** p , .01 (two-tailed).

hesion and .79 for adaptability. Test–retest reliability for FACES would overweight core activities, whereas duration alone would
II in a national sample with a 4- to 5-week time lapse between underweight core activities. As a result, the product of core and
administrations was reported as .83 for cohesion and .80 for balance activity indices was used to account for both frequency
adaptability. and duration of family leisure involvement given that the activ-
The FLAP measures involvement in family leisure activity ities in the two theoretically identified domains have different
patterns based on the Core and Balance Model of Family Leisure patterns of participation.
Functioning. Respondents identify leisure activities done with Core family leisure index scores from this sample ranged
family members across 14 activity categories. Six categories of from 2 to 78, with a mean score of 27.2 (SD 5 11.8). Balance
family activities were representative of core family leisure pat- family leisure index scores ranged from 8 to 151, with a mean
terns, including family dinners, home-based television and video score of 58.8 (SD 5 29.1). Significant (p , .01) test–retest cor-
watching, games, and yard activities. Eight categories of family relations were reported (Zabriskie, 2000) for core (r 5 .74) and
activities were representative of balance family leisure patterns, balance (r 5 .78) family leisure indices in a similar college stu-
including community-based events, outdoor activities, water- dent sample with a 5-week period between administrations.
based activities, adventure activities, and tourism. An interna- A series of sociodemographic questions was also included
tional panel of experts (n 5 8) supported the content validity of in order to identify underlying characteristics of the sample.
the core and balance categories based on the theoretical model Items included gender, age, ethnicity, family size, and history of
(Zabriskie, 2000). Each question root asks if the respondent par- divorce or separation among the subjects’ birth or adoptive par-
ticipates in the activity category with family members. Specific ents. Age and family size were used in their existing state,
activity examples are included to help clarify and delineate be- whereas other variables were dummy coded as follows: (a) gen-
tween categories. If the answer is ‘‘yes,’’ respondents are asked der, 1 5 female, 0 5 male; (b) ethnicity, 1 5 minority, 0 5
to complete ordinal scales of estimated frequency (‘‘about how majority; (c) history of divorce, 1 5 there was a history of di-
often?’’) and duration (‘‘for about how long each time?’’) that vorce, 0 5 no history of divorce.
follow each root. Frequency response options are at least daily,
at least weekly, at least monthly, or at least annually. Duration Analysis
variables offer options from less than 1 hour to an entire day
(12 time options) for the core activities and from less than 1 Prior to combining results from the three classes, an analysis
hour to 3 or more weeks (33 time options) for the balance ac- of variance was conducted to determine if there were statistically
tivities. The difference in duration options was included to ac- significant differences in the dependent variables between class
count for the possibility of multiday experiences (e.g., vacations) groups. No significant differences in cohesion, F(2, 158) 5 2.11,
in which extended periods were spent in leisure activities with p 5 .13, or in adaptability, F(2, 158) 5 .70, p 5 .50, were found,
family members. Thus, duration variables were ordinally coded so all subjects were collapsed into one group. Pearson Product
1 (,1 hr) through 12 (entire day) for core variables and 1 (,1 Moment zero-order correlations between variables were exam-
hr) through 33 (.3 weeks) for balance activities. ined to check for multicollinearity (see Table 2). There were
Scores for the FLAP are calculated by first multiplying the significant correlations indicated, but the magnitude of the cor-
ordinal indicators of frequency and duration of participation in relation coefficients did not indicate multicollinearity (Tabach-
each category, and then summing the six core categories to pro- nick & Fidell, 1996). Although no significant zero-order corre-
vide a core family leisure index and summing the eight balance lations were indicated between sociodemographic variables and
categories to provide a balance family leisure index. Multipli- the dependent variables, sociodemographic variables were used
cative indices were chosen over the use of either ordinally scaled as controls in the multiple regression models. These control fac-
frequency or duration variables because the interest in the pre- tors were included to examine the unique contributions of leisure
sent study was to determine whether overall involvement in core variables on family functioning.
