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Student Project Management System

Article · March 2021

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Nisha Soms Prashanth .S

Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology


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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Student Project Management System

Dr. Nisha Soms1, S Prashanth2, P Preethika3, D Deepak Kumar4
Department of Computer Science and Engineering



It is very tedious to manage and control student's final year projects using manual or classical processes. The main
goal of this project is to build an integrated framework to handle all project activities. Project management system
is a system for the management, tracking and supervision of students' final year projects. It is a web-based platform
or framework that is useful to students, project managers and project managers. Firstly, all students must register
using the registration form. Then registered students can log in with their ID and password to authenticate. When
the students log into the system, they form their own classes. In the same way, the project guide must log in through
its id and password. PMS also provides the student group with at least three project domains, and the device
automatically assigns the guides to the student group. The Project Leader is the key component of the system that
assigns students various assignments. The project leader and project guide are coordinated. The job is delegated by
the supervisor and the progress chart of the group is generated, depending on the various parameters. We use a job
breakdown structure to build a progress map (WBS). The marks would automatically be assigned to a certain group
of students, based on the progress charts.

Keywords: Students, project, management, website, server


In the world of today, nobody holds an initiative to check for notices on the notification boards. Many students skip details
on some relevant news and updates about their projects for their final year. Students are therefore unable to track their
project activities. It's easy to obtain all the information and updates of the project from guides and coordinators for the
students. Managing tasks manually for the final year is a very stressful task. But anyone with a simple web platform can do
project-related work which is the main objective of the project management system (PMS). It offers a clear web portal to
students, project coordinator and project manager for the management and monitoring of project activities. All device
modules have a specific user identity and password. Per module can then log into the device using its id and password to
become more authenticated. PMS enables the student group to have at least three project areas and the system automatically
assigns the guides to the student group. The project leader is the system's key module that assigns the students different
tasks. Interacting with each other is the Project Leader and Project Guide. Depending on the various conditions of the job
assigned to the coordinator, the progress chart of the group is generated and the degrees for the specificgroup of students
are automatically assigned. E-mail alerts shall be sent to groups concerning relevant notifications and updates for their
project of the last year. What is management of the project? Project management consists of planning, timing, management
of resources, review of requirements, design and testing in order to meet project objectives and targets. It is impossible to
complete tasks in time without project management. Project management is therefore necessary to remove certain obstacles
in the implementation of projects and achieve clear objectives. Generally, the project & title will be chosen from different
sources and forwarded to the HOD, as the project title, in a document called the project abstract along with a bird's-eye
view of the project. The HOD accepts the project and enables the student to continue and begin working on the project. In
the middle of the design of the project, the HOD also asks the student to submit the sample code of some module. In the
end, the student is required to prepare documents such as Project Final Documents (includes Introduction, Modules, User
Roles, SDLC Methodology etc.), UML graphs, Power point Presentation of the Project Demo Flow and also takes the
database (as a backup file to restoration) and the Source Code, along with all content in a compact disc (CD). The HOD
will examine all these documents and complete the project analysis and record the marks on the college.


The software project is a time-consuming, extremely people-intensive effort, with a fundamental effect on many different
teams' work and results. The project's success relies heavily on timely transfer of knowledge between participating parties,
such as management team, department heads, developers, developers and customers. In the current situation, most software

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

companies work concurrently on many projects, which means that an effective project management procedure is required
for the allocation of resources and project planning. Web-based project coordination, monitoring and management system
offers a solution for automating project management functionalities, including document management, resources
management and team collaboration, which encompasses all facets of the project management process. The framework
includes features including assessing real progress, team coordination, updating email reviews and short messages, server
login management, customer portfolio management, on-line payment invoices, as well as providing management reports
that contribute to successful decision-making. [1]

Anyway, what's all the fuss about? Since the first edition of this book was released in 1997, the PMI grew from some
thousand members to almost 462,000 in 2015. PMI is the technical association for people who plan projects for those of
you who don't know. More information can be found on the website of the Institute, As well as offering a
number of membership programmes, PMI primarily aims to support project management as a discipline. In order to achieve
that, a qualification process has been developed whereby qualifying people obtain the designation of Project Management
Professional (PMP®). In order to do this, these individuals must have work experience (about 5,000 hours) and take an
Online Test based on the PMBOK® Guide (Project Management Body of Knowledge). An association of professionals?
For project management alone? Is project management not just an overall management variant? Yes and no. Yes and no.
There are many parallels, but there are sufficient distinctions to warrant treating project management as a separate
discipline from general administration. One thing is that tasks are more time-consuming than most of the things handled by
managers. And people on a project team also do not report directly to the project manager, while most project managers
report to them. [2]

