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Assalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable jury
Ustadz Ustadzah whom I respect
As well as friends of the speech participants I love

First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT, who has given his grace
and guidance, so that today, we can meet here, free to face, in the ’ENGLISH
SPEECH COMPETITION’ in good health without any obstacles
Secondly, Sholawat and greetings let us always deliver to our Prophet
Muhammad SAW, hopefully someday we will get intercession in Yaumil
Khiyamah. Aamiin!
Allohuma amiin.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, in this occasion I would like to deliver a
speech about “
“The Important of Rajab ’s month ”
Rajab’s month is a blessed and respected month in Islam. One of the
advantages of the Rajab’s month, it contains a very special night, namely the
Night of Isra’ Mi’raj. On that night, Rasulullah SAW was lifted into the sky
and received the order to pray five times a day, which is one of die pillars of
In the Rajab’s month, there are recommended practices, such as
sunnah fasting, praying, and increasing dhikr. It is important to remember
that every practice done with sincere and sincere intentions can bring great
Brothers and sisters
The Rajab’s month is one of the four holy months in Islam, mentioned
in the Koran. In this month, good deeds are more blessed and the rewards
obtained from acts of worship are greater. Here are some of the virtues of the
Rajab’s month that we should think about:
1. Month of Repentance and Self-Improvement
The Rajab’s month is a good opportunity to repent and improve oneself.
Rasulullah SAW taught that Rajab is "the month of Allah," and in this
month, we are encouraged to make istighfar, repent, and improve our
relationship with Allah SWT.
2. Isra Mi’raj was occured In the Rajab’s month.
As I told you in the previous that In this event the Prophet Muhammad SAW was lifted into
the sky and received the order to pray five times a day. This underlines the importance of
prayer in the life of a Muslim. As Rosulullah Said:

The Meaning : Prayer is the pillar of religion, whoever establishes prayer has established
the religion and whoever abandons it has destroyed the religion.
3. Preparation for the month of Ramadhan.
The month of Rojab is also the beginning of preparations to welcome the holy month of
Ramadan. For Muslims, this preparation is very important, because Ramadan is a month
lull of grace and forgiveness. We can use Rajab to cleanse our hearts, stay away from sin,
and prepare ourselves spiritually and physically to undergo fasting with full faith.

HAPPY Brothers and Sisters

During the month of Rojab, we are also encouraged to carry out extra acts of worship,
such as sunnah fasting, praying and giving alms. These practices can help us get closer to
Allah and improve our morals and actions
However, the most important thing is our attitude during the month of Rojab. We must
guard our hearts from feelings of envy and anger, and try to forgive others. The month of
Rojab is a good time to cleanse your heart and establish better relationships with fellow
In conclusion, the month of Rojab is a month that has great primacy in Islam. This is the
right time to reflect on our lives, cleanse our hearts, and draw closer to Allah. I invite all of us
to make the best use of this month of Rojab, so that we can achieve blessings and blessings
from Allah SWT.
Happy brother’s and siters whom I love
I think enaught for my speech today, i hope it will be usuful for our life amin,
Finally the last I say
Wassalamu ’ alaikum Wr. Wb.

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