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Funerals are a tradition that is celebrated all over the world but not in all places
is it celebrated in the same form. There are countries that make a party, and
there are others where people mourn for a lot of days.

Firstly, I will talk about Ashanti funerals, in that they celebrate the funerals like
a party, with all the comunity, not only friends or family. In that festivity they
dance, sing and eat because they think it’s not bad, because they and their
culture think that’s good when someone dies. There the predominant colors of
mourning are red and black.

Instead there are other countries such as Spain, where funerals are sad and
people usually dress in black. First, in Spain, in this types of celebrities,
normally only there are family and friends, and they don’t dance or sing
because, they think that is a very sad day. Secondly, in Spain people soon go
home to think.

Finally, from my point of view, I think all traditions are fine, but everyone will like
a different funeral tradition and the other funeral tradition probably they will find
it wrong.

Number of
words: 194


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