or balance activities is indicative of family functioning. The use Two multiple regression analyses were conducted using a
of the frequency variable alone would underweight those activ- block entry method. Sociodemographic variables were entered
ities that were done infrequently but for longer durations, and first as a block, followed by variables of interest. To test for an
conversely the duration variable alone would overweight such interaction between core and balance family leisure patterns, an
activities. The opposite would be true for core activities, if only interaction term was created from the product of the core and
the frequency or duration variable were used. Frequency alone balance indices. Because multicollinearity can be a problem in
2001, Vol. 50, No. 3 285
Table 3 hesion, significant relationships were indicated for both core lei-
Summary of Blocked Regression Equations for Variables Predicting Cohesion sure patterns (b 5 .36, p , .01) and balance leisure patterns (b
and Adaptability
5 .20, p , .05).
Variable B SE B b
In the multiple regression analysis, family adaptability was
Cohesion (n 5 130) regressed on the independent variables (see Table 3). Again, no
Block 1 R2 5 .01
significant regression coefficient was found with any of the so-
Gender (female) 0.11 1.76 .01
Age 0.47 0.73 .06
ciodemographic variables, and the block of variables explained
Family size 0.03 0.73 .01 little variance (R2 5 .03, F(5, 126) 5 0.72, p 5 .61). However,
History of divorce 21.34 1.78 2.07 the total model, including sociodemographic and research vari-
Racial minority 21.46 3.17 2.04 ables, explained a small but significant portion of the variance
Block 2 DR2 5 .21 (ps , .01) in family adaptability (R2 5 .14, F(8, 123) 5 2.39, p 5 .05),
Gender (female) 0.80 1.63 .04 although the interaction of core and balance was not a significant
Age 0.19 0.67 .02 predictor (b 5 2.15, t 5 21.68, p , .10). As was the case with
Family size 20.40 0.67 2.05 family cohesion, significant relationships were found for both
History of divorce 20.96 1.61 2.05
Racial minority 21.89 2.87 2.05 core leisure patterns (b 5 .20, p , .05) and balance leisure
Core 0.27 0.07 .36** patterns (b 5 .19, p , .05) in explaining family adaptability.
Balance 0.06 0.03 .20* Although core family leisure involvement was a significant
Core 3 Balance 0.01 0.01 2.16 predictor of family adaptability in this model, findings suggest
Adaptability (n 5 131) that the sociodemographic variables suppressed extraneous var-
Block 1 R2 5 .03 iance and thus enhanced the regression coefficient of core family
Gender (female) 0.71 1.55 .04 leisure patterns. That is, when different groups of sociodemo-
Age 20.59 0.65 2.08
Family size 20.48 0.64 2.07 graphic variables were included in regression equations, the stan-
History of divorce 21.94 1.54 2.11 dardized regression coefficient associated with core family lei-
Racial minority 20.25 2.80 2.01 sure patterns ranged from .16 (p , .09) to .20 (p , .05). In
Block 2 DR2 5 .11 (ps , .05) contrast, the balance standardized regression coefficient ranged
Gender (female) 1.28 1.53 .07 from .19 (p , .05) to .20 (p , .05) in the presence of the same
Age 20.66 0.63 2.09 sociodemographic variables. Thus, whereas the standardized re-
Family size 20.83 0.63 2.12 gression coefficient associated with core family leisure varied by
History of divorce 21.78 1.49 2.11 as much as 25%, the standardized regression coefficient associ-
Racial minority 20.50 2.70 2.02
Core 0.13 0.06 .20* ated with balance family leisure varied by only about 5.5%.
