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Assignment # 1: Introduction to Philosophy. Basic branches of philosophy.


1. General. Give your own defintion of “philosophy”.

2. Ontology. Think of something what is “eternal” and of something what is “transient”
(«вечное» и «преходящее»). Support your examples with corresponding arguments.
3. Epistemology. Think of any question you like. Is there something what you do not know
and do not know how to find an answer? You will ask this question in class to find out
whether someone from your group or me can answer that. This question can be of any
nature: general or particular, scientific or fantastic, existing one or invented, personal to
you, me, or group member. Try to think out an interesting one beyond limits of your
thinking, imagination, moral standards, etc.
4. Ethics. Предположим, террористы захватили самолет с пассажирами и требуют
выкуп. Обещают отпустить всех, только если им выдадут и позволят убить одного
челика. Возможно, он принадлежит к враждебной группировке или считается
(справедливо или несправедливо) причастным к антитеррористической
деятельности. Как бы то ни было, они хотят убить его и в случае отказа в
содействии со стороны местных властей взорвут самолет. Вы возглавляете
местную власть и знаете, что челик абсолютно ни в чем не виновен. Пожертвуете
ли вы жизнью невиновного ради спасения пассажиров?
5. Political and social philosophy. Your group and me are aboard a ship. After a disastrous
crash we are the only survivors on an uninhabited island. How would you offer to
organize our society, e.g., what would you suggest as a form of organization, what would
you prioritize, how would you personally behave, etc.
6. Philosophy of sceince. Please watch the following short movie and be ready to discuss it
in class regarding philosophy of science focusing on responsibility of scientists for theirs
inventions: TV series „Black Mirror“, Series 4, Episode 5 „Metalhead”.
7. Aesthetics. A controversial Italian artist created his famous work “Merda d’artista” in
1961. It is sufficient to read about it here:
%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0. How do you personally think can this work be considered
“a piece of art”? Provide arguments that support your opinion.
8. Other branches of philosophy. One of the branches of philosophy is called
“hermeneutics”, it studies theory and methodology of interpretation. Please read the
following short story: You can google whatever you
want regarding what “hermeneutics” is and be ready to discuss the story in class
regarding question “how do we interpret information which we receive?”. If we won’t be
able to draw a conclusion, I will need one brave volunteer for a small expertiment.

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