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The Apparition of Our Lady at Konut

Once upon a time, there lived a woman named Esther in a remote village.
He lived alone as a flower arrangement in the village, while supporting his daughter and
Her husband's name is Ananias, and her daughter's name is Yohana.

Esther's life was so poor, her husband couldn't do much to help her, because he had a
stroke.Even so, Esther and her family never gave up and always believed in the presence of
God in their family life.

One day, Esther was going to the forest pick flowers and want to arrange them for decoration,
but at that moment Esther saw something different from the forest, all the flowers she had
picked the previous day were grew and bloomed radiantly, he was surprised and did not
understand why it happened.
When Esther returned home, she told her neighbor, Betharia, what had happened.
When Esther returned home, she told her neighbor, Betharia, what had happened.
Betharia thought that Esther might be lying, but she also doubted because Esther's flower
basket was more from previous days, Betharia also decided to join in picking flowers with Esther
the next day.
The next day, Betharia waited in front of Esther's house, while waiting for Esther to get ready to
go together to the forest.
Along the way, both of them are equally nervous, is it true that the flowers will grow back.
Arriving in the wilderness, Esther and Betharia were surprised by the presence of a woman who
was also picking flowers in the forest, her clothes were white, her head was covered by a veil,
her smile was sweet and her gaze shone brightly.
"O my sister, take for you what you need to take, and bring for you what you need to take home"
said the woman.
Esther asked, "Who are you, my sister?"

The woman replied,

"I am the queen of heaven and earth, whoever sees me may God's blessings abound on his life"

Suddenly a ray of light from the sky obscured their view of the woman, and the woman
disappeared from their sight.

As if they couldn't believe that they had seen Mother Mary, Betharia and Esther couldn't even
say a word, and it was true that the flowers were blooming again.

Esther and Betharia decided to tell the bishop of the village what they had seen,
namely Father / Bishop Bernard.

"We saw the queen of heaven and earth, she spoke to us, and left these flowers for us!"
said Esther telling Father Bernard what had happened.
"Brother, it's not that I don't believe what you've been telling me, but you can't play with jokes
like this!" said the priest.
Disappointed by the bishop's answer, Esther and Betharia were unable to continue their
explanation, as they were still in shock from what they had experienced.
They returned to their respective homes and still felt confused even when they got home.
Night fell, when Esther was getting ready to sleep, suddenly a very bright light appeared in front
of her, she was very surprised and again what appeared in front of her was Mother Mary, a girl
with a white dress and a white veil that was shining brightly.

"My dear Esther, you are one of thousands who are humble in dealing with all the difficulties in
your life, I wish as a token of my appreciation for your loving spirit, pick a rose that is in the
forest, then deliver it to your husband, Ananias"
Mother Mary said

Esther replied, "Yes, dear mother, only a grain of sand is on your footstool, dear mother. Aren't
there no roses in this village, Mother?"

"Go and see the miracle come to you, my son!"

Before Esther could answer, the bright flash of light disappeared.

The next day Esther decided to go to the forest, looking for roses that had never been in the
village before.
And sure enough, when he entered the forest, his surroundings were suddenly filled with very
beautiful roses.
He plucked the flowers and immediately put them on the bed.

He also met the Virgin Mary on the way home,

Then Mother Mary said
"Bath the flowers to your husband, Ananias.
make it healing for him
Then Mother Mary left.

Arriving at home, Esther bathes Ananias with roses and what happens suddenly Ananias' body
is filled with light, Ananias who previously looked weak and paralyzed suddenly looks very fresh,
their child Yohana can't believe what happened.
Suddenly the sky began to glow, very bright.
The clouds began to unite, forming the face of the queen of heaven and the mother of the
church, Mother Mary.
The bishop who witnessed the incident suddenly fell down and knelt in front of the church hall,
as if the rumors he had heard were true.
All the people of Konut village flocked to the top of the hill to pray to their mother, doves circled
around the horizon, Esther smiled happily at the help of God as the intermediary of Mary.
At the end of the story, Ananias who is back healthy and healed decides to become a church
architect, he has a vision and mission to spread Christianity by building,
while ester still decides to be a flower arranger, even now he is also a corpse decoration.
The people of Konut are always blessed and protected. Amen

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