Balance 0.05 0.03 .19* These findings indicate that although none of the sociodemo-
Core 3 Balance 0.01 0.01 2.15 graphic variables demonstrated significant univariate or multi-
* p , .05. ** p , .01. variate correlation coefficients, they did influence the relation-
ship of core family leisure patterns to adaptability more so than
the relationship of balance family leisure patterns to adaptability
equations in which one variable is a mathematical derivative of in this sample. In other words, when considering the suppressive
another variable (Aiken & West, 1991), core and balance indices effects of the sociodemographic variables, balance patterns were
were centered (xi-mean) prior to the creation of their cross-prod- a more consistent predictor of family adaptability than core pat-
uct (core 3 balance). Aiken and West noted that this process terns.
minimizes problems of multicollinearity. Cohesion and adapt-
ability were the dependent variables in the two regression equa- Discussion
The purpose of this study was to provide a preliminary test
Findings of a model of family leisure functioning by examining the con-
tributions of core and balance family leisure patterns to aspects
Overall, findings indicated that both analyses found signif- of family functioning. Specifically, it was hypothesized that core
icant relationships between the family leisure variables and as- family leisure patterns would be associated with family cohesion,
pects of family functioning; however, neither interaction term whereas balance family leisure patterns would be associated with
was found to be a significant predictor of family functioning family adaptability. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that the
(Table 3). In addition, sociodemographic variables were not sig- interaction between the core and balance patterns would be re-
nificant predictors of aspects of family functioning in either of lated to both aspects of family functioning.
the regression models. Regarding the first hypothesis, findings indicated that both
In the first regression analysis, family cohesion was re- core and balance family leisure patterns were significantly relat-
gressed on the independent variables including the interaction ed to family cohesion. As expected, core patterns were related
term (see Table 3). The first block (sociodemographic variables to family cohesion more strongly (b 5 .36) than were balance
alone) explained less than 1% of the variance in family cohesion patterns (b 5 .20). Unexpectedly, findings indicated that both
and was not significant (R2 , .01, F(5, 125) 5 0.22, p 5 .95). the core and balance family leisure patterns were significantly
Overall, the model, including the sociodemographic block and related to family adaptability in similar ways (core: b 5 .20, p
the research variables (including interaction term), explained a , .05; balance: b 5 .19, p , .05). Overall, the findings support
small but significant portion of the variance in family cohesion those of previous research (Hawkes, 1991; Holman & Epperson,
(R2 5 .22, F(8, 122) 5 4.24, p 5 .01). Although the interaction 1989; Orthner & Mancini, 1990) that report positive relation-
term was not found to be a significant predictor of family co- ships between family leisure patterns and aspects of family func-
286 Family Relations
tioning. Further, the findings suggest that not only does what stop to creating testable, theoretical propositions’’ (Holman &
families do together in leisure relate to members’ perceptions of Epperson, 1989, p. 291), and it indicates the potential for new
family cohesiveness and adaptability, but also that different lei- theoretical grounding in family leisure research.
sure patterns are related to these perceptions in different ways.
In other words, findings from this select group of young adults Implications to Research
reporting on perceptions of family functioning appear to support This study, however, represents only a beginning step in
the primary notions hypothesized by the Core and Balance Mod- examining this theoretical relationship. One must keep in mind
el of Family Leisure Functioning. Specifically, core family lei- that correlational techniques were utilized to explore theoretical
sure patterns tend to be more strongly related to perceptions of relationships; therefore, interpretations cannot assume causality.
