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Design Analysis and Algorithm

(PCCCS 494)

Department Name : Computer Science and Engineering

Name : Tiasa Biswas

Roll No. : 25300119036

Assignment – 7
Write a program to implement DIJKSTRA’s ALGORITHM .

1 Declaring: function 'Dijkstra' of type void with 'int Graph[MAX][MAX], int n, int start' params

1.1 Declaring: cost[n][n], dist[n], pred[n] of type int

1.2 Declaring: visited[n], count, mindist, nextnode, i, j of type int

1.3 ITERATING i = 0 while i < n

1.3.1 ITERATING j = 0 while j < n CHECK IF Graph[i][j] == 0 cost[i][j]=9999

[End of if] ELSE cost[i][j]=Graph[i][j]

[End of else]

[End of for]

[End of for]

1.4 ITERATING i = 0 while i < n

1.4.1 dist[i]=cost[start][i]

1.4.2 pred[i]=start

1.4.3 visited[i]=0

[End of for]

1.5 dist[start]=0

1.6 visited[start]=1

1.7 count=1

1.8 ITERATE WHILE count < n

1.8.1 mindist=9999

1.8.2 ITERATING i = count while i < n CHECK IF dist[i] < mindist && !visited[i] mindist=dist[i] nextnode=i

[End of if]

[End of for]

1.8.3 visited[nextnode]=0

1.8.4 ITERATING i = count while i < n CHECK IF !visited[i] CHECK IF mindist + cost[nextnode][i] < dist[i] dist[i]=mindist + cost[nextnode][i] pred[i]=nextnode

[End of if]

[End of if]

[End of for]

[End of while]

1.9 ITERATING i = 0 while i < n

1.9.1 CHECK IF i != start PRINT i+1, dist[i], i+1 j=i ITERATE Do loop j=pred[j] PRINT j+1

[End of if] ITERATE WHILE j != start

[End of while]

[End of for]

[End of Dijkstra]

2 Declaring: function 'main' of type int

2.1 Initializing: i, j, n, u = 0 of type int

2.2 PRINT "Enter no.of vertices:\n"

2.3 INPUT n,

2.4 Declaring: Graph[MAX][MAX] of type int

2.5 PRINT "Enter elements of adjacency matrix:\n"

2.6 ITERATING i = 0 while i < n

2.6.1 ITERATING j = 0 while j < n INPUT Graph[i][j],

[End of for]

2.6.2 PRINT "\n"

[End of for]

2.7 Calling: function 'Dijkstra' with 'Graph, n, u' args

[End of main]

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 10

void Dijkstra (int Graph[MAX][MAX], int n, int start)

int cost[n][n], dist[n], pred[n];

int visited[n], count, mindist, nextnode, i, j;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

if (Graph[i][j] == 0)

cost[i][j] = 9999;


cost[i][j] = Graph[i][j];


for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

dist[i] = cost[start][i];

pred[i] = start;

visited[i] = 0;

dist[start] = 0;

visited[start] = 1;

count = 1;

while (count < n)

mindist = 9999;

for (i = count; i < n; i++)

if (dist[i] < mindist && !visited[i])

mindist = dist[i];

nextnode = i;

visited[nextnode] = 0;

for (i = count; i < n; i++)

if (!visited[i])

if (mindist + cost[nextnode][i] < dist[i])


dist[i] = mindist + cost[nextnode][i];

pred[i] = nextnode;


for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

if (i != start)

printf ("\nDist from src to %d: %d\nPath from src : %d", i+1, dist[i], i+1);

j = i;


j = pred[j];

printf (" <-- %d", j+1);

while (j != start);

int main ()

int i, j, n, u = 0;

printf ("Enter no.of vertices:\n");

scanf ("%d", &n);

int Graph[MAX][MAX];
printf ("Enter elements of adjacency matrix:\n");

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

scanf ("%d", &Graph[i][j]);

printf ("\n");

Dijkstra (Graph, n, u);

Enter no.of vertices:

Enter elements of adjacency matrix:

0 3 6 9999 9999 9999 9999

3 0 2 4 9999 9999 9999

6 2 0 1 4 2 9999

9999 4 1 0 2 9999 4

9999 9999 4 2 0 2 1

9999 9999 2 9999 2 0 1

9999 9999 9999 4 1 1 0

Dist from src to 2: 3

Path from src : 2 <-- 1

Dist from src to 3: 5

Path from src : 3 <-- 2 <-- 1

Dist from src to 4: 6

Path from src : 4 <-- 3 <-- 2 <-- 1

Dist from src to 5: 8

Path from src : 5 <-- 4 <-- 3 <-- 2 <-- 1

Dist from src to 6: 7

Path from src : 6 <-- 3 <-- 2 <-- 1

Dist from src to 7: 8

Path from src : 7 <-- 6 <-- 3 <-- 2 <-- 1

[Program finished]

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