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The feast of today beats our imagination of GOD FOR ALL without exclusion from the fold or
cliquish within the fold. The readings of the day attest to this fundamental principle of our faith
and Christian living.

The implication of the Feast of Epiphany is the call to the manifestation of our Christian life to the
world threaten by hidden darkness of ¨Herod¨ in us, in world systems, sometimes in the Church.
Yes, an authentic Christian acknowledges the immanence of the divine in all people of good will in
every culture


The Greek word Epiphany (επιφάνεια), ''EPHIPHANEIN'' means appearance or manifestation or

from the Latin word ''EPIPHANIA'', which means a moment of revelation or realisation. In other
words, "epiphany" means "a showing forth", which implies ultimately a manifestation or
revelation! The Feast of Christmas is inconclusive without the Epiphany.

This is all Epiphany is about: the Manifestation or Revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to ALL - Jews
and Gentiles. Today´s feast is about the multiple revelations or manifestation of Jesus as God,
King, and Priest.

In a nutshell, Epiphany means manifestation. What the Church celebrates today is the
manifestation of our Lord to the whole world. Thus, the Epiphany is an affirmation of universal
salvation. In God: Christ Jesus, there is all inclusion and no exclusion of anyone from grace, mercy,
love, peace, justice and redemption.


In this Feast, God in Christ Jesus takes the Centre Stage of human history. He is all in all. The
central theme of today’s celebration is that is God is for all.

It focuses on the coming of Jesus, his acceptance by the pagan nations (Magi) and rejection by his
own people (Herod and the uneventful and indifferent nation of Israel).

It is the feast of the whole mystery of faith encapsulate in the person of Christ, the born infant
God, King, Priest and Sacrifice.

The Christian life is a search for God that ends with a profound encounter, a worship, and offerings
of gifts and self to God.

There is also a theme of the joy of encounter with Christ – that brings out the best in us: self, gifts,
time, talents, energy, giving and sharing.


The prophecy of Isaiah 60:1-6 was not just a fulfilment of the gospel but a manifestation of God:
Immanuel to all people, race, nations and individuals. God´s salvation, glory and light is for all.

It is also about being cognisant of the shining star that led the Magi to Christ the King to offer him
homage and gifts. It was also a declaration of the nation of Israel as a light to the nations in

It is not only the Feast of a Light that shows forth, Is. 60:1-6. Neither, it is only a manifestation of
Christ to the world. Therefore, Isaiah prophesized to the Light of God among in the midst of
darkness that shines on all nations and people without exclusion or discrimination.


St. Paul´s Letter to the Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6 emphasizes plainly that God´s grace and mystery
hidden for centuries is now revealed to humankind: Jews and Pagans alike through the Holy Spirit.

In this Feast, God in Christ Jesus takes the Centre Stage of human history. He is all in all. Hence, in
the distribution of grace we are all co-heirs, members of one body and claimants to the same
promises in Christ.

The point of emphasis today is that the Good News and Salvation of Christ is for EVERYONE with
no an EXCEPTION. Alleluia! Amen! Eph. 3: 2-6.

This Divine Revelation of Christ and its messages opens to ALL a right and a privilege to all divine
benefits as Co-heirs of God's richness and grace in Christ Jesus. Eph.3

However, this benefit of grace has an implication that comes with a great responsibility of making
this manifestation known to ALL, by letting the Light of faith shines to all nations, people, families
and soul.

There are many key actors to imitate in this task of making known the light of divine grace or
revelation to ALL: the angels, the shepherds, and the wise men who could not hold back the Good
Tidings of the Saviour birth to themselves, but announced it to all nooks and crannies!


In the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12, there is a concrete fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah. God´s
manifestation in real time human history: an invitation to light that leads all out of darkness.

The event of evil or darkness trying to destroy or dominate light as represented in Herod is still a
threat to all.

If there is any implication of the epiphany: the manifestation of the saviour for us Christian. It is
this, the Christian life and faith are not hidden life or grace. Rather, one meant to be shown, lived
out to all to see.


1. Herod´s reaction of hatred and hostility. He was afraid that this little child was going to interfere
with his life, his place, his power, his influence, and therefore his first instinct was to destroy him.
2. The reaction of the chief priests and scribes was complete indifference. Such a significant birth
meant nothing to them. They were so engrossed in their Temple ritual and their legal discussions
that they completely disregarded Jesus.

3. The reaction of the wise men– foreigners and pagans – they left everything that matters to
them and follow the star to the place of Christ birth adore, worship, and with the desire to lay at
the feet of Jesus Christ the noblest gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh which they could bring to
recognize as the King of Jews.

The Magi's gold, frankincense and myrrh is the totality of nations and humanity recognizing in
Christ Jesus the culmination of history and salvation. Mt.2:1-12. The big lesson today is that in
Christ Jesus there is only inclusivity with no exclusivity.

Matthew 2: 1-12 is the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Isaiah, people of nations represented by
the Wise Magi came not only to acknowledge the Godhead of Christ but also to pledge allegiance
to his Kingship and Lordship over all as well as paying him tributes of Gold, Frankincense and


1. Do you limit Christ or God from the reach of others who are not like you?
2. What is the amount or limitation of your acceptance of Christ and gospel messages? How
open are you to Christ: his truth, light and lifestyle?
3. What sacrifice have you made for following Christ?
4. What have you giving up for Christ? What gift can you offer to God?
5. Whenever the idea of some accepting or rejecting Jesus comes up- the fundamental
challenge is how am I responding to Him?
6. Who do I kneel before in terms of worship? Do I have a sense awe and wonder before
God-Christ in my daily encounter of Him in prayer?
7. What values or worth do I place on the gift I offer to God? In effort of giving or sharing self,
time, energy and resource do I think God merits the best of me?

The feast of Epiphany invites to worship of God with sincere intentions. Let us pray always and
everywhere to God who continue to reveal yourself to all humanity in different ways and times.
Our hopes and expectation are the continuous revelation and manifestation of your glory in us,
enlighten the hidden darkness of our lives and hearts. And may we learn to open our eyes to your
light and open our hearts to your love.


Lord Jesus Christ, revealed Lord and God of glory and majesty, in the world of picking, choosing
and dropping of what we like and don't like, of discriminating against certain individuals or group,
or in a world full of power-drunk local kings like Herod ready to use ALL for selfish interests and to
eliminate all perceived threats. Help me to see power as service in humidity, but, above all, to
offer myself as a living gift of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to the Infant born King reveal to ALL
today. Amen

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