family cohesion. Balance patterns, as well as core patterns, tend Furthermore, although examining the perception of family mem-
to be related to perceptions of adaptability. bers other than those in the marital dyad adds valuable insight
Other findings reported here suggest that according to the to the family leisure literature, these data remain the perceptions
young adults in this sample, relatively equal involvement in both of individuals. Data that include multiple perspectives (e.g., fam-
core and balance family leisure patterns is not associated with ily-level measurement) of current family leisure patterns will be
perceptions of family functioning. However, both interaction instrumental in further clarifying this relationship. Additional re-
terms approached significance in the equations (cohesion: b 5 finement of the FLAP is imperative as well. Although test–retest
2.16, p 5 .07; balance: b 5 2.15, p 5 .10). Future research reliability and content validity studies of the instrument have
with varied family samples should continue to pay attention to been conducted, known group studies with different samples
potential interaction between core and balance patterns in un- (e.g., families in treatment) also should be conducted to further
derstanding family leisure. examine construct validity. Instruments besides FACES II that
Findings also clearly indicated that family leisure patterns measure constructs similar to family cohesion and adaptability
explained more variance in family cohesion than in adaptability. also might provide greater confidence in these findings. As in-
In particular, core patterns played a role in perceptions of family struments and relationships are refined, it will become imperative
closeness for this young adult sample. Although many family to develop family leisure programming based on empirically
social service and treatment programs do not specifically rec- supported models so that experimental methodologies can be
ognize the role of leisure in family functioning, those that do employed to examine causality and directionality of the family
generally focus on balance types of activities. These activities leisure relationship.
are those that are out of the ordinary and that are used in an
effort to challenge family members and promote growth (Clapp Implications to Practice
& Rudolph, 1993; Gass, 1993; Gillis & Gass, 1993; Kugath, There are useful implications for practitioners based on cur-
1997; Pommier & Witt, 1995). Such interventions are important rent findings. The first and foremost is the recognition of family
and often are successful, yet these findings suggest that involve- leisure involvement as a valuable component of family life. Be-
ment in common, home-based, relatively accessible activities sides family crisis, shared leisure may be one of the few expe-
with family members on a regular basis also may be an effective riences that bring family members together for any significant
way of enhancing at least one’s perceptions of family function- amount of time today. Although shared leisure activities are not
ing. a panacea for all family problems, family leisure affects the qual-
Findings addressing balance patterns did indicate a statisti- ity of family life and may be particularly helpful in facilitating
cally significant relationship with family adaptability as predict- family cohesion and adaptability. The Core and Balance Model
ed, but this relationship accounted for less variance than that in also suggests that different patterns of family leisure may con-
the cohesion model. Furthermore, family core patterns were a tribute to perceptions about a family’s need for both stability and
statistically significant predictor in the equation, which was an change. Therefore, practitioners should be aware of the nature
unanticipated finding. This finding challenges the theoretical re- of such family activities in terms of assessment and program
lationship described in the family leisure model between balance provision.
family leisure patterns and perceptions of the ability for families As noted earlier, the majority of programs that provide lei-
to change, modify, and adapt. However, one must recognize the sure programming for families tend to focus on providing bal-
preliminary nature of this study as well as the limitations of the ance types of activities—such as challenge course events, group
use of a college student sample. It is difficult to get an accurate initiatives, and outdoor adventure activities—that are out of the
picture of a family system from reports by only one member of ordinary and that appear to have an immediate impact. Although
that system. Memory and recollection of family leisure involve- such interventions often are successful at least in the short term,
ment over an extended time is also of concern. these findings indicate that core family leisure patterns may be
even more important to family functioning, especially concern-
Implications ing perceptions of family cohesion. We recommend that practi-
tioners teach families the skills needed to be involved in common
Overall, findings from this study indicate that there is a re- home-based activities together on a regular basis and that prac-
lationship between family leisure involvement and aspects of titioners identify the diversity of such activities that are possible.
family functioning. Specifically, findings support the theoretical These skills will help families create regular family leisure tra-
link between core and balance family leisure patterns and Ol- ditions from activities as simple as board games, card games, or
son’s (1986) model. They also provide preliminary evidence sup- yard activities. In this way stable patterns of quality interaction
porting the use of the Core and Balance Model of Family Leisure among family members are created that can foster communica-
Functioning in examining the nature of the family leisure rela- tion, system identity, and interpersonal relationships.
tionship. The notion of these family leisure patterns and their Future implications for this line of study include the possi-
relationship with a family systems theory appears to be ‘‘a clear bility of using an instrument such as the FLAP for both diag-
2001, Vol. 50, No. 3 287
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