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Bahasa Inggris

Guru Pengajar :

Agus Supratman S.Pd.

Disusun Oleh




Jl. Rw. Mulya, RT.018/RW.003, Mustika Jaya, Kec. Mustika Jaya, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat

Hi, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Ghanisya Faera
Fawzaty, I am the second of three children, Im school in junior high
school 40 and am in ninth grade, I like playing PC games, listening to
music and swimming, my hobby is drawing .

One day in the month of Ramadan, April 5th. My cousin, my family

and I went home to our village in two cars, the first destination was to
my cousin's village, namely in Jogjakarta. My family and cousins left
the house at 6 in the morning, because the journey was very long, my
cousins and I in the car just played on our cellphones and fell asleep.
when I arrived in Jogja it was 1am so at 3am my family and I looked
for a restaurant for sahur, rest and sholat. then continue the journey to
the mountain.Then when I arrived at my cousin's village, I was
surprised because the road to the house was very steep and damaged,
and the neighboring houses were very far apart and there were no
street lights. Actually the trip was fun but it was also scary because
this was my first time.

When I was in my cousin's village, I realized the difference, namely

that when I was in Bekasi I thought the morning air was fresh but it
turned out that when I was in my cousin's village, the air was very
fresh and very cold. I really liked it and I felt like I wanted to stay
there forever but what wasn't good was is the internet, the internet
network there it's very slow so I'm bored playing games with my

After two days and one night in the village cousin, I and my family
and cousin continued to go to the final destination, namely my
family's village in Tegal. I left at 8 in the morning so that night we had
takbiran in the car, I fell asleep the whole way. When I arrived at the
house in Tegal village at 2 o'clock in the evening, I immediately
packed up my belongings in the car and cleaned the house so I could
prepare for Eid, after that I rushed to take a shower, put on make-up,
then had breakfast and went to Eid prayers. I like meeting my cousins
and relatives in the village, I hope next year we can meet again. That's
all my story, thank you for read it.

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