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Vaidyanatha Diksliita's


( -iildcb MlRvdld )

With An
English Translation ami Copious
Lxplanntoru notes and Examples

V. Suhramanya Sastri, B.A.
Assn. ScLlX'laiy in IhcGuvi. u(' Mysore (RcUl.)
mul Translalni orSrijiaii I'adJIill. Brilial Jalaka.
I liHasnra, Ultarkalamrila etc.

Vol. II

16, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 (INDIA)

Adhyaya VI Marring of Horoscope

Adhyaya VII On Raja Yogas or Planetary
Conjunctions; leading to kingship 372
Adhyaya VIII On Conjunctions of two or more Planets 495
Adhyaya IX The Effect of Gulika, year Etc. 383
Adhyaya X Ashtakavarga 649



* nn
<9 <Rul«iii>ura;
e tHjisnmiHWHi:
£ TF^rigrfk'Berifk
?• **

* Remaining 8 Chapters of this ancient work arc given in ®

H Volnme III. ?
* •JJ
jK Topics dealt with in those chapters arc as under.— £(
SIS Results of I & II Houses, III & iV Houses, V & VI
|l| Houses,VII &VIII Houses, IX, X, XI & XII Houses. Female g
|1| Horoscopy, Kalchakra Dasa, Vimshotlri Dasa.
Readers may send their order the Publisher. ^

Adhyaya VI.

Marring of a Horoscope.
Six slokas. viz. l\os,. 48, 49, 50, 52, 99 and 100 have been
taken from Brihax Jataka.

^ II \ n

Sloka 1. There are certain planetary conjunctions

which mar those leading to royal fortunes. There are
others named (Reka) which produce poverty. Some
again which are called stei (Preshya) i.e. these leading to
dependence and servitude. And lastly, thei e are those
called (Kemadruma). These four classes of yogas
abound in fortunes marred just as they were going to


n ^ 11
320 waviifNiB Adh. VI.

Sloka 2. When the Sun occupies in Mesha a Na'

vamsa of Tula and is aspected by a malefic planet, the
person born will be money less. If Venus be in the
sign Virgo occupying a Navamsa of Virgo, a beggar is
bom. When the Sun is in his depression sign occupy
tng the extreme depression point, the person born,
though foremost in the greatest of royal families, will
soon be bereft of fortune, sons, wife and means of living.
This Sloka is from
HI*t fPM: I

*1 ll

Also arw^nrr'T


fflJRlRIFl: qw i
According to Skanda, the mere position cf the planets in
sfrsfST^or is not enough. They must also be in a certain
particular, bhava to be thus capable of marring the fortunes of
the horoscope otherwise accruing, cf
^IRT ^IR RfRRlfsitR R^ I
?l. 3. 321

^ gf% 3!T%s^ 11
STEI^51«TfW0N HPT 5% I
nisglft Htfi: 11
^ II
qg4 HTHHrflT?? fAq^T I
3T^Gtefr| ml H: Ptqg^q ||
fFqiqi Rpfq^i^r HfR qgq ^rt i
At Hia: aw mA ||
am ^fil |
nrAr Hi a^At q Ht-Tf^ ||

5fRrs ^^qtisfq f^^t fin* I

^«r wi%At
Sloku 3. When Jupiter in conjunction with Sa'
turn, Mars and Rahu, is aspected by Venus and Mercury,
the person born though in body a Sudra, will acquire
every kind of knowledge and fortune. When the Sun
and the Moon occupying the Vth bhava arc aspected by
Saturn, the person born will get a good living by the
adoption of means prescriocd for a person of base birth,
cf. rrfiwfewh
m -tiRr'-^g i
^tsfq qigs R-ai q HIS. ||
S22 wnnpnfNw Adb. vt.

^^RKWT^ilT I
?jiliA ^ji
3Tf«#3-|'t ^ iwn
Slok i 4. When Satarn occupies either a Kendra
position or the rising sign and is unaspected by benefic
planets, a person born in the (Kalahora) [vide
#r<TitPR[ra: (SripatiPaddhati), Adhyayao, Slok-a 14, Notes]
of Mars becomes a slave and a beggar. When the
Moon in conjunction with Mars occupies Mesha and is
aspected not by benefic planets but by the Sun, the
person born is a mendicant. If Saturn, the Moon and
the Sun be in Kendra positions, the person born will be
dull in appearance, indigent and feeding upon the
leavings of other people.
^ fojjr i
^THFa r*r^T5T%?fT^: j|

^ timdT
^MT 1^51 lid; I
qfeiRTdr 3 ft Kith qml %^IT
^Ild: Wd; f^sri^fRt ^ HHIi
Sloka 5. When Saturn is in a Kendra position,
the Moon in the rising sign and Jupiter in the 1/th
bhava, the person born will be none other than a beggar
forlorn and in exile. When the lord of the 9th bhava
occupies the 12th and a malefic planet is in a Kendra
position, the person born will be addicted to evil, eating
SJ. 6-7 TOs«tFT: 39$

at other people's table and maintained by their money

and itlitcrate-

ta5ii|5 #r ^ ^ ^TifT; i

^ qwi^fci
^ gcgti f^^iq 5*$^ 1
^ ^RI^R
R^%: 11 ^ II
Sloka 6. When Jupiter in conjunction with Rahu
or Ketu is aspected by malefic planets, the person born
will do base acts. When Jupiter in his depression is
aspected by a planet which is also in his depression
sign, even a person that is born a Bnhmin will commit
wicked crimes. If the Moon and the lord of the rising
sign be in conjunction with the Sun and aspected by
Saturn, the person born will be slothful. If malefic
planets occupy the 10th bhava and be without benefic
aspect, the person born will be a menial.

3^ qfs 011^ ^0^531 mftRWrJ ^ I

31 I)

The latter half of this sloka reads thus in "artniOr

5l«q: S|*?M II

5^^ i
324 Adh. VI.

^ ^ n ^ li
SI oka 7. When the lord of the 9th bhava is in
the iQth and malefic planets occupy the 3rd bhava, and
the lord of the 12th bhava occupies the 2nd, the person
born will eat unwholesome food, wear a truss or other
band and be an adulterer. When all the planets, being
in bhavas other than the 10th, occupy their depression
cr inimical signs or portions of them, the person born
will be lacking in learning, intelligence, wife and child'
ren, will be ill-tempered and go about begging.
HfrVjt qis: |

g mm ^ 3^5 #

an^rs^r q^ni; \

^ 5im: H d is
Shka 8. When the lord of the rising sign occu-
pies the 12th bhava and Mars in conjunction with the
Moon is in a malefic sign identical with the 10th bhava,
the person born will have to go to a foreign land where
he may have to live in indigence sacrificing comforts and
affluenco. If when the lord of the 9th bhava is in the
I2th, the lords of the rising sign and of that occupied
hy the Moon are not in conjunction with benefic pla-
nets or are eclipsjd by the Sun, the person born losing
his wife and children will bring his family to extinction.
SI. 9. TOrsrarnn 315

^T>^> 3 JTI% I
uratsfaireT: II

^3^ -qf^ qt H
By the the term 3»r'N (Krura) as applied to a house in the first
T[T (pada) of the sloka, all the five houses of malefics, viz., Mesha,
Simtia, Vrischika, Makara and Kumbha are not meant, but only
Mesha, Simha and Kumbha. Here the difference between the
terms TITO (Paparksha) and v. (Krurarksha) may be noted.
The one means "all the houses owned by malefics," while the
other confines them to " their odd signs."

^ n ^ n
Sluba 9. When benefic r.nd malefic planets occupy
Kendra positions, and the Moon aspected by the lord of
the rising sign is in a Navamsa belonging to Saturn, the
person born brings his race to an end becoming bereft
of wife and children. When Mercury and Venus
occupy the 7th bhava, Jupiter the 5th, a malefic planet
the 4th and another malefic planet the8th, all the bhavas
in this case being calculated from the Moon's place,
under such a yoga are born those with whom their race
5l5TT^t |
rt tfgtis&am: n
326 Adh. VI.

^rf*r ^ i
tfc f^r f^ri^qr^#!: n ?« n
Slaka 10. Wh^n the Moon is at the dose ol a
moveable sign, or in the beginning of a fixed one, or in
the middle of a dual Rasi and is without strength, and
when the rising sign is unoccupied by planets, Rajayoga
comes to an end.
?RfT W sfai: i
^ get ||

^^n*RTf^T: n ? ? ll
Sloka II. If, at a birth, the planet owning the
rising Navamsa be the Sun, the Moon or Jupiter; and if
it should occupy in its depression sign a Navamsa owned
by its enemy and the lord of its depression sign, the
person born will be the follower or servant of another.

1^1*1 qid HI n't

tn# n n
Sloka 13. When the Moon is in the 10th bhava,
Jupiter in the 7th and a malefic planet in the 9th, the
person bom becomes the ruiner of his family. If Venus,
Mercury and the Moon occupy Kendra positions and
Rahu be in the rising sign, the person born will live
like a base'born wretch, lost to all sense of duty enjoin-
ed in the sacred scriptures.
Si. 1345 327

(First half). Vxit also Adhyaya XIII, sloka 20, infra.
(Laliet half)-

H 5iiat ||
Also STfrTSfirTil
^if^If^T: %?? H5rT>[ ^ I
^Tcit ^141|

^»fi ?n ^:^n^i ^igg^ra ^ I

m\ m H^ii \ \\\
Sl. ka 13. When Venus in its depression sign or
in a Navamsa owned by Saturn occupies a f ^'-im (Dus'
stthana (such as the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava) and
is aspected by Saturn ; and when the Moon in conjun-
ction with the Sun occupies the 7th bhava, the person
born will be in perpetual servitude with his mother.
^ 5ft fi qm^r i

^ ^ 11 ?« 11
Sloka 14. When Jupiter in its depression or the
Sun in the same position occupies a i5? (Kendra) in con-
junction with a malefic planet the person born will
commit infanticide. When a malefic phnet is in
(Kendra) and has no benefic aspect, and Jupiter occupies
the tth bhava, the person born will be the slaughterer of
animals of the cow and deer kinds —i.e. will become the
purveyor of beef and venison.
328 Adh. VL

Sloka 15. When the Moon and Morcury in con-

junction with a malefic planet are in the 10th bhava
and are aspected likewise by a malefic planet and when
the Navamsas they occupy belong to their depression
signs and have no benefic aspect on them^ the person
born will be a fowler all his life.
This sloka apears'also in

Sloka 16. If the lord of the rising sign occupy the
3th or the 2nd bhava from the Moon and malefic planets
be in the 8th and the bun in the 10th, the person born
will live by a profession vety far from enviable.

aira? n^n
Sloka 17. If the Navamsas occupied by Venus
and Jupiter be owned by their several depression or
inimical signs and if Saturn also be in a Navamsa such
as described above, the person born will suffer afflic
tions and live in pain and unhappiness bereft of wife
and children.
Slokas 13-17 are also quoted in

qiTK I
11 ic 11
Sloka 18. If all the malefic planets be in Kendra
positions identical with their depression or inimical
signs, and if they be at the same time aspected by
SI. 18. 3S9

benefic planets occupying the 12th, the 8th and the 6th
bhavas, they destroy the Rajayoga of the horoscope no
less than those planets which occupy malefic 60th
portions in their depression and inimical signs.
It is nut possible to give an example for the yoga described in
the text, viz , malefics in Kendras being at the same time aspected
by benefics in Dasstthanas (6th, 8th or 12th). If the first half of
the sloka be interpreted as "if all malefic planets be placed in
Kendra, depression or inimical positions and be at the same time
aspected by benefics occupying the 6th, 8th or 12th bhavas," the
following horoscope may be suggested as an example : —

| Saturn Mars


Lagna M6on


For the same eflect the yoga described in (Saravali)

is slightly different. While the two conditions Viz,, (|) that all the

Saturn Jupiter Saturn Jupiter

Lagna r Mars
Moon Mars

Sun Lagna Venus
Merc. 1
| Moon Sun

380 Adh. VI.

malefics should be in Kendra positions identical with their depres-

sion or inimical signs and (2) that all benefics should be posited in
Dusstthahas (6lh, Sth or 12lh) hold good, it is stated there that the
malefics should le ni?uciaicd with or oif tc:c I iv tin; benefics.

m ^ ^ ^5ri?sr; I
ci^isfq q^t H

ti V. w
Sloku 19. If Saturn, the Moon and the Sun occupy
Kendra positions and are not aspccted b/ benefic planets,
the person born will be a drunkard. If the same planets
occupy malefic 60th portions owned by their inimical
and depression signs, the person concerned will be
wickedly inclined and commit adultery voth another's
Fint half,—-Vide also si oka 81 infrc,
Lalttr half, h'or the same effect, the Following yoga is also
mentioned inl

5n% wriq qiq^l 1

^lokii '20. IffVcnus in its depression sign and in

conjunction with a malefic planet occupy the 9th bhava
and be aspected by a malefic planet, the person born
will be a fowler. If a benefic sign represent the 12th
bhava and Venus occupy therein a Navamsa owned by
Saturn, the person born will be excessively addicted to
SI. 21-22 <W5Wi: 33l

The senad hllf of thi; sloki Is qiite in ^T^ff^'TlifPr,
ITR rf7l f?l^: II

ti ^Rnrf: it

5^5*1 ^ i

RR w w\*§ ^TIT: IR? II
Sloka 11. If at a birth the lord of the rising sign
has no strength and is aspected by the lord of the 8th
bhava and if Jupiter is obscured by the Sun, there will
be the planetary conjunction called Reka) (emptying
or purging). If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by
the lord of the 4th bhava be obscured by the Sun while
being aspected by the lord of the 12th bhava there will
again be the yoga termed (Reka).

qgRfRMRR cRi

Slok i 22. When the lord of the 4th bhava is
aspected by the lord of the 6th ; when the lord of the
9th in conjunction with the lord of the 8th occupies
the 5th bhava and when the lord of the rising sign is
depressed, the person born gets (Reka) for his lot.
When benefic planets are in the 8th, the 6th and the
12th bhavas, while malefic ones occupy Kendra and
532 Adh. VI.

Trikona positions and when th; lord of the 11th bhava

is without strength■ the person concerned suffers inju'
rious effects of the WsfMrfRekayoga)-

»Rr WJ l

W ^ ^=^1 l^TTW^I ^ It \\
Sluka 23, If the lord of the rising sign be in
conjunction with a malefic planet; if Venus and Jupiter
have become invisible ; and if the planet owning the 4th
bhava being in conjunction with a malefic one disappear
likewise, a (Reka yoga) is produced. When the
lord o) the 9th bhava is obscured by the Sun s rays and
when the lords of the rising sign and the 2nd bhava
occupy their depression signs, there is theNrcm (Reka
yoga) again.

TtfiR I

Sloka 24. A (Rekayoga) is produced when

there are three planets either depressed in position or
obscured by the Sun's rays, and when the lord of the
rising sign occupies a bad position (such as the 6th, the
fith and the I^th bhava) or is without strength. If
malefic planets —aspectcd by depressed, inimical, or
malefic planets—occupy any of the 9 bhavas, namely
the 1st, the 2nd, the 9th, the 10th, the 11th, the 4th, the
5th, the 7th and the 3rd; they will produce the Reka
effect in respect to the bhavas affected.
*18 25-27 ^frswr: 333


30^ g
hm ds^Ji^ri^r! n ll

Sloka 2?. A single malefic planetj a pair of male

fic planets or a triad of them occupying any one of the
nine bhavas (mentioned in the latter half of the preced-
ing sloka) and aspected by depressed, inimical, malefic
planets, will produce the effect of the Rekayoga respec-
tively in the early, the middle or the concluding portion
of the lives of the person concerned.

Sloku 2^. A person born under the Reka yoga has
neither knowledge nor wealth ; he is penurious, hostile,
lustful and wrathful; his mind is always distressed ; he
is disagreeable, having no beauty or grace; he is crafty;
he lives on alms ; he is filthy and quarrelsome ; he is
full of envy and rage : he reviles gods and Brahmanas
and he is rated daily by his (wife and sons) whole
334 wTOTdfcatf Adh. VI

mw* ii (I

Sloka. 27. A person bora under the Reki yoga

will be evil'ininded; he will have ugly or diseased
nails; he will be given to bad ways ; he will be ill off;
he will be intent on injuring and abusing his relatives ;
he may be 3hort'lived;he may beg all round; he may be
a mute; he may be blind, deaf or insane in mind; he
may be lustful or wrathful; he may be a cripple ; his
thoughts may be betrayed by the clunge in his eyes.

II ^ferqfm: II
wfciTOrTOi wr

11 11
Sloka 28. When Jupiter, being the lord of the
£th or the 1st bhava, exceeds the lord of the 9th bhava
in strength, and when the lord of the 11th occupying a
position other than a Kendm is s:orchedby the Sun's
rays and is weak in strength, the person born will be

Sloka 29 If Jupiter, Mars, Saturn or Mercury,
being depressed and obscured by the Sun's rays, occupy
the llth, the 6th, the 12th, th: Sth or the 5th bhava at
5J. 30-31 835

a person's birth, he will be a beggar. If Saturn in the

9th bhava be aspected by malefic planets and if Mercury
in conjunction with the Sun occupy in the 1st bhava a
Navamsa owned by its depression sign, there will be a
beggar born.

I) \o n

Moka 30. If Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and

Mara occupy the 8th, the 6th, the 12th, the 5th and the
ICth bhavas in any order and if the lord of the 11th bha'
va though depressed in position and obscured by the
Sun's rays be nevertheless superior to the lord of the
rising sign in strength, the person born will be a beggar.

Venus Mere Sun

An example —

Lagna Jupiter; Saturn

551^ || li
336 wenpdihmk Adh. VI.

Sloka 31. If at a person's birth, Venus, Jupiter,

the Moon and Mars b; in their depression signs and
occupy four out of the six bhavas namely, the 1st, the
10th,' the 11th, the 9th, the 7 th and the 5th; that person
will be indigent. When Venus occupies the 1st bhava
Jupiter the 5th, Mars the 11th and the Moon the 3rd,
each one of these bhavas being identical with the depres-
sion sign of its occupant plmet, the person born will be
a beggar.


Mars Mars

(0 (2)
Jupiter Jupiter

Mood Venus Moon Venus


afll 3 II n
Sloka 32. When the lagna is a movcable sign and
the rising Navamsa is also owned by a moveabie
Rasi and it is aspected by Saturn as well as by
depressed Jupiter, the person born will be a beggar.
The same will be the case when Jupiter occupies the 6th
or the 12th bhava in a sign other than his own.
SI. 33-36 337

%=srf^i^mMr^ ^RT T^^igir; 113311

Sloka 33. When the lagna is an immoveable sign
and all the malefic planets are in Kendra and Trikona
positions while benefic ones occupy other than Kendra
positions the person born will live upon alms and will
owe his maintenance to other people.

Sloka 34. If a moveaole sign be the Lagna at night
time and if benefic planets ba in Kendra and Trikona
places possessing no strength, the malefic ones occupying
positions other than Kendra. the person born will always
live by begging.
TTTT TfcfWfTrr: qrttrci I
n 3H ii
Sloka 33. If the malefic planets be in their depres
sion signs at a person's birth, he will do Sinful acts ; if
the benefic planets occupy their depression signs, he
will keep his sins concealed ; if Jupiter being depressed
occupy the 10th bhava or Mars be in the 5th bhava
depressed in position, the effect will be the same,

us n 3^ i)
Sloka 36. Planets produce depression effects if
they occupy in their exaltation signs the Navamsa belong'
*38 Adh. VL

ing to their depression signs; they produce exaltation

effects if in their depression signs they occupy the
Navamsa of their exaltation signs.
^ n^jp: ^taf^riTn I
^^fq- sinawmr a II
The following are some more yogas mentioned by
^n^rhdr ^ mh i
Pi»»<9li<si "R: II
g*n: \
Wtm\ {Sic) q^t II
qqrfqqfl i
q ilfil 135 f?l^> qq: li
5R: e^feif^qi^Hflsqi •
UUM^R g^qrgqRiqq'Tfsq 11
^wrf^ ^rgqq fq^qq^ qq; wq^aj q^; 1
qqrfqqt gi^rqiq^fq; q ^q q^ qqqf^r^ n
t^fpiq! sqnqr^f ^1: qq^r; ^ 1
55^ qf^ qq^ q^qfN^qqiqq: 11
qqrfqq^ irsqqtsq qpi: ^s^fqiq f^tfqiqiq 1
smfqq: TOqqt f^qf qiq: ?Pl5qi fqqq^ 11
Ctq^qf q^i 1
k^nv. qq^i: qjqqt 11
®V qqq ^q ^qq fqOt^qq. 1
qqqt m \
qqq^q qqq ^«wgqR. 1
a, 36'87 qglsvqKi: 339

^f^r: II
?T?r TO ^fJ^SCTO^T I
f^SR: ^ mil: 11
^sq mi ^i
cl?f flf&T: II
^RTO^nm: ^qi: ?55Rro^s«nirrafct i
3 ^fnt sr# f| ^ ^ n
sJTpfort 3^Tq« q| q»T?^5i: Hja; I
h^5 q f *ss % qr^qt 'TR?! II
IJTO ^Wfrp ^5?5 m 5* I
q ^rf^t ^itr sji^ II
qnwgj <Rr mt w I
srf^n m-. II
#ar flf|^ ir^: ^ 3^1 i
rf^r ?R^qt^sq ^TT^ it

rl^J H^tsq^ II
ffl| H 3?I HI?: f*ta*P^3% hH I
3^^HtrT#st HTO 11


f^r sf?: il n
Stoka 37. The characteriatica of a person afflicted
with (Daridrayoga) are such as these:—He is
340 ^•«w<ii7w<r A4b. VJ.

generally an unlucky person ; his organs of sense may

be defective; he is crafty; he is reproved and rated by
his family ; he has to live by begging ; he is iu difficult'
ies ; his speech is disagreeable; he is addicted to lust
and gluttony : he would earn money by foul means ; he
daily gives vent to his spite and speaks pungent words;
his heart is always set on other people's wives ; he is
mean ; often times he is blind, mute and idiotic.

^ $5? ftsp; fcm: 1

^ vtri: 11 11
Sloka 38. A person born in a ^f^fnr (Daridn
yoga) is fond of quarrelling; he may be a leper; he
destroys what is beneficial toothers; he is ungraceful
and given to boasting ; he has no reverence for Brahma'
nas ; he has a bad wife and afflicted with diseased ugly


& ii ^3*1 sritn li (I

Slak.i 39. When the Sun is in the 10th bhava, the
Moon in the 7th, Saturn in the 4th, Mars in the 3rd,
the Lagna in a moveable sign and Jupiter in the 2nd
bhava, the person born in this yoga at night will be the
servant of another.

^ M O-R II «o II
Sloka 40. When Venus occupies the 9th bhava,
the Moon the 7th, and when Jupiter is the lord of the
SI. 41-43 341

2nd or the Ist bhava and when Mar& is in the 8th and
the Lagna reported to be an immoveable sign, persona
destined to servitude are born.

^ n 11

Sloka 41. If at the birth of a person at night, the

lord of the m : veable rising sign be 10. a sandhi and a
malefic planet occupy a Kendra, he will be a menial. If
Saturn, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus occupying during
the day a Kendra, or a Trikona position, be in a sandhi
and if the rising sign be an immoveable one, the person
bom will be a menial likewise.

Wtri^tegfr ^f^ro^grfr i
wur nw^n
Sloka 42. When Jupiter attaining an
(Iravathamsi - vide /idhyaya 1, SI. 4'7) occupies a san-
dhi and when the Moon possessed of an Ttnr^fr (Uttama
varga - vide Adhyaya 1, SI. 45) is outside the Kendras
and when Venus is in the rising sign at a birth at night
during the dark half of a lunar month, the person bom
is a menial.


342 wawAwft Adh. VI.

Sloka 43. A person will be a menial if at his birth

Mara, Jupiter and the Sun occupy respectively the
sandhis of the 6th; the 4th and the 10th bhavaa. If the
Moon occupying the Navamsa of a malefic planet be in
a benefic sign and if Jupiter be in conjunction with the
lord of the rising sign, the person born will live by
serving another.

Sloka 44. When Jupiter is in iw (Makara) occupy

ing the 6th, the 8th or the 12ch bnava and when the
Moon is in the 4th bhava from the rising sign, the person
born has to be at another's bidding.

n II


^Tfl || VH II

Sloka 45. These are the characteristics of a person

born in the yoga called (Parapreshyaka-being at
another's beck and call). Such a person is generally
evil-minded; he is fond of quarrelling; he is harsh of
speech; he is a reviler of the Brahmana community ; he
has a liking for people illiterate, he is indigent and
depraved; he is spiteful and wrathful; his pastime is
lying; he is deceitful, lustful and intemperate; he is
clever in simulating tenderness and false pride.
SL 46-48 343


w% q^rsfl^ f% qr ^ nv^n
Sloka 46. When the rising sign is *19 (Mesha^
(Vrishabha) or >33^; (Dhanus) and is aspected by a
malefic planet, the person born will have tooth disease ;
when Saturn occupies the 7th bhava and Mara is either
in conjunction with Rahu or is without strength, the
person born will be defective in limb.
cf. SRHijf
*mei: l

M'reiR'ir 1 vvs 11
Sloka 41. When the Moon is in the 10th bhava,
Mars in the 7th and the Sun in the 2nd, the person born
Will lose some limb.

5*1^^ Ptf II vc II
Sloka 48. When Mercury occupies the 5th or 9th
boose from the Lagna and the other planets are weak,
the child will have two heads, four legs and four bands.
When the Moon occupies Vrishabha and malefics are in
the Riksha sandhies, the person born will be a mute.
If. under (he above conditions, the Moon be aspected by
S44 «rBOTTfr«r$ AA. VI.

benefics, the child may get speech afterwards (after a

long time).
First half—The above result should not be predicted unless
the characteristic combinations mentioned are complete. If the
characteristics are incomplete, an inordinate largeness of the
organs named should be foretold. Some commentators take the
word WtR (Trikona) in the sloka to mean (Moolatrikooa)
of Mercury , that is Kanya. Hut this has to be rejected on the
authority of 'iipr (Gargi) who distinctly says :—
^ssr^irth i

Second half.—By the words " nialefics are in the Riksha

Sandhies" it is to be understood that all the three maleftcs,
Saturn, Mars and the Sun are jointly or severally to be in the last
portion of any one or more of Katakai Vrischika and Meena. By
the words " afterwards (after a lone time)," nothing more is meant
than 'later than the ordinary lime within which a child may be
naturally expected to speak-'
The last quarter of the sloka leads to the inference that such
Moon should also have malefic aspect to make the person mute.
This is supported by Gargi who says:—
fwrn i

TRStse^'-iRi'J wFrmoir u
Unless therefore all the three malefics are thus placed and the
Moon has a malefic aspect, the prediction should not be made, if
there be only two malefics thus placed, then frugality or srnallness
of speech, and if only one, wavering, slow or stammering speech
should be foretold- Hut if such Moon has the aspect of one or
more beneftc planets, the person will begin to speak later than
when he would otherwise be naturally expected to speak. It must
thus he remembered that the aspect of malefics is also required to
make the native mute, and the aspect of benefics to counteract it.
SI. 49 343


rlryr?8^^ JTfJtsr^T^r^r VT^RT HW: II

The word (Gavi/ in the sloka in the text may also mean
" in the house oF speech," >.'., the second house from the Lagna.
This view is supported by (Skandahora) where it is laid
Jown thus;
^rerBeTOHr: TRt^fftTRt i
^JT rf^) STiT^^W^H U
^ Ktsitsi 3ira:
fssn ^ I

^ wt ^ *1151 ^ n VK il
Sloka 49. (1) If Saturn and Mars ocruny the Rasis
or Navamsas owned by Mercury, the child will have
teeth at birth. [This refers to the time of conception].

(21 If the Moon be in the Lagna identical with

Kataka and aspected by Saturn and Mars, the child will
be a dwarf. [This also refers to the time of conception].

(3) If the oTP^TJrsn (Adhana Lagna) be Meena and is

aspected by Saturn, Mais and the Moon, either singly or
conjointly, the child will be short in stature (cripple).

(4) If a malefic planet in conjunction with the

Moon occupy a Riksha Sandhi (at the time of concep'
tion), the child will be dull. These yogas tike effect
only when their authors fail to have benefic aspect on
346 awwrnWii Adh. VI.

(1) In the case of actual birth under the above yoga, the native
will have often tooth trouble.
(2) In the case of a nativity, the above yoga holds good pro-
vided the Moon is in the Lagna and in Kataha. (See Brihat
iT «l*ttT5lffEf!Ta % sre; 1
?if5f4rnr 11
9irafsi fqsn fssi; 1
=3 st tqerra 1?: 1
wufr vrsiTffi jfrni: ^qi^q'ff^eTT: ^ II ^

Sloka 30. If the rising sign be the last Navanasa
of Makara and if it be aspected by Saturn, the Moon and
the Sun, the child will be a dwarf. If the last Navamsa
of Makara is rising with three malefics in the three,
decanates of the Lagna bhava (the -2nd, .Ird and 1st
decanates), the child will be without arms, feet or head
as the case may be.

qmgar vg I

Another interpittatiov. If all the three malefics are in the 1st

decanate, the issue will be born without head, if they are in the
2nd decanate, it will be without shoulders; if the planets are in
the 3rd decanate, it will be without legs.
The words s'liq: have been i nterpreted thus :
"if Mars occupy the 1st, 2i!d or 3rd Drelilaca of the Lagna."
SJ. 51-52 347

But this is opposed to the opinion of ff (Gargal ^rom whose

works the next sloka has been quoted.

vm: I
i\ W ll
Sloka 51. Mars occupying the Lagna Drekkana
and aspected by the three planets Saturn, the
Sun and the Moon produces a headless child. The child
will be born armless if Mars occupy the Drekkana of
the 5th bhava and is aspected by the same three planets
as in the preceding case.
This sloka is from tq-un (Garga Hora) where the reading is
slightly diflerent 1 vi/.., flW He. In order to com-
plete the idea given in sloka. 50 above, this has to be read with the
following first half of the next sloka in thai work-, t"?.,
f^re srasrsTR nfe TrVq^tfyFT: i
Its omission fronj the text must only fie accidental. The
translation should therefore he thus-
Mars occupying the first (rising) Drekkana of the Lagna and
aspected by the Sun, the Moon and Saturn, produces a headless
child. The child will be born armless if Mars occupy the first
(rising) Drekkana of the 5th house and be aspected by the same
three planets. The child born will have uo legs if Mars under
the same aspect occupy 1 he first Drekkana of the 9th house from
the Lagna.

WTfe i

l) ^ ||
Sloka 52. When the rising sign is Simha and the
Sun and the Moon occupying it arc aspected by Saturn
348 STrlVllfisiTd Adh. VI.

and Mars, the child will he born sightless; if the same

Ascendant be aspected by benefic as well as malefic
planets, the person born will be blear-eyed. The Moon
occupying the 12th bhava from the Lagna will injure
the left eye while the Sun in the same position affects
the right one; these malefic yogas mentioned hitherto
can be escaped from in case the authors of such yogas
happen to be aspected by benelic planets.

fit ^ 11

q»iT 11


Bhattotpala, the commentaloi, adds that if the Latfna nhs"
(Simha) be occupied by the Sun alone mid h? aspec ted hv Man
and Saturn, the child will he Mind of ihe risht eye. lie will he
blind of the left eye if the Moon alone should occupy IMiT (Snnha)
ami be aspected by Mars and Saturn.
See also si oka 56 t'-frj.
The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn are the planets that
cause blindness. See yoga mentioned in (1) tbissloka, and (2)
Brihat Jataka XX1I1— It) quoted under notes to sloka 5ti infra.
The Sun in the 8th causes defective eye sight. (V It Brihat
Jataka XX—3-), The Sun and the Moon in the 6th and the 8th
also cause blindness. (See Sloka'99 infra).
SJ. 63-54

Mars and Saturn also cause blindness when they are similarly
placed when they are in the 6th and 8th).

^1% I

^?rn II W »
Sloka 5!). When the rising sign is (Mesha)
md the Sun occupies it being in his exaltation, the
person born will be brave, obstinate and possessed of
moderate vision; if(Simha) take the place of »N
(Mesha) in the previous case, the person barn will have
eye disease ; if the lagna be 3«r (Thula) and the Sun
occupy it, the person born will be night-blind and poor ;
and lastly if (Kataka) be the lagna and have the Sun
in it, the person concerned will have inflamed eyes.
This sloka appears in itictW"!-
ft^oiTs^ qfpj
fdTIF?: |


^RT titi: ^ f^fi \\wII

Shka 54. The Sun and the Moon occupying the
12th bhava whether conjointly or apart destroy the
350 Adh. VI.

right and left eye respectively ; malefic planets in the

tth and the 8th bhava have the power to take away the
sight, the planet in the 6th destroying the left and that
in the 8th bhava destroyir>g the right one.

^wji n n
Slaka 55. The Sun whether in the 1st or the 7th
bhava when in conjunction with or aspected by Saturn
will in no long time destroy the right eye of the person
concerned; but if the Sun be in conjunction with R4hu
and Mars, other conditions being the same as before, it
is the left eye that will suffer in this case.

k TPI ^i%tTt n ^ u
Sloku 56. If malefic planets occupy the 6th, 6th
and Ivlth bhavas, those in the last being the Sun and the
Moon, the occupant of the 6th bhava will destroy the
left eye of the person born while the planet in the 8th
bhava will deal similarly with the eye on the right side.
Vide si oka >1 sii/oa.

fif fpr pfRrl: I

*rwi ^ ii H^ii
Sloka 37. If Mars be the lord of the 2nd bhava.,
if the 8ch be occupied by the Sun and the Moon, and if
Saturn be in the 6th or the 12th bhava the person
Si, 68'59 q^ri«qrt(: 551

bom will be blind. If the Moon occupy the 8th, the

12th or the 6th bhava and Saturn be in conjunction
with Mars, the person bom will b; sightless.
This slok.i is from
The following are some more slokas from SIFT leading
to the same effect;—

^ qsr qm|r#ir q^T « 5 11

Wll riqq I
^ifqq g qr n

^T»ft ^SUT^^ni^S^jT I

Sloka 58. If the Moon be in the 6th, the Sun in

the 8ch, Saturn in the i?.th and Mars in the 2nd, under
such a yoga, the person bbrn, be he Indra himself, can-
not but be blind.
cf, ^s3rriT«
fa^qif^sqqfNriT qqi air j

f-ana q q ^tq- 1
ar ^ gq ^ )|

* tWi 11 ^ «
352 Adh. VI.

Sloka 59. If the lord of the 2nd bhava being in

conjunction with the lord of the Ist, occupy a 5;?*IR
(Dustthana'6th, 8th or 12th bhavas), it will result in loss
of sight. If the lord of the eye, i.e. the 2nd bhava being
in conjunction with Venus and the Moon occupy the
Ist bhava, the person concerned will be night'blind;
but if the lord of the eye occupy a position of exaltation
or be in conjunction with a benefic planet, no such
malefic effect will happen, say the astrologers.
This and the 5 succeeding slokas arc quoted in
The undermentioned slokas from give some more
yogas leading to blindness.

jtrt m I)

a>; ||

ii rtn^n: 11

itii fkzti ^ i
^ ^ cfl^ II II

Sloka 60. When Rahu, Mars and bat urn are

together in the Lagna, the person born will have enlarg-
ed scrotum. If the lord of the Ist bhava be in the 8th
and this again be occupied by Rahu and Mandi, the same
effect is produced, say the wise astrologers.
SI. 61-68 863

flsfa 'i II
Sloka (51. When Rahu occupies the Lagna,
(Gulika) a Trikona position, and Mars in conjunction
with Saturn is in the 8th bhava, the result will be the
same- When the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the
lord of the Lagna is in conjunction with Rahu, Mars,
Mandi and Saturn, the same evil result will follow.

^ ^ gsjmwft'fiTftr: ^ l
4ft foft ii li
Sloka 61. When the Sun occupying the rising
sign is aspected by Mars, the person born will be afflict-
ed with colic, consumption and asthma. When Mars
is in the Lagna and aspected by Saturn and the Sun, the
person concerned will be troubled with small-pox.
Two diderenl readings are given of this sloka,

^ ill ^ I

## HTHTTRig^

Sloka 63. When Saturn in conjunction: with a
malefic planet aspected also by a malefic planet occupies
364 ■agrfkadt Adh. VL

the Sod bhava, the person has to dread danger from a

dog. When Saturn h in conjunction with or aspected
by the lord of the •2nd bhava, the same result follows.

Slokti 64, When Rahu is in the Lagna and when

the sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna has strength,
there is danger from a snake. When the lord of the
3rd bhava is in conjunction with Mercury, the person
born will be liable to throat disease
is another reading for ^ also Adhyaya
XII, Shka 42 infra.

^Ttrq^s^wigwi4:11 11

Sloka 65. When a depressed planet occupying an

ini mica) sign and overpowered by the Sun's rays happens
to be in the 3rd bhava and aspected by a railefic planet,
the person concerned will get disease of the throat in
consequence of the application of poison or of the swal'
lowing thereof. In the absence of these causes, the
disease if it sets in is intended to drain off money from
the sufferer—a result in which the purpose of the
particular yoga will be fulfilled.

