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Some examples of small habits that could help you gain weight include:

 Eating an extra 100-200 calories per day

 Drinking a protein shake or eating a high-calorie snack before bed
 Drinking a glass of milk, smoothie, or other high-calorie beverage with every meal.
 Every time you feel hungry in between meals, take a moment to eat a high-calorie snack.
 Incorporating weightlifting or resistance training into your exercise routine
 Setting a reminder to eat a high-calorie snack or meal throughout the day
 Eating a high-calorie breakfast: Start your day with a breakfast that is high in calories and
protein, such as eggs and bacon, oatmeal with nuts and dried fruit, or a smoothie made
with Greek yogurt and frozen berries.
 Before you go to bed each night, spend a few minutes preparing a high-calorie breakfast
for the next morning.
 Incorporating healthy fats into your diet: Add healthy fats to your meals and snacks, such
as avocado, nuts, seeds, or olive oil, which will help you feel full and satisfied while also
providing extra calories.
 Eating more frequently: Instead of eating 3 large meals a day, try eating 5-6 smaller meals
throughout the day to increase the overall number of calories you consume.
 Planning your meals: Plan your meals in advance and make sure you have the ingredients
you need to make high-calorie, nutritious meals.
 Drinking more water: Drinking water can help keep you feeling full and prevent
overeating. Try drinking a glass of water before each meal to help you feel more satisfied
and eat less.
 Monitoring progress: Keep track of your weight, body measurements, and progress
pictures. Seeing progress will help you stay motivated and make adjustments.

Here are a few examples of high-calorie snacks that can help you gain weight:

 Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.)
 Nut butter (peanut butter, almond butter, etc.)
 Dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, apricots, etc.)
 Whole-grain crackers with hummus or cheese
 Smoothies made with milk, yogurt, and/or nut butter, and frozen fruits
 Trail mix made with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit
 Tuna or chicken salad sandwich
 Granola or cereal with milk

 Avocados, Olives  Dark chocolate

 Cheese  Protein bars
 Yogurt  Hard-boiled eggs

Some examples of high-calorie breakfast options include:

 A stack of pancakes or waffles with butter and syrup

 A breakfast burrito filled with eggs, cheese, and sausage or bacon
 A breakfast sandwich with eggs, cheese, and bacon or sausage on a croissant or muffin
 A frittata or quiche with meat and cheese
 A smoothie made with whole milk, yogurt, and nut butter or avocado
 A bowl of oatmeal topped with honey, nuts, and dried fruit
 A breakfast bowl with scrambled eggs, potatoes, and cheese.
Here are a few examples of protein shakes that can help you gain weight:

 Chocolate protein shake:

blend together chocolate protein powder, milk, frozen banana, and peanut butter.
 Strawberry protein shake:
blend together strawberry protein powder, milk, frozen strawberries, and Greek yogurt.
 Vanilla protein shake:
blend together vanilla protein powder, milk, frozen berries, and a spoonful of honey.
 Coffee protein shake:
blend together vanilla or mocha protein powder, cold coffee, milk, and ice.
 Peanut butter protein shake:
blend together vanilla protein powder, milk, peanut butter, and a frozen banana.
 Chocolate Banana Protein shake: Blend together chocolate protein powder, milk, frozen
banana, and a spoonful of cocoa powder.
 Blueberry protein shake: blend together vanilla protein powder, milk, frozen blueberries,
and a spoonful of honey.

Here are a few examples of small habits you could incorporate to increase your water

 Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning: Before you do anything else, drink a glass
of water as soon as you wake up. This will help you start your day on the right foot and
get into the habit of drinking water.
 Drink a glass of water before each meal: Before you sit down to eat, drink a glass of water.
This will help you stay hydrated and may also help you eat less.
 Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day: Carry a water bottle with you wherever
you go. This will make it easy to drink water whenever you're thirsty and will help you stay
on track with your water intake.
 Set reminders: Use your phone or a smartwatch to set reminders to drink water
throughout the day. You can set reminders to drink a glass of water every hour or every
time you complete a task.
 Drink a glass of water before bed: Drink a glass of water before you go to bed. This will
help you stay hydrated overnight and will also help you start your day with a glass of

Here are a few examples of small habits to improve your posture:

 Set a reminder to check your posture: Use your phone or smartwatch to set reminders to
check your posture throughout the day. This will help you stay aware of your posture and
make adjustments as needed.
 Do a posture check when you're sitting: Every time you sit down, whether it's at your desk,
on the couch or in the car, take a few seconds to check your posture. Make sure that your
shoulders are back, your chest is out and your back is straight.
 Stand up and stretch every hour: Set a reminder to stand up and stretch every hour. This
will help you maintain good posture and prevent stiffness.
 Do wall angels: Every time you go to the bathroom, do a set of wall angels. Stand with
your back against the wall, raise your arms and move them up and down. This will help
you stretch your shoulders and maintain good posture.
 Take a posture break: Every time you feel yourself slumping or hunching, take a posture
break. Stand up, roll your shoulders back and down, and hold for a few seconds.
 Keep a reminder nearby: Place a sticky note or a picture of someone with good posture
near your computer or on your fridge. This will serve as a visual reminder to check your

* On average, most adults need to urinate between 4 to 7 times a day, with the average adult producing
between 1.5 to 2.5 liters of urine per day. It's important to note that the color of urine can also be an
indicator of how much fluid you're consuming, clear urine indicates that you're properly hydrated,
whereas dark yellow urine may indicate that you're dehydrated and should drink more water.

