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Good morning AJ, in anticipation to the 25th August 2021(Wed) interagency meeting, kindly

pursue the ff:

1. Download the ppt presentation of Dean Marlo during thre 11August interagency meeting
n Revitalizing Forestry Sector, Review ,then let's come up with FMB/DENR initiatives
on Forestry Investment, indicating Policy support, policies on luring forest investors
(liberalization, etc- initiated by frmd); production forest potential for investment, master
plan target, etc, we may highlight R4A and R13 in the presentation, isama nrinnyung
financing scheme example from DBP, we may access ppt from Donna as,Refence too;

2. We could include the facts and figures shared by AsecMars, baka nascreenshot ni Diana (
The figure s indicate production vs reqts in terms of cubic meters) We may include slides
on previous presentations like FIRM, FIPA, Enterprise. You may solicit inputs from
Diana who happened to join the Meeting. I would appreciate a draft this week (in
anticipation pag maghanap si Asec ng presentation).Just kindly organize flow of
presentation. Yung last slides perhaps, what needs to be done, and recommended
Actions , Something like that. Thank you. FIDDjj. Have a nice week Ahead.


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