SI oka 66- When a malefic planet in conjunction

with Mandi or some such other planet occupies the 3rd
bhava, astrologers predict the disease of the throat; but
81.67-69 356

when Mandi in conjunction with Mara is in ths 3rd

bhava, astrologers specifically ascribe the disease of the
ear to the yoga.
Vide also Adhyaya XII, sloka, 43 •"/"».

sntr: I
M trsfr; ll^vsil
Sloka 67. When th(f crd bhava is occupied by a
malefic planet and aspected also by another malefic pla'
net, the person born will become liable to the disease of
the ear. When the lord of the 3rd bhava occupies
malefic 60th portions of a sign, then also do astrologers
declare disease of the ear to be the result.

*ihI 5 A (I ^ It
Sloka 68. When the Sun in conjunction with a
malefic planet and aspected also by a malefic planet
occupies the 6th bhavj, the person born will suffer from
excess ol bile. When the Sun occupies the 8th bhava.
Mars is without strength and a malefic planet is in the
2nd bhava, the same is to be predicted.

qngfegs ^int n

866 4rrawifl!*i% Adh. VI.

Sloka 69. When Mars in conjunction with Mer-

cury occupies in the 6th hhava the Nav.unsa of a malefic
planet and is aspected by the Moon and Venus, the
person born will suffer from an ailment due to a morbid
state of the phlegm. When Mars aspected by a malefic
planet occupies the 8th bhava and Ketu is in the 2nd or
the 8th, an ulcer will be produced.

in9^ I
jririfffr: II II
Sloka 70. When the lord of the 6th bhava in
conjunction with a malefic planet occupies the Ist or
the 8th bhava, the person born will have ulcers in his
body. When the planet described before {i.e., the lord
of the 6th bhava in conjunction with a malefic planet)
occupies the ICth bhava and is without benefic aspect,
the person concerned will have ulcer scars.
This and tlin next six slolcas are ijuolcd iu 'JWl-ictitR.

sNRfui ^rwsqfN qg 5^1 (I \9? |{

Sloka 71. If the lord of the Lagna, Mars and Mer-
cury being in conjunction, occupy a very unpropitious
bhava and aspect the 6th, they will produce, say the
sages, a disease of the anus or some nasty disease such
as piles.
In the secondiTK (pada)of this sloka, g? PW ^ i£
another reading.
SI. 72-76 857

%g; l
sfls sni^ 3^ ll V53 ll
Sloka '2. The lords of the 1st and the 6th bhavas
when in conjunction with the Sun produce fever ; if in
conjunction with the Moon, they lead to an accident in
water; if with Mars, they occasion some mishap in
war or danger by an outbreak of hot boils.

f^msniK ^ ^ i
IPPT Wi%K 1% jffaTR^nrorf: ll vs^ ll
Shka 73, If the lords of the Ist and the 6th
bhavas be in conjunction with Mercury, they will cause
some mishap due to bile; if they be in conjunction
with Jupiter, the person will be immune from diseases;
if in conjunction with Venus, they may be the cause of
some danger to the wife ; if in conjunction with depres'
sed Saturn, they will, say the astrologers, tend to
engender a wind complaint.


^ rT^TT ftifa l|V9»M

Sloka 74. If the lords of the Ist and the 6th
bhavas be in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the person
born becomes liable to danger from snakes, thieves and
other such evil-doers. If they occupy a Kendra or
Trikona position in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu,
the person concerned will suffer imprisonment say the
astrologers acquainted with the subject.
853 snreMifMnn Adh. VI.

Sloka 75. If the lord of the 6th bhava being in

conjunction with Mercury and Rahj, occupy the rising
signj the person born will of his own accord cut off his
merhbrum vcrile If the lord of the 6th bhava be in
conjunction with Mars andihave no benefit aspect, the
person concerned will become liable to a disease affect'
ing the organ of generation.

Sloka 76. If the lord of the 7th occupy the 6th in

conjunction with Venus, the person born, say the astro-
logers, will be too weak to match his wife. If the lords
of the 6th and the 1st bhavas be in a Kendra or Trikona
position along with Saturn, the person concerned will
suffer captivity.

Sloku 77- When a moveable sign is the lagna and

it is aspccted by the lord of the 6th bhava ; when Mars
is in the 11th bhava ; when the 9th is represented by
an immoveable sign and when the 7th bhava is a dual
Rasi; under this yoga, people become liable to the fever
induced by the incantations of their enemies.

T%Rt3r i
^ Jiniq ^||\S^||
Sloku 78. If Jupiter be in conjunction with Saturn,
if the Moon in quadrature occupy the 10th bhava and if
Mars be in the 7th, the result will be a defect of limb in
the person born. If the Sun and the Moon occupy
51, 79'80 "Wfswrm: 359

either Simha or Kafaka, the person concerned will have

consumption as the consequence

^ m sni T| I
sun ^5% It ^ 11
Sloka 79. When the Sun is in the 1st and Mars
in the 7th bhava, the person born will become insane.
When Saturn is in the La^na and Mars occupies the 7th
house or a Trikona position, the person concerned will
be a lunatic.
c/. Trwrnn

iT^^i^fTf^qrg^T^Rhn: n
ingar in^f^^RBiSRPcRR: 1
qtnr n
sJSt is the reading adopted in some books for riif iD and
appears to be the correct one.

^rr l
^ wwit iu«> II
Slokii 80. If the initial portion of (Dhanus) be
the Lagna, if the Sun and the Moon occupy the Lagna
or a Trikona, and if Jupiter, be in the clrd bhava or in a
Kendra po sition, the person born under this yoga will
become insane.
The last quarter reads as in fFH^rTPtM.
360 Adh. VI.

Also cf, STTcrai^^l

^1^=5^ sfft I
3%i ^ mK II
Some books read cJjrict l%wt for c!?n%«FiFr.
The translation will then be "if any of the 4 signs from
Dhanus happen to be the Lagna and if the Sun and the Moon be
in Trikona position [i, e occupy 5th or 9th places) and if Jupiter
be in the 3rd house or in a hendra position, the! person born, etc.'

ii t\ II
Sloka 81. If Mercury and the Moon be in a Ken-
dra position or fail to occypy benefic Navamsas, the
person born will have aberration of the mind. If Saturn,
the Moon and the Sun be in Kendra position, the person
concerned will be idiotic and addicted to wine.

'rtntsq I)

fgfNf ^ ^ t
^ li cr n
Sloka 8Z. If the Moon occupy the Navamsa
belonging to Cancer, Aquarius or Scorpio and be in
conjnnction with Saturn, the person born will suffer
from a disease affecting the privities. If the Moon
occupy in the 4th bliava a Navamsa belonging thereto
and be in conjunction with a malefic planet, the person
concerned will have disease of the throat.
The 2ad IK (Pada) reads as ^ TRFKI 4K 3?Hdnl in Hsffa-
51. 83-86 861


Sloka 85. When the Moon in conjunction with

a malefic planet and Rahu occupies the !2th, the 5th or
the 8th bhava from the Lagna, the person born will be
liable to insanity and that of a raging kind and will
develop a tendency to quarrel.

is another reading for ?T?t in the 2nd (Pada) of the

il <s« II
Sloka 84. When the Moon or Rahu occupies the
12th bhava; Saturn, a Trikona position; and the Sun,
the 7th or the 8th bhava; the person born will have
ailments affecting teeth and eyes. The same effect hap*
pens when the planets mentioned above occupy Navam*
sas owned by depressed inimical malefic planets.

^q; IU^ d

Sloka 85. If the 5th and the 4th bhavas be occu-

pied by malefic planets and if the Moon in particular be
in the 8th, the 12th or the 6th bhava, blindness would
follow as a result of the yoga. The person born in this
yoga must of course be blind when there is no benefic
aspect upon the planets concerned. There will be no
evil effect when benefic planets occupy the bhavas
referred to above.
362 Adh. VI.

^ *n39^ 5 |

^ f5 iu^ II
Sloka 86. When (malefic) planets other than the
lord of the Lagna occupy the Lagnai the astrologer may
predict leprosy: it will be black leprosy when Saturn
occupies the Lagna as described above ; it will be red
leprosy when the Sun so occupies the rising sign ; white
leprosy if the occupant be Mars. When the Moun in
conjunction with Saturn or Mars occupies a Navamsa
belonging to (Kataka), (Meena) or »r*r (Makara)
and is unaspected by, or unassociated with benefic
planets, the astrologer may declare the yoga to be pro-
ductive of leprosy to the people affected,

wmz ^ i

^ dft II dvs ||
Sloka 87. When the Moon in conjunction with a
malefic planet occupies the sign occupied by the lord of
the 8th bhava and when the last mentioned planet is
aspected I y Rahu, the person born will suffer from a
disease affecting the privities : the same result happens
when the Sth bhava is occupied by four or three malefic
planets ; but if a benefic planet be in the 8th bhava, the
person concerned will be exempt from the disease.
SI. 88-90 "isiswinr: 363

^nfoi^r n « u
Slokn 88. When the Mtrm is in a water-resorting
sign and the lord thereof occupies the Gth bhava and is
aspected by planets occupying watery signs, the person
born will suffer from strangury ; when the M )on occu-
pying the 6th or the 8th hhava is aspected by Mars and
when Saturn is in the Lagna, the person concerned wilt
suffer from an ailment leading to blood discharges (piles).
ff. flif-rhmufi'M


5IRT eTFRI n?cTH^I II l)

Slolcti 89. WJien the waning Moon in conjunction
with malefic planets is in the rising sign belonging to
Saturn or in the 8th or the 6th hhava, the astrologer
may predict flatulence, spleen or some such ailment as
the result of this particular yoga. When the Moon is
between two malefic planets and Saturn occupies the 7th
hhava, the person born will 'have much bodily suffering
from the combined effects of abscess, spleen and con-
f3T J
<5*r TRH "fiftRrqq; qr ^ n 11
Sloka 99. When Mars is in tlte rising sign and
the lord of the 6th hhava is weak, the person born will
364 Adh. VI.

have indigestion, a diseased spleen and colic. When

Rahu or some malefic planet occapies the Lagna and
Saturn is in the 8th bhava, the person concerned will be
afflicted with a stomach complaint.


^ ^ II W 11
Sloka 91, When Rahu occupies the 4th bhava
and the lord of the Lagna is without strength and
aspected by a malefic planet, the person born will suffer
from acute pain in the chest. When the lord of the
Lagna is depressed and in an inimical house, Mars
occupies the 4th bhava and Saturn is aspected by a
malefic planet, colic will be the result.
SfTrft 5^
^ Tf^^TR I
srm: W n n
Sloka 92. When the lord of the 8th bhava is weak
and the rising sign is aspected by a malefic planet and
the 8th bhava is occupied or aspected by Saturn, the
person born will be smitten with a disease that will
prevent the taking in of food. When the Moon in
conjunction with Mars occupies the 6th bhava, jaundice
due to vomitting and delirium will afflict the person
SI. 93-04 •Uttswra: 365

concerned. And when the Sun, the Moon and Mars

are together in the 6th bhava, the effect of the yoga may
be colic and erysipelas.
cf. RWfli'r

ftirst qVi w n

3^1%^ ^

n 11
Sloka 93. When the rising sign is aspected by
Mars, and the lord of the 6th bhava occupies the 10th,
the 7th, or the 1st bhava. the person born will suffer
from the effects of magic employed against him by his
enemies. When Mars in conjunction with the lord of
the Lagna occupies the Lagna or any other Kendra and
the lord of the 6th is in the Lagna, the same will happen.

^ sairasws'Rgd ^ i

^ ii II

Slcka 94. When Jupiter occupies the 4th, the

10th or the 1st bhava and a Kendra is occupied by
(Mandi), the person born will suffer from an illness due
to the effect of his having come face to face with an
immortal. When Saturn is in the 7th bhava and a
benefic planet occupies a moveable rising sign, and the
Moon is aspected by a malefic planet, the person concern'
366 Adh. VI.

ed will undoubtedly suffer from a disease due to his

having met goblins, ghosts and fiends.
This sloka is from The reading in the 3rd pada of
ibis sloka is i^T«f instead of

^ \\v\\\
■ Slok/i 05. If the Moon in conjunction with a
malefic planet and aapected by another malefic planet
occupy the 6ch bhava, the person born will become
liable to wind disease; if Mars occupy the 7th bhava
under the same circumstances, the disease produced will
be hemorrhage due to a currupt state of blood and bile;
if the planet occupying the 7th bhava under such condi'
tions be Mercury, the disease will arise from a bad
condition of wind and phlegm; if Venus, it will be
dysentery ; if Saturn, colic ; and lastly if Rahu or Ketu,
the ailment will be produced by demoniacal possession.
This is also from

dggfRt i\w 11 n
Slokn f)6. When Saturn occupying the fith bhava
in conjunction with wfr? (Mandi) is aspected by the
Sun, Mars and Rahu but is unaspected by or unassocia-
SI. 97 367

ted with benefic planets, the person born wiii suffer

from an illness caused by a complication of cough,
asthma and consumption. When a malefic planet is in
the 12th bhava, the Moon in the 6th, Saturn in the 8th
and when the lord of the Lagna occupies a Navamsa
owned by a malign planet, the person born under such
a yoga will be liable to dryness of the nose resulting in
loss of smell.
cf 'TwftciMn'n
■73 ^ 7-8 4iq fr=55rq i
wtnsfims'rB qiRH II
'753 I
3%; qi ||

^ TTI^ I! 11
Shkn 117. When Saturn is in*** iKataka) and the
Moon in (Makara), the person born will have dropsy.
When Saturn in conjunction with Mars occupies the
6th bhava, and is aspected hy the Sun andRahu; and
when the lord of the Lagna is without strength, the
result will be a lingering illness.

vfiW- U
368 «nnmrNid Adh. VI.

g crtt ii ii
Sloka 98. When Mars is in his own house, Mec
cury in the 4th or the -ird bhava and Saturn in the Ist,
the person born will be a dwarf. The result is the same
when, other conditions being identical, Saturn is in
conjunction with the lord of the Lagna.

11 II
Sloka 99, When the Sun and the Moon occupy,
one of them the 12th, and the other the 6th house from
the Lagna, the person born will be one eyed and will have
the unique fortune of possessing an one-eyed wife as
well. When Venus and the Sun conjointly occupy the
7th, the 9th or the 3th bhava, the person born under
this yoga will have a wife defective in some Umb.

Sun Moon

Lagna Lagna
I .. 11

Moon 1
The Sun is in the 12th house from the Lagna in I and 12th
from the 7th in IT.

The Moon is in the J2th from the 7th in 1 and 12th from the
Lagna in 11.
The principle is clear from the above.
The lelt eye will be affected by the above yoga. In the other
case the Sun in the 2nd and die. Moon in the 8th (the 2nd from
the 7th) will aflect the right eye.
If Venus be in conjunction with the Sun in the 5th, 7th or
9th house from the L-tgna, the wife will always be ailing. N--fiS
cf. TTPr
qgtr i

Also HTW^I
^?TTir^3^TtTm: 2^ t

qfoi^n, ||

^R^?ft^t5rTT ^ ^ I
II 1°° II
Sluka 10J. If the malefic planets occupy the Oth,
the 11th, the 3rd and the 5th houses in any order accord'
ing to circumstances and be not aspected by bcnefic
planets, they conspire according to their strength to do
damage to the organ of hearing of the person born ; if
they occupy the 7th house and be without benefic
aspect, they make the teeth unsightly.
The man will suffer from ear-complaint wilh certainly. The
3rd and the 1 Ith li.uuses stand for cars—3rd for the right car and
the lllh for the left. (Cf. also Western astrology). Varahamibira
.S70 .awMifisrra Adh. VI.

seems to extend the principle to the 5tt) and the 9th houses also.
Diseases of teeth and tongue are indi ated by the 7th house
(Ch. 111-77 Fig. I). This n, also the pnm.iplc of Western astrolo-
gy. Cj. Alan Leo.
" Maltfftr s, unnspeeltd by benelirs, occupying llie'/"tti house
will bring about tooth diseases uieronnity or ol her wise)."
yTI'ld «(in! it include the Moon at so 'n the yoga causing
damage to the ear. 1"/.

Also 'tt'it- i
HIT: ]

Also SH-iifr'-'t.
ITTi: 1
WtfmTFT 5 "•Td^'dT jj

^ jif hvt&i

3^hi% -.m; n ii

'-loka 101. When Jupiter occupies hencfic vargas

such as ^iisTHrfl ( Vargottatnamsa) in the Lagna or the
4th hhrtv.a ; or is elsewhere possessing abundant strength;
when the other planets are in the 2nd, the lith and
other bhavas connected with well-being and prosperity ;
and when the lord of rlv rtstng sign is powerful, the
person born gets on w-U and is,happy.
SL 102 nj'rssnrjr: 371

^ Ti?^fTf^ ^nRfr^^rTr^Ri; n Wil

^ ^PT^IR^ffT
5TR^KTIf[«mq: "rg: II

SUika 102. By the grace of the Sun and all the other
planets, what are called arn^w^r: (Jataka bhangaha) con-
sisting of rrinitniTJF: (Rajayoga bhangaha), &S!T7rm! (Pre-
shya yogaha), (D.iridra yogaha),
(Angaheena yogaha), 7*T«if>Tr: (Reka yogaha) and nfftnT:
(Roga yogaha) have been fully treated of in this chapter.
Thu-i ends the 6th Adhynya on "whai mars a hotnsc.ope" in the
work JalAkaiianjata compiled by Vaidyaniitha under 'the auspices
of the nine planets.

II <N4l*U^N: II

Adhyaya VII.

On Raja yogas or planetary conjunctions

leading to Kikgship.

si ^isrr 'rcrefl II


Sloka 1. Whjn the planets occupy Kanya, Meena,

Mithuna, Vrishabha, Simha, Dhanus and Kumbha, the
person born will be a famous king, great in possessing
an army, mighty elephants and horses > if the planets be
in Thula, Mesha, Vrishaba and Meena, an emperor
comes into the world in this yoga ; if the planets be in
Vrishaba, Dhanus, Meena and the Kendras, a person
destined to rule over the earth and acquire wide fame
sees the light.
In this as -well as in the next sloka, the author has described
in a very '-ondensed manner the (^imhasana) and other
yogas. With a view to make them clearer, the following are
extracted troin other works and appended below:—
. 1

^ qfa: T^qi^ ^ sft i
^ ^ Rt ira; ii
zrti 3jrf3TRt jpft |
^m: n

^T^fqrM ^fs ^I; ^ci:

^ an ^N^gnTfin^^ ^ ^ fi^W: I
«T: ^len^rnat f| Kg^t ^

(2) ^cJAJifWirr: HW-il^T'C

^ f^qr^t ^isf^ g\ tftg ^ gV i
d|^fr ^ ^msq ^OTsft'4fa?r n
q^JT: «%: I
^ri^nqqf q^r^r n
T* ftt ^qif^fq^ni^nfsa^
qqrq: %?Hifq? qqfg q?; i

q^tqrmq f?qRiqi ^ fqqqq n

ift% ^ ^ qq g^qf q 5% i
mn: ^rgigf^q: n
q fq# qm qn: I
srcft ^ »fH ggicf; II
374 vnwnmim Adh. VII

srmt ^5% i

(5) vTsnrti;
^ ^ ^Tsfq ^ I
<^!T35rqft ^ It
qt 3Tl<Tt K qqfq qt%fl qiojqr Jff.: |
ar-qt qfqqt n^fq ^ q q%: it

(6) P-'-W^r HITiirrT^i

^q?qt5tq q^Rsst gqi i
^ flqi ^rsfq ft ffqi ll
qictt Ht^r Rfff^far fnqtqi ^qn-
n^R^qf qqfq fifqq: qlfi-q "zfqsqm n

gtMsfo t
crstrar ^33^3^-^ q^f^qifqi-
jpiqqqft qw: II
(7) nsnprtiT: ^wsn^.
q> q\ RN g^iqf i
Tl^t^T H^tJTt q II

(8) ^jgiiwl'i: Htrnfffii

^iqqifq^ fprr ?% i
qi^imqtqisq fT^q^t ^ qq: I
qra?: r-qnafq^;»
^qqgrqt qi ^-.ftmqTqq: it

f^f#a %rt i
^ R^i ^Jirq: n
(9) aj^rg^f^T:
^ 4\Z m I

(10) «i»r3i;<rt.
^ fel ^ qt fq^ ^ |
^HTITTRT RTRT f^q^T q^TTi^; ll
(11) q^T^-qti: M]^5FJjr%
fsfr ^qTqTq^fqq^^3"TMqq
«w qqqfa qqim I
HiT?rlT5[f^fq ^frf -qqiTIRq q^flR II
(12) «f(g^i)T:
qf| Rq^l^g^qi^iq^fFqq^fi i
'^Trfq^qqq^ ^ ^Ri ^-^qqiq R-R: n

^r ^ f^rngq^
trt n ^ ii

Sloka 'i. When the planets occupy Kanya, Mesha,

Thula, Simha and Kumbha, the person born is a king.
When the planets are in the 3rd, the 5th and the 4th
bhavas, the person born becomes ruler of countries
abounding in great wealth. If the 3rd, the 4th. the Sthj
876 wwifNiS Adh. VII

the 2nd, the 9th, the Ist and the 7th be occupied each
by a planet, the person born will become a just king.

•T^ftTT SfRfl I
m\ ii ^ n
Sluka .I. If the planets are associated with the
Moon's hora, the person born will be a famous king. If
the benefic planets be in the 9ih and the 11th bhavas,
and the malefic ones in the 6th and the 10th, a king is

Sloka 4. If benefic planets be strong occupying
the 1 st, the 10th, the 7th and the 4th bhavas and if Mars
and Saturn be in the 9th and the 11th bhavas, the person
born will be a king possessed of every amiable virtue.

The number of yogas satisfying all the conditions described in
this slolta will, if carefully analysed, be found to be very limited.
The following horoscope is suggested as an example for this


Saturn Sun

Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury

SI. 5

But see the following sloka from 3Tn7$l (Saravaii).

^ ^ q^qqtq: i|

^rf^nNih^ i
^u ^ n
Sloka 5. When the Moon or the Lagna occupying
a (Vargottamamsa) ^TfTnrtw is aspected by the other pla'
nets placed in the 4th, the 10th and the 7th bhavas, the
person born is a leader of men.
According to (Btihatprajapatya), (Saravaii)
and other works, and as per Yavanas' view quoted in ffvaicRi
(Brihatjataka), four or more planets (other than the Moon) aspect-
iog a Vargottama Lagna or Moon will make the person born at
that time a King.

RTT glR^lfri: F^<n: ||

Also ^rrrrst

Also 5fi?r«T»n'r

giforfasiftcR: ^ AHaf-a ^tni: 11

Also Hi ®^
f^5T»^a ^ ^ a^rfatf
41 flqraWa 1
« ?W4fa qiffa: ^

378 #w*mRw8 Adh. VIL

But our author has gone further by restricting the position of

the planets. According to slokas 30-31 of the 2nd Adhyaya, Saturn
in the 4th or the 11th house, Mars in the 6th or the 10th house
and Jupiter in the 5th or the 9th house, all counted from the Lagna
or the Moon, are also canable of aspecting either of them respec-
tively as all planets are while they arc in the 7th house. Our
author has rejected the aspects of Saturn from the 11th house, of
Mars from the 6th house and of Jopiter from the 5th and 9fh
houses. He only accepts !he aspects of Saturn from the 4th house,
of Mars from the 10th house and of Jupiter and other planets from
the 7th house. His object would appear to he to place all the
planets in the three Kendras, 4th, 7th and 10th and in such a
manner as to he 'capable of bestowing their full aspect on the
Lagna or the Moon as the .case May he. The least number of
planets thus situated and capable of nspecting the Vargottama
Lagna or the Moon is four. " by planets other
than the Moon" has reference only so Far as Lagna yogas are
concerned, for the Moon cannot aspect itself. But the question is
" Will the aspc. t of the Moon on the Lagna nullify the yoga if it
is otherwise complete" ? The answer is in liie negative. In this
case, the Moon's aspect does not count, being productive of neither
good nor evil and the Moon cannot be one of the planets making
up the least number of four above stated. Cf,


sjRtft a n

^ ||
There will be 22 yogas viz..
« 6 ">
C+ C+C=15+6*r 1 for each of the Lagna and the Moon, or
4 ii
44 yogas in all.
SI. 6 379

^rrat u^f^nr^t ^iw-1

f&j •fl^H«ify»i^w^^itr:
^ ?ni»rat ^ f^Ti^: qanR[%ffw^ II % II
Sloka 6. When Venus occupies the asterism As-
wini in the Lagna and is aspected hy all the other
planets, the person born will be the senior in family
destined to destroy the whole host of his enemies and
to sport with many women. When there are three or
more planets occupying not the Navamsa of their depres'
sion sign but one owned by themselves and one such
planet is in the Lagna, the person born will be a king
and a very wealthy one too, when there are 5 or more
such planets.

(First ktlf). Cf.

Also "fiistfifaii

The following from CSaravali) inentiuning the several

asterisms which, when occupied by Venus, confer kingship will
also be of interest :

Juq^qrirfq II

Latifr half. Cf. srfcun^fl

380 AdL VU.

According to f^cgRII^T, and other works, three or

four planets in their exaltation (S^vochcha), or in their own
signs (Swakshetra) and are af the same time trine to one an-
other, make a person isrn in ike foyal family, a King. Five or more
such planets will make tmy person a King. But two such planets
in the first case or four such in the second case will only make
the person rich. Cf. fS'cgraTS?!.
m-. I

.11 has also to he noted here that it is only when the 3 or 6

planets in ^fidV (Swakshetra) are siroug that the person born be-
comes a King. If they or any of them he weak, he only becomes
rich. But seven planets in will, irrespective of their
strength, make the person a King. Cf, jipg;

3^3 T-c^qfa: ^l%S555%?fTT^: 11

firqqq H

g^ST^fT^iT?PT #1^

ii \s H
Sloka 7. When Venus is in the 2nd bhava which
is neither the planet's depression nor owned by an enemy
ctnd when the lord of the Lagna is strong, the person
SI. 8 ?wiftswnt: 881

born will become a kin^. When the Moon occupies at

night its own Navjmsa or one belonging to a very
friendly planet and is aspected by Venus alone, a king
comes into the world.

f^TTqpn q# ^ ifrq. ||
Also "HRSiKSr
qqmq: 1
q# qq q **: 11
I'"roii) the two pnrriilcl pnssnges .thnve given, it will be seen
that Venus and the lord of the I-agna shoiiUl both be in the 2iid
hhava. The text lends itself also to the above interpretation and
it may preferably he rendered thus: " When Venus together with
the lord of the Lat;na, who is also strong, is in the 2nd bhava,
wliich is neither the planet's (V enus') depression sign, nor is owned
by an enemy, the person horn will become a King."

Also .1 l^'T,r«lJu(
fsr ^"Vfq I
^T^iTfqfqqiq'ini^qi n


l( <: II
Sloka 8. When Venus occupying the Lagna is in
Meena and in a Navamsa belonging to Meena, the person
born is a king; (2) when the lord of the rising sign is
382 Adh. VII.

scrong in its exaltation and aspected by the Moon, a

royal personage sees the light; (3) when the lord of the
Lagna occupies in the exaltation house a Navamsa belong-
ing neither to the depression sign nor to an enemy and
;hat exaltation sign turns out to be a Kendra and has no
other planet; a ruler of the earth is born under this Yoga,
^ ^ II

(Lattey halj). cf. Sloka 48, inira.

^ ^ II
Sloka 9. When the full Moon is in the 9th bhava
occupying its own, exaltation.or a friendly house and
when Saturn and Mars occupy the 10th and the 2nd
bhavas from the Lagna, a lord of the earth is born.
When the Moon is full and strong occupying a Kendra
other than the Lagna and is aspected by both Venus and
Jupiter, under such a Yoga is born a sovereign who will
generously make gifts of land.
{Firit half). According to flKRsst (Saravali), any planet in
the 9th bhava identical with its exaltation sign will bestow King-
ship if the lord of that bhava occupies or aspects it and two other
planets are in their exaltation signs as well, cf,
tnFi^ qwi I
SL 10 883

{Second half), cj. sloka 47, infra.

551 k*k |

Also aiMpi
^-511 ?1 f^^Jl ^Tfll qf? 5ft^?g |
^ q5^5%) ^ II
This yoga finds an exception when Taurus happens to be the
Lagna with the Moon there, cf. -tpn^fi.
^ ?T?ft 55iqrl; ^4 ifft qfoifsi |
f^rsfq qim^nqt if? sutpj^ ^ fMl?!: n
For a person born in a royal family no aspects are required-to
place hirn on the throne, cf, qr^I^T.
551 ^ fjRTRlq: |
iT^hi5 11
^ ^rd%-

^Ti^rt ^ssiqi I
•o ^ ^

s* mi ij^rt II ?° II
Sloka 10. When a planet is in the highest exalta-
tion point and is aspectcd by a very friendly planet, a
king is ushered into the world. A king's peer takes
birth when Venus is strong occupying the 11th or the
12th bhava. When 2 or 3 planets arc in their exaltation
signs, the Moon is in Kataka and the rising sign possess-
ed of strength, the person born will be a king honored
(Fi rft quarter), cf. tfi'Ti^lN'T.r
384 Adh. VII.

Also Hw*)
^ ^ ^i: ^t% ^rfrwiiat i

(Latter ha]f.) See notes under sloka 6, snpra. According to

Yavana's view quoted in ISivhat jataka, one or two planets in their-
exaltation, one of them being in the Lagna and the Moon in '-feSti
(Kataka) will create Kajayoga, 16 such Rajayogas are possible
under the above combination, cf. ^TsriT-li

Ordinarily 3 or four planets in their exaltation will, it is said,

make a person born in a Royal family a King. Five or more pla-
nets in exaltation will make any person a King. (f. YlctlRrFt.

But there are other special combinations under which 3, 4, 5

or more planets may not be in their exaltation signs and yet the
person born attains royalty. The author deals with several such
exceptions to the said ordinary yogas handed down by tradition
which are difhcult to he observed except by men of extraordinary
«if $wit: W

Sloka 11. If all the bencfic planets be in the 3^^
(Upachaya) (3rd, 6th, 10th and llth) places and the
malefic ones in the 1st or the 10th bhava, the person
born will be a cruel king quelling his numerous foes.
If the Sun in conjunction with the Moon and in the 7th
bhava occupy the exaltation and other Varga positions
while benefic and malefic planets aspect themi a king or

a king's equal of a very fickle disposition, will come

into the world
A manuscript copy reads the first quarter as follows;

Probably this is the correct reading. The translatioD will

then be, " If all the malefic planets be in the (Upachaya)
houses and the benetic ones in the 1st or the 10th bhava, the person
born will he a cruel kinR quellingr bis numerous foes."
The author desires that malefics should be in the (Upa-
chaya places excepting the 10th as the undermentioned quotation
from UPSM-flaVi makes it clear.

!Latter half), of.

I »F35PIri |

"if placed in a similar position, t.f. in the 7th house," has
to be understood from >T;.'R3 in the sloka previous to this in

ymt ii IR w
Sloka 12. if, at the birch of a person. Mars occupy
Dhanus, Mesha or Sitnha identical with the Lagna, and
be aspected by a friendly planet, he will rule over a
kingdom won by his own nrowess. If the Sun, the
386 Adh. VII.

Moon and Jupiter be in the 3rd, the 9th and the 5th
bhavas and have strength, the person born will be a
king comparable with the God Kubera in respect to his
{First half), cf.

{Latitr half.) cf. Sloka 49 infra. Also flKHTal

^ c^T ?TSTT 11

•fN Icfl 5FltRi IT

tR[i^RT^ I

ll II
Sloka 13. If at a birth, a planet be in its depression
and if the lord of the sign occupied by the planet or the
lord of its exaltation sign be in a Kendra position in
respect to the Moon's place or the Lagna, the person
born will be a king and a just ruler.

^ ||

qfc? 1
SI. 14-16 sgiftsvqiv: 387

^ cl^N: I
^ *&<]: Sf^ II
^5t I
^TSf^ ^RTpit H^; II

V^^l mR I

sirat ^n ?« ii
Sloko 14. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by
a depressed planet at a birth be in a Kendra or Trikona
position and if the (Janmalagnal be a moveable
sign or if the lord of the ssirew (Janmalagna), i.e. the Ist
bhava be in a Navamsa owned by a moveable sign, the
person born will be a king or possess great power.
«/. traWftawm
^2: I

HR9IHq^ ^RNcft^rs^
^faiRkisii I
^ mml
^ w TT^TT^Tfait ^ II M

Sloka 15. When the lord of the 10th bhava is in

the 8th, occupying a Navamsa owned by its exaltation
sign, its own Tri^r (Rasi) or a friendly (Rasi), or has
attained a "mfwiro (Paravathamsa), the person born will
be a king of kings. If Jupiter be depressed in the Lagna
388 Adh. VII.

and the 8th bhava occupied by a malefic planet, and if

the Navamsa of the Sth bhava (()4th from the Lagna) be
that of a (Rasi) owned by the malefic planet in
question, under this yoga also will be born a king of

cfjfqir qr ^qr
& wr * TRfim: ll ^ n

Sioka 16, When Jupiter, being the lord of the

rising sign, occupies the 12th bhava and when Saturn,
the lord of the 3rd bhava is in the 12th place in respect
to Jupiter or when the Sun occupies the 11th bhava
from the Lagna, the person born will be a king of kings.
If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the
9th bhava be in the 5th or the 1th bhava, a king comes
into the world. If Mercury be in conjunction with or
aspected by Jupiter, the person born will be a king's
r/. ■
jjfj ^ ^ ^ ^ qj fqT.infqq |

qisfq it

(Dlianur l.T^iia) satisfies the rnuJitiuns of the above

SI oka.

f^Ttr^ ?af^ ^iprf

Si. 17-18 389

mm* kt^II ^ II
Sloku 17. If Jupiter he in the rising sign and
Mercury occupying a Kendra be aspected by the lord of
the 9th bhava, the person born will be on a footing of
equality with kings. When Saturn in strength occupies
the (Moolatrikona) or exaltation sign happening
to he identical with a Kendra or Trikona and is aspect'
ed by the lord of the 11th bhav^ ; under this yoga also,
will the person born be on a par with sovereigns of the

^ i
373^ *V& - II

m girt ^
Tr^Ts^nrr mm I

11 ^ 11
Sloka 16. When the Moon is in the rising sign,
Jupiter in the 4th, Venus in the 10th, and Saturn in the
exaltation or (Swakshetra), the person born will
be either a king or equal to a king. When benefic
planets are in the 12th, the 11th, the 1st, the 2nd, the
3rd and the 10th bhavas, the person born will be like a
sovereign and in great favor with kings of kings.

^ (I
390 ^iwnftTOf Adh. VIL

nkm- u


Tifi' li'JP'i
^r iR ^11 II
Sloka 19. When Saturn is in strength and has
attained Ttwt^ (Uttamavarga , when Jupiter occupies a
Navamsa other than a depression one, and when the Suo
is in a benefic Navamsa and is aspected by benefic pla'
nets, the person born will be in the good graces of a
king and equal to him If Rahu be in the 10th bhava,
if Saturn occupying the Uth be aspected by the lord of
the 9th bhava, and if the lord of the rising sign be un-
associated with a depressed planet, the person born
under this yoga will be like a lord of the earth.


^Nwar ^R^nqirfiT: i
^giRR4wi1NtiT II R* u
Sloka 20. If two, three or four planets in depres-
sion occupy benefic shahtyamsa (^*i) or 60th portions
or Navamsas of their several exaltation signs at the time
of birth of a person, he will be a lord of the earth,
eminently just and virtuous.
^ ^ raft ^f^ur jfaasm: I
gK38*V9gtfiT: ^13# 3T 11
St. 21 39!

Trn^i^rti^ ^it^rfvrT: n n

Sloka 21. The following are the three yogas under

any one of which a person born becomes wealthy. In
the first yoga, the lords of the 10th and the 9th bhavas
counted from the Lagna are in conjunction and associa
ted with the lord of the '2nd bhava; in the 2nd yoga,
the lords of the 10th and the 9th, reckoned from 5*1
(Subha), i e. the lords of the 6th and the 5th bhavas from
the Lagna occupy each a sign owned by the other and
are associated with vnnfci (Dhanapathi) i.e. the lord of
the 2nd bhava; in the 3rd yoga, the lords of the 10th,
and the Pth bhava calculated from the 10th, i.e. the lords
of the 7th and the 6th bhavas from the Lagna occupy
auitually aspecting Kendras and are associated with vjsurfa
(Dhanapati). If the several pairs of planets mentioned
above be aspected or associated with the lord or the
karaka («rt«) of the 4th bhava, the person born under
each of the several resulting yogas will have at his
command much wealth and many vehicles.
The fiist 3 quarters of this sloka are also capable of being
interpreted thus: —
" If the lords of (1) the 10 and 9th houses counted from the
Lagna, (2) the 10th and 9th houses counted from the 9th house
and (3) the 10 and 9th houses reckoned from the 10th house be in
conjunction, occupy each a sign owned by the other, or occupy
mutually aspecting Kendras, or be associated (at the same time)
ithw the lord of the second house, the person born will be wealthy."
3M mnwmmtii Adh. VII.

