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The report aims to educate and give information in LAYOUT OR MAKEUP, Computer printing,
Printing and typography this report gives the knowledge and basics of tools and software to
give them the general and basics on how to layout or make their own designs and works this
also gives them the basics on how they can easily print their works. All in all, we want to share
and impart the basics of this topics to help you in the future when you needed to make use of
it. Although there are some terms and words that are hard to understand but when you are
familiar with it can help you to easily be familiar with the software’s and functions. The actual
or using the software’s and tools for the first time can also be quite hard specially if you don’t
know the basics. Why we want you to learn the basics? the reason is that if you learn the basics
and have the basic knowledge you can easily adapt and use the tools and software for printing
and lay outing or designing. Remember that with basic knowledge it can give you a solid
foundation in learning these tools and techniques that you can use in every situation or works
in schools.

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