Home repair skills using the Tiny Habits method:

 Make a list: Make a list of all the repairs that need to be done in your home and tackle
one item on the list every day. This will help you to stay organized and to keep track of
your progress.
 Spend a few minutes each day researching a different home repair topic. This could be
anything from how to fix a leaky faucet to how to install a ceiling fan. By the end of the
week, you'll have a wealth of knowledge on different home repair topics.
 Watch one home repair video every day: Watch one home repair video every day, whether
it's on YouTube or a DIY website. This will give you a visual guide on how to perform
different home repairs and will also help you to understand the process better.
 Try one small repair every day: Find one small repair that you can do every day, such as
tightening loose cabinet knobs, replacing light bulbs, or patching a small hole in the wall.
By consistently doing small repairs, you'll build your confidence and skills.

Few examples of small habits to improve your empathy and kindness:

 Practice active listening. This means paying attention to what the other person is saying,
asking follow-up questions, and providing verbal and nonverbal cues to show that you're
engaged in the conversation.
 Show gratitude: Every day, make a conscious effort to show gratitude to at least one
person. This could be a friend, family member, or co-worker. It can be as simple as saying
"Thank you" or sending a thank-you note.
 Take a moment to put yourself in someone else's shoes: Every day, take a moment to
imagine how someone else might be feeling. Try to understand their perspective and
show empathy and understanding.
 Do one small act of kindness: Every day, do one small act of kindness, whether it's holding
the door open for someone, buying a coffee for a co-worker, or leaving a note of
encouragement for someone.
 Use positive language: Every day, make a conscious effort to use positive language when
communicating with others. This means using words that are encouraging, supportive,
and uplifting.
 Smile: Every day, make a conscious effort to smile. Even a small smile can make a big
difference in how you interact with others and can help to create a more positive and
empathetic environment.

Here are a few examples of small habits to improve your friendships using Tiny Habits:

 Reach out to one friend every day, through a phone call or text message.
 Make plans with friends every week: Every week, make plans to hang out with at least one
friend. This could be going out for coffee, having lunch, or catching a movie together.
 Show interest in their lives: Ask them about their day, their plans, or how they're feeling.
 Share positive news: This could be something that happened to you, something you read
in the news, or something you're excited about.
 Show appreciation: This could be through a thank-you note, a small gift, or just telling
them how much you appreciate their friendship.
 Listen actively: Every day, make a conscious effort to listen actively when your friends talk
to you. This means paying attention to what they're saying, asking follow-up questions,
and providing verbal and nonverbal cues to show that you're engaged in the

Examples of small habits to be punctual:

 Get ready the night before: Every day, take a few minutes to get ready for the next day the
night before. This could include laying out your clothes, packing your bag, or preparing
your lunch.

Examples of small habits to improve yourself using the Tiny Habits method:

 Reflect on your day: Every day, take a few minutes to reflect on your day. Think about
what went well, what didn't go well, and what you can learn from it.
 Set a goal: Every day, set a small goal for yourself. It could be something as simple as
reading a chapter of a book, learning a new word, or doing a small workout.
 Practice mindfulness: Every day, practice mindfulness. This could be through meditation,
deep breathing, or simply taking a few minutes to be present in the moment.
 Learn something new: Every day, learn something new. This could be through reading,
watching educational videos, or taking an online course.
 Take care of your physical health: Every day, make a conscious effort to take care of your
physical health. This could be through exercise, healthy eating, or getting enough sleep.
 Be kind to yourself: Every day, be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness
and understanding you would show to a friend.

Few examples of how you might use the "tiny habits" method to improve self-awareness:

 After waking up in the morning, spend a few seconds taking a deep breath and thinking
about how you're feeling physically and emotionally.
 After finishing a meal, take a moment to reflect on how hungry or full you feel.
 Before going to sleep, journal about your thoughts and feelings from the day.
 After a meeting or conversation, reflect on how it went and what you learned from it.

Here are a few examples of small habits that could help with decluttering:

 Set a timer for 15 minutes each day and spend that time decluttering one specific area of
your home, such as your desk or a kitchen cabinet.
 Before going to bed each night, spend 5 minutes picking up any items that are out of
place and putting them away.
 Once a week, go through your closet and get rid of any clothes that you no longer wear.
 Create a donation box and put in it every time you come across an item you no longer
use. Every time you come across an item that you haven't used in the past 6 months, take
a moment to consider whether you still need it or if you could get rid of it.
 Every time you finish a project, take a moment to clean up the area.
 After using an electronic device, clear off any unnecessary files or apps that take up space.
 Set a reminder on your phone to remind you to declutter once a day or once a week.
 Every time you finish a meal, take a moment to clear the dishes and wipe down the table.
 Every time you take something out of the fridge, take a moment to check the expiration
date and throw away any expired items.
 Take a few minutes every day to organize your purse or bag and remove anything that is
not needed.

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