^?Tt ^ncTS? HTJ"^l<qt HS^niV ^q> ift: ||

Out of the 13 yogas caused by the relationship of the lords of
any trvo successive houses out of the 12 ones, our author describes
here the 3 Kajayogas.
The 12 yogas are :
(1) 5W by the relationship ol the lords of the 1st & 2nd houses
(2) rpPIrT do 2nd .V 3rd „
(3) ^tPH. do 3rd & 4th ,,
(4) do 4tli & 5th „
(5) do 5l i & 6th „
^6) do 6th & 7th ,,
(7) do 7th & 8lh ,,
(8) ■grr^ifn do 8th & 9tb ,,
(9) do 9th & ICtb ,,
(10) do JOth 6c. Uth „
(11) do llth & I2tb „
(12) f^infd" do 12th & 1st „
cf. q<.uir

qB«nvt n
qfoiRl ^l4r q rl^qt I
snqqViTO q'jqqw 11
^ w n^q'tq i
»nrq^qq Tf^'i ll
qt^r "I prqi; n
The relationship between planets is of four kinds:
1. Each one occupying the other's house or Kendra or Kona
2. Eolh planets aspectt"g each other.
3. Any one of the two planets aspecting the other.
4. Both planets occupying the same house or Varga, etc.
81, 21

cf. w?rr
WqiT: rfe^Fg fgrOq?: I
<1%^^ STS: II
•3Rl>q»fi rWT R ft Fijai^qvr fptft I
fHq> ^rsft ^ n
The association of the lords of the Kentlra and Kona places
is capable of producing Rajayogas.


Also <tTT?H?
arqm: ^ I
a^iorr n
qq:p«^TfqTr n^qiqi^TT 1

*& nt qisfi I
qr^r qqfti n
qm qiq^fr fp-it: i
ffeqqrfqqi^f 3 ?2t u^qqi^ 11
q^i qqifi^qr^ 1

qqtlqm 5^ FFqqi^ ti
5^ fa^rq t
394 «iwirfr«T<ji Adb. VII.

v*fc«TR I
^ifWSTp 3lIc1«jAf ^5RIKn« II

^M1 ^1 ift ||
^ ^Si?g q^fq ^q»i; |
^k. ll

w. ^SrvisR I
fliFrT qlcqftf)"!: 11
^ 3<Jq^T4t goq^^T
^ ^ i

^51 qt
q«i qqqffi q I
^ratsPcHq^qiFrn qqif^; n
In these cases it is not very necessary that the lords of the
Kendras and Kcnas should be two different planets. One planet
may be the lord of two Kendras or a Kendra and a Kona and yet
a good result will be produced though not to the same extent as
when they are owned by two separate planets.

3Fqfi^TONf?RT I!
SI. 23 395


Sloka 22. When six planets are in their exaltation,

the person born will be a king of kings ruling over the
whole earth. When five planets occupy their exaltation
signs and Jupiter is in the Lagna, the person born will
rule all men and all lands.
c}. u^fk-TiHrh

ynn n
Also iilrTfRl !
Pmiwqj ^ rt^ * % il

The author suggests the inferciKc that, in the case o! five

planets in exaltation, one of them musl lie in tlie Lagru, and that
preferably Jupiter. In the case of six phuieix in exaltation, it is
not necessary thai one •[ them should be. in the Lagna. One, two,
three or four planets in exaltation alma do not make a person u*
ordinary birih a king. cf.

p^fgf^af^k-frsq: ri? fd-qi; n


gq-. ^Trq^^qq^Thrsfq qm: 11

All the works on astrology are unanimous in the above view.
According to Yavana and others, three or four melefic planets
in their exaltation makes the king cruel, cf.
% ^ sriq: Os i
^Wqigrr^q; n

w: ^ct|: |

W-fRf: i
^=3 -T %?l4q: wrftl: II

From the above, it is also clear that beneftc planets in exalta-

tion make the king virtuous and that if tlie planets in exaltation
which go to raise him to kingship be both malehc and beneftc, he
will be of a mixed nature.
And TflT^mr (Jeevasarma) adds that maleftcs in exaltation do
not bestow royalty on the person born under their auspices ; be
will he wealthy and at the same time cruel, angry and quarrel-
some. '/.

fg; 11

It should here be noted that these are not however accepted as

Rajayogas by Varahamihira. According to him, if three or more
planets occupy their exaltation or their own signs and are "t the
idfrtc/««!# b»ii.* ,'i) oar itn'tker, the iiersons horn become kings if
they belong to a royal family. If there are 5 or more such planets,
persons though horn in ordinary families (other than royal) become
kings. Those in whose nativities such planets are less than 5 will
be possessed with wealth, hut will not be kings, of. sf^glrTif;

^Rftripr ^ ijfqqMT: II
Also ajpinwi

Vidt also VII- 8 and XI-13 and my notes thereon.

SL 23-24 wginswrni: 907

^ ^jfr wr^W
Slokj 23. When Saturn is in (Kumbha) iden'
cical with the La-Jna and when four planets occupy their
exaltation signs, an emperor is born. When (Mesha)
occupied by Mercury is the rising sign and Jupiter is in
the exaltation sign, a ruler of men comes into existence,

Sloka 24. If the Moon occupying the rising sign
f«r>? (Vrishabha) be aspected by the remaining six pla-
nets. the person born will bocome king at an early age.
If one planet be in the exaltation sign while the rest are
in their own or friendly signs, the yoga will secure to
the person born under it. a portion of the good things
of life such as it is the good fortune of kings to have.
(First half), cf. the latter half of slol.a 62 in Adhyaya II,

H^ftl II
398 wwnfoiril Adh. VII.

frgn 5T?ft

^ffrm ^i ?Tr^: i
5n*RTfl3^ f^Ti^: IRH II
Sloka 2^, When Jupiter in conjunction with
Mars and the Moon occupies a ^nifw (Vargottatna, viae
1-54) or a s^^thr (Pushkaramsa, vide Adhyaya 1 SI 58)
the person born is a king. When the full Moon
aspected by benefic planets is in the 10th bhava, a ruler
of the earth has his birth under the yoga.

^135^ w. is]\
n n
Sloka '20. When the Moon in conjunction with
Jupiter and Venus occupies (Dhanus), Mercury is in
the Lagna, Mars in (Kanya) and Saturn occupying
the 4th bhava is in »T5ET (Makarai, the person born will
be a mighty king held in high regard by all other kings.

'fRT^f ^rf^lH 'JjJtfRt

^1% Tf^ WT JtW II ^ 11
Sloka 27 The person at whose birth Mercury,
the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn occupy **01 (Kanya),
(Meena), (Mithuna), >15^ (Dhanus) and it*'"
(MakaraJ respectively will become king. Another yoga
leading to kingly fortune is when .the full Moon with
SI. 28 999

abundant strength occupies wi (Meena) identical with

the rising sign and when Mars and Saturn are in
(Makara) and jar (Kumbha) respectively.
(First half). In this yoga, the rising sign must be (Ma-
kara). cf. StvrjflcTS


5fig«T: I
ffqm Jira! nfk
5TTm ^5= SllBfl%T II

Moon Mars Moon


(1) -- (2) —
Lagna Mars
Saturn San

Jupiter Mere.

(Second half!, cf.

32qf^ JflH iPr?: f^fclg'T 3^ I

ajwm f^Ti ^n% Ritfhr: I

wsi'cjn'R^^'iRT ?nnif^wT n rc ii
Sloka 28. The person at whose birth the rising
sign tro (Makara) is occupied by Mars and »z* (Kataka
iOO iroemiS** Adh. VII-

by the Mcxan becomes a king. Again when Mars, the

Sun, and Jupiter occupy respectively (Makara),
(Meaha) and inr (Kumbha), the person born is a king.
(First half), cf.

TT^T fl

Tm ^ M w li
Sloku 29. If the full Moon in conjunction with a
planet other than the lord of the Lagna be aspected by
Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, the person born will be a
king. Again, if Jupiter, Venus and Mars occupy ^uRi-
sriw (Vargottamamaa) and malefic planets be not in
Kendra housesj the person born under this yoga becomes
a ruler of men.
c}. BItMHT

w ^ ii n
Sloka 30. When all the planets occupy
(Seershodaya) signs and when the Moon occupying
(Kataka) is aspected by benefic planets, the person
born is a king. Again when the lord of the rising sign
SI. 91

occupies the 9th or the 10th bhava and when the Moon
is in the Lagna, the person born will be a ruler of the
mv. 5RTT^: f

f%cRf^n%J siH
^ifni fiiit ^TJ JTrTfTn^n II
Sloka 31. The Sun has traversed the first half of
*93^ (Dhanus), the Moon is just then-!; Saturn possessed
of much power is in the Lagna and Mars is in the exal-
tation sign: If this be the planetary position at a
person's birth, he will grow into such a mighty king
that his enemies, overwhelmed by his fiery valour will
do homage to him from afar, regarding him with awe
and giving up all idea of measuring their strength with
him in battle.
This as wall as the two succeeding slokas are from mwSi*

cf. Also
?5?rPT sq I
q?i^q: fqiSqiFq^q^^ |1

^q q^q: jq; |
arf^oi ^iqrq f qWnq ^ II
402 Adh. VII-

The reader cannot have failed to observe that the Sun is strong
in a quadruped sign. His own as well as his exaltation signs are
both quadruped ones. The second half of (Dhauus) is also a
quadruped sign and the Sun is stronger there than in the first half.

—n 3* II
Sloka 12. When the lord of the Lagna occupies
an (Upachaya) place in respect to the Moon, when
the benelic planets occupying Kendra positions are in
benefic Navamsas, and when the malefic planets have
no strength at all, the person bom will be a king equal
in might to Indra (the ruler of the immortals).

% v^ii il II
Slokn 33. If, at the birth of a person, the Sun be
about to go to the exaltation point, the Moon be in WOT
(Swakshetra) and Jupiter occupy (Kataka), the person
born will hold sway over a region teeming with many
gems and precious stones.

il w M
Sioka 34. If, at a person's birth, the Sun in a Tri'
kona position be in the 'jsnrenn (Moola Trikona) of
exaltation sign and if the Sun, Venus and Mercury,
being respectively in the 3rd, the 6th and the 8th bhavas
from the Moon, occupy Navamsas belonging to them
51. 96-36

severally, they make the person born a king who will

guard his kingdom just as a cowherd guards his kine.
The following is the yoga given in for the same eflecl
^(%RRr; i
^PcT fafiftTR. It

^ ^ JTTM
II ^ 11
Sloka 35, If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and
Venus be in the 10th bhava occupying friendly Navam-
sas in a sign which is not owned by an enemy and
where they neither become invisible nor depressed, the
person born under this yoga develops into a great king
in whose royal progress, the dust is laiJ by the ruttish
flow exuding from elephants composing his train.
This as well as the next fout slokas are taVen from
The yoga mentioned in this sloka is applicable only to persons
born in the royal family.

< I

Sloka 36. If, at the birth of a person, Mars occupy
in strength the exaltation sign and be aspected by the
Sun, the Moon and Jupiter, that person though lowborn
will become an illustrious ruler of men, capable of
protecting the whole earth.
404 Adh. VII

^ i
n\ signer f^cif^: ll^^ll
Sloka 37. The person at whose birth Mercury is
in the rising sign, Jupiter in the 7th bhava, the Moon
with unclouded radiance in (Kataka) representing
the 4th bhava and the planet Venus occupies the 10th
bhava, this person is destined to rule the earth in health
and without any disturbance.
In and other works, the yoga is declared
to result from the following combination. Mercury in Kanya
identical with the Lagna, Jupiter and the Moon in the 7lh house
therefrom (i.e. Meena), Venus in the 10th (i.e. Mitlmna) and Mars
and Saturn in the 5th (i.e. in Makara). cf.
f-T yJff ^ I
Fl^SIrt Rfl II

Also tWctrRTfc'r

rf^K in the text appears therefore to be an error.

Moon i Venus

Saturn Sun

1 Merc,
SL 88-42 405

!WW4^9TfjJ H'lJ'T: I
^isf^ ^ II ^ II
Slokn. .^8. The full Moon predominant in strength
is singly capable of making the person born under its
influence a victorious king.

^RT«i II ^ tt
Sloka 39. Jupiter occupying the i^nd bhava in
conjunction with Venus at the birth of a person will
make him a lord of the earth capable of conquering all

n «o n
Sh-ka 40. The person at whose birch the lord of
the Ist bhava is in a Kendra, the lord of the 10th in the
4th, the lord of the 9th bhava in the 11th, such a person
will become a king and be blessed with long life.

Sljk.i 41. If Mercury with its rays obscured by

the Sun occupv its (Moola Trikona) and be in
the (Swastha) state (-.'tde Adhyaya 2 Si. 16), the
person born will be a king excelling in his knowledge
of every kind of learning. Other planets similarly
placed do not produce this effect.

^ RRTcff TTSfT R foRi II II

Slok i il. If, at a person's birth, the Sun and Mer-
cury occupy the 4th bhava, Saturn and the Moon, the
406 Adh. VIL

10th and Mars the Ist, the person born will undoubtedly
become a king

Sloka 43. Even a base born man becomes a king
if at his birth the Sun occupy in the rising sign
(Simha) a Navamsa other than what belongs to Venus,
and if Mercury be in (Kanya).

nRpkWl fi i
5^1^ STTrft TTSfl II »» II
Sloka 44. If Saturn and Mars be in the 10th, the
5th or the Ist bhava and the full Moon be in a sign
owned by Jupiter, the person born is to become a king.

^TrPT!^ I
Sloka 45. The lord of the rising sign occupying a
Kendra in strength secures royal fortune to the person
born under the yoga. If the lord of the Lagna be aspect'
ed by a friendly planet, the person concerned even if
low born will either be a king or a higher personage
worshipped and venerated by kings.
k'% ipfvSMfwt I
^ ii

jrihi ll II
Sloka 16. If the lord of the rising sign occupying
the exaltation sign aspect the Moon, the person born
SI. 47-411 407

under the yoga cannot but become a leading king in the

world subduing millions of his foes by means of his
armed forces consisting of elephants, infantry and cavalry.

^ ^ I
5im"t vkw* li «« li
Sloka 47. When the Mobn in full strength occu-
pies a Kendra other than the Lagna and is aspected by
Jupiter and Venus, the person born will be a king.
See notes on itloku 0 supra.
^1% f^T I
m\ ii n
S/o£<j 48. When the lord of the rising sign occu-
pying a (Kendra bhava) is not depressed, nor
obscured by the Sun, nor in an inimical house, nor in
conjunction with another planet; the person born will
be an emperor-
qf? ^qt ^s^rrtsfq qi i
fi?T ^q n

50^ II vs II
Sloka 49. If, at the time of a person's birth, Jupi-
ter, the Moon and the Sun occupy the Sth, the 3rd and
the 9th bhavas, the person born will be a king as rich as
406 vnnwftwcl Adh. VII.

Cf, the latter half of sloka 12, supra.

5^55^1 Sift: !I5TT^r li 1|

Sloka 50. Whtn the Sun occupies in strength the
rising sign Dhanus ; when Mars in conjunction with
the Moon is in the 10th bhava and when Venus is in
the llth or the 12th ; a king comparable to the lord of
the immortals comes into the world.

ftsRHPTTfan: m\ I
*1511 ^Trf fosft II H? II
Sloka 51. When malefic planets occupy the 3rd,
the llth and the 6th bhavas and the lord of the Lagna is
aspected by benefic planets: the person born will be a
strong energetic king extolled by all people.
ini gH?sT: i

iI|^llrs*2f5RH^I ^ II II
Sluka 52. When Mars occupies in strength the
rising sign Makara, Saturn is in the 9th or the Kth
bhava and the Sun in conjunction with the Moon is in
the 7th bhava, the person born will be a ficklcminded
SI. 53-54 RHfltsorrv: 409

5?? (q j) |
^FTirn {<) ^f?): UJirq^ II

5^ ^1 ^1^ ^ I
sn^t 5<Tf?ft Tfiri qr ^ ^ ll II
Sloka 53. If the Moon in conjunction with Saturn
be in the Hth, the 4th or the 10th bhava, the peraon
born, if of a royal family, will become a king or a
wealthy man equal in rank to a king.

fi^wi ^ cR:^R*t

^5tT: ^forft^r vw
w ^TFTT'^^gt ^ II II
Sloka 54. If, at a person's birth, the lord of the
Lagna occupy an (Upachaya) place, the Moon the
9th bhava and the benefic planets occupying benefic
Vargas in Kendra positions have strength, the person
horn will be a king. If Jupiter and the Moon be in
Vrishabha, and the lord of the rising sign occupying a
(Kona) be exempt from the aspect of Saturn and
Mars, the person at whose birth this yoga obtains will
become a ruler of the earth.
(Loiter half), cf.

ffafi <Tt
fl 3^t I,
410 Adh, VH-

srnfafhiRTrci^T ^ ^ ti hh ii
Sloka 55. If, at a person's birth, the Sun be in
Meena and the Moon in Kataka, the person born becomes
a king. The planets one and all fail to bestow the royal
fortune when aspected by inimical or depressed planets.

^1^=1^3 II II
Sloka 66. A single planet occupying his highest
exaltation point and aspected by friendly planets produ'
ces a king (or a leader of men). Such a planet though
single will make the person immensely wealthy if he be
also associated with another friendly planet. But when
planets are in inimical or depression signs, the persons
born under the inauspicious yoga, are (I) without
wealth, (2) without comfort, (3) without intellect, (4)
sickly, (5) afflicted with captivity, (6) involved in
murders and (7) other equally wicked crimes (succes-
sively as the number of the badly placed planets rise
gradually from I to 7).
This sloha is from Brihat jataka. By the word Rt'T (Mitra)
in ffepiuilcl CMilrayogat), it is natural friendship (Nisarga
maitratva) that is meant and not the (Tatkalika).
First half. The interpretation given above is what has been
given by Bhattotpala, and in the face of it appear? as most unlikely.
For, from a reference to Urihat Jataka XIX-I, it will be seen that
the Moon in Taurus aspected by the Sun, Mars and Mercury pro-
duces no good effects; vide also XIITI of the same work.
SI. 67 411

The word (Uchchagaha) haS been translated in the text

as " occupying his highest exaltation point." Cf. —
e% ^ sRiqra: V11 -10 Supra.
Mav not the word PT3 (Mitra) in (Mitradrisblaha) mean
the Sun ?
By the word TWi; (UchchaRaha) Varahamihira appears to
imply Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Mercury and Venus are not
taken into consideration as these can never come in opposition to
be aspected by the Sun. This yoga is possible in the following
way :—
(1) Mars in Makara and the Sun in Kataka.
(2) Jupiter in Kataka and the Sun in Makara.
(3) Saturn in Tula and the Sun in Mesha.
The Sun thus in opposition to any one of these three planets
in exaltation together with a friendly planet makes the native
wealthy as well besides a (Nripa a king or leader of men). It
is only such rich people thai sufler from very longstanding diseases
such as diabetes, pleurisy, etc., (ISrihal Jataka, XXIII—7-9)

Sloka 57, When Saturn is in the rising sign iden'

tical with Dhanus, Meena, Thula, Mesha, Makara, or
Kumbha, the person born will be a lord of men, hand'
some, intelligent and wise, and will lead a town or a
Garga, as already pointed in 11-67 (page 62) aupra. has stated
that Saturn in Thula. Dhanus or Meena identical with the Lagna
is capable of producing kingship. The author says that Saturn in
Mesha (though his depression sign) identical with the rising sign
will bestow kingship, (malefic in depression is not bad). As regards
Makara, (jatakabharana) says:—

«I56»1T t>9^HRrlT ||
412 wiwiiRjihI

Saturn in Makara is thereFore capable of conferring the appearance

of royalty. As for Kumbha, Satyacharya has declared that siprr.
Kumbha as ascendant is not auspicious. The Yavanas did not
agree with the above view, but were of opinion that it is only the
Kumbha Dwadasamsas (in all lagnas) that are had. This view
has been supported by »TcT=fit3 (Srulakirti) but again opposed by
Vishnugupta cf.


n r^.T ^CT: WS^f. it

^ smSKt W|: I
qm «lTfl II
R ttfR^T^^Turr^ I


R RRTSf^i USRfRimSffpRff* ^og5R; II
Varahamihira, does not agree with Satyacharya's views. Nor
does he appear to agree with Vishnugupta in thinking that the
above views of Yavana are incorrect and that it is only the Kum-
bha lagna in a birth that is bad and not the Kumbha dwadasamsa.
For Aquarius as Ascendant is one among the several ascendants
for Rajayogas and leaders of men according to Varahamihira.
The acceptance of Kumbha in the present case seems there-
fore reasonable.

SI. 68 TOmrsvjin?: 413

Sloka 53. The good influence of planets is at its

maximum, three quarters, half, a quarter, at its minimum
or nil according as tb: planets are in the exaltation sign,
(Moolatrikona). (Swakshetra),
(Mitrakshetra - friendly sign), (Satrukshetra =ini'
raical sign), depression sign or (combustion) conjunction
with the Sun.
In the case of bencfics,
.ft! (Uchcha) Full efTect
(Moolatrikona) i!
(Swakshetra) I
frsm (Mitrakshetra) |
(Satruksiictra) jJ
•n-f (Neecha)
vijiiT (Arkaga-Coinhustion) ah
This order should he reversed for tlie malefins.
(Subhapfala) will increase if in T'J (Uchcha),
tTsr ( Asuhhahhavaphala) will increase only in^t'i-t (Neecha).
Benetics are good in exaltation. Malelics are gooti in depression.
Malefics are had in (Uchcha).
The proportions fjivcn above are with respect to benelirs. In
the case of malefics we must reverse the effects ; e.g. a benefic
in exaltation fjives very good results (.i.e. full.) ; in depression 1/16
effect. A malefic in dt-t (Neecha) must give I good effect and in
J.I (Uchcha) 1/32 good effect. This will he found to liold good
for finance.
•joi: ^1% «1I-

^ i gi W itinsfq
414 uravmrNrt Adh. VII.

Also HRhcO
m- ^ R^rf^ I
Rn^^: gRft: 11
See also VIII-116 infra.

qicys'H^jmtJraTT IIit

Sloka 59. According as Mara, Mercui y, jupiter,

Venus or Saturn possessing the greatest strength and oc-
cupying a Kendra is in the (Moolatrikona),
(Swakshetra) or ^fw (Swochcha), will the result'
ing Rajayoga be named (Ruchaka), ai? (Bhadra),
(Hatnsa), irr^s^ (Malavya) or ?ei?i (Sasa) the beautiful.
cf, HI' i■•Hi

^5irS'I 'T.fatt II
Also "ITIil'f.nT

s.irn 'iRn ^'TR>i : n

STTrT; '4^
<Mr5?RT artml I

m w* ii n
SI. 61 mnfteninr 416

Sloka 60 The person born under the auspicious

(Ruchaka) yoga will possess physical strengtn,
fotrune, fame and fine qualities. He will have a know
ledge of sciences ; he will be versed in the sacred hymns,
the method of praying with thetnand the art of producing
magic spells. He will becomea king or a king's compeer*
He will have a lovely attractive person ; he will be
liberal, victorious and wealthy. He will live 70 years
in comfort and happiness, commanding an army with a
good supply of fleet horses.
In the following 3 slokas from the eflect of hinh in
the is given in more detail:

^ . •o ^ .

TlWBlKT'JrS: ; li
Also Wtf^T. ch. VI-SJ. 2.

m ^ li n
Sloka 61. If, out of the lords of the 9th, the 11th
and the 2nd bhavas, there be but one that occupies a
Kendra position in respect to the Moon and if Jupiter
be the lord of the 11th bhava, the person born under
the yoga will become the ruler of a full-blown empire.
416 Adh. VII.

It is nf:t clear why this sloka has beea brought in here. The
reading is slightly different in viz..

The following slokas from 51'TS^ffl^i describing in detail

the yogas caused by the lords of the several houses each occupying
a Kendra position with tcspect to the -1'R55?t will be found to be
useful in this connection :

^wfrl ^ tn^MhrifMWTJT: 1

mfo ^>35; 11
^q^rnii?q: 1
51im ^"pqi 13iT^Tto3f^iq^ II
^ffifqq; qi?r 1

^jiifqq: %^iitT: 1
^g fT5f II
gstifqq ^ mn: ^ifqmiiTt ^qirrwr: 1
STlte qirtsfe^^^clT qfl%TPt 11
3«jqf%^T^F«r IsTIiffe: ^IvR W qiq; I
- C
q^ar ^iHuqg^V 11
qVq?^ qVt^: ^if^nqrfqqH: 1
siTar ftfq •iftq: mmw. ^qfuqi? fRf^: 11
smrftst f-rq^g; #1 qtiit m 1
^fiqil: 5^3^ #^Tgq: l^grfl: 11
SI. 62-63 WWsvuHi 417

Sloka 62. With the face of thetiger, with the ma'
jestic gait of the elephant, with a broad massive chest,
with leng brawny rounded arms and of a commanding
stature, the man born under the Bhadra (*f^) yoga will
be a king high-spirited and diligently devoted to the
befriending of kinsmen and well-wishers. He willreach
the age of 80 displaying commanding genius and enjoy,
ing vast fame and extensive wealth.
This sloka is taken from Three more slokas from
that work on the same yOfja are extracted below ;

q^ qpq i
qk: n

krcq qk^; ql; il

i^qft izw*

^n^uqq^iwi^ki^r: ^i^rrtq 5^
qRfrs^f^qi^i% ^5*1 11 11
Sloka 63, The person whose good fortune it is to
be born under the fn'im has these characteristics; He
has a red mouth and a prominent nose; his legs are
418 erevnfNiS Adh. VII-

well'formed; he has the voice and the phlegm of the

swan ; he is fair-limbed; he is blessed with a beautiful
wife; he is himself lovely like the God of love; he has
every comfort at his command » he is intent on acqui-
ring a knowledge of the sacred scriptures ; he is acute ;
has great merits ; his life is 3Z years ; he is beneficient
and devoted to virtue.
N otea.
The followiug slokas from give more information
about this yoga.

TSjfe; ^ fri for- II

^ sjqiM fjnm*. i


See also ch. 6 SI. 3.

Slokd 61, The person born under the »na«nfbi

has the gestures, the graceful bodily structure and the
eyes of a female; he is handsome, meritorious and
powerful; he is blessed with children, wife, vehicles
and wealth; he knows the meaning of the sacred scrip'
tuies; he is learned; hers clever in the application of
SL 65 410

the three regal powers—energy, capacity and counsel t

he is liberal; he is fondly addicted toother women and
he will attain to the age of 77.
•t "T RMi
!{TTq: I
fl-Oarcr: arrfa^T
aafR^RuiTR. n
R# faRift saif w i
an^aa^^". a aai^TRfR^aRif^arRT^ n

^TT »Tf%^
araiR^rlar^R^aad ^rm^r: l

^rm: aa^at^i^ wxk ll ^ 11

Sloka 65. The person born in the 5T5TR>»T (Sasa yoga)

may be a king, a minister, or a ".eneral haunting woods
and mountains; he is cruel hearted, and would even de-
ceive in his eager pursuit of metallurgy; he is bountiful,
he has wrathful eyes; he is spirited; he is lovingly devo-
ted to his mother, he is brave ; he has a dark form; he
lives for 70 years. He is a voluptuary and inclined to
play the paramour with the objects of his guilty love.
Cf. fllTR^r
^ERifR: ^ITtSq TlStsf^T I
RRlf^ipj ^5 ||
HRlRrm ^SIlR RifR-
420 Adh. VII.

Tl^: ^PTT

q§^^iT^^5if«TT^T qfrfrmi ^ \w |
qqffSl Wlf^filfirf^ ^ qicqfn«»: %ffr?f^: g#|:ll
Cy. ch. 6 si oka 4-
w 'nn^r it ^rt I
311^11^^5 II ^ II
S/oia 66. tn such planetary conjunctions as arf^ihT
(Adhi-yoga, vide slokas 113 115 infra.) the powerful
planet to which the yoga is due and which has the aspect
on itself of less powerful planets will produce the effect
of the yoga in its (dasa) period.
This is a quotation from qqfrtr. The time when a yoga
takes eflect is as described in this sloka in the case of all yogas
except those which are elective all through life and the Rajayogas
where the T^TT (dasa) and ^'cTr^Tf (Antardasa) periods of.the lord or
the occupant of the Lagna or the 10th bhava will bring about

^if^qf^TrRwrt q^cqT n


# ?T^nT:

Sloka 67. Jf Mercury be in the 2nd bhava with

respect to the Sun, if the Moon be in the 11th with
SI. 68-69 421

respect to Mercury and if Jupiter be in a #>1 (Kona)

with reference to the Moon, the yoga is called Bhaskara
The person born in the (Bhaskarayoga)
is brave, lord like, versed in the interpretation of the
scriptures, handsome, with a wealth of musical tones,
good at reckoning, resolute and competent.

^irswr: f 31 3R13R73 STR:

3T# ^^3^: mriT^RiTT ^frir I

n tl
Sloka 68. If Mars he in the 3rd bhava from the
Moon, Saturn in the 7th from Mars, Venus in the 7th
from Saturn, and Jupiter in the 7rh from Venus, the
yoga is styled huird. The person born in this yoga
will be celebrated, amiable, worthy of royal rank or in
some similar position, eloquent and possesse 1 of wealth,
hverse ornaments, fame, beauty and prowess

stwi 3?:
Tiin |
3i«fi 31^1 51^^^
rTrw; II ^ II

Sloka 69. If Jupiti r occupy a Kona from Venus,

the Moon the 5th bhava from Jupiter, the Sun a Kendra
from the Moon, the resulting yoga is termed
(Maruthyoga), i e. wind yoga The person who has his
birth in the (Vayuyoga) will be eloquent, broad-
breasted, big'beliied, conversant with the scriptures,
thriving, clever in striking bargains, and of royal rank
or in some position approaching thereto.
422 «T*PPnffaiTfr Adh. VII.

^»iR»r#T ^ mill fvr; ^f^r: i

TT^rsfttwRTS^^^qT^RI T^:
^i^r: ^mR5R^ 11 vs* \\

Sloka 70. When Jupiter is in the Lagna, the

Moon in a Kendrj from Jupiter, Rahu in the 2nd bhava
from the Moon, the Sun and Mars in the 3rd bhava from
the same, the resulting yoga is designated (Budha
yoga). The person born in the (Budhayoga) has
the majesty of a king. His strength will be matchless
and his name celebrated; he will be conversant with
the scriptures. He will be skilled in traffic, talented
and without enemies,

li %fRE»RhTJ II

3f^5TT fkm I

^ ii C? II
Sloka 71. When the Moon occupying the Ist or
the 7th bhava is without the bsnefic aspect of Jupiter
upon it, the result (Kemadrumayoga) If the
number of dots in the places occupied by planets (vide
Adhyaya 10) be very deficient, these as well as all weak
planets produce the effect of (Kemadrumayoga).

sni I) \s^ n
SI. 7.3-76 423

^ il vs? II
Slokus 11 7.1). If the 2nd. the 12th and both the
houses from the Moon be occupied by planets other
than the Sun, the yogas are termed 5^? (Sunapha) arrw
(Anapha) and (Dhuradhara) respectively. In the
absence of these three yogas, the artrologer may declare
the effect of (Kemadrumayoga).
of- TrrTrffaii

Vide also slol<a 83, infra.

qiqf^ qifa I
mm qNR^ qiq^ M w n
Slufid 74, When the Moon in conjunction with
the Sun occupies a malefic Navamsa and is aspected by
a depressed planet, the person born experiences the
effect of the (Dai idrayoga). The very same
effect follows also in the case of the person whose birth
takes place at night time when the 8th bhava from the
waning Moon is either aspected or occupied by a malefic

qiqTljft =*13 ^Trfrf I

sift it n
Sloka 75. When the Moon seizicd by Rahu or
Ketu is aspected by a malefic planet, the person born
soon gets into poverty. When the house representing
424 Adb. VII.

the 4th bhava from the Lagna or the Moon is occupied

by a malefic planet, the same effect follows, say the

Sloka 76, When the Moon aspected by a beaefic

planet worsted in planetary fight is seised by Rahu or
Ketu in an eclipse, the person born is indigent. The
same is the effect when the Moon occupies in the sign
Thula the (Varga) owned by an inimical sign and is
aspected by a depressed or inimical planet

hi ^ y&h

infsr mil ^
vjfTrfT Til^ II ViVS II
SI ok (i 77. When the Moon occupying a Kendra
or a Kona is in the iVarga) of its depression or
inimical sign and when Jupiter is in the l'2th, the 6th
or the 8th bhava from the Mcon, the person born will
be indigent. Again, if the Moon occupying a malefic
3^1 (Amsa) and aspected by an inimical planet be in a
moveable sign or if the malefic amsa occupied by the
Moon thus aspected belong to a moveable sign and if
the Moon have not the aspect of Jupiter upon it, the
poverty of the person born in this yoga will he unparah

m qfc ?15^ST ^mrsfr || \\

Sloka 78. If Saturn and Venus occupying the Var-
gas of depressed or inimical malefic planets be aspected
81. 79-80 sn-mts'snv: 425

each by the other or occupy one and the same sign, the
person born under this yoga, though of a princely family
will experience the effects of (Kemadrumayoga).

^ TFT# ^ Tm# TFTT#: TT

Ti"WRTCif^r ^
^ f^T STtRT Zfmi %T5[T: II VSS II
Sloka 79. When the Moon in conjunction with a
malefic planet and occupying at night a malefic house or
malefic Navamsa, is aspected by the lord of the 10th
bhava and is void of strength, the result is
(Kemadrumayoga). Again when the Moon in the
depression Navamsa is associated with a planet in the
(Khala) state {vide Adhyaya 2, slokus 16-18) and
aspected by the lord of the 9th bhava, there is the yoga
(Kcmadruma). Thirdly when the Moon is on
the wane and occupies the depression sign, the person
born at night has to experience the effect of %JT^'iriT

II n

TT 5TT^T*Rt HT ^WTJ M <io ||

Sloka 80. There is no yoga producing poverty
when the Moon or Venus occupying a Kendra is aspect'
ed by Jupiter. Again when the Moon associated with
a benefic planet or between two benefic planets is
aspected by Jupiter, the (Daridrayoga) does not
426 Adh. VI!.

snqf^r rCR: I

ii c? it
.S/jAvj 81. If the Mo^ii occupying the N^varasu of
a sign of a very friendly planet or of its exaltation wst
(Rasi) and is aspectcd by Jupiter, the person born will
be exempt from poverty. Again, when the full Moon
occupies the Lagnain conjunction with a benefic planet,
or when the Moon occupying the lOth bhava is in its
exaltation and aspectcd by Jupiter, the person born will
not be poor.

^sTrmrTq^Rr II II
Sloka 82. If in any horoscope iF.'rcfn" frn (Kemndni-
mayoga) comes in, the Rajayogas disappear like elephants
on seing a lion.

—jjtcrraT: i
%'5t hmw '^Td

Sloka 83. When planets other than the Sun occupy

the 2nd, the 12th, or both the 2nd and the 12th houses
from the Moon, the resulting 3 yogas are respectively styl-
ed 5P"Ta (Sunapha\ shtsi (Anaplvi) and 5^vaar (Dhurudhara).
It is declared by the majority of astrologers that in the
absence of the 3 yogas defined above, there is the
drn (Keinadrumayoga). Rut there are others who would
SI. 83 ^rsmtewirac 427

not allow the (Kemadrumayoga) where the

(Kendra) (calculated from the Lagtia or the Moon) is
associated with a planet. Some there are who declare
that the 3 yogas (Sunapha), aHur (Anapha) and
(Dhurudhara) are to be reckoned from the presence of
planets other than the Sun in the 4lh and the 10th Ken'
dra from the Moon instead of from the 2iid and the l^th
houses from the Moon: and the absence of any of these
3 yogas indicates the presence of (Kemadruma).
Another class would declare the three yogas in reference
to the. Navamsa occupied by the Moon, i.e. find the Rasi
owning the Navamsa which the Moon occupies ; if
reckoning from this Rasi, the 2nd or the 12th Rasi or
both be occupied by planets other than the Sun, these
three yogas exist. (Kemadruma) is the absence of
any of these 3 yogas. But the holders of these last two
views* are not recognised as authorities in the science
of astrology.
This and the next tu'O si okas are taken from irfrssTPTSi*
Noh'. —In the yofj"* propoiui'h'il hi/ thin slo/ca. the Sun in
fdwayx kept out of aonniAurtttion.
(hhrst half). The authonti cs relied on by <IT*K•-r with
regard to this half of the sloka appear to he MHI'W
and invnitWc-t and such other works, where, in the absence of the
H yogas (viz.) ( itrtri, '■K-ra and Sy-'jo), is declared as positive.
IT 41 1

* But Parasara has recognised the last two views.

428 wavnR«a Adh. VII.

Also sfRF??!

