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Andrew Coronel

Viewing Guide

1. It means “it is true”

2. Because they were too old to become missionaries
3. Papua New Guinea
4. To embark on an adventure of learning on where and how they lived
5. They like to eat meat
6. Their dead ancestors
7. It would be death
8. To create a lesson in the bible and to translate it
9. From birds
10. By providing a lamb as a substitute
11. 2 months
12. Teachings, cassette tapes, and skits
13. They were disgusted
14. By expressing their belief in Jesus
15. They want other missionaries will go out and preach the gospel to others

1. 1986
2. 1 year
3. A man
4. Fear
5. With Anguish, mourning, and no hope of heaven
6. deceit, and lying to women
7. They celebrated
8. Probably either when they started to believe in Jesus and how he died for our sins or
when they asked about their sin with women.
9. When are you going to talk bout the good news?
10. An earthquake happened
11. People treated their spouses better and spent more time with each other
12. They were hearing that message for the first time
13. 1st village helped teach
14. 1st village did the teachings, while mark helped
15. 1st Village did the teachings
16. By starting a literacy program
17. Time and their safety
18. 12
19. The great commission
20. Because the friends and family that passed away went to a christ- less eternity
21. Missionaries to live with them
22. In a way it challenges me to seek opportunities to spread the gospel
23. What struck to me about their stories is how they lived a very unfulfilled life and had no
great ending at the end of it, and there are many third-world countries that live the same
life as this. It encourages mean to keep my faith and keep it strong and tight.
24. It relates to how god can be spread to even the most remote places on the earth and
that learning about other cultures means there can be some fulfillment when following

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