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Nama : Aidhan Muhammad Al Faruq

Kelas : XII IPS 3

No. : 02

Very nice holiday

Introduce my name aidhan here i will tell a little about my experience yesterday during the school

holidays. During the school holidays yesterday my friends and i went on vacation to malang, i and my four

friends namely anom, alvian, angga, patkur, and faris. At first, i was just joking to invite my four friends to

heal in malang. It turned out that my friend's response was very enthusiastic about healing in malang.

Finally, i planned a departure and we were going anywhere. Finally, after discussing it for a long time, it

was finally confirmed that i would go to malang when the evening prayer was finished and we would stay at

my brother's house in malang and we would drink coffee near the stone square after the discussion was over,

we determined the day and set the day on saturday night we departed and the departure gathering point was

at my house in gayaman village, mojoanyar sub-district, mojokerto district.

Saturday morning has arrived, the day I have been waiting for because today I will be healing after

applying knowledge that makes my body and brain tired with this healing. I hope my brain and body can rest

perfectly. At 11:00 a.m. after the evening prayer, I contacted my friends to get ready to go immediately,

after the evening prayer, my friends gathered at my house. The road is a cangar road that divides 2

mountains, namely Mount Arjuno and Mount Penanggungan. On the way at night, the six of us were

accompanied by the cold night and the bright, beautiful moonlight, after an hour and a half of the journey I
arrived at Batu City and we stopped for a while at an alphabet on the rock to buy cigarettes and warm drinks,

after stopping for about twenty minutes we continue our journey to the cafe where we will make coffee,

after traveling about fifteen minutes we arrive at the coffee shop after that we order and enjoy Saturday night

Sunday stone city.

after enjoying a happy night we rushed to go to my brother's house to rest because
tomorrow morning we have to go home because I have activities in the afternoon
that cannot be left. That's all my short story on school holidays, I hope you are
entertained by this short story, thank you, I love you all

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