^P^TH^PiHrwrWT'mnT^ sfcq ^R1 ||

rq ipromraf ftrfal»R%^ ^ |
^ f^f?, fj^i ^ II

I^WrT; ^ ^Fl: %iT5»r: F?cf: I

(Third quarter). ?n fiifec (Varahamihira) relies on 1iT(GarKa)>

for the principle laid down in this Tl? (pada) of the sloka, who says
that, in the absence of any of the 3 yogas above stated, the
(Kemadnima) will be mitigated or nullified by the presence of
any of the five planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter Venus and Saturn
in a Kendra or by the Moon's association with any one of them-

The words ittifprifsw rtijja" are also capable of being

interpreted ITC3%" that is, if the Moon
occupy a Kendra (calculated froin the Lagna) or be associated
with a planet (one of the five above named)- Jiut this has to be
rejected on the authority of -PtfftRrc who says
VM't —(s55SU<Pf, Ch. VI. Sloka 1) and on the authority
of sloka 77 supra. The above interpretati in is also opposed to
the principle laid down by Garga who has said:

Fig F i
^JTTf^^nmsq^T tl
qh: kvZHl qiq flgi ^JlTiq q^fj: I
qqfoi fq^rqRT n

That is, if the 2nd or the 12th house counted from the Moodi
or any of the Kendras—whether reckoned from the Moon or the
Lagna—be not be occupied by any one of the five planets, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the resulting yoga is Kema-
dnima, &<:.
SI. 83 429

cf. Also jpirar

nl ^
f^f. ^^T5T?Tr^T^: H
The correct interpretation of the words therefore are (1)
3(U Rrg?t IRf — That is, " if one of the Kendras or
the Moon be associated with a planet" (any one of the five above
named); ( 2) %^^*T^l tfirjk ~ "If Kendra be devoid of
the Moon or be occupied by a planet " (any one of the five above
named). This interpretation will correspond with the above quoted
Garga's principle as also that of Kalyanavarman who says ;

mni |

^ q q^j qmi: ^ i

From the above, it will be seen that, according to Garga

though the position of any one of the five planets in any one of the
Kendras will annul or annihilate the ellects of theKemadruma-
yoga, it does not produce any of the 3 yogas Sunapha, Anapha and
' 'hurudhura.
l-iVofe.—The Moon in a Kendra osaociaied v ith one of the
Jive planets does not destroy the effect of the Kemadrumayoga] ■
(Fourth quarter). But the Yavanas went further. Sruta-
kirti, one of the Yavanas declared that the presence of any of the
planets (l) in the 4th house from the Moon is Sunapha (2) in
the 10th house Anapha and (3) in the 4th and lOlh bouses is Dhu-
rudhura. cf.

qfq: n
Adh. VII.

Devasarman went still further than Srutakirli and declared

the yogas with reference to the Nav^msa of the Moon. cf.
fpifl: i
IfRf I
qt'irs^T !1
The above two views, viz., those of Smtakirti and Devasar-
man are not accepted by Varahamihira or other old astrologers.
But Kalyanavarman seems to attach some weight to the views of
Srutakirli- cf. rtRI^f

qfti q#^<qf n
But Varahamihira as also Salyacliarya would appear to be
strict followers of Skanda and Prajapathi- cf. K-H^TT-IT
gqqir i
sqqfN^pjfl %q^qq??t qts-q; n
^qqSTfqq^iqi^ |
qra sgqt q|%qqqq^5 ^fqi^qq, n
qiq^qisq qVirs-qqi qi?iq qf|q q-q i also says that the absence of planets in the 2nd and
]2tb houses from the Moon causes hemadruma. cf.
qpipqrifqqfp&q *mr qt%qq;i-rqfpiq;

%^qqni q qflfqqn: ^q^R:

qiqiqqfqfq: WT; ^fqfqqr q\qr: ll

The presence of the planets in the Kendras, the Moon's asso-
ciation with any of them, the aspect of all the planets over the
SI 83 431

Moon are all specilic cases of exceptions where Kemadruma does

not operate. For Parasara says :

^T: $-5^% %ii qina'ifq I

m ^ f*? fg: s^i "I n

o qTii: fws^i ^ **%'. \\

See also the following si oh a from '.TRTF-ft-
^^TT"r fFTFl;

ira^T'^: ni'lMtm f^rfV; ||

There are 31 varieties of Sunapha, 31 of Anapha and 180 of
Dhurudhara. cf. yHMt

qtn f?vj^ f^JTtrqT II

Tahc for example the Sunajiha yoga. The second house from
the Moon may contain one, two, three, four or all the five planets
fviz. Mars, Mercury, lupiler, Venus and Saturn)- This will be in
5, 10, 10, 5 and 1 or 31 wavs-iC f C + C + C + C]. Similarly
i ii ;; i r.
with tiie Anapha yoga
Now take the case of a Sunapha yoga where the second house
from the Moon is occupied by only one planet. In order to make
this a Dhurudhura yoga the !2th house from the Moon may con-
tain one, two, three or four planets. This can be in 4 + fj + 4+l
[C + C + C+Cl or 15 ways. So, for one Sunapha yoga where the
t 2 a t
2nd house is occupied by one planet, there are 15 varieties of
432 Adh. VII.

Dhurudhura yoga possible. Therefore, for the 5 varieties of

Sunapha yoga, with 1 planet in the 2nd house there are 5 x 15 or 75
varieties of Dhurudhura yoga.
Next, in the case of a Sunapha yoga with 2 planets in the 2nd
house, to make this a Dhurudhara yoga, the 12th house may
contain one, two or three planets. This can be in 3 +3d-!
3 3 3
tC+C+Cl or 7 wavs. Therefore for the 10 such varieties of
I 2 3
Sunapha yoga with 2 planets in the 2nd house, 10X7 or 70 varieties
of Dhurudhura yogas are possible. Similarly in the case of a
Sunapha yoga with 3 planets in the 2nd house in order to convert it
into a Dhurudhura yoga, the )2th house may contain one or two
planets. This will be in 2+1 or 3 ways. For the 10 such varie-
ties of Sunapha yoga with 3 planets in the 'ad house, we have
10X3 or 30 varieties of Dhurudhura.
In the same way, for the 5 varieties of Sunapha yoga with 4
planets in the 2nd house we have 5 varieties of Dhurudhura.
In the case of the Sunapha yoga which has all the 5 planets in
the 2Dd house, no Dhurudhura yoga is possible.
The total number of varieties of Dhurudhura yoga is thus
75+70+30 + 5 = 180.

fMbqrcTPnq; n n
Sloka 84. The person who has had his birth in the
(Sunaphayoga) will be a king or his equil with
self-acquired property, and renowned for his wisdom
and wealth. The man born under the aww (Anapha) will
be strong, healthy, with amiable manners, known to
fame, blessed with material comforts, well-dressed, con-
tented and happy.
SI. 85 433

The priiciple here is that planets in the 2iul (from the Moon)
give rise to accumulation of wealth and planets in the l^th (from
the Moon) give rise to enjoyment without caring for accumulation.
The position of planets is with respect to Rasi positions instead of

fsiq^i \]

mm ^f^rrai: 11 <sh it
SL ka 85. Taking freely to the joys of life as they
crop up and blessed with abundance of wealth and vehi-
cles. the person born under the ip^rr (Dhurudhura)
yoga is bountiful and waited upon by faithful attendants.
But those born under the%iT?iT(Kemadruma) yoga, though
they may be of a princely race, become obscure, miser'
able, given to base ways, penurious, drudging as menials
and wickedly inclined.
Persons born under (Durudhura) yoga earn (because of
planets in the 2nd) and at the same time enjoy or spend (because of
planets in the 12th). In the case of (Kemadruma), the
yoga should be predicted only if, as stated above, there are no pla-
nets in any of the Lagna Kendras or with the Moon in any one
Lagna Kendra.
frfrra: i
434 Adh. VII

qfqm II
iMt ^ I
teaqt ^^atsfq 11
Also «Ki^l
sifqa; ifwi
^ia^a^»5?ivi^^r?a«qaaTjfi i
a|^'lF|^TWH^T ^Rp-i; 11

^1: ^55:
kwzx aafa ^ifqii^atsfi n

II fHT^5fg^Nn%T: II

stfw ftw ^ I
^ttt ^r^aaa f% n n
Sloka 86. The person at whose bitth Mars is in
the 2nd bhava fr im the Moon will become a king and
in that capacity he will be fierce, cruel, hypocritical,
atrong minded, wealthy, valiant and irritable.
Varahamiliira does nol ciifierentiaU; I lie uHecl ol I he planels
by their positions in the dnd or in iht 12lh hou'e so far as the
yogas mentioned in si oh as So-lU.') are t.oncet ned. He attributes
the effects to the planets causing the yoga without reference to
their being in the 2nd or the lilli house
cf, fs;j;rrsrT

75: fngui: ^15 I

SI. 87-90 485

^5%# %qiT4t^T ii

flcr^ ^sn§;w f^r tl ll

Sl-jk i 87. ('onversant with vcdic ordinances, fine
arts and music, welhshaped, highly intelligent, of agree-
able speech and pious will the person be at whose birth
Mercury occupies the 2nd house from the Moon.

^ 3^ ll ll
Sloku 88. The person bom in the (Sunapha)
with Jupiter in the 2nJ house from the Moon excels in
every branch of knowledge, is prosperous, has a good
family, gets into the good graces of his sovereign and
becomes lordly and famous.

^TTT-ifr: f^r II II
Sloka 89. In the gstTa (Sunaphal in which Venus
occupies the 2nd house from the Moon, the person born
will be valiant, married, wealthy, possessed of agricul-
tural lands, engaged in work, with much property, rich
in cattle and horses (ijuadrupedj and will live in regal

^rs t) II
Sloka 9^. When Saturn is in "the 2nd bhava in
respect to the Moon, the person born will get the esteem
436 Adh. VII.

of all people in towns and villages, and will be wealthy,

talented and versed in every kind of business.

II ll

w: II W II
Sloka 9i. When Mars occupies the I2th house
from the Moon, the person born will be arrogant, eager
for war, wrathful hold, at the head of a band of
marauders, resolute and of an alluring presence.

n w n
Sloka 92. When Mercury occupies the 12th bha-
va from the Moon, the person born will be capable of
discoursing cleverly on music and drawing, learned,
eloquent, handsome, of great renown and held in
veneration by kings

5jf%: ^TRWir^i: ^ ^ II ^ II
Sloka 93. The person at whose birth Jupiter is in
the 12th bhava in respect to the Moon will be highly
honoured by kings, very intelligent, endued with
earnestness and energy, upright and possessed of a great
deal of status and wealth.

gift N W 11
Sloka 94. A charmer of young women, owning
numerous cattle and similar possessions, highly inteh
ligent, rich in money and grain, will the person be at

whose nativity; Venus is in the 12th bhava from the


^ri II (l
Sloka 95. When Saturn occupies the 12th bhava
from the Moon, the person born is long armed, merito-
rious, possessed of numerous cattle and similar posses'
sions : he is a leader and his words carry weight and
are accepted ; he is yoked to a bad woman.

II n

jprni Hsoftsf^rct *wff I

Sloka 96. The person at whose birth the Moon

is between Mercury and Mara is untruthful though
possessed of merits, clever but yery depraved, censorious
and avaricious, and addicted to unchaste women past
their prime.

Sloku 97. When the Moon is betwixt Mars and
Jupiter, the person born will be a renowned individual,
owing his fortune to his own mighty exertion, but
harassed by foes. The moral tone of his household
would wholly be due to his powerful example.

|e: i
srfafafi ll ll
Sloka 98. If at a person's birth, the Moon be
between Mars and Venus, he will be athletic, handsome,
438 wwiiRaia Adh. VIL

cruel, cheerful, virtuously inclined and wealthy, but

liable to swerve from morality under the influence of

fURf^nj II ^ ii
Sloka 99. The individual at whose birth the
Moon is between Mars and Saturn will be addicted to
vile women, wrathful, rich, treacherous, contending
with numerous enemies but unscathed and uncontrite.

Sloka 100. When the Monn is in the midst of the

two planets Mercury and Jupiter at a person's biith he
will be pious, conversant with the sacred scriptures,
eloquent, facile in composition) associated with good
men and of great fame.

11?°? li
Sloka 101. The person at whose birth the Moon
is between Mercury and Venus, will be an amateur in
dancing and music, beloved, of agreeable speech, hand-
some, highly intelligent and of a heroic temperament.

^ ;nftffoisnnfcra: l
Sloka 101. When the Moon is between Saturn and
Mercury, the person bom may have to go from one
Country to another ; he will be revered, have moderate
learning and wealth but evince great aversion to his
kith and kin.
SI. 103-106 480

il ?o^ II
Sloka 103. Acting in a princely fashion, prospc
rous, politic, valiant, celebrated and guiltless in thought
will the person be at whose nativity the Moon holds a
place between Jupiter and Venus.

ll U
Sloka 104. The person at whose birth the Moon
has got between Saturn and Jupiter will be comfortable;
possessed of humility, knowledge, learning, beauty and
worth; owning much wealth and ol a conciliatory

il ^ II
Sloka 105. If at a birth, the Moon be between
Venus and Saturn in a (Dhurudhura yoga), the
person born will be an important personage in a tribe
wedded to ancient customs and the lord of a band of
worthless females ; he will have much wealth and enjoy
royal favour.

mmftT I

inpi^ il M n
Sloka 106. The whole effect of any yoga such as
has been described is invariably realised by the person
born under the yoga, when the yoga-making planets
440 <iwwmNwt Adh. VII.

occupy their exaltation, their own or friendly houses.

The same is equally true, say Parasara and other autho-
rities, when the Navamsas occupied by the yoga-making
planets relate to their own or friendly houses.

^ 3*1$^ *1 I

Sloka 107. If the Moon be in conjunction with

Rahu or Ketu or if Rahu occupy the 12th bhava from
the Moon, or if the planet producing the yoga be depres-
sed or obscured by the Sun's rays, the effect of the yoga
will be mixed to the person born therein.
With regard to the Moon's capacity of doing good or evil
with reference to these three yogas, Varahamihira says.


That is, for persons born in the day time, the Moon in any of
the first 6 houses is auspicious and in any of the other C houses is
inauspicious. The reverse efiect is to be understood in the case
of persons born in the night time.
Skanda and I'rajapati and others also say so with reference to
these yogas. These therefore deserve consideration,

ii 3i«r wil^ihi: ii

^FTnr: WfiQdt II II
Sloka 108. If Jupiter occupying the 6th or the 8th
bhava from the Moon be else where than in the Kendra
in respect to the Lagna, the resulting yoga is termed
SI. 100-110 441

" g %^srr ^itofng,"
But Parasara says
51f5: "
If all the planets be in the 1st and the 7th bhavas, the result-
ing yoga is called (Sakata). Also ^TlSRftr (Varahamihira) in
his (Brihat Jataka) ch. 12, SI. 3 gives the following defii-
nition of (Sakata) identical with Parasara's;

The (Sakata yoga) mentioned in sluka 16S infra is

diSerent from this. The yoga referred to in this sloka is devoid of
its had eflects if Jupiter, while being in the 6th or the 8th house
from the Moon, is in a Kendra from the Lagna.

ii (i
Sloka 109. The person born in the (Sakata
ycga) be he of a royal family, becomes indigent and in
consequence of the trouble and fatigue falling to his lot,
he is always distressed and becomes an object of
aversion to the king.
PR iff; iff: I

ii 'iiRdHii^ilu: n

Sloka 110. To the person born under its influence,

a planet secures comtorts if in the irRzfmhi (Parijatamsa),
442 Adh. VII.

sound health if in the (Uttama Varga); numerous

cattle if in the nrsmr (Gopuramsa): and dominion if in
the foir^^hr (Simhasanamsa, fide Adhyaya 1, Si. 45'46).

\\\U h
Slokj 111, A planet that attains the (Para
vatha Varga) brings to the men born under its auspices,
learning and renown accompanied by great prosperity.
If the planet reach the higher (Devalokabhaga),
the lucky person coming into the world under the
happy yoga comes to possess an army containing a large
number of cars, horses and elephants. If the planet in
power at the time of birth be in the highest fytrqgfar
(Iravathamsa), it secures a kingship to the person born.
These are the effects of the yogas mentioned in slokas 45-464
of Adhyaya I and are taken from


3I|f5T R^l ^ ^
^ ^ ii ii
Sloka 112. According as the Moon occupies a
Kendra, a Panapara or an Apoklima in respect to the
Sun, will the moral training, the wealth, the knowledge
and the intellectual precision of the person born, be the
lowest, middling or highest. If the Moon be in its
own Navamsa or in that of a very friendly planet and
V. 112 443

if it be aspected by Jupiter, the person born will be

wealthy, if it be aspected by Venus, he will be happy—
in both cases without regard to when the birth takes
place—which may be by day as well as by night.
Tins and the next sloka are taken from Brihat Jalaka-
From the effects mentioned, it will be seen that the Moon in
a Kendra from the Sun is bad whether in the conjunction (1st), in
a square (4th or 10th) or in opposition (7lh). Here Varahamihira
differs from Parasara with regard to (Purniina Chandra).
The Moon situated in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 1 Ith from the
Sun is middling; 5th is a negative trine and 9th is a positive one.
The Moon situated in the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th from the
an is good in result. Here Parasara also agrees. C/,

^ ||
^IT fpR I

tag f# c^rI |



RT^t ta RTild?Pijfdta^HrffRl-T.r: |
fi ^ Ri? fpR il
The sloka in the text can also hrai the following two inter-
pretations ;—
(1) If the birth be in day time and the Moon be aspected
by Jupiter, jhe person becomes wealthy. If the birth be at night
444 Adh. VII.

time and the Moon be aspected by Venus, the person born becomes
happy. If the Moon be in his own Navamsa and aspected by
Jupiter, the native will be wealthy. If the Moon should be in the
Navamsa of a very friendly planet and aspected by Venus, then
the person born will be happy.
(2) Whether the birth be at night or day, if the Moon be
aspected by Jupiter and Venus together, the native is sure to be
rich and happy. The amount of wealth will be in a less degree
if the Moon at birth be in his own or in a friend's Navamsa and
be aspected by Jupiter. In the same way the happiness will be
slightly less if at birth the Moon being in his own or in a friend's
Navamsa be aspected by Venus.
cf. WQip#

mttfrnuai ^rmi: 11 U3 it
Sloka 113. With the henefic planets occupying
the 6th, the 7th and the 8th houses from the Moon
there results what is called the Moon's (Adhi'
yoga) wherein takes place the birth of a commander
(Police Superintendent or head), a minister or a ruler
(of a district or Province). Those that are horn in the
Moon's wrf^nn(Adhiyoga) are at the height of prosperity
and pleasure, overcome their foes and live a long life,
being exempt from diseases and dangers.
The yoga will be lowered a little in effect if he Son should
SI. 113 tBHqtamrir; 445

be in opposition to the Moon. The efFects described in the third

quarter of the sloka will take place if only two henefics instead of
three as above be in the above places from the Moon, and those
mentioned in the last quarter result if only one benefic is present
in one of the above places from the Moon. The benefic planets
referred to are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Bhattotpala says that the interpretation put by some that all
the three places, viz., 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the Moon,
should te occupied each by one of the three to constitute an
(Adhiyoga) is not correct, and quotes in support thereof
the following from WfpfcliS (Srutakeerti) who recognises 7 sorts of
arf«rqtT {Adhiyoga).
^ TO -($3^ I
H ^ rcrci II
The seven sorts are caused according as the three benefic pla-
nets occupy one or more of the three houses, 6th, 7th and 8th
places from the Moon. That is, they might occupy (1) all the 3
houses, 6th, 7th and 8th; (2) 6th and 7tli; (3) 6th and 8th; (4)
7th and 8th; (5) 6th only ; (6) 7th only and (7) 8th only. Hf
also adds

<\W. "TT% II
Badarayana and Parasara are of opinion that accord-
ing as all the benefic planets happen to possess superior, medium
or ordinary strength, a person born under the yoga will become a
king, a minister or a commander.
?lW: Tf* ^ TT FJ: 1

3TTfJ; I
446 Adh. VII.

But (Kalyanavarman) classes the (Chan-

dradhiyoga) with Raja yoga when the planets Mercury, Jupiter
and Venus are not eclipsed nor aspccled by malelics, ctf, fllCl^t
zti RrRlW: SJIRT: ^HT:
>THV 5J qfeRT: I

Mandavya ia also of the same opinion, cf.

m Rq \

qfii«Tikg^ ^55 mK II

II 55?nf^kr: II

^rfcT hwj II II
Sloka 114. When benefic planets occupy the 6th,
the 7th and the 8th bhava from the Lagna and are nei-
ther in conjunction with nor aspected by malefic planets
which are in positions other than the 4th bhava» the
celebrated (Lagnadhiyoga) is produced.
This and the next six slokas are from Parasara. FrOm the
quotation from Phaladcepika quoted under ti e previous sloka, it
will be seen that Mantreswara recognises Chandradhiyoga and
Lagnadhiyoga al ike.
»/. sfflTWrtg

m- vqk n
Si. 116-117 ^wwswrors 447

5^^ 511% ^ II
Sloka 115. The person born in the earFgwr (Lag-
nadhiyoga) will produce many scientific works, possess
philosophical training, hold a chief command in the
army, will be unsophisticated and generous, enjoying
the eminent advantages which fame and fortune give in
the world.

For the ^{rirTqt'r (Lagnadhiyoga) lh= following effects ate
given in —
f^fqa^raq qfe jgu; qw
^tJii q|dt qfri: I
eft^gri^fSlill JTrfqqr elJTlf^qT^ w
^(iT. SRH. I!


^ ^Jjrl ^ II II
Sloka li6. When Jupiter occupies a kendra from
the Moon, the yoga produced is called (Gajake-
sari). Again if the Moon be aspected by planets,
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury without being depressed
or obscured by the Sun, the yoga produced is »l3T%?r<l

fcntf goi#T?n ^ u n
448 wtovifRiirB Adh. VII.

Sloka 117. The person born in the

(Gajakesariyoga) is energetic; has much money and
grain; is intelligent and meritorious and does what will
please his king.

mi II
sirm I

ii 3TO3i%rs ii

m it \\c n
Sloka 118. If at the birth of any person, a benefic
planet be in the 10th house reckoned from the Moon or
the Lagna, the fame of that person will remain unclouded
in the country and his prosperity will be unfaMing till
the end of his life,

Sloka 119. When the 10th bhava from the rising
sign or the Moon is occupied by a benefic planet, the
yoga is styled wrar (Amala-spotless) and the fame of
the person born in the yoga lasts- as long as the Moon
and stars endure.

SI. 121-132 fWTTSWTRt: 449

Sloba 120. The person born in the (Ama'

layoga) is highly revered by his sovereign, has great
enjoyments, is liberal, kind to his reLtives, benevolent
and worthy.
The effect of birth in an (Amalayoga) is thus describ-
ed in wrrffoiT (Phaladeepika).

u it

n w li
Sloka 121, if planets occupy the 12th, the 2nd or
both the bhavas from the Sun, the resulting yogas are
respectively named (Vesi), ^r% (Vesi) and
(Ubayachari). When the planets concerned occupy
their own, friendly or exaltation signs, the persons born
in the resulting yogas will be on a par with kings in
regard to the vast wealth and comforts they can
Sloka 122. The person born in an auspicious
(Vesiyoga) is amiable, eloquent, wealthy, intrepid
and triumphant over his foes while the one born in a
(Vesiyoga) with an inauspicious planet is fond
of bad company, evil-minded and bereft of riches and
450 Adh. vn

^ n ii
Sloka 123. The person whose birth takes place in
a ^%*fm (Vesiyoga) with a benefic planet is intelligentj
liberal, delighting in scientific pursuits, and possessed
of comfort, wealth, fame and strength ; but the man
born in a (Vesiyoga) with a malefic planet will
be very stupid, afflicted with lust, delighting in murder,
and uglyfaced and he may have to go into exile.


Sloka 121. Those that have their birth in the
(Ubhayachariyoga) produced by benefic pla-
nets are princely individuals possessed ol corresponding
wealth and comforts and beloved for their amiability
and compassionate nature. But those that are born in
the (Ubhayachari) with malignant planets are
wicked, afflicted with diseases, engaged in service for
other people and in indigent circumstances.
Cf. Il2 l|
qiqqf qplf: It
sp^^rq^f ffrtqiT I
siiql i
SI. 126 «?n?rson*r: 461

^nft ^TtT: ||
Also in^nr
^ff? aJF^i' irln^ '■
*n%f^5qW%«PT^ft ^n: i

q>??n ^igfeqi^t^; n
f^qjjffg: R^fsRTC ^RfiPTtS^Ha? I
^ ^nqsi ^q>RIFr^q^ ^iiq^iRTf^TT^d
qRl ^ITSiRR f^^RqqO^R^ ^fRKR:
ms(q^ R^rqRT^ft q?T Rtqf R^^i: |
Rif3^; R^nT^rs^qfTRqi^TW: R15: R^r
3^^ ffRTRHR: m Rf: R^: II
V^i ^fe^RRRRIFRraR^tRR-
RRT^A: Rf^: ^H: R3^5^ INRffl: ffiRf: I
RfRPtf ^R^^3RRV| qiqifqt
RfTT^TRm; R^Hf RtRT R Tl^n: ||
SIR; if.RrfTiS sRT %OfTRR?f: II


^RI^RT^ R^ Wizb ^RTIRF?^ R^WTI^^ I

Sloka l'J5. According as the rising sign ii occupied
by bendic or malefic planets, the yogas produced are
452 Adh. VII.

termed gw (Subha) and wgw (Asubha) respectively.

When the 12th and the 2nd bhavas from the Lagna are
occupied by malefic or benefic planets, the yogas are
called (Papakarthari) and (Soumyakarthi-
ri) respectively.

ll II
Sloka 126. The person born in the g»T«iNf (Subha
yoga) is eloquent, handsome, amiable and worthy while
the one born in the argwbi (Asubha yoga) is lustful,
wicked and feeding on what is not his own but

irfl vfoJt ^II ^vs ll

Sloka 127. The person born in a (Subha
karthari yoga) will have superior lustre, wealth and
strength while the one born in a (Papakarthari)
will be criminal, eating begged food and impure.
In the 3 yogas gn (Subha), sugT (Asubha) and (Karthari)
mentioned in slokas ) 25-127 the Sun and the Moon are not
CJ• iTT <T

M>TT^n; 5^^: It
5?Ta) i
SI. 128-1Z9 WBPftsw»ni: 453

^Rqr't tm; T^Trn^r f^nfjT^^': n


^ Tlfr: i
^^'ft ^
mtrgfft n II
Sloka 128. If benefic planets be in Kendra houses
and if the 6th and the 8th bhavaa be either unoccupied
or occupied by benefic planets, the resulting yoga is
(Parvatha). Again, if the lords of the Lagna and
the I2th bhavas be in Kendra positions with respect to
each other and aspected by friends, there is the
(Parvatha yoga).
cf. iMiT
BJTT^m'pim: H5 %'Tqiqi: I
<i ^ it
Also ^FfT-TiKy

1: qtirlsq qw 8WT II

5^1^: ^ n it
Sloka 129. The person who has his birth in the
T^mn (Parvatha yoga) will be prosperous, engaged in
literary pursuits, liberal, libidinous and fond of sporting
with women not his own, full of energy, famous and at
the head of a city.
454 awwurfon^ Adh. VII.

^t% ^n

?K\f% ^ ^ I

^ cn^: ^ II II

Sloka l^O. If the lords of the 9th and the 4th bha-
vas be in Kendra positions with respect to each other
and if the lord of the Lagna have strength, the yoga
produced is winss (Kahala). If the lord of the 4th
bhava occupying its exaltation or its own sign be as'
pected by or in conjunction with the lord of the Idth
bhava, the yoga will be such as the foregoing.

Sloka 131. The person born in the ^rf^nr (Kaha-
la yoga) is vigorous, daring, ignorant, possessed of an
army complete in its parts and ruling over a few villages-
cf. jTH'tir. ?T
^?(^?)R'T?l^T4-q>q 1
sp.qfa qjn: n
?sqqH i
aqT?nq?t qft ^Tr^T# n
(Kahalayoga) and its effect are thus stated in
SI. 132-138 HH*ns««rW; 455

ffa Slfqfl: II
gtlR: Rfl5i: ^8^: I


STRTf 15T^^T^mT«j: I
w^r€f n n
Sloka 132. If the 7 planets be in 7 houses from the
Lagna, the person born in the yoga is a king in command
of many elephants and horses. If the (Mala—the
wreath of planets) be from the 2nd bhava, the person
born in this 2nd yoga will be a king owning hoards of
wea'th, dutifully reverent towards parents, resolute, of
stern aspect and possessed of eminent virtues.

anat w
^r: ?i qjt fmi)

^ 1^?: II ll
Sloka 133. If the »nfli«r (Malika) commence from
the 3rd bhava, the person born in it will bo heroic and
wealthy hut sickly. If the starting point of the
(Malika) be the 4th Lhava, the person who has his birth
therein will be a very liberal sovereign enjoying the
good fortune due to his governing many countries.
456 Adh. VII-

^ ^?f^-
diftl5fa«ilCTT^ II II
Sloka 134. If the mfe«T (Malika) begin with the
5th bhava, the person born in the yoga will be a king
performing sacrifices according to ritual or getting fame
otherwise. If the nrar (Mala) be from the 6th bhava,
the person taking his birth in the yoga will be needy
but getting wealth and comforts occasionally at some
stages of his life The person born in a wreath of
planets starting with the 7th bhava will be a king dearly
loved by a large number of wives. If the Sth bhava be
the commencement of a Bf^r (Malika), the person who
comes into the world under such a planetary conjunc
tion will be a distinguished personage, blessed with
long life but poor and henpecked.

OUTSIT Tfc 335$: I

snat n W li
Sloka 135. If the (Malika yoga) begin
with the 9th bhava, the person born in it will be
endowed with all good qualities, will devoutly perform
sacrifices and will be -mighty. When the yoga has its
inception in the 10th bhava, the personage taking birth
in it will be engaged in good acts and held in high
esteem by the virtuous. If the yoga should proceed
from the 11th bhava the person born will be the lord of
lovely women, princely in birth and paragons of their
sex and he will be competent to engage in every kind
of activity. If the Brer (Mala) originate in the 11th
SI. 136-137 mnrrsyihf: 437

bhavd, die person will be lavish in his expenditure and

honoured every wherr.

ii ii

^ ^ "mr. h?^ii
SI oka 136. If the lord of the Lagna occupying the
exaltation sign and aspected by Jupiter be in a Kendra,
the resulting yoga is called ^riR (Chamara). If two bene'
fic planets be in the Lagna, the 7th, the 9th or the 10th
bhava, there will be the yoga cilled wrt (Chamara).
(ChamarayoRa) is thus difierently stated in
f^T I
qVaitTTS^: II
If the planets occupying each of the Lagna and the other
bhavas in order be either in conjunction wither aspected bv bene-
fic planets, or the lords thereof be in henefic positions, uneclipsed
by the Sun's rays or in their own houses, then the 12 resulting
yogas are respectively termed ^W: (Chamara), (Dhenu), sfi'T
(Saurya), (Jaladhi), vJiT (Chathra), (Aslhra), (Kama),
SHST (Aasura), wtR (Bhagya), ^TRT (Khyati), TTl^I'T (Parijata),
and gtRr (Musala).

^iTi^R.TT I
^frirH; 11

'fm jsnraro* ?n"ft m *i^qj I

468 Adh. VII.

Sluka 137. The person born in the (Cha'

mara yoga) will be either a philosopher, wise, eloquent
and held in high esteem by kings, or a king who being
competent by birth Ac,, to enter on the study of the
sacred scriptures, has mastered everything connected
therewith. This personage will live a year after the
tale of 70 years is completed ; i.e. 71 years.
cf, iTiiT-w-Tir
qftsfaT -urn 5# 1

11 ^if^br: ii

«?iTm qiT TjfTrm: 1

^5% 5 m-ar 11 H
Sloka 138. When the lords of the 6th and the 6th
bhavas are in Kendra positions with respect to each
other and when the lord of the Lagna is strong, the yoga
is called (Sankha). The same yoga is said to exist
when the lord of the Lagna, as well as the lord of the
10th bhava, occupy a moveablc sign and the lord of
9th bhava is strong,

Sfrk"? n W il
Sloka 139. The person born in the Sankha yoga
will have a life of enjoyment, be compassionate, blessed
with a wife, sons, wealth and lands, engaged in the
practice of virtue, will possess a knowledge of the
sacred scriptures, will be well-conducted, beneficent,
SI. 140-141 459

and may live SI years (one year after the tale of eighty
is completed).
cf. 3rnTO$5r
^r: i
q: qr^I; ffid: II
5Tf4Wr^T rT^TT fTfflqTs^ m |
^ HH ii
(Sankhayoga) and its effect are thus stated in
5rf: II


^ n ii
SI k i 1-1(1. When there arc planets in the 2nd, the
12th, the 1st and the 7th bhav.ts and when the lord of
the ]Cth bhava is strong, the yoga is ^ (Bheri).
When Venus and the lord of the 1st bhava occupy
Kendra positions in respect to Jupiter and when the
lord of the 9th bhava is strong, the same yoga should be
said to exist.

R^nrn ^rt: II n
Sloka 141. Those that are born in the (Bheri
460 Adh. vn.

yoga) are lordly men, of good birth, long-lived, exempt

from diseases and danger, possessed of much wealth,
lands, sons and wives, of great renown, enjoying much
happiness on account of their virtuous lives, eminently
heroic and of great experience in the affairs of the world.

^ II W ll
SL ka 142. If the lord of the Navamsa which a
planet in its exaltation occupies be in a Kona or Kendra
position ; if the occupant of the Kona or Kendra posi'
tion in question be in its exaltation or own house and
have abundanca of strength and if the lord of the Lagna
be powerful at the same time; the yoga produced is
(Mrudanga) and confers on the person born nobility of
mien and fame such as it is the good fortune of sove-
reigns to have-

Sluku 143. When the lord of the 7th bhava is in

the lUth bhava and when the lord of the 10th is in the
exaltation si n and also in conjunction with the lord of
the 9th, the auspicious yoga called ^nrf*! (Srinatha lord
of Fortune) is produced. The person born therein will
be like Indra, the king of the celestials.
SI, 144-145 461

But see

sfow^'it ^ i
aS^l^*n«ITTq5Tf^5TT: U

?HTBnf|r[l?l'TOilM RBI^: I
^^f^sf^girn; «T^iqqtm^; 11

^^3^ ^r^r^Sr
si^ wr ^ ^nrt?^ fviTTr%gR^r^; n 11
Sloka 144. When the lord of the 10th hhava is in
the 5th, when Mercury is in a Kendra ; when the Sun
is in its own sign and exceedingly powerful; when
Jupiter is in a Kona in respect to the Moon and when
Mars occupies a Trikona position with regard to Mer-
cury; the resulting yoga is called sm^r (Sarada). When
Jupiter is in the 11th bhava from Mercury and other
conditions mentioned before obtain, the same yoga is
said to exist.

g$qfi9#WTfjT: l

^RU: *rcHRT<n ire n W li

Sloka 145. Those that arc born in the Tfw^ratrt
(Sarada yoga) take particular care of their wives, their
462 Adh, VII.

sons, their relatives, their personal appearance and their

virtues; they are in favor with their sovereigns ; they
show reverence to their preceptors, iirahmans an 1 Gods ;
they take delight in literary pursuits and have a good
deal of amiability, religious merit and strength; they
are attentive to their duties in this world.

^3# wt II W II
Sloka 146. When a malefic planet is in the 9th
bhava from the Lagna, when the 5th bhava is occupied
by benefic as well as malefic planet?, and when the
(Chathurasra) i.e. the 4th, or the 8th bhava from
the Lagna has a malefic planet, the yoga is termed ww

wrf^rciT^r ^ n 11
Sloka 147. The person born in the (Mathsya)
yoga will be an astrologer; he will be very compas-
sionate ; he will have virtue, intelligence, strength,
beauty, fame, learning and religious merit.


Si-ka 14S. If the benelic among the planets be in
the 7th, the ;th and the 6th bhavas and the malefic in
the 3rd, the 11th and the 1st bhavas ; and if the Amsas
or Rasia occupied by the planets be invariably those of
SI. 149-151 463

their own> exaltation or their friends, the V08a produced

is termed (Kuroia),
Sloka 149. The person bom in the (Kurma
yoga) will have wide fame, royal luxuries, and will be
eminently virtuous, the quality of goodness (Satva)
predominating in his nature ; he will be staid, comfort'
able, and disposed to befriend other people by putting
in a kind word on their behalf with the sovereign or
he may even be that sovereign.

^ ii ? v n
Sloka 150. When the lords ol the 9ih and the 2nd
bhavas are respectively in the 2nd and the 9th bhavas
and when the lord of the Ist bhava is in a Kendra or a
Kona, the yoga called (Khadga) is produced.

Sluba 151. Men born in the (Khadga) yoga
devote themselves to the study of the Vedas, the Science
of polity and all traditions, to the ascertainment of the
truths contained therein as well as their application to
practice, and to the maintenance of their rank, power,
dignity and happiness. They are free from envy or
Adh. VII.

paMiOQ and held in high esteem for their courage and

prowess ; they are clever and gratefully remember the
kindnesses done to them.
is another reading in the fourth quarter of the sloka ;
which means their orders are readily obeyed.


^ II ?^ll
Sloka 152 When the lord of the 9th bhava is in a
Kendra identical with the planet's Moolatrikona and
when the lord of the Lagna occupies the exaltation sign
and is possessed of abundant strength, the resulting
yoga is declared to be estfifbrm (Lakshmi yoga).

tfsnftKnf) n ^ M
Sloka 153. The person born in the 5!tprt«ihi (Laksh-
mi yoga will be a king of kings amiable for his many
virtues, ruling over many lands, widely known for his
learning, lovely as cupid, bowed to by kings from the
farthest regions of the earth and having numerous wives
and sons.
This yoga and its effect is thus described in

qifn q H
SI. 154-166

k-t ^ir<RT*r I
??T1^ g ?«ftf^: II
^TWn^r ^ qil^ rT%^ *pw| I
^^Oqm n

u fg>^FT! II

^R 'fmW fgift n ?^y H

Sloka 154. When Venus occupies a Kendra repre'
sented by an immoveable sign, and the Moon in a
Trikona position is other than benefic and when Saturn
holds a place in the 10th bhava, the resulting yoga is
31% JrafTi wnf ^
Sloka 156. The person born in the ^gnwr (Kusu*
ma yoga) will be a powerful sovereign cf wide celebrity
in the world, foremost among kings who trace their
descent from illustrious royal houses, of great enjoy-
ments, bowed to by rulers of the earth and bountifully
bestowing gifts.


