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Once Frankenstein breath is no more, his monster comes out from the dark.

"Please," he asked.
"may I have a moment to mourn my creator?"
The capitain cannot refuse his request, because he swears that he sees in the
unnatural eyes that hold him down the promise of pain and murder so, terrified, he

When finally left alone, the monster begins his plan. He pulls out a knife and
begins to cut open his chest. Beforehand, he had also covererd his mouth in cloth
to not scream. He also openned Frankenstein's chest cavity and interchanged hearts.

Once Frankenstein died, captain Walton got out of the room and went to the deck of
the boat. There he chated with one of the men of his crew. They suddenly heared a
sound in one of the rooms and Walton followed it in concern. The sounds lead him
into the deceased Frankenstein's room, and when he opened it he found a very
shocking sight.
There were big splotches of blood all over the flood and on the bed, as if someone
had bled out. But the most shocking thing of all was Frankenstein's uneven
breathing. That man had died not too long ago, he felt his pulse stop and saw the
life draining from his eyes, so how was he breathing then? He did not know, but out
of kindness he nursed Frankenstein to his recovery until they got back from the
Artic. After that, he left.
Captain Walton and his crew would never know the truth. That Frankenstein was now
the same as his monster, that the heart beating in his chest wasn't his but his
creation's and that somewhere in an unknown land lived a monstrous father and his
monstrous son. They lived in understanding, maybe with love someday. Perhaps when
humanity falls they will still be there and will take it to themselves to create
mankind once more.

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