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"Oil Bath ritual"

GSE level: 67 - 71 CEFR level: B2+ Word count: 433 Sentence count: 29

Vocabulary above the level of your text

inauspicious | celebrated | self-esteem | immensely | adhere | scalp | ego | prosperity

| purify | accordingly | maximise | cleansing

Hello Mei, How are you? I hope you and your family members are in the pink of health. I am immensely excited
to receive your response querying about my culture and traditions. Hereby, I am writing with regard to share
about the unique family tradition that I have carried on to this day. I am extremely feel delighted to share about
one of the traditions that been practiced by my family members from generation to generation. The unique
tradition that I would like to share is the Oil Bath ritual. One of the symbolic traditions of Deepavali is a ritualistic
oil bath before dawn to purify mind and body. This rejuvenating oil bath has a long-standing history in the
ancient Indian art of healing, Ayurveda, and is believed to be beneficial to our general wellbeing in many ways. As
per Vedic tradition everyone irrespective of age and gender must take regular oil bath once a week. Especially
taking oil bath is a must on Deepavali day. Symbolically oil bath means a new start by eliminating all self-esteem,
ego, struggle, and hatred. People commonly use Gingelly oil for this purpose. We apply oil from top to bottom on
our entire body. Leave it for 15 30 minutes and take bath. Basically, Gingelly oil makes the body warm and
protected. here are however a few specific steps to adhere to in order to maximise its benefits. These include
starting by applying the oil from the scalp to the upper body and lower body accordingly. Another popular belief
is that ritual cleansing of the body is to remove all evil, dirt and inauspicious things. On Deepavali day, there is a
believe saying that Goddess Lakshmi lives in oil and this bath removes bad luck. Applying oil on the skin not only
moisturizes the skin and body, it also cleans the skin from toxins, pollution and removes dead skin cells. It
improves blood circulation. Massaging the head with oil relieves stress and calms the mind. These are the rituals
still being practiced by all the Indians during the Deepavali occasion that literally brings a lot of benefits where it
improves your spirit to attract prosperity and spiritual energy. To sum up, oil bath I hope you will get thrilled
reading about the traditional festival routine of the oil bath in Deepavali. That is all for now. I am looking forward
to hear about your your culture especially about Hungry Ghost festival as it was recently celebrated here in
Malaysia. I hope to hear from you soon. Send my regards to Aunt Choo . Best Regards, Gavi.

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GSE Learning Objectives © Pearson Education Ltd 2019
Other readability measures

ARI Coleman Liau Flesch Kincaid FOG SMOG

7.7 9.2 9.1 12.8 12.3

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GSE Learning Objectives © Pearson Education Ltd 2019

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