^ ^ *n^irat
Sloka 156. Find first the zodiacal sign occupied by
the lord of the Lagna; ascertain next in what Rasl the
lord of the zodiacal sign first found is. If the lord of
466 Adh. VII.

the 2nd Rasi thus ascertained or the lord of the Navam'

sa occupied by the lord of the secondly found Rasi be
inaKendraor Trikona or in its exaltation, the yoga
produced is irR^rn (Parijatha).

ufcrm: II ^ it
Sloka 157. The person whose birth is in theTifiotm
4in (Parijatha yoga) will be a sovereign destined to be
happy in the middle and latter portion of his life, res-
pected and obeyed by other kings, fond of war,
possessing elephants and horses, attentive to his duty
and engagements and of a compassionate disposition.

m rpnif ii ^ n
Sloka J58. When Jupiter occupying the 2nd or
the 5th bbava is aspccted by or in conjunction with
Mercury and Venus or is in a house owned by (either
of) them, the yoga is called ^nhfSr (Kalanidihi).


31*11^31 ii W II
Sloka 159. The peison horn in the ^rPffawx (Ka-
lanidhi yoga) will he gallant, amiable for his many
virtues, waited upcn and loyally greeted by many great
kings. His retinue will consist of an army, horses,
strong elephants, ccnch, drum and other instruments of

martial music: he will be exempt from diseases, dangers

and foes of every kind.

Sloka 160. If Venus and Jupiter be in Kendras

and if Saturn in exaltation occupies also a Kendra and
if the rising sign at the time of birth be a moveable one,
the resulting yoga is called (Avatharaja).

Stoka 161. The person born in the aUu^dKqhi

(Amsavathara yoga) will have the majesty of a king ;
he will be of good reputation; he will go to holy
shrines ; he will be conversant with fine arts ; he will
be devoted to gallantry; he will shape the character of
the age in which he lives; he will be void of passion.
He will be acquainted with the Vedanta Philosophy
and qualified by hirth to study and interpret the sacred

Sloka 162. The following are the three yogas called

5T??r!W (Hariharabrahmal by the ancients. The first
408 Adh. VII.

( Hariharabrahma ) yoga is produced when

the benefic planets are in the 2nd, the 12th and the 8th
bhavas in respect to the lord of the 2nd bhava. The
2nd yoga exists when Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury
are in the 4th, the 9th and the 8th bhavas with reference
to the lord of the 7th bhava ; the 3rd yoga is present
when the Sun, Venus and Mars occupy the 4th, the
10th and the 11th from the lord of the Lagna.

j'wrf il IM ll
Shka 163. The person who has his birth in the
ffr^xir (Hariharabrahma) yoga will be thoroughly
conversant with the entire body of sacred lore, truthful
in his speech, possessed of every comfort, of pleasing
address, gallant, victorious over his foes, beneficent to
every living creature and viituous.


^a? n n
Shka 164. There are 20 yogas named after the
different figures they represent and coining under the
general designation of ati^»n>T (Akriti yoga). They are
(1) a? (Yupa), a sacrificial post; (2) ^3 (Ishu),an arrow ;
(3) (Sakti), ^a spear; (4) (Yava), a barleycorn;
SL 165 469

(5) V* (Danda), a stick ; (6) (Gada), a mace ; (7) w||T

(Samudra), the sea; (8) 9? (Chathra*, an umbrella ; (9)
(Ardhachandra), a half Moon; (LO) swe (Sakata),
a waggon : (11) wja (Ambuja), a lotus ; (12) (Pak'
shin), a bird ; (13) (Nau), a bolt; (14) Chakra, a
wheel; (15) (Vajra), Indra's weapon, thunderbolt
shaped like the letter X ; (16) (Hala), a plough ; (17)
(Karmuka), a bow ; (18) (Kuta), a trap (for
catching deer); (19) (Vapee), a well ; and (Z0)
**129 (Sringataka), a place where 4 roads meet.
The Nabhasa (heavenly) y'ga?: are said to consist of 4 divi-
sions, viz- (i) (Akriti yoga) which has 20 sub-divisions ;
(ii) Ffp'TRt'TT: (Sankhyayoga) which has 7 sub-divisions; (iii)
(Asrayayoga) having 5 sub-divisions and (iv) (Dala yoga)
having only 2 sub-divisions—Total 32 in all.
Yavanacharya is said to recognise 1800 varieties of these
Nabhasa yogas, which, when properly analysed, will be found to
have been included in the above 32.
In this sloka mere names of the 20 3U?!T% (Akriti) yogas have
been mentioned, while the yogas themselves have been described
in detail in slokas 168-172.

I) W ll
Sloka 165, ^ (Rajju, a rope\ TO (Mala, a reed),
and gTO (Musala, a pestle) are the names of the three
wwi (Asraya) yogas (named from the general charac
teristic of the signs which the 7 planets occupy): a*
(Srak a wreath), (Bhogin, a snake) are the two ^9
470 wwmftar^i Adh. vn.

(Dala) yogas (^-Dala means one of the two halves into

which a bamboo or a like substance is split): (Vee'
na, a harp), ( Varadama, a good string), irt (Pasa
a noose), (Kedara a field), (Sola, a pike), ^pi
(Yuga, a yoke) and nter (Gola, a globe) are declared to
be the seven wwr (Sankhya) yogas so nam;d from the
number of houses in which the 7 planets are grouped.
The names of the 7 Sankhya yogas, the 3 Asraya yogas and
the 2 Dala yogas have been mentioned in this sloka.

qTmir II ms. n

Sloka 166 isg (Rajju), (Musala) and (Na'a)

are the three wwq (Asraya) yogas declared to arise by
Satyacharya when the planets are exclusively in the
moveable, the immoveabie and the dual signs respeC'
tively. ^(Srak) and trf (Sarpa) are the two (Dala)
yogas mentioned by irrat (Parasara) due to the Kendras
being exclusively occupied by benefic and malefic
planets respectively (the Moon being left out of account,
benefic and malefic planets are three each).
This and the next eleven slokas have been taken from fT'XRRi
(Asraya yogas) 3.
(1) (Rajju). All planets should be in (Chara-
moveable) signs. Planets posited in cardinal signs will make the
native ambitious by proceeding to foreign places in search of
name, fame, wealth, etc.
(2) (Musala). AH planets should be in (Stthira-
immoveahle) signs. The native will be of fixed determination,
good status, etc.
SI. 166 eraAswrnr: 471

i3) ^ (Nala), All planets should be in (Ubhaya-

dual) signs. The native will be dejected, depressed and disap-
(Dala yogas) 2.
(1) (Srak). All benefics should be in Kendras.
(2) ^"5 (Sarpa), All malefics should be in Kendras.
Satyacharya has described the three stWT (Asraya) and the
two (Dalai yogas thus :
m ^ w fprm ^ I
3T?f«Tfl(q^ drlrl ||

^ ^it II

iw. ffq^lf^l^qi I

From the words (Munibhiruddishtaha) in the above

quotation, it will be seen that Satyacharya was not the original
discoverer of the yoga, but the earlier sages.
Some commentators are of opinion that the 3 (Asraya)
yogas rssj (Rajju), ggw (Musala) and (Nala) are caused when
the planets occupy all the four of the moveable, immoveable or
dual signs respectively. But this view is gpposed by Garga who
says ;

^ gNi qq: qq q^i fl|: i

^:1^5pq^T II
qiq qifqqf i
(wPtsti firRifloini is another reading,)
fl^qrqt q^i^q^ qftqi qfatfe 11
473 WCWMlffald Adb. VII.

Regarding the two (Data) yogas (Srak) and (Sar-

pa), the commentator adds that srak yoga is caused if the benefic
planets occupy three of the four Kendras while there are no
malefic planets in any of the Kendra places; and that when
malefic planets occupy three of the Kendras while there are no
benefic planets in any of the Kendra houses, the yoga is known as
(Sarpa), and that the Moon should be left out of consideration
and not classed as benefic or malefic. He also quotes in support
thereof the following two quotations: viz-,
(I) Garga
qq'i f i
in^r 11
•(2) Badarayana
ii ^51^ 11
The TH Dala yogas are thus described in fjrf'lRRT^Rt.

^ qtqflciq 3^01 f| 11
The commentator adds that these two yogas have been men-
tioned not only by Farasara but also by others and quotes the
following from (Manittha).
qn; 1
^ M 11


sTlTntic?! 1 t^'-t i"

^ m II ^vs II
Sloka 167. According to some aatrologers, the
Asraya yogas are the same as the ^ (Yava , (Ka'
mala), ^Varja), 'n^'r (Pakshin), (Golaka), and
SI. 167 473

others* of the ( Akriti ) and swu ( Sankhya )

yogas: and the two ^ ^Dala) yogas are only similar to
the yogas caused by the planets restricting themselves
to Kendras and consequently have the same effects as
have already been described for these. That is why
these yogas and their effects have not been separately
Varafaamihira has explained in this sloka the reason why some
of the astrologers {meaning thereby the Yavanas) have omitted to
treat in their works separately of the 3 (Asraya) and the 2
^3 {Dala) yogas.
It will be seen that the three srwr (Asraya) and the two TS
(Dala) yogas some times (but not always) happen to be identical
with some of the (Akriti) and the Onqr (Sankhya) yogas-
The cardinal signs where planets are posited need not necessarily
uc angular at the same time in any horoscope.
For instance, suppose all the placets in a certain horoscope
happen to be in "IM {Mesha) and 5;^: (Katakab As these two signs
are moveahle ones, the yoga caused is JKajju) and will be
indentical with TTf (Gada) if the L.agna happens to be either HT
(Mesha) or (Kataka). Hut if any other Ul*r (Kasi) (other
than »fa-Mesha or =?Kataka) be the Lagna, and all the planets
areas described in the above, there is no 'K! (Gada) yoga though
it may still be called (Rajju).
Again, if all the planets be in (Mesha) and (Tula)
and if one of these Rasis be the Lagna, then too the yoga is
(Kajju) since both the signs arc moveahle ones. As rfT (Mesha)
and jT5!! (Tula) happen to he the 1st and 7Hi houses and all the
planets are said to be in these 2 houses, the yoga is Sakata\
Suppose all the planets to occupy (Kanya) and rrfcT
(Meena), two of the dual signs: the yoga is ^ (Nala). If one of
* 'RI (Gada), 5(^1 (Sakata) among the stlJET (Akriti) yogas
and 3U (Yuga), (Sula) and (Kcdara) among the U'etl
(Sankhya) yogas.
474 Adh. VII,

these two Rasis he also the Lag-na, the yoga is known both as
(Sakata) and Jtw (Nala). Rut if P-'^T (Mithuna) or
(Dhanus) be the Lagna, it will be both TIST'I (Pakshir) and
(Nala). If any other Rasi be the Lagna, it will only be a srwfrt
(Nala yoga). Examples like these can be multiplied.
The question now arises as to why then Varahamihira makes
special mention of these 3TTSt? fAsraya) and tDala) yogas in
his work. The answer is, all the possible instances of these
yogas are not included in the snjRH fAkruthi) and (tPPTI Bankhya)
yogas. The stP-W ' Asraya) and Trt. Dal a) yogas may be these and
may not he these. It is therefore that the author has deemed it
fit to treat them separately.
Again, it is said of the two (Dala) yogas that other authors
have described the effects of benefic and malefic planets occupying
the Kendras and as these are also the effects of the two ^ (Dala)
yogas, they have omitted to treai of them separately. Varahami-
hira treats of these separately in order to make it known that the
two are rUMH (Nabhasa) yogas and as such their eflects are felt
throughout life, and not like the other yogas whose effects are
felt only during their Dasa or Anlardasa period and not after-
wards. cf.
^ 3tlP 111 filR? 1T1RT

Also tlERrO

mi \w\i wsft: l

JR^I tRin: II n
Sloka 168. Astrologers say that the yoga »T^r
(Gada) is produced when the planets occupy two sue'
cessive Kendras; (Sakala) when all the seven
planets are in the Ist and the 7th houses ; (Pakshin)
51. 168 475

when they are in the 4th and the 10th houses;

(Srungataka) when the seven planets are in the Lagna,
the 5th and the 9th houses ; and (Dala) when they
are confined to a group of triangular houses other than
the one containing the Lagna.
In this stanza Varahamihira describes 5 out of the 20 arrj#
(Akrili) yogas.
1- iTTI (Gada). All tlie planets should occupy adjacent Ken-
dras. There are thus + varieties, viz., all the planets may occupy
(IJ 1 st and 4 th houses ; (21 4th and 7th houses (3) 7th and 10th
houses and (4) 10th and Is; houses. The Vavanas recognise
these as 4 distinct yogas and call them respectively as TTl
(Gada), 'IST (Sankha), frgq-t (Vibhuka) and (Dhvaja . The
effect is somewhat good and somewhat bad. They will be in
2. (Sakata). All planets should be in the 1st and the
7th houses. The edect must be had as planets are in opposition.
3. (Vihaga*. AU planets should he in the 4th and the
10th houses. The planets being in opposition, the effect must he
4. (Sringataka). Ail jilanets should l>e in the 1st,
5th and 9tb houses. Effect good.
5. rtsr fllalab All planets should he in ■
(W 2nd, 6th and lOth houses;
fit) 3rd, 7thand'llth houses;
fc) 4111, cSth and 12th houses ;
that is, in trines beginning with any house other than the Lagna.
c/. STl.tJ19.HrtI

^ I-H; ||

^HngiT^pJ: #1: 5^13% l!

476 <mre<Trr7«R} Adh. VII-

^ g d^riac n n
Sloka 169. ra (Vajra) is produced when all the
benefic and all the malefic planets are ranged as in the
*T*z (Sakata) and 11^ (Pakshin), i.e. when all the bene'
fic planets occupy the 1st and the 7tb houses exclusively
and all the malefic planets are in the 4th and the 10th
houses exclusively. This order when reversed gives
the Wihi (Yava yoga), i.e. when the malefic planets, are
as in (Sakata) and benefic ones as in (Pakshin).
The yoga becomes W3 (Kamala) when the good and evil
planets are ranged piomiscuously in the 1 houses indi'
cated (Ist, 4th, 7th and ICth), (Vapee yoga)
would result when the 7 planets occupy the 4 irrt
(Panapara) or the 4 sTr<Jt%i (Apoklima) houses.
Four more illfifa (Akriti) yogas are flcsnrihed in this sloka.
6. irsr (Vajra). All benetics should be in Ihe Ist and the
7th houses, and all malefics in the ■lib and the 10th. The spirit
is good ; because bad planets are in opposition to bad ones and
vi 'e versa.
7. (Yava). All malefics should be in the 1st and 7t|i
houses aud benefics in the 4th and lOtb.
Lagna[ Lagna
i Venus! Sun
! Merc.i Mars

Saturn Jupiter
(6) (7)
Sun Venus
Mars iMerc.
Moon Sat,

8, (Kamala).—All the planets should be posited in the

4 Kendras promiscuously.
l.agaa Snu j
Venus '
Mercury 1



The eflect will be that the person rises with the maxiiuum
labour and hardship.* For example, Sri Rama's horoscope.
9. ^T<fi (Vapee)—All the planets should occupy
(a) the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses,
or b) the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12lh houses.
In the (Vajra) yoga, the man enjoys well in early and
tatter life, because, benefics in the 1st and the 7th must mean
good in the beginning (ist house) and good in the end (7th house),
and bad in .he middle, because, bad planets are in the mid-heaven.
Similarly for lA (Yava\
In the ilil* (Kamala) yoga, it should be noted that wealth is
not indicated.
In the --(("fi (Vapee) yoga, wealth is indicated without character
or natre—a mere money- making marhine,

178 Adh. VII.

gqi: 717%^; |
^ ^TT fsrSH^TrT^^to: 11
7171; ^«?T: ^ ^S«l 771^ |
^t7T7t%7f77l TWftsfi =7 7Tf777 II
Also for ^
^n^jft7iTl|93 71777:^?7IMSI R7: I

For the (Kamala) and <im (Vapee' yo^as herein mention-

ed, four nialefics are required. Rahu is to make up the 4th
malefic planet, cf.

7^ Tiq »T^t»fr ftTflaqqf 77: {|

^Spt ^ =7^5 q ^7 qfts^: |
77 H^TglTt 77. ||
77? 771 =7 7T«1T 7 I
^775: 731777; 777: II

Varahamihira has another verse after this sloka in which he

states that he has simply described the. (Vajra) and other yogas
(that is =1^ Yava and the yoga mentioned in Brihat jataka,
Ch. XI-20) adopting the view of the former writers, such as It
(Maya), (Yavana) and others, meaning thereby that he per-
sonally does not recognise them; for, he asks " How can Mercury
and Venus occupy the 4th house from the Sun?" This sloka
which has been left out by Vaidyanatha for reasons best known to
himself is reproduced below :

<P5n^igflTVl 771 747177: ?7T: |

737777 777: 7.77. II

The same doubt is expressed by STPfiX: (Gunakara), a later

writer, for he says:
SI. 170 niBTtaHirii: 479

gftqufonftfi f ^ I
tfia^ m n
But readers who are familiar with the working of the Bhava-
sphuta process (wMfjrr) des-ribed in detail in wf'ri&'Mlti (Sripati
Paddbati , Adhyaya I and in the notes thereto will easily see that
it is not impossible as we go to higher latitudes to have some of
the bhavas uncommonly short and others extraordinarily long, so
that Mercury and Venus may happen to be in the 4th bhava with
respect to the Sun, though not in the 4th (Rasi) as interpreted
by Varahamihira.
It will therefore be seen that IT (MayaK T4<T (Yavana), rpf
(Garga) and others have not erred in treating of these yogas as
possible ones, if the yogas in question are meant to refer to the
positions of the planets in the (Bhavakundali) and not
to the IRTTT; (Rasi chakra^.

II ?v»o (i
Sloka 170. If the seven planets exclusively occupy
four contiguous bhavas reckoned from the Lagna and
the other Kendras in order, the four resulting yogas are
gjr (Yupa), R (Ishu) or sr (Sara), ww (Sakti) and
(Danda) respectively.
Four more atllifct (Aknli) yogas are described in this verse :
10. IJT (Vupah—All the planets should occupy the 1st, 2Dd,
3rd and 4th houses. The planets are rising or are about to rise.
11. ^3 (Ishu) or (Sura).—AH the planets should be posited
in the 4th, Sth, 6th and 7th houses. The planets are culminating
or are about to culminate.
12* 5TRi (Sakti).—All the planets should be in the 7th, 8th,
9th and 10th houses. The planets are setting or about'to set.
13. (Danda).—All the planets are in the 10th, 11th,
12th and 1st houses. The planets are elevating or ascending
480 4ta«qiTr*Tsr Adh. VIL

(Yupa) must be good, because placets are rising. The

next best is (Danda\ because the planets are elevating or
ascending. The other two, viz., (Ishu) and (Sahti) are bad.
The effects of these yogas are described in sioka 15 infra and are
consistent with the above principles.

5!lfeRf?l Pift: I
35IT^5JWnl: 1)

11 W n
Stoku 171. If the seven planets be in the seven
contiguous houses reckoned from the Lagna and other
Kendras in order, the four yogas produced are-^r (Nau),
(Kuta), (Chattra) and ^il (Chapa), If the seven
successive houses occupied by planets do not begin
with a Kendra as in the four yogas qr (Nau), etc., but
begin with a qiu? (Panapara) or wfr^w (Apoklima)
bhava, the yoga produced is declared to be (Ard-
dha Chandra).
Five more (Akriti) yogas are described in this Slcka.
(14) (Nau).—AH the planets should be in the sever
houses from the Lagna {i.e., in the invisible half) in any order,
culminating and rising.
SI. 171 481

(13) fiz (Kuta).—All the planets are to be in the 7 houses

from the 4th in any order (i.e., on the occidental side, setting and
(16) 0? (Chhathra)—All the planets are placed in the 7
houses from the 7th bhava i.e., elevating and setting—all in the
visible half).
((7) "gp? (Chapa).—All the planets are to be in the 7 houses
from the 10th (i.e., on the oriental side, rising and elevating).
(18) (Ardha Chandra).—All the planets are in the 7
houses beginning from the 4 goifT (Panaphara) or the 4 scnhwi
(Apoklima) houses.
Consistently, Varahamihira gives the several effects for sfl
(Nau) and other three yogas—gcod effects for (Chattra) and
(Chapa) because in the one case, planets are in the visible
half and in the other, they are rising and elevating—-in both the
cases, they must be good. Vide sloka from Brihat Jataka quoted
under notes to sloka 178 infra.
Of. W


^ 11

^ li
q^T: F3: I
483 Adh. VII.

Sloka 17 J, If the planets be ranged in the 6 houses

beginning with the 2nd house and separated from one
another by an intervening (planetless) house, the result-
ing yoga is called 9^7 (Samudra) and if the planets
occupy the 6 odd bhavas reckoned from the Lagna, the*
yoga produced is (Chakra). Thus an epitome of the
)9rt$ft (A kriti= figure) yogas has been given.
The remaining two atrfffl (Akriti) yogas are described here.
(19) (Samudra).—All the planets should be in the 6
even bhavas, i.e., the 2nd, 4th, 6th, £th, lOih and 12th.
(20) ^4, (Chakra),—All the planets should be posited in the
6 odd bhavas, i.e., the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and llth houses.
The Western principles of textiles and trines implied in the
above two yogas may be profitably compared in this connection,

Also fTRgrwirfl
#q?|: |
fl5£p5: II


SI. 173 TOfemn; 483

^»mI«11 3T3f
ii W II
Slok/i 173. (Vallaki) or ^f«w (Veena),
(Dama), iro (Pasa), (Kedara), (Sula), jn (Yuga)
and nte (Gola) are the eevcn wwi (Sankhya — numerical)
yogas respectively produced by the seven planets occu'
pying as many Rasis as are denoted by the seven figures
commencing from 7 and diminishing successively by
one, i.e., by the numbers 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and I. These
(Sankhya) yogas are to be reckoned when those
mentioned previously are absent.
c/. Tosrc
^ 'fan $ffar: sn qfa
'falfr'Trifa !
^ faqi f*! I)

(Sankhya Yogaha) 7.
(1) (Vallaki) or <hni (Veena)—All the seven planets
should be in 7 Rasis or signs (in coniradistinctioD to bhavas or
(2) ^rw4( (Damini).—All the seven planets should be in any
6 Rasis.
(3) tRf (Pasa).-—All the seven planets should occupy any 5
(4) (Kedara).—All the seven planets are in 4 signs,
(5) 5L3 (Sulak—All the seven planets are in three signs.
(b) <yT (Yugal.—All the seven planets are situated in 2 signs.
(7) Jll® (Gola) or >Tl^i (Golaka).—-All the seven planets
should be in one single sign.
wuwiiftwd Adh. vn.

This is a proof that all conjuDCtiens are bad. That is why

(Vallaki) yoga is the best. For effects, see si oka 179 infra.
Yogas other than (Chandra) yogas are WlW (Nabhasa)
yogas and they take effect at all times and periods irrespective of
any dasa or bhukti ruling at the time. These yogas are of perma-
nent effect on the life, character and fortune of the person
concerned. TRWPT': (Karaka yoga) and other yogas also come
under (Nabhasa) yogas.
The (Sankhya) yogas may sorfietiines coincide (or become
identical) with the srrgrffif (Akriti) yogas.
For instance, gTI (Gada1, (Pakshin) and (Sakata)
yoga? are particular cases of J'rghr (Yuja yoga) mentioned in this
sloka. -"ZsTP^i (Sringataka) and (Hala) yogas are only varieties
of (Sula yoga). The yogas ^ (Vajra), Tg (Yaya),
(Kamala), grfl (Vapee), (Yupa), ^ (Ishu), 'ifili (Sakti), and
g'rg' (Danda) are only special instances of the (it?n (Sankhya)
yoga (Kedara). The yogas ql (Nau), (Kuta), (Chattra),
^79 (Chapa) and (Ardha Chandra) are particular examples
of (Veena) yoga. The (Samudra) and ^ (Chakra) yogas
are special cases of (Dama yoga). In these cases it must
be understood they cease to be (Sankhya) yogas, i.e., the TitFTf
(Sankhya) yogas are not then to be taken into account.
of. yiRR
q)in: |

^ 'RT ^ Wff ^tJT! I

^ n ?vs» 11
Sloka 174. The person born in the *33 (Rajju) yoga
will be envious, delighting in visits to foreign lands and
fond of travel; the nan whose birth is in the 309
CMusala) yoga will be proud, wealthy and engaged in
51. 175 HHwiswjni:

many works; he whose nativity is in the to (Nala)

yoga will be defective in some limb, resolute and
shrewd ; the man born in the tis (Srak) or *TOT (Mala)
yoga will have many enjoyments; hi whose birth is in
the (Sarpa) yoga will suffer many miseries.

^r: mi II
^ifqqc ^qmi: i
fp^ftxir gn^frqi tnffct sw. il
^^qqrfJr^s^fqjojrsi I

qil^T; 3/lpfa>T Fl^rqr R^S^T: FS*. Il

frwi; ^rr fq:Rr f^cq f:^if?nr: i
TTg^T: qiR^j: R? RRT W. II
Also g<nm.'
g^JTT VHRRgffi: I

Rln) gR# i

^tf^rs^ ^r^fj mm i

il ii

Sloka 175. The person born in the »TV (Gada) yoga

will be a performer of sicrifices, have accession of
wealth and be ever hankering after the same. The man
480 Adh. vn.

whose birth is ia the srvs (Sakatd^ yoga will gain his

livelihood by driving a cart, will be sickly and cursed
with a bad wife ; in the "W&r (Pakshi) yoga, the person
born will be a message bearer, of vagrant habits and
quarrelsome. The man that has the wz* (Sringataka")
yoga will be happy in his latter days ; and the person
whose birth is in the tw (Hala) yoga will be engaged in
From the effects given above, the principle to be deduced is
that planets in square or in opposition to one another give had
results, while planets in trine to one another produce good results
and the same is brought out beautifully. And this is our old
theory and not the theory of others. Varahamihira does not agree
with Parasara and others who think that some Kendras do good.
27.0., ft (Kesari yoga). Varahamihira is consistent throughout
as regards the effect of squares, oppositions and trines.
The word (Chira sukhee) has been interpreted as
(Chirena Sukhee), i.e., "happy in the latter days,"
according to the commentator Bhattotpala. The interpretation
" happy for a long time " given by some is not accepted by the
commentator as it is opposed to the following quotation from
Garga: viz,,—

For the effects described in this sloka, of.

mm I
qWmeRRflRStm fTR3T,J^Rt g ||

^ ^iffi (I
fqfi?! ^tTT: qBf: I
m 51 wr: II
SI. 176 48T

ari^n p^qi; sjfizufiw Ta^n; n

?f?5T: fi^r I
^T: II

#i^^tsnni lf^6T W^T fT: I

wu d^PKti^ ^nn ll il
Sloka 176. The person born in the (Vajra) yoga
will be happy in the early and concluding portions of
his life. He will be lovely and very brave. In the
aa (Yava) yoga, the man born will be valiant and happy
in his middle life. In the (Kamala) yoga, the person
will be of wide fame, his enjoyment will be immense
and his virtues numerous. The man born in the wrtl
(Vapee)yoga will enjoy some small though long-enduring
comforts, he will hoard his money underground and
will not give.
Also Hrmst

arranfroft 5%Tr: f JFTT |

^r|f?l«nT*T1^5qfT I
fPR^Tff 35^1: ||

Phtriwet ^11^1: W^TT: |

*TH^T 11

%wTf^: 5^IW I
*1^1 -mni' II
■488 wwnwrnS Adh. VII.

g^Tl^f <r: 5fT^^TT^ )

^ f5R^[f|<r: 5^1^lf%: II ?«V9 II

Sloka 177. The person .born in the (Yupa)
yoga will be liberal and self possessed and will perform
eminent sacrifices. He who is born in the to^Tmi (Sara)
yoga will be of a cruel disposition and in charge of a
prison. He will be the artificer of arrows. The man
who has his nativity in the wtCTbr (Sakti yoga) will be
base^ slothful and bereft of ease and wealth, while the
person born in the (Danda yoga) will lead a life
of servitude without those that he could hold dear (wife
and children\

f^Ii: 8*^T; TJ: 11

51W 3JTflT: ^TT; gW: II

& ^I^rraVligc5W^ra1lfI'4W'iq«lM

3^'^l ^ ^
Si. 178 wwftsMiHn 480

Sloka 178. The person born in the (Chhattra

yoga) will be happy in the beginning and the end of his
life with matchless riches and strength. The man at
whose birth the (Nau yoga) occurs will live on
the surface of water and get his living there. In the
(Chakra yoga), the person born will be a famous
king. The man who has had his birth in the
(Samudra yoga' will find his living in water and will
be a ruler of the earth. He who is born in the
(Ardha Chandra yoga) will lead a life of pleasure. The
person who has had the (Kuta yoga) in his nati'
vity will frequent mountains and forests and be addicted
to cruel deeds. If men be born in the fDhanur
yoga) they will adopt the profession of thieves haunting
inaccessible places and be despised outcasts.
The ellects of these yogas are thus described in
fqqs? ■dt'T: |

=51#. II
Also nutg^T.

jst; I
fiqin pfeqi §5qT ^1; g^qi; ||

qqft ^"r ^ 11
^siqfsjqi: qpi: 1
480 vKrwfNrd Adb. VII.

5WT: \\
qq q.FrlTI^n ^fqqi I

arjqwqq-qqqiTf Bf^.qqi: ?IJI: i

^qqrqi f^q qaf^a rq^iRTfH^ qg^TT: n
STTjf^f.qFnMTsJh'T: t%qqi5I qiR^ f^TcH: 1
qsit^qt^ qi^qr qqfq q^q^r gw: n

frmqi f^- ^hr^ri^h

^^niq^TT?rfq^% sr?gRi^qi^ I
^ ^ II t&K II
Sloka 179. The peraon born in the 4^mi>»T (Veena
yoga) will be skilled in every kind of work and fond of
musie and dancing ; the man born in the qm*br (Dama
yoga) will be obliging, with a clear intellect and famed
lor his learning and wealth. The person whose birth
takes place in the iFnfbi (Pasa yoga) will be very clever
in the acquisition of virtue and wealth, will be talkative
and have sons. The man who has the ^^rpiliT (Kedara
yoga) in his nativity will pursue agriculture, acquire
wealth, be slow of comprehension and kind to his
^iiqin gtqifttfwqf ?ifg tqi»ft gifitefawO I
qt'ft ^I^R^gqs; n
cf, ifwiitrs.
%nt fsmiteq: II
91.189 491

Also ffrrr^.


f^T5!, Jrapf; ^ )|
«TT^ ^5WT3T: ^iqfqTfJl:
n3 snsa«m«! I
^*!l1^ II
^HIH'wI^I: fi^r: g%^T: I
^ H^ar^TT^T ^r^n: II

«R^I% ^
5l«?T5ft g*l*TlT[^il%^5; «TTT^ HSR: I
^ ^qr^TR^:
jri^^q^RfT qTT^ftrfln^^Ji %n i* u U* w
Sloka ISO. The person born in the (Sula
yoga) is full of rage, fond of money, brave, with the
marks of wounds received in fight, and without wealth.
The man whose birth is in the yrwn (Yuga yoga) eats
begged food and is exceedingly fickle, heretical and ad-
dicted to the drinking of spirituous liquors. He who
is born in the (Gola yoga) is without wealth,
indolent, of vagrant habits, shoiflived and ignorant.
These 32 yogas have been mentioned by
if. <K3*lfcin
^ fiNf: qfol; 5*tM |
6^: w) f^grP; i
m Adh. vn

wit # II
^T 5^T r^ 'it^

Also HRT^T.
%n; ^fl^tfT t^T^JJT'. I
ttfrR^s^^T: ^ ifer: 11
qw^tif^Rt -^dl^T ^i srfl !!^ i
gfWRwf|<n j'lqrn ITT^I Rmi; n
^tfaji^gm tf^r: I
f^tq nt^ m't w: 11
The following additional information regarding the
(Nabhasa) yogas will be found useful :—
The 3 siwr (Asraya) yogas produce the eflfecLS described for
them only when they do not partake at the same time of the nature
of other yogas. Otherwise, the other yogas become eflective and
bear fruits, cf.

fityt "?;% ■v5 II

37T5iqqtTt RTrlT aifJjM |
f^^Tt qtm; n
Also 2»TTW:.
ftan q ?q: q^fsfrtl^ Ti^TqfT: FJ: 11
The two Dala yogas will coincide neither with the
(Asraya) yogas nor with the sfTl# (Akriti) yogas. They might
coincide with (Sankhya) yogas-^fag (Veena), (Damini)
riRT (Pasa) or (Kedara)—in which case the yogas are to be
treated as only (Dala) yogas and not as H^TT (Sankhya) yogas
(Fid* Sloka 173 and the notes thereto rapra).
SL 180 493

Again, it has already been stated [Vide slokas from f

(Brihatjataka), (Siravali) and j'TfifiC (Gunakara) quoted
above] that where the 3Tr«r7 (Asraya) yogas coincide with other
yogas, they cease to be anft (Asraya) yogas. So that the
(Sankhya) and (Asraya) yogas become null and void (eclipsed
or inoperative) when they coincide with any of the agfircf (Akriti)
yogas. But suppose the sfTTir (Asraya) and (Sankhya) yogas
to coincide with each other. How ace t!iey to be then treated ?
According to the commentator, if the coincidence relates to the
(Kedara), (Sula) and J'T (Yoga) yogas, the yogas are to be
treated as sriirg (Asraya) yogas only, but if it refers to the »ftsr
(Gola) yoga, it is to be treated as such and not as aqsTg (Asraya)
one—otherwise there will be no scope for the (Gola) yoga
at all.
According to Yavanacharya, there are 1,800 sub-divisions* of
•TtHq (Nabhasa) yogas : rf.
TOStft HI fffHHT: PJ: |)
hikht nrar I

It will now be explained how the Yavanas recognise 1,800

sub-divisions. Taking any one of the 12 Rasis as the Lagna,
there are 153 yogas of which 23 are snfft (Akriti) and 127 H(Ht|
(Sankhya) yogas. The afi-q'-f (Asraya) and ^ (Dala) yogas are
not taken by them into account. (Vide sloka 157).
As already explained in the notes to Sloka 158, the ITT (Gada)
yoga has been treated of by the Yavanas as 4 distinct yogas.
Adding these to the remaining 19 ^nfiTn (Akriti) yogas, we get 23
Again the 7 tttetl (Sankhya) yogas are split into 127 OHII
(Sankhya) yogas for each Lagna by the Yavanas thus:—
The yoga ^fphl which is caused by the 7 planets occupying any
seven signs has 7 sub divisions, as each of the 7 planets may
occupy the Lagna, The 2Dd (Sankhya) yoga is <T*t (Dama)
according to which all planets should be in any 6 houses. The
494 Adh. VII.

Yavan&s recognise 21 varieties of this yoga (number of yogas

caused by 5 out of the 7 planets being in 5 houses and the remain-
ing 2 occupying the Lagna). The next yoga is gl!T (Pasa). This
has 35 varieties (4 of the 7 planets occupying 4 houses and the
remaining 3 being in the Lagna). The next yoga viz. fcrc (Keda-
ra) has also got 35 varieties for the same reason. Similarly 31?
(Sula) has got 21 sub-divisions and ^'r (Yuga) 7 sub-divisions.
Lastly dfc (Gola) has only one, viz. the case in which all the
planets are placed in the Lagna.
So that the seven (Sankhya) yogas are sub-divided into
7 + 21 + 35 + 35+21 +7+1 or 127 divisions. These added to the
23 anfifri (Akriti) yogas mentioned above give us 150 yogas for
each lagna or 1,800 yogas for the 12 lagnas.


Sloka 181- Raja yogas (1'57), the 5 yogas Ruchaka
and others (59-65), (Bhaskara) and others (67-70),
(Kemadruma) (71-79), the yogas atfT (Adhama) W
(Sama) (112) and (Grahamalika) (132-136),
55^r?»»T (Lakshmi yoga) (152-')), f%Tanr^nT Harihara-
bramha yoga (162-3), - Kahala yoga (130), mm
(Nabhasa) and other yogas (164-180) have been treated
of by the favor of the Sun and other deities.

Thus ends the 7th Adhyaya <ftc.

^ M+HIHN W ^ Jitfl


Adhyaya VIII.

On Conjunctions of two on more planets.

II 3J«r II
Combination of 2 planets in one bhava. There are 21 such

Stoka 1. If, at the birth of any person, the Sun be

in conjunction with the Moon, he will be submissive to
his wife and clever in every work he undertakes; if
the Sun be in conjunction with Mars, the person born
will be illustrious, possessed of strength and energy but
untruthful and wicked ; If the Sun be associated with
Mercury at any person's birth he will have learning,
beauty and strength, but will be fickle-minded; if the
Sun be in conjunction with Jupiter the person born in
the yoga will be full of faith, active, pleasing the King
with his works and wealthy.
496 arawqiftanlk Adh. VIII.