Many web development companies are using various project management systems today to improve the productivity of a
product. Anorganization can run a variety of projects concurrently, and needs feedback from a number of individuals or
teams for a multi-level development plan, which includes a strong project management system. In the IT industry, project
management systems are a fast-growing technology. As the number of users using project management software continues
to increase, web-based project management systems play a key role in many organizations. The proper project management
framework therefore plays a significant role in guaranteeing customers accurate, robust and high-quality web applications.
Develop a web-based project management system and demonstrate how users treat tasks in turn. These processes are the
scope of the study in daily working life. Also the structure of the current work has been described is the reliability and
robustness of a web-based project management system. Finally, a web-based project management system was built that
meets the company's expectations and specifications. The web-based project management framework uses a TRAC
programme that has improved to meet the needs of the companies concerned. [3]

Conclusions are drawn as authorizing, declining or prioritizing projects with respect to problem recognition and definition.
The project is recognized, identified and justified in problem identification. The usage of the project is explained in the
issue specification. The key product is the plan for a project. In project planning, it explains a set of actions or steps
required for the product's development. The roles of the staff are incorporated in the project organization. This is achieved
in line with project planning. In the allocation of money, resources are committed to a project in order to achieve its goals
and objectives. In project planning, resources are distributed such that project goals are achieved over a sensitive period of
time. The method deals with whether the project outcomes are in line with project plans and output specification in the
monitoring, reporting and regulating process. Necessary steps are taken to correct incorrect deviations in the control. The
final report is submitted or a release order is signed at project termination. [4]

A rather tiring job is conventional way of organizing and tracking student projects using the manual process. The project's
motto is to develop an integrated framework for the management and control of all project activities. This is a web-based
framework that supports students, project coordinators, HOD and the faculty. System allows admin to introduce to the
system students and faculties. Then students have access to the. The faculty must also log into the system. Faculties can
delegate projects to a certain group of students and assign them an assignment. When creating a task faculty, you can assign
a weight for this task and when the task is created, email is automatically sent only to a group of students. The students will
then receive email updates and can access tasks and documents uploaded from the faculties and will complete the task
assigned to them. The faculty will then complete this assignment and delegate it to new ones. The key positions in your
system are project coordinators and HODs who can track the progress of your own department's projects. Project planner,
each other's faculty co-ordinates. The Progress Bar increases by a certain percentage only when the faculty concludes the
assignment. We use a job breakdown structure to build progress bar (WBS). WBS is split into semesters I and II to separate
the overall project into activities and tasks. [5]

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 1294

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Are any of these comments familiar? If you've ever worked on a disorganized project, it can be very normal. They are key
indicators of a process in which information is not controlled and information control is essential to a successful project in
the production of software. It is important because this is the advancement of apps. Any nontrivial software project is a
complex system with several different developers frequently involved. To achieve something, all developers need to know
what they need to do and that is very hard to achieve without managed dissemination of knowledge between developers.
The organized creation of software requires a wide range of methods and techniques. The cornerstone of these tools is the
ability to preserve and access the source code — without which, the creation of software is just nothing — for people who
need that access. Enter a version control system to track, manage and store the revision history of the source of a software
project. Version control is not a straightforward job and all version control systems are not equivalent. The Subversion
version control system emerges quickly as an important contestant for open source projects as well as for small, medium
and maybe even a few large tech companies in the open source world. For example, the open source Samba project, like the
Apache Software Foundation, has started with Subversion. [6]

This paper uses an object-oriented research methodology for modelling design and construction details. In a previous
review, an approach was suggested to combine design and building processes based on knowledge processing and
modelling. By splitting the comprehensive information of the project into groups of related information, construction
related issues were identified and then followed up on their respective design processes. This paper illustrates this process
using a relatively young and modern research tool rather than a conventional formal approach. In order to model the
knowledge in terms of the basic concepts underlying object-oriented technology, i.e. object types and classes, procedures,
requests, encapsulation and legacy, an object-oriented analysis (OOO) approach was implemented. A full OOA model was
built through the five main activities of Coad and Yourdon's OOA system with the potential to enhance construction issues.

More than a decade before the incident, the alerts started, but nobody paid much attention. The media took up the story less
than two years before the deadline. Then officials of the government expressed their fears, corporate executives and
industry leaders contributed huge amounts of money and eventually the public became aware of dire warnings of the
pending disaster. As the now-famous Y2K bug, software will crash and thus stop the world as we then knew. As we
watched and wondered during the decrease in 1999, I could not help thinking of an unexpectedly prophetic paragraph on
the first page of this book's fourth issue. It stated: computer software has become an impetus. It is the engine which drives
decision-making in business. It serves as the foundation for modern science research and the solution of engineering
problems. It is a central element in distinguishing modern goods and services. It is integrated into networks of all kinds:
transport, medical, telecommunications, military, industrial and entertainment. [8]


The existing project management system is manual. The project leader or guide manually gives the student mission.
Students complete the work done by the coordinator or guide and apply manually, all work is manually done in this
method, allowing more time to work in connection with the project. The project coordinator or guide needs attention when
students finish the job, so it is hard for the project coordinator or guide to whom and when the student finished the
assignment. In the current framework, users cannot get the right details at the right time, and users cannot easily handle
project progress to achieve their principal objective.

