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Internet of Things Technology (18CS81) Question Bank


IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints - Arduino UNO, Raspberry Pi

Q. No. Question CO CL Marks

Explain the following with respect to Arduino Programming.

i. Structure
ii. Functions
iii. Variables and Datatypes
iv. Constants
1 CO5 L2 10M
v. Digital I/O
vi. Flow Control Statements
Explain the basic structure of Arduino program with respect to
usage of constants, variables and control flow statements.
(March 2022) (Aug 2021) (Feb 2021) (Jan 2020)

2 Write a note on DS 18B20 Temperature. (March 2022) CO5 L2 8M

3 Explain general commands for raspberry pi. (March 2022) CO5 L2 5M

Explain smart parking architecture with advantages and

4 CO5 L2 10M
disadvantages. (March 2022)

5 With a neat sketch, explain street lighting system. (March 2022) CO5 L2 10M

List out the advantages of Arduino. (March 2022)

6 What is Arduino? What are the advantages of Arduino? CO5 L1 6M
(Feb 2021)
Describe the main parts of Arduino UNO learning board.
7 CO5 L2 10M
(March 2022)
List and explain the main parts of Raspberry pi learning board.
8 CO5 L2 10M
(March 2022) (Jan 2020)

9 Briefly describe steps of OS setup on Raspberry pi. CO5 L2 6M

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Internet of Things Technology (18CS81) Question Bank

Name the programming dialect does not come with OS of
Raspberry pi and explain OS setup procedure on raspberry pi.
(March 2022)
Explain the different layers of IoT smart city layered
10 CO5 L2 8M
architecture. (Aug 2021)

11 Explain smart city security architecture. (Aug 2021) (Jan 2020) CO5 L2 8M

12 Explain Smart traffic control architecture. (Aug 2021) CO5 L2 6M

Write a short note on Raspberry pi operating system.

13 CO5 L2 6M
(Aug 2021)
What is the size of flash memory of Arduino Uno and describe
14 CO5 L2 4M
the technical specification of ATmega328P chip? (Feb 2021)
Narrate the predefined function of Arduino for Digital Analog
15 CO5 L2 6M
input output, time and random methods. (Feb 2021)
Which is the XBMC media centre distribution of Raspberry pi?
16 Describe the Raspberry pi model B board and its GPIO. CO5 L2 6M
(Feb 2021)
Write a python program to measure the room temperature
17 through connecting temperature sensor to Raspberry pi. CO5 L2 8M
(Sept 2020)

18 How to install Arduino software for windows PCs? (Sept 2020) CO5 L1 10M

19 Distinguish between Raspberry pi and Arduino. (Sept 2020) CO5 L2 4M

Develop a python program which monitors a temperature of an

20 CO5 L2 6M
engine using DS18B20 sensor and Raspberry pi. (Sept 2020)
Write a python program on Raspberry pi to blink an LED.
21 CO5 L2 6M
(Sept 2020)
Write a short note on
i. IoT Challenges
22 CO5 L2 8M
ii. Backhaul Technologies
(Sept 2020)
Explain with an example the following methods:
23 i. pinMode(pin,mode) CO5 L2 8M
ii. digitalRead(pin)

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Internet of Things Technology (18CS81) Question Bank

iii. digitalWrite(pin,High)
iv. analogRead(pin)
v. analogWrite(pin,value)
vi. delay(ms)
vii. millis ( )
viii. min(x,y)
ix. max(x,y)
x. randomseed(value)
xi. random(min,max)
xii. serial.begin(rate)
xiii. serial.println(data)

24 Explain in detail DS18B20 temperature sensor. CO5 L2 7M

Differentiate between Analog, Digital and PWM pins in

25 CO5 L2 8M
Arduino Uno.
With a neat sketch, explain the following use cases:
i. Smart traffic control
26 ii. Smart and connected cities. CO5 L2 8M
iii. Smart city IoT architecture.
(July 2019)

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