^PT; I

3TT^. Hat ^ ^MRTIR^I^R II

^ ^^lisqra^si II

5% ^ j

^ n ^ II
Sloka 2. A person v/ill be intelligent and atten'
lively honor the relations acquired through,his wife if
at his birth the Sun be in conjunction with Venus ; if
the Sun be associated with Saturn, the person born will
be somewhat dull-witted and in the "power of his
enemies. If the Moon be in conjunction with Mars,
the person born will be brave, of high birth, virtuous,
rich and worthy; if the Moon be associated with
Mercury, the man bora in the yoga will be pious
devoted to sciences and will have diverse merits.
qf, ttKWfl

?T^t ^RS^fKK: I
SI. 3 497

^sq^qr^fwf^sq: fT^; #«iTfi: i

%<w: ^iifgfgs^; n

5IM: 3% ^T
miw 'BlfWll I

wbqri^ ^ u ^ ll
S/uftci 3. When the Moon is in conjunction with
Jupiter, the person born will be very intelligent and
protect good people. When Venus is associated with
the Moon, the effect of the yoga on the person born
will be that he will be evU>miaded and clever in
making bargains. If the Moon be in conjunction with
Saturn, the person born will have a bad wife, abuse his
parents and will be without wealth. If Mars and
Mercury be together, the person born in the yoga will
be eloquent and clever in medicine and fine arts.
cf. srrwfl
Mfl: |

^if^lHT'h'Tt; 031 qft II

59^; 'I

#98 araaeTt^ara Adh. VIJI.

Jrq^ra^i ^ I
^rJT mw f%
^pm ^gorri^rnspi^^ cR^q^r n v n
Sloka i. Loving, reverc'd, worthy, and acquainted
with the science of computation will the person be that
is born when Mars is in conjunction with Jupiter.
The effect of Venus and Macs being together at a birth
will be that the person born will be fond of metallurgy,
delight in tricks and be cunning. If Mars be in con'
junction with Saturn at the birth of a person, he will
be .disputatious, indulging in the pursuit of music and
dull-witted. When Mercury and Jupiter are in
conjunction, the person born will be eloquent, handsome,
amiable and exceedingly wealthy.
cf. tncr^ft
fWUlfPTl; II


H 1H t| I
i^qi ^ mfti II ^ 11
Sloka 5. If Venus be in conjunction with Mef
cury, the person born will be versed in the sacred books j
and fond of music, play and mirth. If Saturn be
associated with Mercury, the person born will be
learned, wealthy and distinguished for his moral worth.
The man at whose birth Jupiter and Venus occupy one
sign will be energetic, in favor with the king and
exceedingly intelligent. If Jupiter be in coniunction
with Saturn, the effect of the yoga will be that the
person born in it will be an artist. If Venus and
Saturn be together at a birth the person affected by the
y9ga will own large herds of cattle and be an athlete.
c f. UHR'-il

^I'T ^nTifqifciq^ q i

qgl.^: 11

Ttie edects above described are only very general being appli-
cable to the several combinations formed in any of the 12 bhavas.
The eflects in each of the 12 bhavas have been described in detail
by WI-llT (yavanacharya) and quoted in "iKHsl tHoraratna),
The author of Saravali adds
500 aRRwftarft Adh. VIII.

3T^*nf? m \\

II ftnlMl4!; II
Combinations of 3 planets in one bhava. There may be 35
such combinations.

^^rsR#ri vpft li ^ ll

Sloka 6. If the fiwf'Tni (Thrigraha yoga) or the

combination of 3 planets in one bhava consist of the
Sun, the Moon and Mars, the person born will extirpate
the whole brood of his enemies, and be wealthy and
politic. If the combination contain the Moon, the Sun
and Mercury, the person that has his birth in the
(Thrigraha yoga) will be a king's compeer famed
for his learning. If the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter be
the trio planets influencing a birth, the effect of the
yoga cn the person born will be to make him a mine of
virtues, learned and much liked by nis sovereign. If
the Sun, the Moon and Venus be together in one bhava
the person born will be addicted to other people's wives,
cruel, in dread of enemies and rich.
imm ^T: |

fosft ftsomfrt: I
SI. 7 snwhwrrq: 601

53ft I

fiw- ntwiw vmftT1!*! 1

qgjf; 11

1^33*1 imft

URt ^itss^T
^qiqi^qF^fj^R^s qWt ii« 11
S/oka 7. If Saturn, the Moon and the Sun combine
in one bhava, the person born will be wickedly inclined,
deceitful and fond of foreign countries. If the Sun,
Mars and Mercury be together, the person whose birth
is influenced by them will be bereft of comforts though
possessed of sons, riches, and wives. If Jupiter, the
Sun and Mars be in conjunction, the person born in the
yoga will be a patriotic premier or commandeHn-chief.
If Mars, the Sun and Venus be together in a r^nrfifNT
(Trigraha yoga), the person born will suffer from dis'
eases of the eye, will be a voluptuary, of gentle birth
and of great wealth,
c/. Hitler

Rfn iRim m- 1
qqfti ftsnt 1

f#T: gnm 1
^ri|»n5xT;: li
503 <tiii*7rr fiTTfT Adh. VIII.


vii ^r^TRR; n ^ II

Sloka 8, If Saturn, the Sun and Mars form the

fitncfm (Trigraha yoga) the person affected by it will
be bereft of kindred, ignorant, wealthy but suffering
from diseases. If Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury be in
conjunction, the person born will he sharp witted,
famed for his learning and wealthy. If the Sun, Mercury
and Venus be together in one hhava, the person whose
birth takes place in the yoga will be soft'skinned,
renowned for his learning and happy. If Saturn, the
Sun and Mercury be associated together, the effect of
the planetary combination on the person born will he
to make him friendless, poor, malignant and wicked.


3^: ||

3^: H

^m^ij II ^ 11

Slokn 9. If Jupiter, the Sun and Venus be together in

one bhava, the person will have wife and children, will
be intelligent, suffering from ophthalmia, but wealthy.
If Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun combine and form the
raufim (Trigraha yoga), the person who has his birth
in the yoga will be fearless, a royal favorite and very
pure minded. If the Sun, Venus and Saturn produce
the (Trigraha yoga), the person born under
their influence should be wicked, proud and selhopinion'
ated. If the trio placets forming the yoga be the Moon.
Mars and Mercury, the person born will be addicted to
gluttony, wicked and offending.
(■/. MM'-HI
msl flfiT I

HidteJ f^nrj^qr n
^i^nqTretlm iTH?.3T¥.i3qq^ i

^iq-'cT -IhRRr.


II ?<> n
Sloka 10. If Jupiter, the Moon and Mars be in
604 Adh. VIII.

conjunction at a birth, the peraon born will betray

impatience in his speech, be love'sick and handsome.
If the Moon, Mars and Venus be together and form the
Rm^Tm Trigraha yoga), the person affected by it will
have ill mannered sons and be of wandering habits. If
the Moon, Saturn and Mara combine and produce the
yoga, the person born in it will be fickle minded and
so wicked as to perpetrate the unnatural crime cf
matricide. If there be a conjunction of Jupiter, the
Moon and Mercury, the person who has his birth in
the yoga will be very rich and renowned and will
become a king's favorite.
fawrsf; i

snir: i^F^iifMi:
^ M U II
Sloka II. If Venus, Metuury and the Moon com-
bine and form a ftsriwi (Trigraha yoga), the person
born in it will be learned but devoted to mean acts
and yet honorable. If the combination be of the Moon,
51. 19 605

Mercury and Saturn, as a result of it, the person born

will be liberal, honored by the sovereign and worthy.
If the three planets producing the yoga be Venus, the
Moon and Jupiter, the person who has his birth in the
yoga will be wise, have virtuous sons, and be proficient
in the arts. If Jupiter, the Moon and Saturn be in
combination, the influence of the yoga on the person
born under it is that he will be versed in the sacred
sciences, addicted to women past their prime, and
kingly in his life,

snfT: |

*U,"*4^^i+T5Il'TR^TlIT 1

wm ; n ii
Sloka 12. If Venus, the Moon and Saturn be
together in a bhava, the person born in the yoga will
become a learned Brahmana teacher, a king's chaplain
and will be much liked. If the yoga be due to the
combination of Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in one bhava
506 Adh. VIII.

the person whose birth is in it will be devoted to music,

poetry and the dramas, If Venus, Mars and Mercury be
in conjunction, the effect of the (Trigraha yoga)
is that the person affected by it will be defective in
some limb, base-born and fickle-minded. If the three
planets combining to produce a (Trigraha yoga)
be Mercury, Mais and Saturn, the person born will be
a menial servant, with diseased eyes and vagrant habits,

^i|q?TOri: nt|q: II

akrosnfal: fcRqi sTqiHif^Wti:

^i^wqi^nHf^ms: qsiiftwimP*!: II ^ II
SI oka 13. If Venus, Mars and Jupiter be together
in one bhava, the person born in the yoga will be liked
by his sovereign, will have good sons and be happy.
If Jupiter, Mars and Saturn jointly produce the
(Trigraha yoga), the person affected by it will be lean,
suffering physical pain, full of self-conceit and ill-man-
nered. If Saturn, Mars and Venus be in conjunction,
the effect of the yoga on the person bom is that he
SI. 14 <«roffs<W! 607

will have bad sons and be obliged to live abroad. If

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter be associated in one bhava,
the person born will be triumphant over bis enemies
and attain to fame and power.
•riflte: flrgfrcifcraintfter. I

i'Tf I
fqiq II
Uaa: ^rwf^trrit 5»n^qT i

^ 111^ *IH1 ii tv II
Sloka 14. The person that is born when Jupiter,
Mercury and Saturn are in conjunction will enjoy
exceeding comfort and prosperity and will be attached
to his wife. When Saturn, Mercury and Venus are
together and produce a (Trigraha yoga), the
person born in it will be untruthful, vicious and addict-
ed to other people's wives. If Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn be together in a bhava, the person whose birth
is in this yoga will possess a clear intellect and be
famous and happy. When the Moon is in conjunction
with malignant planets, the person concerned always
has his comfort and happiness diminished. When the
£08 wrawfcinj Adh. VIII-

&jn is associated with evil planets, the astrologer may

divine that the father of the person concerned will be
aimilaily affected.
cf. SKHSft

^ #sfq 5Tim qqfq qd i

^ WtfriRR: |

The author of eRK^fi adds

SIR-. ^Hf: 84f1T ^1^54. 11
^41^540^4 11
qpTT^qtsft fqf^qi; fqPn 4^ 9544 vfo 1
Siforf^cw fq44^H4 n
For the efiects of the above combinations of three planets in
each of the 12 bhavas, see Horaratna-

Combinations of -1 planets in one bhava. Tliere may be 35

such combinations.

yftm. n ?h ii
Si. it) 609

Sloka 15- If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Mer-

cury be all in one bhava the person born will be a
conjurer skilled in the production of illusions, a scribe
and sickly. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter be
together in one bhava, the person affected by the yoga
will be rich, famous, talented, loyal to his sovereign and
free from sorrow and sickness.
«/. nirrir^r
^frft I

f^rTRRs^R! 11 ^ II
Sloka 1(;, If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Venus
be in conjunction, the person born in the yoga will be
blessed with a wife and sons, learned, temperate, com'
fortable, shrewd and tender-hearted. If the Sun, the
Moon, Mars and Saturn be associated in one bhavi, the
person affected by the yoga will have wild (restless)
eyes, and be a wanderer, a cuckold and a pauper.
cf. ^Tnq?-f

f^T^Rgrl: R^: II

R'R: R^Q r!RI II

610 Adh. VIII.

?pr^^Tig^R: I
^t: n ^ n
Sloka il. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and
Jupiter combine in one bhava, and produce a
(Chaturgraha yoga), the person born therein will be
fond of his wife and children, wealthy, virtuous,
famous, strong and generous. Jf the Sun, the Moon,
Mercury and Venus be together in a bhava, the person
affected by the yoga will be defective in some limb but
eloquent. Jf the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Saturn
be associated in one bhava, the effect of the yoga on the
person born will be that he will be destitute of wealth
and ungrateful.
flhfe *TT qfr I

gniiT mm i
nf|^: II
tiiriTi^: i

ti ^11
SL ka 18. if the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and
Venus combine to produce a (Chaturgraha
Si. J9 611

yoga), the person born will be moving about in water

or in some forest region, be held in great esteem by his
sovereign and have many enjoyments. If the planets
forming the yoga be the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and
Saturn, the person whose birth is influenced by the
yoga will be broad-eyed, with much wealth and many
sons and will have for his wife a courte^n.
c/. WRVft


Sloka 19. If the Sun, the Moon, Venus and Saturn

be associated in one bhava, the person born in the yoga
will be weak, exceedingly cowardly, with his wealth
depending on his unmarried daughters and given to
gluttonous habits. If the quadruple planetary yoga be
produced by the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, the
person whose birth is affected by the yoga in question
will be strong but afflicted with misfortunes, possessed
of wives and riches, suffering from ophthalmia and of
vagrant habits.
jr: 1
diHwftaia Adh. VIIT.

wr \\ Ro \\
Sloka 20. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus
combine in one bhava, the person that has his birth in
the ^gnrtln (Chaturgraha yoga) will be addicted to other
men's wives, of odd looks and dress, thievishly inclined
and devoid of all goodness. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury
and Saturn be in conjunction, the person born will be
a commander of an army or a king's minister, stooping
to base acts and inclined to pleasure.
frWTlfr f3iTc!flr3; I
qUl 1

5fNTTrf%^5n^Trf^ *Rn l
^ it R\ n
Sloka 21. If the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Venus be
together in a bhava, the person born will have a status
equal to that of a sovereign, be renowned, highly
esteemed and wealthy. If the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn combine to produce a (Chaturgraha
SL 99 vroitaBTO! 518

yoga), the person whose birth is affected by it will be

poor, wandering, with good friends and relatives. If
the Sun, Mars, Venus and Saturn be associated in a
bhava, the effect of the yoga on the peison born will be
that he will be in disgnce and become the foremost of
misdemeanants. If the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
be in one bhava, the person born under their influence
will care chiefly for wealth and fame, and will become
an important personage in the community to which he
may belong.
cf. »TrrR^
^ TWa) 5^ I
sw ii
WTF^T: 1
^5^5: I

Sloka 22. If the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn
form the yoga, the person born in it will be quarrelsome,
self'conceited and ill-mannered. If the Sun, Mercury,
Venus and Saturn be together in a bhava, the person
affected by the yoga will be beautiful, wedded to truth,
and virtuous. If the four planets combining to form a
6X4 Adb. Vlll.

Chaturgraha yoga be the Sun, Jupiter, Venus and

Saturn, the person born in it will be proficient in the
arts, in command of the vulgar people and daring. If
the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter be in conjunction,
the person who has his birth in the yoga will be devo'
ted to the good of his sovereign, become a wise minister
and finally a ruler of the earth.
2^: II
5^: I

§5^: ITCH: I
*1^1 JTTrlT |)
•rViv g^Tffll: 1

^rt vpftg^t 1

w* iR^il
Sloka 23. If the Moon, Mars, Mercury and
Venus be together, the person born in the yoga will
have good wives and sons, will be wise, deformed and
happy. If the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn be the
four planets forming the vgAf^m (Chaturgraha yoga)
the person affected by it will have two mothers and
fathers, will be brave, with many wives and sons. If
the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus combine to produce
the yoga, the person whose birth is influenced by it
31. 515

will be clever in iniquity, sleepy and itching for wealth.

The person who has his birth in the yoga formed by
the combination of the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
will be firm'tninded, brave, comfortable and learned.
cf. ui<w«A

^^51 *1 Hfft II
5jft I
^ II

ht?T n

HfrlHi^KRrul ; II
The combination of the Moon, Marsi Venus and Saturn has
been left oat in the text. Its eflect is thus described in HKK^t
W15*l: |
nwi.3?qts^q n
qfeq; I


^5^m»^dgR: ^WTR^I; ll H
Sloka 24- The person bom in a yoga formed by
the combination in one bhava, of the Moon, Mercury.
Jupiter and Venus will be deaf, but learned, famous and
616 Adh. VIII.

wralthy. If the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn be

together and produce a (Chiturgraha yoga), the
person influenced by it will be exceedingly wealthy,
kind to his relatives and charitable. The person whose
birth is in the yoga formed by the conjunction of the
Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, will become hostile
to a large number of persons and have intrigues with
the wives of other people. If the Moon, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn combine in a bhava, the person who has hie
nativity in the yoga will be devoid of ease, sceptical
and unfeeling.
Fnrrt i
^ II

^^15^1 f^fn: 11

mm- 11

frni?n 1

Jisntit ll ^ II
Sloka 25. The person born when Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus are in conjunction will be rich and
reviled, if Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn be the
planets forming the yoga, the person whose birth is in
it will be sickly and destitute of wealth. If Mercury,
a. se SWTWHIIV: 617

Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be together in one bhava,

the person born in the yoga will have exceeding wealth,
learning and amiability.


: II

The followiog two combinations do not find a place in the
Text: Viz., (I) Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn and (2) Mars,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. For their eflccts, virfe the following
slokas from

^ II
to: II
Also HHdlTfrWFt:
iflfc ^ I
i?qmt 3t% ^Tf«I fTRi^ II
qtit FnTgTfFTigr; 1
I^RTiTt ^ ||
For the edects of the, above combinations in each of the 12
bbavas, vide Horaratna-

ii qwn^bu 11
Combinations of 5 planets in one bhava ; there are 21 such
618 anwrrfoirifr Adh. VIII.

ii ii
Sloka 2G. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury
and Jupiter be in one bhava, the person born in the
yoga will be a good combatant and a clever informer.
If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus com-
bine and produce a •Hn^hr (Panchagraha yoga), the
person whose birth is affected by it may be faithful to
his various functions, attentive to other people's
concerns and friendless.
ef. hkwA
f snqrf^T fTTftrnfa: I

^qi^PRj f^R^rp: IR« II

Sloka 27. If the Sun, th^ Moon, Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn form the "T^wcibi (Panchagraha yoga), the person
born will be hopeful and have to suffer separation from
the woman he loves. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Mercury and Saturn be the five planets in conjunction,
the person whose birth is affected by their influence
will be short-lived, bent on earning money, but without
wife and sons.
SL 38-29 •rewriwim; 619

ar+^S^f^Tj: II
$&§W'- ITRaNT ^ I
fi^aj^«l ^ ^if^lfef^^^tr: II

f^sw^fW vfaiv^w. II ^C I!
Sloka 28. If the Sun, the Moon, Mara, Jupiter
and Venus be together in one bhava, the effect of the
yoga on the person born is that he will be an assassin,
cast out by his father, mother and other relations and
will become sightless, If the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Venus and Saturn form a (Panchagraha yoga),
the person, who has his birth therein will cleverly turn
to account the humility, the wealth and power at his
command and will be depraved and have intrigues with
other people's wives.
cf. rrRHat

f^'^HTJT^SI ||

, „, "s I- .-.•j ft
Adh. VIII.

Sloka 29. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter

and Venus combine and produce a T^nvrhr (Panchagraha
yoga), the person whose birth is influenced thereby will
be a wealthy minister, with a fame, power and authority
to punish offenders, quite his own. If the five planets
jointly forming the yoga be the Sun, the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter and Saturn, the person bom in the yoga will be
indebted to another for his food, very cowardly, very
wickedly inclined and practising cruelty.
5T ^ I

H)?: ftWfRnrPt fajTSJ |

srifkqmt I

Slvka 30. (f the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus
and Saturn be together in a bhava, the person born will
be without wealth, tall in stature, bereft of rchildren
and his body will be afflicted with many diseases. If
the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the 5
planets jointly producing a (Panchagraha yoga),
the person who has his birth therein will have a
wedded wife, be eloquent, clever in juggling, fearless,
but have enemies to contend with.
cf. ui?Wr
^ I
S). 81-32 HrrihtajTC! 521


h i ^jf> :

fq^IRT RT^T^ft^T^: ^ M ^ (I
Sloka 31. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus be in conjunction, the person who has his birth
in the yoga will be free from every care or sorrow, will
command an army and horses, and be restlessly moving
about after women not his own. If the planets associa'
ted in the (Panchagrah.i yoga) be the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, the effect of the yoga on
the person born is that he will have .to eat begged food
and wear dirty and tattered clothes.
cf. <mi^T

ITSlfwtf^nr ^ II
f^tfs^T fifW rir^t 1

fHr T^if^^srviTifim; i

11 11
Sloka 32. The person whose birth is in the yoga
formed by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
being in one bhava will be honorable, proficient in the
arts, have to do greatly with the infliction or punish'
533 Adh. VIII.

ment in the form of death and captivity and will be

sickly. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn
be associated in a {Panchagraha yoga), the effect
upon the person born is that he will be of the highest
rank, but have much misety, danger and disease to
endure and be famished,
cf. nrtRcfi

ft;# II

II \\ li
Sluka 33. If the five planets, the Moon, Mars,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn combine and produce a yoga,
the person born in it will be a menial servant, without
wealth, shabbily dressed, very ignorant and thievish.
The person at whose birth, the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction, will be famed for
his feats of physical energy in the enjoyment of pleasure
in toyings in the form of a lock ^ (Yanthra).
W ffos: I
*wft # II
BHwrs®tr*i: 623

In the latter half of this sloka, the planets farming the com •
bination should be the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
instead of the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn which has
already been dealt with in sloka 3i supra. Further, the efiect
given for this combination more or less tallies with that given in
the 2nd of the two slokas from rflClf^l (Saravali) quoted above.

my ^s;r^
H ^ n
Slok.i J'-j. The person who h<is his birt)5. in the
yoga formed by the five planets th; ban, Mercury,
japitcr, Venus nad Saturn, will be wise, versed in
sacreu books and of a virtuous character and conduct
aucli aa oods and reverend seniors always approve of.
If the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be
together in a bhava, the person born under such
influence will be virtuous, happy, very wealthy,
powerful and learned.
cf. itKH/i

-TR.ftnT : II
Hf-J; .1

^ ^ n \*\ ll
Sloka 35. If the five planets, the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be together in one bhava,
the person born under their influence will be honoured
every where. He will have defective vision and have
624 Adh. VIIL

a status equal to that of a sovereign or he may be a

king's minister.
jioiw. i
^ II
The undermentioned two combinations appear to have been
left out, viz., (]} The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn
and (2) the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Their
effects are thus described in tm.tWl-

n q^mqtn: ||

Combinations of f> planets in one bhava ; there are 7 Such


5rRfts*n?ri*Tfai^gR^: I
i^r^^TSfPsft JR: ll ^ II
S/c'A'rt 36. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus be all in one bhava, the person born
under the yoga wiil be a holy man called (Tir-
thankara) dwelling in forests and hills and having wife,
children and wealth. If the Sun, the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn combine and produce a
wwihr (Shadgraha yoga) the effect thereof upon the
person born is that he will suffer from headache, have a
Si. 37-38 625

constitutional disposition to madness, dwell in solitudes

and that in a foreign country,
c/. nwrni'is#

qagtfr f^s^r Jitft n ^ n

Slokii 37. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn be in conjunction, the person born in
the yoga will be of wandering habits and very wise.
If the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
be together in a bhava, the person whose birch is influ'
enced by the conjunction of these planets will be a
pilgrim to holy shrines and an ascetic. If the six
planets combining and producing the yoga be the Sun,
the Moon, Mats, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, th: effect
on the person born is that he will be a robber, addicted
to women not his own, leprous, reviled by relatives,
bereft of children, ignorant and in exile.
If "sflSTsfr" he the rending, the translation U " shall own
great wealth."
Ol-qi iTCT§tR^%cIlfta|r: I

gFti; II It II
Sloka 38. The person born in a tSTttrtVi (Shad'
graha yoga) formed of the Sun, the Moon, Mara,
626 3TT^rK3ir% Adh. VIII.

Mercury, Venus and Saturn will be insignificant,

engaged in works not his own, afflicted with consump-
tion and dryness of the nose and despicable. If the
Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be the
six planets jointly producing the yoga, the person whose
birth is influenced by it will be a king's councillor,
bereft of the joys which wife, children and wealth give,
but calm and contented.

ii rW, t.'-w 11

rr>Tf h ^ n
Sluka 39, When the Sun is in the several signs
beginning with Mesha, the effect on the person born is
in order (1) that he will have small wealth; (2) he will
delight in music ; (3) his mind will be full of care
regarding the acquisition of learning and wealth ; (1) he
will be ignorant(•')) he will be versed in the several
arts and be clever ; (H) he will he devoted to the acqui-
sition of money ; (71 he will be daring ; (8) he will be
esteemed ; (9) he will be a petty trader; (10) he will be
clever in every kind of exercise ; (11) he will be lacking
in such joys as children and children's children give;
and (12) he will prosper by such industries as agricul-
tural operations carried on by irrigation.
cf. XVI11—si okas 1—1.
5l 40-41 637

$*v $5Rim<n ^s«rt <mm n «o n

Sloka 40. If Mars occupy his owu sign at a
person's birth, the latter wiil get wealth from a king,
from agriculture and from his wandering about in
pursuit of other such occupation. If Mars be in a Rasi
owned by Venus, the person born will set his mind on
sensual enjoyment; the effect of Mars' presence in a
sign belonging to Mercury is that the person under
such influence will speak in a dejected tone , if the
planet be in Kataka. the person born will become a
king's favourite and have much wealth. If Mars'
position be in Simha, at a person's birth, the latter will
be in possession of secure wealth. In a Rasi belonging
to Jupiter, Mars makes the person born triumphant
over his foes and possessed of comfort and happiness.
In Kumbha, the presence of Mars lias the effect of
making the person concerned served by bad people.
And lastly when Mars is in Makara, the person born is
cither a king or his equal.
cf. flTMIrRc XV11L—slokas 5—7.

ii y? n
Sloka 41. A person will be poor if at his birth
Mercury be in a house of Mars ; learned if in a house
of Venus ; happy if Mercury be in Mithuna ; will dissi'
pate w his ealth if the planet be in Kataka ; will be
538 Adh. VIII.

henpecked if Mercury be in Sitnba; will have virtues

in abundance and be exempt from dangers if Mercury
occupy Kanya; a king's favourite if in Dhanus; a
subdued servant if in Meena ; an artisan and a menial
servant of another if in a house of Saturn.
If be tbe reading instead of the translation will
be "will get rid of all his troubles."
cf. XVLII—si okas 8—1 i.

id i
t ^ irRfi dynl %f\
^rsri n vr n
Sloka 42. If Jupiter be in a sign of Mara at the
birth of a person, the latter will be superior to others
in his army, wealth and sons, highly virtuous and
bountiful; if in a sign of Venus, the person concerned
will be energetic ; if in a sign of Mercury, be will have
a large following of friends: if Jupiter be in Kataka,
the person born will be wise and rich in sons ; if in
Kumbha, the person concerned will enjoy pleasures ; if
the planet be in Simha, the person affected will become
famous; if Jupiter occupy a (Swakshetra), the
person born will be a king or on a par with a king. If
in the depression sign Makara the person concerned
will be a wanderer and have a careworn mind.
c/, XVlir—slokas 12—13.
SI. 43-44 6'i9

n v* II
Sloka 43. According to the position of Venus in
the several signs from Mesha onwards, the person born
will be respectively 0 ) a gallant ; (2 ) wielding large
influence due to the possession of fortune, genius,
friends and kindred ; f3 ) learned, wealthy and wise ;
(4) cowardly ; (5) will have dull sons ; (^) will follow
courses of conduct prescribed for people lowest in the
social scale; (7) will be a king's favourite; (8) will be
served by a s et of bad women; (11) will become a lord
of men ; (10) will have enjoyments; (11) will become
addicted to unmarried girls; ( u) will be possessed, of
fortune, learning, worth and amiable manners.
cf, if33rT?r^ XVIII—slokas 14—16.

n vv n
Sloka 44. If Saturn occupy Mesha or any of the
other signs taken in order, the person born will respec-
tively be (1) stupid f2) will not have much wealth
(3) will be bereft of money, sons and intelligence (')
will be banished from the joys derivable from the kind
care of a mother ( ■') will be disreputable (R) will have
very little wealth and very few children (7) will be
the leader of a community, town or village (9) will
have a cruel heart (") will enjoy the dignity attaching
to the possession of children, wife and riches ( 10 ) will
S30 Adh. VIII.

be liked by his sovereign (11) will have wealth (1J) will

surpass in energy and other kingly virtues.
cf. XVIII—slokas 17—19.

^ illTKTrran I
^5^? II II
$lok:i 45. An intelligent astrologer should weigh
well in his mind the effect of the Moon's presence in
the several sodiacal signs beginning with Meshxas well
as in the Amsas (sri) belonging thereto and then declare
the result of his deliberations.
iww wnriTOR
sira: I

qjqji^pr^rs 11 M
Slokti 46. When a planet is aspectcd by a malign
one, the person born under its influence suffers from
bad ailments and is without the virtues, worth, wealth
and fame which a person of his birth and social status
ought to have. If a planet be associated with a malign
one, the effect is that the person born under such indu'
ence has a hankering after other people's wealth and
women, is harsh of speech, fraudulently minded and

qR snrRqq:
Scraqgqtfufl 1
qHWifq: ^ qfrq^qqi^
RdR#? n vva N
81. 47-48 <BfSfrs«inTs 531

Sloka 47. A person born under the influence of a

planet aspecced by a propitious one will have children,
riches and enjoyments, will be handsome, honored by
his sovereign and exempt from humiliation or disgrace.
If the planet influencing a birth be associated with a
benignant one, the person born will be triumphant over
his foes in this world, conform to the duties and practi'
ces appertaining to his birth and social position, and be
shrewd enough to understand (ascertain) the unexpressed
wishes of others by their outward indications.

W 21*^ (?) ^ i

SI oka 48. When the Moon occupying Mesha is

aspected by the several planets beginning with Mars
and ending with the Sun, the person born under such
influence will respectively be a king, a man of learning,
a person equal in status to a king, one endowed with
every amiable quality, a thief, and a beggar. If the
Moon be in Vrishabha, and Mars aspect it, the person
1 orn will be one bereft of property ; if Mercury be the
aspecting planet, the person born will be a judge; if
Jupiter, an honorable person; if Venus, a king; if
Saturn, a monied person ; if the Sun, one of a servant'
class. If the Moon be in Mithuna and the several
aspecting planets be taken in the same order as before,
the person born in thejseveral cases will respectively be,
one defective in some limb, a king an intelligent and
sagacious person, a brave person, a villainous wretch,
and a poor man.
63-2 Adh. VIII.

iieems ta be the correct reading in the 3rd pada
ofthesloka. cf. Brihatjataka XIX—1. The translation ^ill then
be " If the Moon be in Vrishabha, and Mercury be the aspecting
planet, the person born will be a thief &c. "
Silent STTfi: I
fTfl^ ^ <|
From this, it would seem that in place of
was the original reading.



gcfiU II

^IPI II (I \ ||

•ifOtrii v* f# n
511^ uqf^rlfqg I
5^^ ??: ^ ^sgq^^Tfiq: i

wt 5^1 n
91. 49 •npftssqi*: 683

*j5®iqraiZfi®iT i
KiPi^sq^ttPR II
^qvr ^ ^r i ^^rtqin. I

51# pw a n ^ n

S1?TP# ^151 ft# ^qift# SiqftsH. I

■arftf :%<iq5qiq q#ft #,%asi^: n

^ ft# ^ q^i ft#liftsq5qH. n

f# ^iftia ^ ^ i
qiftqR^o^ ft# ii
ftgi5n^Hm" i
qFq qrftirqft^: q#ft ft# it

#ft 5# ^3?^ 5iftift ft^q# (I

i# qr-qqrf# i
3T# ### ft# 5lf#ft^ 5: II II X II

vjq: #t Rmft: qrft ft^: ft5*r

q^TRt ^nft# ftij: ft5n%5fte;
Sloka 49. If the Moon in Kataka be aspected
severally by the six planets from Mars taken in order,
the persons born in the six cases will respectively be
valiant, honorable, endowed with the highest poetical
talent, of royal rank, working in iron, and suffering
from ophthalmia. If the Moon be in Simha under the
same aspects, the person born will respectively be a
634 Adh. VIII.

king, one speaking learnedly, a wealthy man, a king, a

wicked person and one that is mighty- If the Moon be
in Kanya and be aapected by the several planets taken
in the same order, the person born in the several cases
will be respectively wealthy, mighty, lordly, learned,
badly behaved and in easy comfortable circumstances.
cf. girrawi

^ fspi i
^ II

^ it
^55 gT~qFP?5: 1
qqfoqqtnsqwpcin n
qrqq ^ ^ \
Wfg\ qvRin n
ftqifad 1
re: qii>fq 11 ti v 11

qtrfss0! 1
s&: ^ 11

f^qsi^qi: fp| 11
snsirfl^; f^e ffi| 1
5^ ?el q-?: 11

^?r qVsgrq fn? 11

SL 60 636

w g^fs: II
p^SJrFn^ ^T^#i ffl| I
m ^ ™ n ii ^ II
f^fyis^q^ i
^FU ^?¥T ^V\ ||
^ I
^r^t f^?er m n
msf^q ftqfqq ^^th, I
oiffi^q qs-qrqt ^qqfn %q H
^^jRisq q i
ifi^nqt 3???f ^^qffi n
^Fqm |
Oclclfq^fil^ri fi^r ^2^T ||
qefiffi ^5 ^flciqqi^ g^fci^qq; i
'T^qRi qq€5: ^JtsVqqq M $m n n t ll

qm^f^rR-riiqr^: *{*£**, I
am fafli^fq^T v&M Jfosi
m) ll n
Slol'a 50. When the Moon in Thula is aspected
severally by the benefic planetSj Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus, the persons burn in the several cases will be
respectively a king, a mint-master and a merchant. If
the Moon in Thula be aspected severally by Mars, the
Sun and Saturn, the person born in each case will be
impotent. If the Moon occupy the sign Scorpio and be
636 Adh. VIII.

severally aspccted by the planets taken in order from

Mercury, the person born in the several cases will be
(5) a man with two fathers and two mothers (3) a
favorite of the king, {s) a mean-wretch, (4) a sickly
petaon, (5) a poor man, (D) and a minister of a king.
(Vanchakaha) is another reading for 4"^,: (Pandakaha)
in the 2nd pada of the sloka.
cf, nitwsi
qf^rjjq ^ I

JTf^RvrqHi^n II
^ l
r^3: 1

fW i
arg; n n « n

f^ a I
^^fSrs%RT^i=?: II

an^oi a??: 11
q ffxwni q t
3Rq^ fs; f?q>T ?f^% q n
Si. 6] •reifrswr! 637

5?OIT ^f n
>qT|^I^Fh<i9^R[R5 ^T5 I
g^f^TRliTffR |t
•flllH^ fiT®! ^if^clMi'l ^ |
SRq^Rl^fEl ^ II \\ <r II

^ ^ ftW ii

Sloka 51. When the Moon occupies Dhanus and

has the aspect of benefic planets upon it, the person
born will have plenty of learning, wealth, wisdom, fame
and strength. When the Moon in Dhanus is aspected
by Mars, the Sun or Siturn, the person born under such
influence will be an arbitrator in a court and addicted
to courtezans.
cf. yitR^r

qgRfl qi^RK Nr^q^ir^qifi,q i

argqR^ 5^1 mn i
^jp ii
f| gqq gwWqqpq ^ i

538 Adh. VIII.

jqsw 515W^ ^wft 11 II II

m\ ^p i
f^rai^ II H* II
Slokii 52. When the Moon in Makara is severally
aspected by the planets taken in order from Mercury,
the persons born in the several cases will be respectively
(Making!9) a ruler of the earth (3)a learned man
(Ma rich person (5) a beggar and (Ma lord.
C/. «KIfrO

^ Tf^ni n

^ ^ I
fB: 3^1 II
flgii sttcR. I
^K^f*I5f 5Rq^ 11

^ irfeq fFn i
%RSR35»IB; ^ ll Mo 11

3**1 'raforn I
^Rr: TTTfgtgT mHykPu^ri: l> Ii
Sloka 53. The effect on the person born of the
Moon in Kumbha being aspected by benefic planets is
that he will be rich in fame. The Moon in Kumbha^
SI. 54 araftrnn*:

aspected by malefic planets makes the person that has

his birth under the influence a libertine,
cf. WKMcO
^ ^ I
5^ ^TRm; Ik

f^r II
^ jq^^TR: I
rig^qqg^ s?q qpft 11
sw&rcisit qqq ^ 1
HtfitqqT^ fTT^ ^ f^T II
qiT^qi-qrqfqf^q qiqq, 1
wft 53^^ q^srqn^ 11
«d^q *13 fqqqpn^ |
pnq**nfJiqqT^ *T5ft w- timv. 11 11 \ \ 11

qnPr^R^ q«q^ uqRH^ sri^r 1

Wrt^r ^5^^ gsqfo*&hs?13fPJR3:
^qt% Uto urar q^r ^ 11 Htf n

Sloka 54. When the Moon in Meena is aspected

by benefic planets, the person born will be a learned
king, fond of mirth. If the Moon in the same Rasi be
aspected by malefic planets, the effect of this on the
person born is that he will be foul-mouthed and evil-
minded. When the Moon occupying a malefic Amsa is
aspected by malefic planets, the person born will be
wicked and licentious. If the Amsa occupied by the
640 Adh. VIII

Moon be benefic and the aspecting planets be also bene-

fic, the person born becomes famous.
cf. HRt^r

$9zi^ ^ ^ i
3R^ & TO II
0St ift5«ai^?HT: 3^^ |
jjfa* l]

g$RT^ ^f5!: str^ ||

5Rft ^l?W*-rl |
fTTfft ^ II
^R^TT: «mmI^ I
5# II II \ \ U
What has been said in slokas 43-34 above may be rearranged
and summarised thus:
(1) Mars aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make the person bom a King
Taurus ... one bereft of property
Gemini ... defective in some limb
Cancer ... valiant
Leo ... a king
Virgo ... wealthy
Libra ... impotent
Scorpio ... minister of a king
Sagittarius ... arbitrator in a court and one
addicted to courtezans
Capricorn ... a lord
Aquarius ... a libertine
Pisces foul-mouthed and evil-minded
SI. 51 *wUwinii 641

Thus, Moon square or opposition Mars is bad except when the

Moon is in Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn. Three of these
happen to be the pri^nr (Swakshetra) and (Uchchakshetra)
of Mars, and f t the Moon in Leo, Mars happens to be the ruler
of the 9th from it. That is why Mars is roou in these four signs.
(2) Mercury aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make the person born a man of learning
Taurus ... a thief
Gemini ... a king
Cancer ... honorable
Leo ... one speaking learnedly
Virgo ... mighty
Libra ... a king
Scorpio ... father of twins
Sagittarius ... learned, wealthy and wise
Capricorn .... a king
Aquarius ... rich and famous
Pisces ... a learned king, fond of mirth
The Moon in opposition to Mercury in any place is good
except Vrishabha. It is however not so good as the Moon in
opposition to Jupiter for finance. The intellectual side is good.
(3) Jupiter aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make the person born equal in status to a king
Taurus ... honorable person
Gemini ... intelligent and sagacious
Cancer ... endowed with the highest
poetical talent
Leo ... wealthy
Virgo ... lordly
Libra ... a mint master
Scorpio ... favourite of a king
Sagittarius wealthy, famous and learned
Capricorn ... a king
Aquarius ... rich and famous
Pisces ••• a king
The Moon can be aspected by Jupiter only when she is in
imvnfiNn* Adh. Vm.

trine or in opposition to Jupiter and not when in conjunction

with Jupiter.
Politicians or statesmen are born if the Moon trine Jupiter or
Moon opposition Jupiter takes place when the Moon is in Taurus,
Virgo or Capricorn.
It therefore follows that all leaders in any walk of life must
have Moon-trine Jupiter or Moon-opposition-Jupiter.
(4) Venus aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make one endowed with every amiable quality
Taurus ... a King
Gemini ... a fearless person
Cancer ,,, a person of royal rank
Leo ... a King
Virgo ... learned
Libra ... a merchant
Scorpio ... one engaged in a base occupation
Sagittarius ... wealthy and famous
Capricorn ... a learned man
Aquarius ... famous
Pisces ... a learned man
Venus opposition Moon is thus not generally bad.
(S) Saturn aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make the person born a thief
Taurus ... wealthy
Gemini ... a villain
Cancer ... a person working in iron
Leo ... a wicked person
Virgo ... badly behaved
Libra ... impotent
Scorpio ... a sickly person
Sagittarius ... addicted to courtezans
Capricorn ... a rich person
Aquarius ... a libertine
Pisces foul-mouthed and evil-minded
All aspects (whether 3rd, 10(h or 7tb} of Saturn to the Moon
are bad except when the Moon is in Taurus and Capricorn. We
St. 66 aitPTfenim: 643

have already stated in sloka 3 aupra that Moon-^onjunctioc-SaturD

is bad.
(6) The Sun aspecting the Moon in
Aries will make the person born a beggar
Taurus ... one of a servant class
Gemini ... a poor man
Cancer suffering from ophthalmia
Leo ... mighty
Virgo ... one in comfortable circum-
Libra ... impotent
Scorpio ... a poor man
Sagittarius ... an arbitrator in court and
addicted to courtezans
Capricorn ... a beggar
Aquarius ... a libertine
Pisces ... foul-mouthed i.nd evil-minded.
All opposition of the Sun to the Moon is bad except when
the Moon is in Leo. The Sun will then be in Aquarius and
aspecting his own house.
What is true of the Moon is also true of the Lagna. So says
Varahamihira in his Tlrihatjataka (XV11I—20).
All squares or oppositions between the Moon and any malefic
is bad. Similarly, all squares and oppositions between the Lagna
and any malefic is bad- So also conjunctions of malelics with the
Moon or the Lagna is bad except Sun-conjunction Moon.
All conjunctions between malefics are bad (cf. slokas I, 2, 4,
8 supra as also Western astrologers).

nif li ^ n
Sloka 65 The effect of an aspect upon a Rasi
must be held tc apply likewise to its Amsa. The Raeis
as well as their Amsas when aspectcd by or associated
with benefic planets become benefic or auspicious.
644 Adh. VIII.

