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Alternative Courses of Action.

ACA 1: Partnership & Market Development

They can proceed with the expansion of the business keeping the ownership of the business
through their present partnership, a legal agreement between two or more persons to run a business
and split the profits. Partnership arrangements come in many different forms. One type of business
where partners may have minimal responsibility is a partnership where all participants share earnings
and liabilities equally. Additionally, there is the so-called "silent partner," when one party does not
participate in the day-to-day management of the company. They would have all the control they want
and they will not be working for others , only to themselves.
A certain level of Market Development would also be needed to keep up with the ongoing
technological advancements. Given that their services are supported and circle around the use of
modern technology, they should be positioned into being adaptive to these changes. When a
corporation develops its present market as opposed to seeking out new markets, it is acting strategically.
To boost sales, the corporation seeks out new customers to introduce the product to a different
consumer group. In result, they would be able to expand their services by being timely and relevant to
the market they are appealing to.

ACA 2: Joint Venture and Cost Leader

In an effort to keep up with the current trends and to open up their reach to market segments,
they can proceed into a Joint Venture wherein they can work with already established businesses and
collate ideas that would of benefit for all parties. A joint venture is an agreement between two or more
parties to combine their resources to carry out a certain objective. A new project or any other type of
commercial activity might be this task. Every member of a joint venture is accountable for the venture's
gains, losses, and expenses. The endeavor, however, exists independently of the partners' existing
commercial ventures.
There was a rise in direct and indirect competitors, and it would be helpful to enforce Cost
Leader pricing to their services. The proposed joint venture ownership would come-up with the lowest
workable amount to their services so that they can keep up, and hopefully over compete, their
competitors in terms of price. One aspect of marketing strategy is cost leadership. Although it is quite
effective in capturing market share and grabbing customers' attention, it is challenging to implement.
The company's management team must continuously strive to bring down the price of not just one
product but the whole array of goods offered by the business. Cost leadership does not imply that a
business produces things of lower quality at relatively lower costs. That course of action will ultimately
fail. To use this method, a business must manufacture items that are of acceptable quality, particular to a
group of clients, and offered at a price that is much less than or on par with that of other businesses that
provide the same product.

ACA 3: Corporation and Market Penetration

The current owners of the business could sell portions of their business to other people in terms
of stocks and shares. They can proceed with the wanted expansion of business with the help of their
soon-investors that would financially support the movement. They would also have access to alternative
ideas that may be proposed by their investors; meaning to say, other people have a certain cause to
every decision that would be made given that Mama Bear would proceed to the business model of a
corporation. A corporation is a type of legal body established by shareholders, investors, or other private
parties with the intention of making a profit. Corporations are able to sign contracts, bring legal actions
and defend legal actions, own property, pay federal and state taxes, and take out loans from financial

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