 Inability to achieve student attendance status quickly.
 Modify student/staff information is a broad process which can lead to confusion and mistakes.
 Incompatibility and inaccuracy in data maintenance
 It is very difficult to understand system by a layman and, if a naive person is to be used by the student information
system, adequate instruction must be provided on the operation of the system and the overall system becomes
extremely inefficient.
 The final process takes a great deal of time.
 The right information at the right time is not recovered.
 The rest of the team cannot see any changes to the data by team members or the Project Leader or Guide immediately.


In this proposed framework we will develop a system to manage the project that recognizes all work done by the organizer
or guide of the project. The coordinator updates the project details, views a student and views the progress chart of the

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

student's work, develops a progress chart using WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). Students have been able to obtain
updates on the job details and complete this work at some times and report to the project management system.

 The details will be reliable and data replication will not occur.
 The average time spent in contrast with the current system would be lower.
 The device shall be validated and checked.

Hardware Requirements:
• System : Intel Core I3 Processor
• Hard Disk : 520 GB.
• Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
• Mouse : Logitech.
• Ram : 4 GB.

Software Requirements:
• Operating system : Windows 7/8/10.
• Coding Language : PHP
• Data Base : MYSQL

The objective of this proposedis to simplify the process of assigning supervisors and submitting projects of students which
is fully automated with document submissions and approvals.

Front End (Designing):
 CSS3
Client side scripting:
 JavaScript
 jQuery
Back End:
 Programming Language - PHP
 Database – MySQL

 The main index of the application is login page where we need to provide credentials such as ID, Password and type of
login (Coordinator / Supervisor / Student).
 Once inputs are authenticated, the user will be redirected to the dashboard page from where the header menu options
will be available to navigate to the required page.

Coordinator Login:
Coordinator login is handled by a single person who is the top level management of all logins.

Add Student:
From this screen, Coordinator can able to create new student by providing the details of ID, Password, Name, etc.

Search Student:
Coordinator can also able to view the details of specific student by choosing the student ID from the list in dropdown box.

Add Supervisor:
The next menu option for the coordinator is to create supervisor by filling out the form.

Search Supervisor:
This page consists of searching the existing supervisor to check and update their details by Supervisor ID.

IJARESM Publication, India >>>> Page 1296

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Share Document:
The screen has the option to upload general / Project related documents to share with students and can be available in the
respective student's login.

To allocate the supervisor for student projects this screen helps to choose the user to assign and the assigned students can be
listed in supervisor’s login

Reviews table contains the details of upcoming and completed project reviews which were created by the supervisors.

Student Login:

Documents page retrieves the list of documents shared by the coordinator where the student can able to download.


 From the project section, Students can able to upload proposal and report documents of the project to update to their
assigned supervisors.
 Once project documents uploaded, students can check for the feedback from the supervisor.


 Mail page consists of three main options such as Compose mail, Inbox mails and Sent mails
 New mails can be sent to the assigned supervisors from compose option and the previous logs of received and sent mails
also available in the tabs.

Supervisor Login:
By choosing the student ID among the assigned students, supervisor can check the project documents submitted by the
student and in the same table there is an option to add feedback for the project that will be checked by the student.

The form to add review for the specific project by providing details of student, date, time, etc to notify coordinator.


 Supervisors can compose mail content and send to their allocated students by choosing their ID from the drop down list.
 Previous logs of received and sent mails also available in the tabs named as inbox and sent mails.


Fig: 1 Login page

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Fig: 2 Project coordinator dashboard

Fig 3: Add student

Fig 4: Add supervisor

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Fig: 5 Search student

Fig: 6 Search supervisor

Fig: 7 Allocate

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Fig: 8 Share document

Fig: 9 Review

Fig: 10 Student dashboard

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Fig: 11 Documents

Fig: 12 Project

Fig: 13 Mail

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Fig: 14 Supervisor dashboard

Fig: 15 View

Fig: 16 Mail

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
Volume 9, Issue 3, March -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at:

Fig: 17 Reviews


SPMS is a very effective programme that can be used to a large degree. SPMS provides multiple benefits over the
conventional method. Some of these benefits are centralized information, up-to-date status monitoring, e-mail notification,
convenience of use, backups etc. This application eliminates the additional time and resources needed to plan and track the
projects in institutions for the final year. We assign different the guides to the student groups to ease the process. It also
offers a nice interface that is easy for users to understand and helps them adapt with the use of this web service.


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