^^5% ns^ ^ \

II JJinf^WMrlil^t^U, II

TO^x ^ ^jnfrs^q^^n ^ ^\
*FqRn Rq^ori I

^ ^SR^nM tf&ih qhSqi^ 11 ^ ||

Sloka 56. If the Sun be in the Lagnabhavu, the
person born will have few sons, lead a life of ease, be
cruel, eat sparingly, with defective vision, be given to
boasting in the battle-field, well-bred and acquainted
with the histrionic art. But if the Sun be in the exal -
tation sign also, the effect of it on the person born is
that he will delight in the acquisition of knowledge and
virtue, be possessed of good vision, fame and indepen
dence. If the Sun occupying the Lagna be in Meena
the person born will be waited upon and served by
females; but if the Lagna in which the Sun is be
identical with Siinha, the effect of it on the person born
is that he will be night-blind but possessing good
Cf. fiRilEW.
ifr ffRRPT RSlpq: I
qfrif n
SI. 57-58 vmntsnrar:

SRr^iqf *#I H
The Sun in Leo causes blindness at night. In Cancer, the
Sun causes cataract in the eyer. The Sun in Libra causes blind-
ness. The Sun in the Lagna causes some defect in eye?.

TrTOf^r g T?rigfr I
^R1 ms ll li
Sloka 57. Whsn the waning Moon occupies the
Lagna the p.Tsan born will be deaf, defective in some
limb and a menial servant. If the Moon in the above
position be also in conjunction with a malefic planet,
there will be no vitality in the person born and he will
soon be dead If the Moon in the Lagna be in its exal-
tation or own house, the effect of it is that the person
born will have abundance of wealth, fame and much
beauty. If the Moon in the Lagna be full, the person
born will attain long life and become learned.

qffT 11
Also n^frTirr
fftf q-l 3fr

qjnft ^ ii II
646 jfmwfhrrer Adh. VIII

Sloka 58. The person born with Mars in the first

bhava will be cruel, daring, given to wandering, very
fickle and sickly ; if the planet in the first bhava be
Mercury, the effect on the person born will be that he
will be devoted to the acquisition of learning, wealth,
virtue and religion; if Jupiter occupy the Lagna the
person born will be long lived, and have knowledge
untainted, wealth and beauty; if Venus should be in
the first bhava, the influence on the person born will
be that he will be libidinous, lovely in mien, blessed*
with a wife and children, and learned.
n ftgiH n ^ te II


^ 5^ ww. II

ignnf^fTTO viitr: ll ^ il
Sloka 59, The effect of Saturn occupying the first
bhava at a person's birth is that he will have stinking
nostrils, suffer from fistula of an advanced type and
have a defective limb ; but if the first bhav? occupied
by Saturn be the planet's exaltation sign, the person
born will be a king's peer, amiable for bis special
virtues, and endowed with long life.
SI, 60-61 647

5IUT3^: i%Ta)T%: II
^rsuf^qiq: I
^ ^ qif^r

5Rt ^iff f^ftT»T% g fWI I

^ i^iT 'foqfim «5r*niR«iWt li ll
Sloka 60. When Rahu occupies the Lagna, .the
person born wil! be cruel, without compassion or moral
virtue in his nature and suffering from ailments; when
Ketu occupies the Lagna, the person born will be sickly
and very avaricious, but if the Rihu or Ketu in the
Lagna be aspected by a benefic planet, the person
concerned will have princely enjoyments.

frT.^qHfflRI3TR | qra: ||

1%^ II H

Sloka 61. R.ahu occupying the Lagna in the sign

owned by the Sun, promotes princely enjoyment in the
midst of affluence ; Ketu produces longstanding wealth
and offspring when occupying the Lagna in a house
belonging to Saturn.
548 Adh. VIII.

II fipfrn^n

wnft l
*pft ^Ri^T^if^^n Rxwk ^
Sloka 62. When the Sun is in the 2nd bhava,
the person born will be liberal^ possessed of property
in minerals, cherish even ill-wishers and will be
eloquent, II the Moon be in the 2nd bhava, the effect
is that the person born will be fond of women, beloved,
of agreeable speech, shrewd at guessing the covert
purpofles of others, fond of study and possessed of riches,

Wgi I
Sloka 63, If Mars be in the 2nd bhava, the person
born will engage in much wandering in the pursuit of
metallurgy and agriculture, and will be hot-tempered j
if Mercury be in that bhava, the person born will be
virtuous and have much wealth and moral worth discer-
ningly acquired; if the planet in the 3nd bhava be
Jupiter, the person born under such influence will be
eloquent, command comfortable meals, have vast wealth
and bestow liberal gifts. If Venus occupy the same
bhava, the person born will have learning, gallantry,
personal graces and much weaith.

ftfrrerfcnwr il^H
Sloka 01. But ii Saturn be in the 2nd bhava, the
SI. 65 aremsv-^m; 649

person born will be untruthful, thoughtless, vagrant, in'

digent and deceitful; if Rahu be in thnt bhava, the
person born will be quarrelsome ; if the occupant of the
2nd bhava be Ketu, the person born will be a public
According- to Varahamihira, the Sun or Saturn in the 2nd
house will make the person irnmensely rich, but will cause some
defect or other in the face or teeth, while the Moon in the same
position will give him a large family. Mars in that bhava will
make him eat bad Jood, Mercu'y in the 2nd bhava will make the
native rich while Venus or Jupiter will make him eloquent or

Wfl: (35:) ||
(^) ||
f.% II
(ii) fqsramTfii 11

(51^) ^ qaii-

R% (^) Rilsf: II
qrct: f# wq: 11

II rjrftq^ll

Sluka C5. When the Sun is in the 3rd bhava, the

person born will be brave, served by bad men, very
wealthy and liberal; when the Moon occupies the
bhava representing younger brothers, the person born
will have insignificant wealth, be kind to relatives and
virtuous. With Mars in the 2rd bhava, the person
bom beccmes famous, of immense prowess, and of up-
right (uncrooked) views; but when Mercury occupies
the 3rd bhava, the person born is bent on the practice
of deception, of vagrant habits, excessively vacillating
and miserable.


goTi 11 ^ 11
Slok i 66. The person born with Jupiter in the
Ord bhava becomes indigent, henpecked and addicted to
evil; if Venus be in the 3rd bhnva the person born
speaks fretfully, is vicious and controlled by his wife.
The person taking birth when Saturn occupies the
(Bhratrubhava) eats sparingly and possesses
wealth, moral worth and excellent family traits ; when
Rahu is in the place of valour (3rd bhava), the person
born becomes very valiant and rich; and if Ketu be in
that position, the person concerned becomes virtuous
and wealthy.

spf;: I
treqr iwfi vriwrrf; n ^ n
Sloka 67. Venus in the 3rd and the 1 th bhavas
causes sorrow, diseases and danger. The same planet
SI. 68 551

in the same position may become henefic when in

advance of the Son (when appearing as an Evening Star).
The eflocls stilted in lirihat Jalaka for the Sun, Mars and
Saturn in the 3rd bhava are good as they make the native intelli-
gent and strong. The Moon in the jrd house will make one cruel)
while Mercury in that position will turn him a consummate rogue.
Jupiter and Venus when in that hhava make him stingy.

(f$0 It
qoj: (n-s) ||
(f%) II
^ (1^) II
HIT?: ((1^) I.
wrfuM {51^) is

Hi'ft ?ftq ) n
3115^ vprq^l; SJJT^raiRtisq FT^qT^H

n ^3% li
wti xh
Pt^i I
g ^5^:
5ji%^ ^RT gpoitr: II n
Slokd 68. When the Sun is in the (Sukha
4th) hlviva, the person horn will suffer from heart disease,
will.lack money, corn and common s.-nse and will be
hard-hearted. If the Moon he in that hhava, the effect
thereof is that the person born will possess learning,
5S3 Adh. VIII.

good nature and prosperity, but will hanker after other

people's wives. The person born with Mars in the
(Bandhu -kh) bhava will be bereft of relations, and
hen pecked, though valiant. If Mercury be in that bha-
va, the person born will be a forlorn creature without
friends or relatives, while growing up to be a pandit
distinguished for sterling knowledge and affluence.


II ^ 11

Sloka 69. When Jupiter occupies the 4th bhava,

the person born will be eloquent, wealthy and possessed
of comfort, fame, strength and personal heauty, but of a
crafty disposition. When Venus is in that bhava the
person born will be over ruled by his wife though
making much (boasting) ot his comforts, fame, wealth,
intelligence and learning.

rat prer ^ nmrcft 11

Sloka iO. When Sdturn is in the 1th bhava, the

person born will be lacking in the observances pre-
scribed for his caste, will he crafty and causing trouble
to his mother. When Rahu is in that position the
person born will keep in the seclusion of a seraglio his
wives and such others as stand in a similar relation to
him; and when Ketu is in the rfs (Sukha kh) bhava,
the person born will be a reviler of other people (scandal-
SI. 71 »rOTtswmTi 563

Brihat Jataka.
If the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupy the 4th house, the person
born will have no happiness and will be troubled in mind. If the
Moon, Jupiter or Venus should be posited in that house, the person
will be happy. Mercury in that position will make the native

5# {^) II
^ (f^) : (|

^ (5?1) ii
g% (^\) II

JJP qwfq (3T^) H

ii ii

^ ll vs? Ii

Sloka 7J. A person born with the Sun in the 5th

bhava will be a courtier with an unsteady mind and
will sojourn abroad. When the Moon occupies the
(Puthra bhava, StM, the person born will be
high-miaded, rich, ccmpassionate and diligently bent on
doing what has been determined upon after deep
664 Adh. VIII.

WS^ani?5^T%^t R^HI

fq?nqgiq^: ^ RRT ^ II II
Stoka 72. If at a person's birth, Mars occupy the
5th bhava, the person born will be cruel, of wandering
habits, restless, darina unrighteous, voluptuous and
wealthy ; if Mercury be in the Jti (Putra, 5th) bhava,
the person born will be proficient in sacred texts and
in the art of overcoming foes by magic spells and will
be blessed with a family cf wife and children, wealth,
learning, fame and strength.
gofr mqRiRnir^; ^
3r§qiRivT; irgft I

^ ll ^ li
Slokit 73. Clever in counsel, virtuous, possessed
of choice riches but with a paucity of sons, will the
person be at whose birth Jupiter occupies the 5tli
house; if Venus be in that bhava, the person born will
have good sons, friends, wealth, much beauty and (be
the master of) command an army and horses,

siRfT fasiRfrqq: l
sttf 'pfrcr
km ^13: II WMI
Sloka 74. The person born with Saturn in the 6th
bhava will be insane, longdived, unhappy and fickle,
51. 75 arewsvqm: 66-5

but virtuous and victorious over his enemies ; when

Rahu is in the 5th house, the person born will be
cowardly, compassionate and poor; when Ketu is in
that bhava, the effect on the person born is that he will
be crafty, dreading water and ailing very much.
Hrihat liUaka.
]f any one of Uie itialcjM-s, {viz., Ihe Sun, Mars or Saturn)
should •ccupy the 5tli house, Ihe norson concerned will he child-
less and without wealth. If II e Moon he in the full house, lie will
have children- Merutny in that ;iOsilinn will niahn him a minister.
Jupiter and Venus in the ill I, house will make the native intelli-
gent an I happy respvctl\eiy-

ghr (f^f; fq^TS^Nt: II

"IMtfPT (5f) ||
3^: ^ii'TTd {l/t II
trh'r-i'flrq^ (ip.) il
■-iv-k (qqt ; mst |4fri; (i
^TBT^^TSp: V-Wiiq'fr qq 1|
5^^ ^itnfiqiTfrd ^ TN-. II

ii is

V ""y
^ ^iar^^rr^ T5 ^nfr n
Siokif 73. If at the birth of a person the Sun
occupy the f th bhava, the person hor t will be lustful,
brave, honored by kin -s. full of self esteem, renowned
566 Adh. VIII.

and opulent; if the waning Moon be in the Gth bhava,

the peraon born will be short lived ; if it be full Moon,
the person born will be very voluptuous and long-lived.

Sloka 7'i. When Mars is in the Gth bhava, the

person born will own property, exterminate foes, have
a powerful appetite, bi opulent and enjoy fame and
strength; when Mercury occupies that bhava, the
person born will be instructive, amusing, quarrelsome,
but friendly, void of morality and abstaining from all
beneficence to his relatives.

tRT *1%# ^ ll ws II
Sloh i 77. The person born with Jupiter in the
Gth bhava will be lustful, victorious over foes but weak ;
when Venus is in that bhava, the person born will
suffer from sorrow and calumny; when Saturn occupies
the tth bhavi, the person born will be gluttonous,
afraid of troublesome opponents, lecherous and wealthy,

Ti?t fSR: I
^prn^ng«nn^i%rm^i ^ ii \s^ n
Stuka 78. If Rahu be in the Gth khava, the peraon
born will be of good birth, subdue his foes, enjoy long
SI. 79 667

life, and be very happy; If Ketu occupy that bhava, the

person born will be kind to his relatives and renowned
for his generous virtues and illustrious erudition.
Urihat Jatal<a.
If the Sun, Mar<! or Saturn occupy the 6th bhava, the person
concerned will be powerful, but ■will be overpowered by his
enemies. If the Moon be in that house, he will have many
enemies, will be of a delicate constitution and will have a dyspep-
tic appetite. ffis sexual passion will he weak t and he will be
harsh in temperament and indolent in his work. If Mercury,
Jupiter or Venus be in the 6th bhava the native will be without

(3^.1 11

Rsfnt vJJiq ifIRt II

^ (TT^) II
ufsfl; (%at) W n

ll n

^ 1

SI oka 79. When the Sun occupies the 7th bhava
658 arrawiT^ra Adh. VIII.

at a person s birth, he will hate womankind and be

exceedingly wiathful and wicked ; when the Moon is
in that bhava, the effect on the person born is that he
will be compasjionate, of wandering habits, yielding to
women and voluptuous ; the person at whose birth
Mars occupies the 7th bhava will be querulous
about women and fond of war ; if the planet occupying
this bhava be Mercury, the person barn wi'l be maimed
but capable of amusing with his skill in the arts.
rcsgsKi ^ gfi

^ 5nTfwT»if&r: Ik oil
Sloka 80. If Jupiter occupy the 7th bhava, the
person born will be resolute and have a lovely wife but
will view with antipathy his parents and spiritual pre
ceptors ; if Venus be in that bhava, the elfe^t on the
person born is that he will be a favourite with tne
courtesan class, charmingly lovely but lame; if Saturn
occupy the 7th bhava "at a person's bitch, he will be
indigent and distressed in mind from the toil he has to
undergo bearing a heavy burden over a long distance;
the person born with Rahu in the 7th bhava will be
proud, foremost among gallants and suffering from
3R^TrarT«i% 5 -71 I
RSJ mis; IR<RR!W ^iz$\ fsfcHurw
Slok<i 8l. When Ketu is in the 7th bhava, the
person bom will either have a bad wife or derive no
pleasure from a wife, will be sleepy, indecorous, deject-
ed in speech, constantly roving and a vei it.ible blockhead.
SI. 82-83 559

Brihat Jataka.
The Sun, Mars or Saturn occupying the 7ch house, will make
the person suffer humiliation at Ibe hands of women. The Moon in
thai position will make him envious and exceedingly over head
and ears in love. If Mercury he in the 7th hou>:e, the person con-
cerned will possess a knowledge of the laws and rules of the
country. Jupiter in the 7di bhava will make the native excel his
father in his qualities. If Venus be posited in the 7th house, the
person born wilt promote quarrels and will be fond of sexual

(^lt) S^tRdlT j|
(^) ih flWt i)
(gssr) sm n
5fT^3FiT (?l) ^jqf Rf^
WTfti (gft; sffigqWIrlT^T^sf^?: 11
(^) tl
Pc'atsciqV f^s: n
(u^) sqfqgmCm; ll
^ SiqmqahffliTPqtfq ITT:

^srqlor: ^ it\ * tr«: I

Sloka 82. The person boin with the Sun in the

8th bhava will be heart-winning, skilled in disputes and
discontented ; if the Moon be in the stEfrwra (Ashtama
bhava), the influence on the person born is that he will
be eager for war, liberal, fond of amusement and learning-
frfail'ft wrj; imi Rvnre 5 OTRTJ i
f^fgfif*qgq!iRr£t 11 ^ 11
560 Adh. VIII.

S'jka 83. The person at whose birth Mars occu-

pies the 8th bhava will be plain in attire, rich and
possessed of authority over a multitude ; if the planet
in the (Ashtama bhava) at a person's birch be
Mercury, the person born will be renowned for his
many good qualities, the most notable of them being
good breeding and will have much wealth.

II n
Sloka 84. If Jupiter occupy the 8th bhava at a
person's birth, he will be long-lived and sagacious but
of ignoble deeds; if Venus be in that bhava the person
born will be blessed with long life, have every comfort,
be endowed with matchless strength and passess great
wealth ; if Saturn be in the arermm (Ashtamr bhava),
the person born will be a hero, the foremost of fiery
men but will become bereft both of strength and riches ;
if Rahu occupy the 8th bhava, the person born will have
to endure trouble and public censure, be dilatory in
action and will suffer from many ailments.

Sloka 85- When Ketu occupies the 8th bhava,

the person born will desire to possess the wealth of
others and to enjoy their women ; he will suffer from
diseases, being given up to profligacy; he will be
exceedingly avaricious. When Ketu in the 8th bhava
is aspected by a benef ic planet, the influence of this on
the person born is that he will become very wealthy
and long'lived.
31. 86 wwlynw. 661

Brihat Jataka.
If the Sun, Mars or Saturn should occupy the 8th house, the
person will have a limited number of issues and will have a
defective eyesight, if the Moon be in that position, the native
will have a fickle mind and will suffer from diseases. Mercury in
the 8th house will cause the native to be widely known for his
good qualities. Jupiter or Venus in the 8th bhava will make him

ftefg ftwi: II
(^) II
snfqfNa: II

R^l qTtTTiqtSr^Tripi; (TT^)


^mi g*resiRit

Sloka 86. When the Sun ia in the 9th bhava, the

person born betrays antipathy to his parents and spirt'
tual preceptors and betakes himself to a religion different
from theirs; when the Moon occupies that bhava, the
person born will be devoted to his duties towards the
vmwfcmk Adh. VlU.

Manes and the Gods and bestow liberal gifts ; the person
at whose birth Mars is in the 9th bhava, will be
associated with something wrong and untoward towards
his parents while enjoying renown in other respects ;
when Mercury occupies the (Dharma stthana, the
9th bhava), the person bom will be in possession of
wealth righteously acquired and will be learned and

Sloka 87. If Jupiter be in the 9th bhava, the

person born will be wise, devoted to his duties and
will serve as a king's minister ; if Venus be in that bha-
va, the person born will be conspicuous as a possessor
of learning, wealth and a family of wife and children ;
if Saturn be in the Bhagya (9th), the person born will
become celebrated in the battle-field and will be rich
but without a helpmate in life; if Rahu occupy the 9th
bhava, the person born will hate his lawful father while
possessing fame and wealth.

g ^fi l

S/ofen 88. When JCetu occupies the Guru (9th) bha'

va, the person born will be short tempered, eloquent,
void of virtue and reviling others ; he will be brave,
hostile to his parents, ostentatious in his behaviour,
delighting in the society of the indolent and full of
Si. 89 863

Brihat Jataka.
Varahatnihira unlike some Astrologers gives good effects for
the Sun being posited in the 9th house. The person will be
endowed with children, weilth and happiness. The efiect of
Mercdry in that bhava is similar to that of the Sun. The Moon
is very good in the 9th as the native will possess sons, friends,
relations and wealth. Mars in the 9th house will cause the person
to commit sinful actions. Jupiter or Venus in that position will
make him devout and philosophical.

rnRf (Slftft) ^ : ||
3R?nfT?: (f%) ||

l-qitl: (5^) 1)
5*1 (^) II

(^) ^^^irKnS^IJTTrq^SSniqT^ II
"TTqffri^q II

ii n

Sloka 89. When the Sun ia in the 10th bhava,

the person born will have hereditary wealth, virtue,
learning, fame and strength and will be a king's peer ;
when the Moon is in that bhava, the person born wilt
564 enwmbim Adh. VIII.

eagerly seek and obtain wealth, corn, apparel, ornaments,

dalliance with women and skill in the arts.
g snrii: sranri^ra^^ri^^i: l
^mj\ u n
Sloka 90. Those at whose birth Mars occupies
the 10th bhava, will be predominant in valour and
wealth and will become famous ; when Mercury is in
that bhava, the person bom will engage in pursuits
promoting the advancement of all kinds of knowledge*
fame and wealth.
teirah ^IK^M I
gfc ^^i3i ^
Sloka 91. When Jupiter occupies the 10th bhava
at a person's birth, he will succeed in his undertakings,
be of virtuous conduct and steadfastly adhering to his
own religion and also possessed of wisdom and wealth ;
when Venus is in that bhava, he will get wealth
through a tenant of his land, or through some women
and will be powerful.

^ VRt ftsif W' I

wi g Tofirp;; ^ n n
Sloka 91. The person at whose birth Saturn occu-
pies the 10th bhava will chastise offenders in the
capacity of a magistrate, will be proud, wealthy,
prominent in his own family and of a heroic tempera-
ment. When Rahu is in the Dasama (10th) bhava, the
person bom will have a genius for theft and will
accordingly be void of virtue and eager for combat.
SI. 93-94 666

^jsranR'HT: q 11 II
Slokn 93 When Kctu is in the 10th bhava, the
person born will be wise, strong, skilled in the arts,
self-knowing, loving the people but acting in a contrary
wise, phlegmatic, foremost among brave men and
continually wandering.
Rrihat jataka.
If the Sun occupies the lOth house, the person born
will be happy and powerful, if Mars, Mercury or Saturn be in
the same position, the effect is similar. The Sun in the 10th
house gives tmximum labor and minimum income. It is bad for
finance, because Ihe Sun there is square to the Lagna. If the
Moon should occupy the 10th house, the person concerned will
cotnplele to perfection anything he undertakes and will be endow-
ml with virtue, wealth, intellect and valour. Jupiter or Venus in
the lOth house makes the man wealthy.
% (^t) n
(^) 11
(f^) '•IffI II

tf^Tr U 51?: 5lfH5tS^> (ifTffl) II

ii ii
686 Adh, VIII.

^ sms* f^sor«fiit?rpra# u w o
Sloka 94. The person at whose birth the Sun is
in the Ilth bhava, will have extensive wealth, wife,
children and slaves and will be happy ; when the Moon
is in that bhava, the person born will be of a pensive
disposition and wealthy; when Mars occupies the ww
(Aya, Ilth) bhava at a person's birth, he will be clever
in speech, lustful, wealthy and valiant; when the occu-
pant of the Ilth bhava is Mercury, the person born
will possess an acute intellect, be famed for his learning
and in possession of wealth.

w II Va II
Sloka 95. The person at whose birth Jupiter
occupies the Uth bhava will htve a strong intellect;
his name will be celebrated and he will be wealthy
When Venus is in the labha (Uth) bhava, the person
born will live in comfort, longing for women other
than his own, with wandering propensities and possess-
ed of wealth. When Saturn occupies that bhava, the
person born will be voluptuous with large wealth got
in a king's service. With Rahu in the Uth bhava, the
person born will lose his sense of hearing, win fame in
the battle-field and become wealthy and distinguished
for learning.

inKswWi II ^ ll
81. 96-97 667

Sloka 96. When Ketu is in the penultimate bhava

the person born will be valiant, kind to other people
and honored by them, he will be of a contented frame
of mind, possessed of power, with limited enjoyments,
delighting in works of beneficence and the practice of
Bcihat Jataka.
The Sun, Mars, Mercury or Saturn in the 11th house will
make the person born wealthy. If the Moon be in the llth, the
person will become famous and will acquire wealth and the like.
Jupiter or Venus in the llth will make him prosperous.

^P*3<TlS*fo; Sjjt ^ # 11

^113'• (ti) >5«?3Tfi: II

sinpr (^) 5RT(j'Tt «rRn; ||
^3: (^0 ^ II
8ft6J9fTf^3flfaJT13Ti> 6^T«T: II
(^) gHtli ||


^ ^ II ^ II
S/L>^a 97. When the Sun is in the 12th bhava,
the person born will possess sons, will be maimed, but
very energetic, and will become an apostate and a
vagrant. When the Moon occupies the last bhava, the
568 ■<MWtfairjr Adh. VHI.

person bom will live in a foreign country. When

Mars is in that bhava, the effect on the person born is
that he will become odious and be without wealth and
"without a wife

'ra n v n
Sloka 98. The person at whose birth Mercury
occupies the 12th bhava will be odious to relatives,
poor and senseless ; if Jupiter be in the last bhava, the
person born will be sceptical in regard to religion, irrc
solute, of wandering habits and evil-minded. When
Venus occupies the last bhava, the effect on the person
born is that he will lose his relations, become a professed
rake and grow penurious; if the planet occupying the
ww (Vyaya, 12th) bhava be Saturn, the person bora
will be deficient in intellect and turn out a dolt, a
pauper and a cheat.

fNte: ssqffarar I
^ ^ ii
Sbka 99. When Rahu is in the 12th bhava, the
person born will be immoral, but prosperous, defective
in limb and disposed to help others. The person at
whose birth Ketu is in the Vyaya. 12th) bhava will
be fickle and immoral and will lose what ancient wealth
and status he may be possessed of.
Brihat Jataka.
The effect of any one of the [ilanets, the Sun, Mars, Mercury
or Saturn, being posited in the IZth house is that the person bom
St. 100 689

will sufier degradation. Tbe Moon in the 12th is also bad. The
native will be wickedly disposed and defective in some limb-
Jupiter in tbe 12th makes the person a villain while Venus in that
position makes him rich.

fs*) n
^s?R> W fi^sqq: II
foil ft#!: (f^) 11

ftfnfl, ||
(51^) s^ft^r «

^ qTiJ: II

$=RnT% til istt ^Riqi^J

giw^; I

^TR^T? II ?oo II
Sloka 100 When the Sun is in exaltation, the
person born will possess wealth and comcnand an army;
if the Moon be in the position of exaltation, the person
born will have rich food, clothing and ornaments in
abundance but will be cursed with bad sons. When
Mars occupies the exaltation sign at the birth of a
person, the latter will be valiant. If Mercury occupy
the position of exaltation, the person born will raise the
status of (advance) his family, will rule over men, will be
talented, victorious over his foes and live in happiness.
6T0 Adh. VIII.

If the planet in exaltation be Jupiter, the person born

will be the founder of a long enduring family, will
possess moral worth, will be clever, learned and in
royah favor,

n ?<>? n
Sloka 101. If the planet in exaltation be Venus,
the person born will be fond of the company of gay
women, music and dancing ; if Saturn, the person born
will have jurisdiction over a vil'age, town or some
forest region and will be addicted to unmarried girls ;
if Rahu, the person born will be a robber chief, the
chosen man of his tribe, heroic, addicted to evil deeds
and possessed-of wealth ; if Ketu, the person born will
associate with thieves and enjoy the lavor of some
petty king.

^ it
^ £{ TT5fT |

5^. sirat ?T3T^wfT^TaqTcf n

. v3
SI. IOZ wwtowim: 671

^ RcT^ ||
Also HWWTflfWl:

qrw. II
qrqqfqq T i
qi^m ^pit f^w. ^r n
gq?3sifT< wi 5i#i qq^fq^frq. i
3^pqt II
ftrft qqw: RV; I
arf^TfqfqM^I qrai TlfqgtPflJ ^n; II
QHTC: 5*T3Tfi: g^^SI R%: I
qfRc^t q q^i ii
$wi q^ "q qrqqi: qs^tq: j
^q^rfq^TR^rft ^cq^^q; i!

'AJ\ qm^l ^ ii
qjfr |5qf^H: RT^FrfR^fqi/^uif I
n^qf^iqfaiqf^rRqn'ia^^q: it
Pl%: Plfwt fq'^TI |
sqifngq^q: ftifqq: n

^ ^tn; ^r i
Sloka 102. Even one planet occupying its exaltation
and aspected by friendly planets can make the person
born under its influence a lord of the earth, eminent
and honorable, and secure to him allies.
671 gKWjifrma Adh. Vffl.

cf. VII—56 supra.
5!Td: ^
—WH'd: ^ ^ I

^3^51 %»55
Sloka 103. When a single planet occupies its etal-
tation in strength, the person bom will possess plenty
of corn and wealth. When two planets are in their
exaltation and possess strength, the person born will be
a feudatory or tributary prince. When there are three
such planets, the person born will be a king ; when four
such planets occupy Kendra positions, the person born
will become a powerful king of kings. When five
planets occupy their exaltation signs in power, the
person born will become the lord of the whole world.

^TTn^l I



^ ^ ^<iwF5idt I

^ ^lt 11 ?o» II
Sloka 104. If the planet in the (Moola
Trikona) be the Sun, the person born will be wealthy
and revered by the people; if it be the Moon, the person
81. 105 uroftswrw! 673

born will be rich and happy; if Mars, wrathful and

ruthless; if Mercury, rich and devoted to religious
prayers; if Jupiter, voluptuous and liked by kings; if
Venus, ruling villages and towns ; if Saturn, brave; if
Rahu, the person born will be poss;ssed of wealth,


"ifqq II
3ft: t{W3i i

^ rrH 3nf%: II
Also Jn^fTT'KlfSlIt:-
^ g^t fiiqf^rahf^ I
^ ^ ^q: II

qm^rfni qafinfqqfq: g^; H

Mt^Fl gp; i
qg qq; ^ n

it ii

^ vn^r wriNT^iwhniTRt
f I ^q^<?Midi ^tr qfti^r: |

*W ^ ^ ^
vk mi T^RddK M ? o*^ II
Slika 103. If the Sun be in (Swakshetra),
the person born will own a fine mansion, lead a de-
674 w<wi»fciit> Adh. VIII.

praved life and will suffer from fierce luat; if it be the

Moon that is in wSra (Swakshetra), the person born
will have power, beauty and wealth; if Mars, he will
be famed for his agricultural strength; if Mercury, he
will be learned; if Jupiter be the planet occupying
^r?t (Swakshetra), the person born will be devoted to
poetry, the arts, traditional doctrines and the sacred
scriptures; if Venus, he will be intellectual and wealthy;
if Saturn, the person born will be distinguished by
fierce prowess but bereft of happine- , if Rahu be the
planet in (Swakshetra), the person born will
possess fame and wealth,
c/. " »TTa»TT'R'Na;i%:

^ srciHfi II
5^ "W5^1 H
^ ^rl; ^ ^ |

ii II

Sloka 1(36, It is exactly as a riet grows with the

growth of its meshes that a man attains a position of
equality with his tribesmen, a position of superiority,
an honored place on account of comparatively higher
wealth, pre-eminence for vast riches, a status equal to a
king s or a kingship itself according as the number of
planets occupying wrsr (Swakshetra), at his birth hap-
pens to be one, two, three, four, five or six respectively*
SL 107 875

c/, gC^STRT^i

! Seven planets Moon

their own
Sat. houses Sun

Jupiter Mars Venu- Merc.


f^uir^f^nrj ^if^fi^rranft-
f^r iTRits^ ii \ o\s ii
Sloka 107. When the Sun* is in the house of a
friendly planet, the person born will h^ve firm, friends
and will be liberal and famous; when the Moon is in
such a position, the person born will be esteemed, live
in comfort and have wealth ; when Mara ia in a friendly
house the peraon born will enjoy the favor of rich
friends; when Mercury is in that position, the person
born will be moat witty and jovial; when Jupiter
occupies the house of a friendly planet, the peraon bore
will delight in the society of the learned and the virtu-
ous ; when Venus occupies such a position the effect is
that the person will be happy in the society of his
576 Adh. VIII.

children. If Saturn be in a friendly house at a person's

birth, the latter will be fed by another as he will have
no wealth.
qf. VRWHTVif^r

^ II
^ 5IT^tq3f)4t ^ 1
Irf: ^cTT lTr?RH3tT: II
^ ^ t
^ ^ f^ 11

fow: n

m q ufqfsisq.nWi. I
fqqjjl ^qqq; ^frqq i^fq^Tfqfaj^ n
qrf^^a: ^ ^iqqtfsmqq^q^^ n

Sftiftci: g^i: I
^(t ^ farcify I) n
Sloka 108. A person is famous, happy, pleased with
his friend, witty and jovial, wise, voluptuous or fed by
the bounty of another according as the planet in a friend
ly house at his birth is the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn respectively.

i^sqtq^TFT fanftf w 1
si 11 lot, )|
91.109-110 TOfrsnrro 677

5^9^ OT mm w I
n\mi m n©: n n
Siokas 109 and 110- If at a person's birth, the
number of planets occupying (Mitrakshetra) be
one, the person born will live on another's substance ;
if two, he will be enjoying the wealth of friends ; if
three, he will live upon self-acquired property; if four,
he will bestow liberal gifts; if five, he will rule over
a community or tribe; if the number of planets occupy-
ing friendly houses be six, the person born will be in
command of an army ; when such planets number seven,
the person born is a king.
Cf. f55:7([r(=ti

If seven planets are in friendly houses (Tatkalika)

and (Nisarga.) combined], the native will become a King.
The following chart seems to be the only possibility.

| !
i l

Saturn Seven planets

posited in
their friendly
Jupiter houses Moon i

Mars Venusj Merc. Sun

Sfri gj 55* II
l^TTc]: I

678 AdL vin.

hi^T i

^fe n u ni
Sloka Jll. If there be three planets in their exal'
tation aigns at a birth, the person born will be a king.
If three planets occupy (Swakshetra). it is a
minister that is born then. If three be eclipsed at a
person's birth, he will be a slave. If three be in depres'
sion signs, the person born is an idiot.
sfltaSfaii to 3^ I
^ 3iq-. 1,
Us §W' I


^9^ Qyfl qmr:

^ m&mi ^ 3 \^
Sloka 112. When the Sun is in an inimical house,
the person born will sacrifice the convenience of his
father and engage in the service of others ; when the
Moon is in such a position, the person born will studi-
ously cause affliction to his mother and will suffer from
heart disease; if Mars be in a house owned by an enemy,
SI. 113 w®j?is«rnT: 679

the person born will be defective in some limb, ungrate

ful and unclean ; if it be Mercury that occupies a hostile
house, the person born will be miserable and inclined
to evil; if it be Jupiter, the person born will be specu-
lating about the future; if Venus, he will be a hired
laborer ; if Saturn be in a house owned by an enemy at
a person's birth, the latter will have to be way-faring
and suffer sorrows therein.
cf, mafiFRTraa

^ ^ ^ ||

^ II

51^ HrfRT II
M so

^ fKii qW: I

qqfi n

^«r^T ^3*11: "T2f q?!^T I

Slaka 113 If there be five planets occupying hostile
houses, they will be productive of mixed effects (good
and evil). If there be six such, comfort will diminish
and misery will preponderate. If there be seven of
580 aiwtifouft Adh. VIII.

them in inimicil houses their effect will be misery and

that wholly. If the planets in these positions be
eclipsed also, they work evil.
cf, VII—56 Clatter half) supra.
tofir i
| ni n
W\: 5I«Ttfq^2f^TlRT^ i

tor i
qfimff% SF^I: II

^^1 f^RR% ^ TcfJ

Xwuv ^ mt WWW
Sloka 114. Jf the depressed planet be the Sun at a
person's birth, the latter will be an abandoned person
without friends or relations and bent on going into
exile ; if it be the Moon, the person born will be ailing,
with little religious merit or wealth to help him; if
Mars, the person bom will be ungrateful and indigent;
if Mercury be the depressed planet, the person born
will be base and hostile to his relatives ; if Jupiter, he
will be under censure and disgrace and turn out to be
wicked; if Venus, the person born will be intent on
SI, 115-116

what lead# him to sorrow; if Saturn hz the depressed

planet, the person born under its influence will be with-
out wealth, without .wife, unfortunate and mischievous.

