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Running head: 1848 NATIONAL ELECTION 1

1848 National Election


Institutional Affiliations

1848 National Election

The general election is an important aspect of the United States. The general election in the
country signifies the ability of A Americans to exercise their civil liberties. The general election in the
United States enables Americans to select their leaders in the government. The election in the country is
a tradition that started long in the history of the country. The general election in the United States
started during the time of slavery. The election that took place in 1848 created a huge platform for
Americans to pastier their civil liberties in the modern world. The general election is currently held after
for years to give Americans the chance to elect their leaders. The general election is the most
democratic event in the United States. It is ironical because it is a practice that started during the
colonial rule. The general election that took place in 1848 set precedence for elections in the modern-
day United States. This paper intends to address some of the significant impacts of the 1848 elections.
The fight against slavery is the most important contributions of the election held in 1770. The
Whig party, which won the election, was protesting against the expansion of slavery to the Western part
of the United States. As early as the 1840s, the election started to set the pace for Americans in the fight
against slavery. The fact that the party championing against slavery won also says a lot about the
importance of the election to the country. Since this period, the fight against slavery in the country
tightened. The road out of slavery was not easy (Dyer, 1940). The election represents the small steps
that the country took to get there. Eventually, slavery ended a few decades after the 1848 elections.

The election that took place in 1848 also helped to set the precedence of the elections in the
country. The most important aspect of the election was the fact that it involved voting to take place in
all states at the same time. It was the first time that the regions within the United States carried out an
election for the first time in history. This gesture signified the Unity of the country amid the chaos of
slavery. Different factions within states came together to facilitate the most important part of the
progress towards the liberation of Americans (Dyer, 1940). Currently, elections in the United States take
place throughout the country at the same time. The members of the public come out one day to
embrace their civic duty of electing their leaders into the government. Therefore, it is essential to
acknowledge the role that the 1848 election played in setting the pace for the current election
curriculum in the United States.

The elections held in 1848 also formalize the nomination process for election candidates in any
election that takes place in the country. Nominations are a big part of the election culture in the
country. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the dominant parties in the United States
politics today. Each party must nominate representatives in the general elections in different categories.
For instance, every party needs to have representatives in the position of the presidency and senators in
different areas. During the 1848 elections, the Whig Party and the Democratic Party both nominated
representatives for the general elections (Dyer, 1940). More than a century later, the United States still
uses the nomination system to determine the individuals who would vie in different capacities.

The campaigns for the elections that took place in 1848 also depicted disparities that would
define the course of elections in the country today. The campaigns during this election focused on the
personality of the people who were nominated to represent their political parties. The same trends are
exhibited in the modern-day campaigns for office. Since 1848, Americans learned the importance of
assessing the personal attributes of the people seeking office before they get the chance to lead
Americans. The 1848 elections formalized the philosophy that the personal attributes of people vying for
office can also determine the kind of leaders that they will make if they are elected into office (Eyal,
2010). For instance, the 2017 general elections focused on the character of the candidates leading to the
extensive scrutiny of Donald Trump's character, and whether it can affect his mandate to serve the
American people like the president.

Campaigns during the 1848 elections also focused on the policy issues of the candidates. The
members of the public, as well as other critics, sought to identify the position of the candidates on
national issues. During this time, the country was jeering for the end of slavery. Therefore, Americans
had the responsibility to ensure that the people that they vote into office will address the prevalent
challenges that had affected different groups of Americans for a long time (Eyal, 2010). The same also
applies to the curriculum of elections in the modern-day United States. Politicians who vie for office
must show great potential to address the national issues facing Americans.

During every election, different platforms hold debates where candidates for different positions
explain to the electorate about what they intend to do for the public. They must offer the strategies
they will use to address the national issues facing the country (Eyal, 2010). For instance, presidential
candidates must explain how they will improve the economy and create jobs for the unemployed in the
country. Vetting candidates for office in such a way is a result of the developments that took place after
the 1848 elections. For instance, the issue of foreign policy was one of the main focuses of the 2017
campaigns between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Assessing the position of candidates on national
issues is a culture that formalized after the 1848 general elections.

Therefore, the general election held in 1848 had a significant impact on the process of holding
general elections in the United States today. The elections formally recognized the nomination process
through which candidates that represent their political party are selected. The election also helped to
set the precedence of the issues that determine a good political leader. During the election, the
members of the public vetted the personal character of the candidates and their positions on national
matters. These factors are also used in modern-day politics in the United States during a general
election. The win of the Whigs Party during the 1848 elections also established a strong position against
slavery. The party that won was fighting against the expansion of slavery into Western territories that
did not support the practice of slavery. It is vital to acknowledge the developments that took place as a
result of the election that took place in 1848.


Dyer, B. (1940). Zachary Taylor and the Election of 1848. Pacific Historical Review, 9(2), 173-182.

Eyal, Y. (2010). The "Party Period" Framework And The Election Of 1848. Reviews in American
History, 38(1), 80-86. Retrieved from

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