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Jubert A.

Activity 7-1

Diagram of both Compositional and Mechanical Layers of the Earth.

1. Draw an Earth compositional layers diagram. Label properly, including a

brief description of the composition of each layer. – 10 points

Layer Phase Brief Description

1. Crust Solid layer and is rigid. It is the outermost layer of
the Earth. It is made up of
a wide range of igneous,
metamorphic, and
sedimentary rocks.
According to the readings,
it is like a shell of an egg
which is brittle and can
2. Mantle Semi-solid layer of the It is a 2,900-kilometer-
earth and is ductile. thick hot layer of semi-
solid rock. It is made up of
iron, magnesium, and
calcium compared to
crust. Aside from that,
because of temperature
and pressure inside the
Earth increase with depth,
it is hotter and denser. 
3. Core Outer layer is liquid and The Earth's core is
inner layer is solid. located in the center of
the Earth and is
approximately twice as
dense as the mantle due
to its metallic (iron-nickel
alloy) rather than stony
makeup. It is the planet's
extremely hot and dense
center. The core is
located approximately
2,900 kilometers (1,802
miles) below the Earth's
surface and has a radius
of approximately 3,485
kilometers (2,165 miles).
The Earth's core, unlike
the yolk of an egg, is
made up of two separate
parts: a liquid outer core
that is 2,200 kilometers
thick and a solid inner
core that is 1,250
kilometers thick.
2. Draw an Earth mechanical layers diagram. Label each layer based on its
phase (solid, liquid, gas) and strength (rigid, ductile). – 15 points

Layer Phase Strength

Lithosphere Solid layer Rigid mechanical layer of
the Earth
Asthenosphere Almost solid layer Ductile mechanical layer
of the Earth
Mesosphere Solid layer Rigid mechanical layer of
the Earth
Outer Core Liquid layer Less rigid than the mantle
Inner Core Solid layer Rigid mechanical layer of
the Earth

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