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HANK: Casey
MAZ: Maz
BARRY: James
BOB: Zach

A figure opens the door to Maz’s room

Sound: the creaking of a door opening

MAZ: Who’s there

The figure runs towards here and begins stabbing her


Sound: Multiple stabbing sounds

MAZ: Screams


WALTER: Has anyone seen Maz? She’s normally up at this


HANK: No, I haven’t she wasn’t in the lab this


Sound: generator running in the background

They both look at the other

HANK: any of you guys seen Maz this morning?

BARRY: Nope not today

BOB: Neither her door was still shut when I walked

past earlier

Sound: eating cereal

They all stand up and begin walking to maz’s room

Sound: multiple footsteps


Sound: knocking on a door

Barry: Maz are you okay?

There is no reply from maz

BOB: Maz wake up

Sound: banging loudly on the door

WALTER: This isn’t like maz she doesn’t sleep in

HANK: I’ll get the master key

Sound: hank walking away

BARRY: when was the last time you saw her?

WALTER: last night at dinner and she was fine

Sound: Hank returns with the key fob

He opens the door

Sound: beep of the key fob

The door slides open

Sound: whoosh of the door

HANK: God its dark in here someone turn on a light

Sound: a switch flipping

WALTER: Holy shit she’s covered in blood

HANK: what the fuck

BOB: she’s been stabbed look there’s a knife

Sound: he picks up a knife and drops it on the floor

BARRY: She stabbed herself?

WALTER: No, she wouldn’t do this to herself someone

else did this

HANK: That can only mean one thing it was someone

amongst us right here

Sound: silence as they all look at each other

BARRY: Oh I’m outta here

Sound of Barry running away

BOB: Hank we have to find out who did this

HANK: well it could have been anyone for all I know

it was you or even Walter

They turn around and Walter is gone

HANK: what the… where’d Walter go

BOB: Oh god

Hank and Bob walk Paceley towards the cafeteria looking for
the others

Sound: two sets of footsteps walking quickly

BOB: Assuming one of them is the killer and now we

don’t know where they are they could kill again

HANK: yes, we need to get to the communication room

asap to let mission control know what’s happened

BOB: Okay let’s go

Sound of them walking and the beep and whoosh of a door


The door opens revealing Walter on the other side

BOB: Woah Walter where’d you go

WALTER: I don’t know I panicked, and I ran I'm sorry

HANK: I don’t know walt you’ve been seeming sus


WALTER: I know I shouldn’t have run but I didn’t kill

her. I've just told mission control what happened

Sound: a generator shutting off

The lights turn shut off suddenly and room is pitch black

They all scream

BOB: oh no

HANK: ahhh

WALTER: this has to of been Barry

HANK: must have been you’re right

Sound: beep and woosh of door and footsteps entering the room

Suddenly Barry runs into the room

BARRY: (shouting) Who turned off the light

WALTER: where were you

BARRY: Hiding from a murderer

WALTER: okay I'm confused

HANK: I think the only way to survive this is to

stick together

WALTER: I'll get the torches

BOB: we need to get the generator up and running

BOB: we can’t all fit in that room

HANK: someone will have to turn the oxygen tank back

on, as it stops with the generator, and we will run out of
reserve air soon

WALTER: We’ll have to split up

BOB: me and Walter will go to the generator

HANK: ok me and Barry will go to the oxygen tank


BOB: Sorry about Maz I know you were close

WALTER: Uh yeah thanks she didn’t deserve to go this


BOB: it wasn’t me you know that right

WALTER: I don’t anything right now and don’t trust


BOB: Fair enough who do you recon it was

WALTER: I seriously don’t know

Sound: fixing machines and mechanic sounds and the sound of a

machine starting back up


BARRY: This is not what I signed up for

HANK: none of us signed up for this

Sound: an alarm blaring

The oxygen machine starts breaking and it starts to shake and


HANK: We can't fix this were going to have to put the

suits on

Sound: hank says over the comms machine to put on the space
WALTER: quick get your suit on

Sound: rustling noise and rushing to get his suit on

WALTER: What the fuck have they done

Sound: a big thud of a body falling on the floor

WALTER: Bob... bob get up! bob what are doing

WALTER: Bob don’t die on me not like this

INT. CAFETERIA BARRY AND HANK ARE WAiting for Walter and barry

HANK: they should be done by now where are they

Sound: door opening

BARRY: Look its Walter. Hey where's Barry

WALTER: it's not what it looks like he didn’t get his

suit on in time

HANK: stay back Walter we don’t know that

WALTER: come on you have to believe me. We can even

check the cameras I swear

HANK: okay we’ll check the cameras but don’t lie to

me walt

WALTER: im not lying

sound: walking and doors opening


BARRY: here we are the security room we can check
whether you're lying or not

WALTER: go for it

Sound: lights shutting off and then suddenly the sound of an

oxygen pipe being pulled out and the oxygen leaking out and
chocking noises from the astronaut

WALTER: what the fuck

BARRY: what happened

Sound: running noises

WALTER: stay away from me Barry you’re a psycho

Sound: He runs for his life

BARRY: Walter it wasn’t me I swear come back

WALTER: (Talking to himself) think Walter think ahah

the escape pod

Sound: pressing a button lots quickly then a whoosh as a door


Sound: (siri voice) to access escape pod say yes

WALTER: yes yes yes

Sound: whoosh the door opens

WALTER: Oh thank god

Sound: the crack of bones as his neck is broken from behind

and then his body hits the floor.

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