(Vfriqirfq ^ |

n^ni |

^ ^ II

53^1 ^r% H ? ?H l»
Sloka 115. Full effect is produced by planets when
in their exaltation states; their effect in their own
Navamsas («ra«T) is the sime as when thev are in their
Moolatrikonas (^3^^). Their effects in friendly Na-
vamsas (5f^T-Suhridamsa) is the same as when they
are in (Swakshetra), their effects in depressed or
eclipsed states is the same as when they are in inimical
This sloka appears in qKlTtfl with a slightly different reading,

S'o^a 116, The good influence of planets is at its
maximum, three quarters, half, a quarter, at its minimum
Adh. VIII.

or nil according as the planets are in the exaltation sign,

Moolatrikona Swakshetra Mitrak'
shetra (fifciqnr = friendly sign), Satrukshetra =
inimical sign), depression sign, or (combustion) con'
junction with the Sun.
This si oka is the same as VII—58 supra.
*f^i: ^vn; i
Sloka 117. Beneiic planets yield good results when
they occupy in strength the Kendra or Trikona bhavas.
Malefic planets produce good results when they are in
strength in the 3rd, the 6th, or in the 11th bhava.

^rfSr i
5WTf^WT!^ ^ li
SLka 118. The several effects due to the coming
together of six, five, four, three or two planets and to
their being in their exaltation, JjafWN (Moolatrikona),
witei (Swakshetra), (Mithrakshetra), (Satru-
kshetra) or =fN (Neecha) have been treated of in this
chapter, under the benign influence of the blessings
obtained from the Sun and other deities presiding over
the nine planets.
sfti sncw-

Thus ends the eighth chapter bearing on the effects

due to planets occupying various positions under
various formations in the work Jataka Parijata compiled
by Vaidyanatha Dikshita under the auspices of the nine
^id+MifjNid ^mrsv^rnr:


Adhyaya IX.

Thi: lfff.ct of Guuka, Year, Etc.


*riw f^jif^nssr^T n ni
Sloka 1. I am to Jescribe the influences of the
time of (Galika), of the year, the month, the day,
the hour of birth, upon the person born. If 3^* (Gu'
lika), be in the Ist bhava, the person born will be dull
and sickly ; if (Gulika) in the Lagna be associated
with malefic planets, the person born will be deceitful,
lustful and depraved; if (Gutika) be in the 2nd
bhava, the person born will have a craving for sensual
enjoyment, be of wandering habits and indulge in scur-
rilous language; if (Gulika) be associated with
malefic planets in the 2nd bhava, the effect on the
person born is that he will have no wealth and at all
events will be destitute of knowledge.
The method for finding the position of (Gulika) and
other Upagrahas has already been described in detail {vide notes
to 11-6 and V-57 supra).
684 ■WnwiRwtl Adb. IX.

In this and in the next five sloitas, the author gives briefly the
efiects of Gulika occupying any one of the 12 houses in a nativity.
As these are given in greater detail in(Phaladeepika\
relevant passages from that work have been extracted in their
appropriate places for the information of the reader. Besides a
full aspect cast on the seventh house like other ordinary planets,
Gulika has a full glance over the 2nd and the Idth houses
reckoned from it.

w II ^ II
Sloba 2. When 1%^ (Gulika) is in the 3rd
bhava, the person born will be distinguished by aloof'
ness, pride, drunkenness and such qualities, will display
ati abundance of ill temper and bustling activity in
regard to the acquisition of wealth, will be exempt from
distress and danger and will be without brothers or
This sloka appears in

mh 1^*11 l
51. 3-6 686

Sloka 3. When Gulika is in the 4th bhava. the

person born will be devoid of learning, wealth, houses,
happiness, lands and vehicles and will become a
wanderer. When Gulika is in the 5th bhava, the
person born will be immoral, irresolute, evil-minded,
have few sons and will be short-lived.

^ g w-1

Sloka 4, When Gulika is in the 6th bhava, the
person horn will destroy hosts of foes, will dabble in
demonology and will he brave; when Gulika occupies
the 7th bhava, the person born will be quarrelsome, be
cursed with a bad wife, will prove a public enemy, and
will be stupid and ungrateful.

3^ f.?rCT i

ritr: II H li
Sloka 5. When Gulika is in the 8th bhava, the
person bom will be deformed in his face with weak
586 Adh. IX-

impaired eyes and will have a slight body. When

Gulika is in the 9th hhava, the person born will engage
in vile deeds to such an extent as ultimately to become
the murderer of his parents and preceptors. When
Gulika is in the 10th bhava, the person born will aban-
don all religious duties and observances prescribed for
his caste and being associated with hundreds of shameful
deeds, will become dead to all sense of honor or self-

5iTcrs I

fr:"?™ II ^ H
Sloka 6. When Gulika is in the 11th bhava, the
person born will have much happiness, wealth, power
and beauty, but will occasion the demise of an elder
born person. When Gulika is in the 12th bhava, the
person will have the appearance of an ascetic and by
cleverly employing the language of the distressed will
get money from every quarter.

I Ml
Shka 7. The Lagna occupying a Tnkona posi-
SL &-9 SWBTswjr?:

tion in respect to Gulika, and also in the same Navamsa

or Dwadasamsa as that occupied by Mandi, and the
planet associated with Gulika and the lord of the sign
occupied by Gulika, all tend to become always malefic,

5n5r5R ^3^11
3^1 11 ^ M
Sluka 8. IfGuliki be associated with the Son,
the person born will hate his father ; if with the Moon,
the person born will cause distress to his inother ; if
with Mars, he will have no younger brother; if with
Mercury, he will be insane; if with Jupiter, he will be
a blasphemous heretic ; if with Venus, the person born
will be afflicted with venereal diseases and will be the
favourite of base women.
yi^R^Vl; H^T Tdgtfi ^ RT-qi^l il
qiqw^t sp-fh it

T^nR-^g ilrr^n i
ftg: 351^1^ vTf

ii ^ II
Shka 9. When Gulika is associated with Saturn ?
the person born will be devoted to pleasure and enjoy
588 Adh. IX.

meat; when Gulika is associated with Rahu, the person

born will become a poisoner; when Gulika is associated
with Ketu, the person born will become an incendiary.
When Gulika is in a house affected by Vishanadi, the
person born, even if he be a ruler of the earth will
undoubtedly become a beggar. In fact, the major pla-
nets united with minor ones (Upagrahas) produce a
malefic effect.

f^5Tf5 i?F^ |
#s:q ||

^ 8? Ff: II
For (Vishanadi) see Adhyaya 5, Sloka 112 sapra.

The names of the 60 years car easily be remembered by com-
mitting to memory the following slokas-

arfw; sftgtai mTt 3-71 ^ 11

fwt fT: I
fmig: H'iigaj fTTFli II
8Tf^ci ftfiRr. w- i
^88^ siqt II
SI, 10-11 689

^5*B: I
i^i^t w^t^r n^Rts^; n
%^: ^IcfSTfisI toqf I
w>^; ^T: II

u^gira^^j «bwf^hn^i I
^uft R^t f^R5E:
il ?o If
Sloka 10. The person bora in the year Prabhava
will be daring, truthful, possessed of every virtue,
proficient in astrology and pious. The person born in
the year Vibhava will be lustful, pure, constantly cheer-
ful and will have prodigious wealth, relatives, learning
and fame.

^HR^rrti: aq^ ii
^R^grfjRtqt I
Rffecft ftRRK Rft HH II

^ qiR<msfrrxnwT55ii9: I
lift ^rwm:
T^: ^ti^^ II 11 II
Sloka 11. The person born in the year Sukla will
be an adulterer, effete, but liberal and intelligent; the
person born in the year Pramoduta will be clever in
590 Adh. IX.

counsel, business like, and voluble in speech; the person

whose birth is in the year Prajotpatti will be virtuous,
bounteous, rich in sons and cf a tranquil disposition;
the person whose year of birth is Angirasa will be rich,
sagacious, experienced and ever compassionate.
gipr: wfcRH mnr j
HRcJ 11
Rrqqi^T q qfeifr M?: I
tRtfolfrr: q# RTRT UMK fel II
qR-T'r Rqr s

f-Tift R Rr4t R mq^q; (

^ Ttmi) W' I


Sloku 12. Tlie person born in the year Sreemukha

longs for women not his own. is honest and wealthy;
the person whose birth is in the year Bhava will be an
ascetic, a kingmaker, and renowned tor his vast wealth
and strength ; the person born in the year Yuva will be
covetous, fickle-minded, ill-tempered, possessing a con-
stitution, little liable to illness and acquainted with the
healing art; the person whose year of birth is Dhatru
will be addicted to other people's wives and a crafty
a. 13

5n^: Btq^: l
<fafg%S^ 3ft#S5\ II

gqqf^: =m^T %m II
ar^S: wm wt qai^q^rqr: i
^iq^ IT^T qfa n

w-Jiidl sorm^?!

mv j g^t
" ^ *rt ^iq^; \\l\\\

Sloka 13. The person bom in the year Easwan

will be prosperous, steady-minded and a good judge of
merit; the person whose year of birth is Bahudhanya
will be a lich merchant, beneficent and voluptuous; the
person born in the year Pramadhi will be cruel, addicted
to evil, hot tempered, friendless but living in comfort;
the person whose birth is in the year Vikrama will be
wealthy and valiant and command an army.
3$3TPtsfig^: |
f^K ^tqqrr i"
qr^qqsrqT^ i
emi qfit
692 Adh. IX.

qTIW^ci: ^ ^t: 11

nmT^ II ?w n
Sloka 11. The peraon fcorn in the year Vishu
will be a pauper, lost to all sense of shame and engaged
in doing what is wrong. The person whose birth is in
the year Chittrabhanu will have the energy and the
beauty of the lord of day. The person whose year of
birth is Subhanu will have the learning, conduct, and
virtue characteristic of his tribe or race. The person
born in the year Tharana will poascss exceeding wealth
and strength and will be a philosopher.

fqis? 11

ilk: |
Tjll qil^: 5Rt 3f^r WS: I
^sg^siq^t II

smr: q?qi%:
wfi qnt vR I
8f. 15-16 wHawMm 698

Sloka 15- The person born m the year Parthiva
will be a king unequalled for his prosperity and happi*
ness; the person whose birth is in the year Vyaya will
be lustful, cowardly, immoral, staking his property in
gambling, and addicted to wickedness; the person
whose year of birth is Sarvajit will be eloquent,
possessed of great physical strength, versed in sacred
scriptures, virtuous, and conversant with the real nature
of all things. The person born in the year Sarvadhari
will be well-to-do, versed in the arts and liked by kings.
cf. 'R-T-rirttt

llfft 'R: II
WPraRI: #»IT |
s'rcmfflt it
m- 5RT1: JR: II
q=»t fi|015igf Rg: I

Slokn 16. The person born in the year Virodhi

will be afflicted, delighting in the company of the
wicked and addicted to sinful deeds and cruel. The
094 Adk IX.

person whose year of birth is Vikriti will be full of

guile, lovesick, and devoting his mind to magic formu'
laries and their practical application in ceremonies.
The person born in the year Khara will be unattractive,
woithless, depressed in speech, sinful and mischievous.
The person whose year of birth is Nandana will delight
every body, enjoy the favor of kings and will be
conversant with the meaning of the sacred hymns in

1^1 Wi: fRT 1

^ II
^TTR: |
^ ||

WtWrfft "R* II

Rrt I

(hftei 11 II
Slaka 17. If a person have his birth in the year
Vijaya, he will be virtuous, and will abound in real
excellences. If the year of birth of a person be Jaya, he
will be either a king or like a king. When a person
has his birth in the year Manmatha, he will have a
craving for sensual enjoyment and will be victorious
over his foes- The person who is born in the year
31. 18 695

Durmukhi will be void of virtue and wealth and will

be immoral.
cf, qviiiKtf)

^ ^ II

«^n RmtftI R^T U-ilri II

g^r^^qisR: ^ rH H
?I3! I
^T^1WT|R^ R^: II

«ltin^W3T3Rlf^R; ^RI^mfH^SRS^ I
fnft R^irMRt
gmmR^f^TRtRgRRTJ RRTRRTRITRT^ 11 t* ll
SJo&a 18. If a person have his birth in the year
Hema]ambi; he will be ilhoatured and will ardently
pursue agricultural and other operations. The persoo
born in the year Vilambi will be prosperous, resorted
to by the Brahmana community and disinterestedly
benevolent. The person who has his birth in the year
Vikari will be sickly, cowardly, indigent, irresolute
and of an ignoble nature ; if a person have his birth in
the year Sarvari, he will have exceeding wealth and
enjoyment and will be cheerful, honest and well'behaved.
c/. r^ji wti
H'if^RTR. I
RiF3intR||<<R^re ^R9RRg^R: ||
596 Adk. IX.

Tl^t ftlj: ||
sfTcf: snoft 11

vykRWW? w*
STTTJ #5prpw: Jiif: g^: I
fisft (Nhgor^
mzmi n ^n
Sloka 19. The person who is born in the year
Playa will be tranquil, generous, compassionate, brave
and devoted to his own duties. The person who has
his birth in the year Subhakrit will be the dupe of
women, but learned, handsome and intelligent; the
person whose birth is in the year Sobhakrit will be
wise, possessed of royal virtues and fond of learned
pursuits. The person born in the year Krodhi will be
an adulterer, addicted to evil ways, crafty and of an
angry temperament.

gw: g'Wimt ^ i

tth ^i^T) gqrRw: i

I.'ng: dldj mR JTH^; II

^ =K! II

w# g«r«RW^ ^
55^1^1 T^nr^^srra: 1
^nft ^ra^rt ir^tf;
^m^rlftslggjpT: 11 \\
Sloka 20. The person who is born in the year
Viswavasu will have a high sense of honor, will be
fond of the comic and wilt evince admiration for those
who are rich in moral worth. The pets on whose birth
is in the year Parabhiva, will be engaged in wickedness
and will prove the miner of his family. The person
who has his birth in the year Plavanga will be lustful,
fond of relatives, evincing a partiality for children and
slow witted. The person whose year of birth is
Keelaka, will devote himself to divine worship and will
be exceedingly fortunate and valiant.

flFci: i?mr gf^: 11

irt Wvft 1
m: MWAl 51; |)
»rsq^W! g^rmrf^T *v. \

: ^nwn5^ 'ro l
5<J8 Adh. IX.

TT^T^Tf^nT^ II il
Sloka 21. The person whose year of birth is
Soumya will be tranquil, universally popular, exceeding-
ly wealthy and firm'minded. The person born in the
year Sadharana will b* versed in the various branches of
learning »nd will possess a sound understanding. The
person ise birth is in the year Virodhikrit will be
credulous, dl'tempered, indigent and given to wandering.
The man whose birth is in the year Paridhavi will be
ill-behaved, harsh in speech, and possessed of wealth.
ef, ^uriJlfrra



sqmf513; I

Sloka 11. Th^ person bom in the year Pramadee-
cha will estrange his . '-lives, and will long for women
not his own- The person whose year of birth is
Ananda will be of a joyous temperament, will be devo*

ted to the study of traditional doctrines and sacred

scriptures and will be acquainted with the real nature
of all things. The njan whose birth is in the year Rak'
shasa will be sinful, indulge in vain talk, and will
injure the virtuous. Ihe person born in the year Nala
will be a donor endowed with many liberal virtues,
tranquil and welbbehaved.



(?) fit m-. \\


H H n
Sloka 23. The person born in the year Pingala
will be a saint with his mind under control and will
engage in the practice of penances. The man whose
year of birth is Kalayukti will become an astrologer
and will have fortune, enjoyment and works of benefi-
cence. The person whose birth is in the year Siddharti
will be successful in his undertakings, will be reverent
towards spiritual preceptors and Gods and will be intel-
600 Adh. IX.

Hgent. The p^non who haa his birth in the year

Roudri will be a rake, perverse, proud and wicked.
f?' hH !

®v t

T^ft ^rni fferafwtw; u

qnt fqg^: qn^^n. I
feqw ^rmt m ^mgqt HH ii

srciifoj starfara: wsi

JIW: ^ ^ijrni^sn f^rtpn^

^^Mfcrginh r^rf^: IR«II
S/oAa 24. The person born in the year Durmati
will be lustful, dull-witted, distressed by afflictions and
base-minded. The person whose birth is in the year
Dundubhi will have a bodily frame distinguished by
big thighs, belly, arms, and head, and will be happy.
The person whose year ot birth is Rudhirodgari will be
wise, truthful, happy and rich; the person who id born
in Raktakahi will be of a tranquil mind, fond of rela-
tives, exceedingly fortunate and amiable.
gja; ^gcf; ^Tnt i
Wtata qfR> U
fafaqfwiipwpfoj: i
SI. 26-26 m

^f>«rf STTflt 5^5Tf^^ II

t<^I *1 1
J^l ?: ^51#^ JR: 11

irat mi fRRff ^ ^ i
Bszrmi qpmi g^"fl iirft ^ratomsw^ it ^ II

Sloka 25. The person whose birth is in the year

Krodhana will be a rake addicted to evil ways, a hater
of his relatives and devoted to brigandage. The person
born in the year Akshaya will be vittnous, cheerful,
handsome, endowed with a high sense of honor and
exempt from foes and ailments.
cf. 'W*T3IRI^i
rmfff Sfift I
'Rt 5TRll H
I^Rci: f^I I

ii ii

5^ fW^VlpRdai I
Slaka 26. The person born in the Uctarayana will
be devoted to knowledge and contemplation and will
lead a chaste life. The person born in the Dakshinayana
will be confident in his speech maintaining a distinc-
tion between spirit and matter and will be full of
603 Adb. IX.

fSRT3(!: t

Wi ?l3t diTgW^: "TNTm^^; filial |

^W^r^qf^; ftigaj II

ii ii

^?cRrq^ sira:

5^1^] §i^: ^ ^ip>:

Sloka 27. If a person be born in spring, he will

be long-lived, wealthy and fond of fine scents; if in
Bummer, he will seek relief in the use of ice, will be
clever, voluptuous, lean-bodied and intelligent ; if in
the rainy season, he will be fond of milk, salt and
pungent flavours, eloquent in speech and possessed of a
clear intellect; if in autumn, he will be pure-minded,
handsome-faced, happy and lustful.

'foft SW- sfaai ^ wb l

URT TSRfl f^TTp! ^
Sloka 28, The person born in the winter season,
will be a contemplative saint, of a spare form, following
the business of agriculture, possessing the means of
enjoyment and capable. The person whose birth is in
the cool dewy season, will be devoted to ablutions and
gifts, of great capubality, with a high sense of honor
and of great fame.
SL 29-30 603



^ «TTftr
^ TTOT: II ^ li
SI oka 29, The pereon bom in the month of
Chaitra will devote himself to the study of every art,
science and the scriptures and will be perpetually
engaged in merry-making and delighting in the company
of women ; if in the month of Vaisaka, he will be con-
versant with every science, independent and hold sway
over some region; if in Jyeshta, he will be blessed with
long enduring wealth and sons and versed in magic for-
mularies and their practical application to ceremonies ;
if in Ashada. he will be very wealthy, compassionate,
perpetually happy but betraying an aversion to other
(Chaitra), Iwif (Vaisakha), etc., are the names of lunar
months (^T^Rrrr—Chaandra masa), and are so'named after the star
occupied by the Moon at Full'Moon ('fpfat-Pournami), i.e., the
end of the bright half. Each lunar month consists of thirty tithis
(ftfir) commencing from (Suklapaksha prathama the
first day after the New Moon) and ending with the following
aprNlW (Amavasya-New Moon).

Serf: II n
Sloka 30. If a person be born in the month of
604 amrvmNm Adh. IX.

Sravana he will devote himself to the worship of Gods

and Brahmins; if in Bhadrapada, he will take delight
in visiting several countries, be full of theories and
imaginative; if in Aswija, he will be hostile to his
own people, indigent and base-minded ; if in Karthika,
he will be fit-limbjd, broad-eyed, devoted to agriculture
and surpassing in wealth.

\\H II
Sloka 31. If a person be born in the month of
Margaseersha he will show reverence' to Gods, his
elders and his parents and will be virtuous: if in
Pushya, he will be possessed of wealth, virtue and
strength and will have a prominent nose; if in the
month of Magha, he will be mischievously inclined,
though very attentive to his duties and well-behaved ;
if in Phalguna, he will practise daily beneficence and be
fond of music.


«*i43Ki II ^ li
Sloka 32, If a person be horn in the bright half
of a month, he will be distinguished above others by
the fact of his being blessed with sons, grandsons and
riches and will be virtuous and compassionate; if a
person be born in the dark half of a month, he will be
urging his own interests, reverent towards his mother
but inimical to his relatives.
SL 33-34 606

w ii

irr3i^ 3^
TS'sfi^ ^fnft TTTS I

^isft II II
Sloka 33. The person born in the early morning
is attentive to his duties, leads a life of beneficence and
is happy; the person born at mid day will have princely
virtues ; the person bom in the after-noon will be
wealthy ; the person born in the evening will be fond
of fine scents and lovely women, base-minded and of
wandering habits; the person born at night will have
the same characteristic as the one born in the evening.
The person born at sunrise will enjoy abundant

II fftfww II

irsmfaft mil ricttR

Sloka 34. If a person be born in iPratipada)

or the first day of the Moon, he will be very indus-
trious and lead a virtuous life; if in f^sifar (Dwitiya) or
in the 2nd day of the Moon, he will have abundance of
splendour, cattle, strength, fame and wealth; if in
qobir (Triteeya), he will be virtuous and very timid
and will have a sharp clear voice; if in ^g»if (Chaturthi),
he will be credulous, accustomed to wandering and
conversant with sacred texts.
606 arawftwt Adh. IX.

Jj^TrafTH: 5rrfVRi^Tiif?'7tri I
^HF^f %^»PRTJn ^

Sloku 35. If a. parson ba born in latft (Panchami)

or the 5th day of the Moon, he will devote himself to
the study of all sciences and the sacred scriptures, will
be lustful, lean and restless; if in tSt (Shashti) or the
6th day of the Moon, he will have small strength, will
be equal in status to a sovereign, wise and of a very
angry temperament; if in wtnft (Saptami), he will have
a stiff extended voice, lording over people, phlegmatic
and powerful; if in Ashtami), he will be exceed'
ingly lecherous, fond of his wife and children, and
phlegmatic in temperament.
T?qmi M

vrI I^J II ^ II
Sloka 36 If a person be born in (Navami) or
the 9th day of the Moon, he will b» known to fame,
have a charming person, but a bad wife and bad sons
and will be lustful; if born in (Dasami), he will
be virtuous, with a clearwoiced wife and sons, pros-
perous and wealthy; if born in (Ekadasi), he
will revere Gods and Brahmins and will have many
servitors and wealth; if born in Sff^h (Uwadasi), he
will be engaged in very beneficent works, will be
liberal, wealthy and learned.
SI. 37-38 607

rtUFPZ ^TT ^ 51RT: II II
Sloka 37. If a person be born in (Trayodasi)
he will be covetous, very libidinous and possessed of
much wealth ; if in (Chaturdasi), he will be of a
fiery temper and he will be ever wishing in his heart
to become possessed of other people's wealth and women;
if born in winrwr (Amavasya), he will be credulous
and devoted to the worship of the Manes and the Gods ;
if in (Poornima), he will sustain the reputation
of his family and will be wealthy and cheerful,

11 zm&n 11

9T^5f: 11 11
Sloka 38. If a person be born on the day of the
week sacred to the Sun, he will have a lofty sense of
honor, with brown hair, eyes and figure and will be
lordly; if on the day of the Moon, he will be a gallant,
with a lovely form and will ever be tender-hearted ; if
on the day of Mars, he will be cruel and concerned
with daring words and deeds ; if on the day of Mercury,
he will honor Gods and Brahmins and will speak
jjorrc Wtfr
606 Adh. IX.

^ri^; 11 H
Sloka 39. If a person be born on the week day
dedicated to Jupiter, he will perform sacrifices, be
popular with kings, have noble qualities and become
celebrated ; if on the day sacred to Venus, he will have
corn, lands and wealth and be universally popular and
devoted to gallantry; if on the day of Saturn, he will
be for the most part dull-witted, living on food and
money supplied by others, indulging in inconsiderate
utterances, assuming an attitude of hostility and cleverly
boycotting the whole body of his relatives.

^ TO ^ II


^ i%i^Ti1^^?5:ifsr^>n^ n u
3Rji>in m m ffswRRiRim:

t?! 1^5^-
tRTTRi TTtiRf^if^irin; 11 m 11

sn^n: I

'Sjn ^q>own% 5^1%: «»


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Stars li

ct — JS s* (» cn CL
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819 jftltoSpAM ^►-0^ 18

614 Adh. IX.

i^Frf ^imrnvf^if^reiic; Jin&Rn^ i
^BI^rTTTfr^^^r ^nj^rr Wi^
ll VH II
Sloka 45. *r^RTi (Gandanta), which conaisca of a
period of 7^ ghatis at the junction of each of the three
pairs of stara Jjar (MooJa)and (Jyeshta), wr (Magha)
and wwnfAaleshaj.and T^fft (Revati) and (Aswini),
is productive of much evil to living beings. The
(Ghatika) at the junction of (Jyeshta) and (Moo-
la) is termed w>pi> (Abhukta). Any girl, boy, beast or
slave born in the ghatika in question cause the ruin oi
the family owning thecn.
qf. wqScr:
Riqffisr&rlsi m i

The term (Abhuktamoola) is thus defined :

jfltl ||
A child born in (Abhuktamoola) should be abandoned-
If this be n jt possible, the father should not see the child for 8
years ; after performing some religious Japas and Shaotis, he may
see the child in the 9th year. cf.

qifq fig; $ g fafcrwrefin ti

^ mK 5nf2g 3^ m 1
SI. 46-48 616

51Tf^! 5(3 "^frqrlT 351^ 11

aqg^Jj^ !^ a^fq qffo^ i
®n?3T^T5? fllrl^-a^ * ||

^5n%^n^T: I
3ira% ti 11

^Rsfbrmr ^ mm t
qaj^ sngcRT: vb JTi^^RRr^; n v« ll

^ W 5^1 ^ ^h)% i\ v< II

The verses are elliptical ; we have to piece together the
various portions as we best can to get at the sense they are
intended to convey.
Slokas 46-48. Make ten equal division# of the
ghatikas which the Moon takes to pass through the
asterism (Jyeshta). If there be a child'birth in the
Ist tenth of the star, it will cause the death of the
mothers mother; if in the 2nd tenth, of the mother's
father ; if in the 3rd tenth, of the mother's brother ; if
in the 4th tenth, of the mother herself; if in the 3th
tenth, of the child born ; if in the 6th tenth, of cattle
and wealth ; if in the 7th tenth, of both the families ;
if in the 8th tenth, of the whole race; if in the 9th
tenth, of the fatherdndaw (in prospect); if in the 10th
tenth, of every thing.
c/. nrsa3!
ciqi II
aniTR qgn ^ q| jfrwt ^ I
616 wavuftwift Adh. IX.

Wft f aaRi: ^5*1 II

^ fN fl«n I
s^T ii

m^ror^PT f5RT ^ ^ li n
Sloka 49. A girl born in (Jyeshta) coupled
with a Tuesday will cause the removal of her eldest
brother from the world, while the girl born in
(Moola) happening on a Sunday will cause her fatherdn'
law to depart.

Wf ^ li Ho l<
Sloka 50. The person born in the first quarter of
the star Jyeshta will soon cause the death of his eldest
brother ; if a person be born in the 2nd quarter ot the
star, he will occasion the death of the youngest among
his elder brothers ; if in the 3rd quarter, he will
ause the death of his father ; if in the 4th quarter, the
person born may himself die.
The following verses contain similar and some more details
about the bad effects of being born with the Moon in Aslesha,
Visakha, Jyeshta and Moola.
U^tKir'-qi f^Prl ^RT-

^•»U ^rf WfT^Sfl ^ I

81.51-66 TOfcwiTO 617

^r83n^) w pA

* ^ *f% II
TTrTT •TTrt *1 I
fll# SflriT f^ff fT^ ^ II

g^RTO5T^ft f^^cTT^T^t 3 1
5^1 f^tT II

f^R fl^N% mmu I

Sloka 51. If a person be born in the lat quarter

of the stir Moola, he will occasion the death of the
father; if in the 2nd quarter, the death of the mother
very soon ; if in the 3rd quarter, he will occasion the
loss of wealth ; if in the 4th quarter, he will be happy.

antr fon gtTm WRMI: l) w ii

g HiriT I
15 3 ?ihh ll II
areiftr fts5*!# 3 I
^ ii ii
51^% 3 ^ ^55^5^3 I
rTSftlJfT HRn^«lT II ||
Slokas 52-53. Make 13 equal divisions of the
Adh. IX.

ghatikas which the Moon takea to pass through the

asterism Moola- If a person be born in the lat 15th
portion of the star, he will cause the death of hia father;
if in the 2ad 15th, of the father's brother ; if in the 3rd
15th, of the sister's husband ; if in the •Ith 15th, of the
paternal grand-father; if in the 5th 15th, of the mother;
if in the 6th 15th, of the mother's sister; if in the 7th
15th, of the mother's brother ; if in the 8th 15th, of a
paternal uncle's wife; if in the 9th 15th, of everything ;
if in the 10th 15th, of all the cattle in the house; if in
the 11th 15th, of the servants ; if in the 12th 15th, the
person born will die ; if in the 13th 15th, his eldest
brother will die; if in the 14th 15th, hia sister will
die ; if in the last 15tb, hia mother's father will die .

3 II ^ II
Slokn 56. If a person be born in the lirat quarter
of the star Aslesha, there is no danger to any person ;
if in the 2nd quarter, there is the risk of losing money ;
if in the 3rd quarter, his mother runs the risk of losing
her life; if in the 4th quarter the father runs a similar

anrft scrota II Mvs II

Sloku 57. The person born in the first quarter of
Moola, Magha or Aswini will lose his father, but if the
birth be in the last quarter of Revati, Jyeshta or
Aslesha, there will be loss of the mother, the father and
St. 58-60 sCTTtaegTEr: 619

the child, it being immaterial when the birth happens,

whether during the day, in the night or at the two
junctions of day and night.
This sloka i-, also quoted in •
f^r ftcri TTi^^t ?T«it I
Sloka 58. The person born in a Ganda loses the
father if the time be day, and the mother if the time of
birth be night; and if the time of birth be in the junc-
tions between day and night, the person born will
himself die, so that Ganda fails not of effect.
^ f^r w i
wpvfr 5 n ^ M
Sloka 59, There is Ganda at the conclusion of a
Gandatara such as Revati, Asleahi or Jyeshta at night
and at the commencement of a Gandatara such as Aswi'
ni, Magha or Moola during the day and at the junction
of a pair of Gandataras in the junctions between day
and night. This is the distinguishing mark of a Ganda
snffj ftsilrcrarai: I
jpr w ^ Mo li
Sloka 60 The person born in the Dhanur Lagna
when the Moon is in the astehsm Poorvashada will
lose his father; again the person born in the Karkata
Lagna and when the Moon is in the star Pushya will
likewise occasion his father's demise.

ll H It
620 Adh. IX.

Sloka 61. The child bora when the Moon is in

the star Poorvashada or Pushya as described in the
preceding sloka will cause the loss of the father, the
mother, the offspring generated till then or the mother's
brother, according as the Moon at the birth in question,
occupies the first, second, third or fourth quarter of the
fateful star referred to.

n ^ u

w ^ II I)
fw zfo arrar ™ I
Slokos 61-6?)q. If when the Moon passes through
the 1 st quarter of the star Uttaraphilguni or the two
middle quarters of the star Pushya, or through the 3rd
quarter of the star Chittra or through the first half of
Bharani or through the 3rd quarter of Hasta or through
the fourth quarter of Revati, there is a birth, the father
or the mother of the child born will die according as it
is or the male or female sex.


ti ^ n

m ^ I
It m\ 9 n ^ n

^ ^ i
SI. 64-69 621

fonfcro: 11 u
Slokas 64—67. The Ganda period {i.e. period of
risk) is 16 years when the birth is in the Ist quarter of
Aswini; it is 8 years in regard to the Ist quarter of
Magha ; one year with reference to Jysshta ; 4 years in
the case of Chittra and Moola ; 2 years in the case of
Aslesha; one year in regard to Revati; 2 months is
the limit of the risky period in connection with Uttara-
phalguni; Smooths with respect to the star Pushya;
the child born in Poorvashada will bring about the?
removal of the father from this world in the 9th month.
If a person be bom in Hasta he will cause his father's
death within 12 years. The person born in Abhukta'
moola (see sloka 45, latter half) will cause the death of
the father at the very moment of his birth. If the
person born in Abhuktamoola should live, he will be
the cause of his family's pre'eminence, raise its status
and will be prosperous ; he may perhaps command an


5r«ro 3^ 1
mi mi <i«n 11 ^ 11
^ KHI W 1
^ f|[3 II ^ II
Slokas 68—69. If there be a bitth on the 14th
day of the Moon in the dark half of a lunar month and
that in the first sixth portion thereof, it will prove aus
622 atwwmrsnS Adh. IX.

picious; if it be in the 2nd 6th, there wilt be loss of

the father; if in the 3rd 6th, there will be loss of the
mother; if in the 4th 6th, it will cause the death of the
mother's brother; it in the 5th 6th, it will remove the
brothers from the world ; if in the last sixth, it will
cause the death of the child born. Thus the evil of
Ganda has been mentioned
cf. r

g ww ^ g n

^ 11
il g a^jq qg^qr qra fgg: i
ia [•it lT5TT'it gqi i
qqf ^ WTi^it ll \so ll
u ft i
ffrSTRt gif% I
jtri T^T^rnitnt il n
Slukas 70—71. The abandonment of'the young of
elephants, horses, cows, buffaloes and more especially
ot the human kind, if brought forth on the day of the
new-moon when a digit thereof is faintly visible in the
morning—the abandonment of the young of these ani-
mals is laid down as a rule. If they be brought forth
on the new moon day when no vestige of the Moon
becomes visible, expiatory rites should be gone through
in accordance with the prescribed rules to avert the
evil of such births ; the rule of abandonment is absolute
except when the creature born is a specimen of
31. 73-73 635

" The real meaning may be, the day on which the
Moon rises with a thin crescent of light scarcely visible."
Monier Williams. The term appears to apply to the first ith
portion of the New Moon, while the period covered between the
second ith to the sixth ith is designated (Darsa). The
seventh and eighth ith portions are termed «f|[ (Kuhu). Accord-
ing to (Kalaprakasika), (Kuhu) occurs when the
Janmanakshatra or either of its Trikona ones synchronises with
the New Moon, the ending moments of which coincide withThyaj-
yam. Kuhu signifies an evil yoga. Various expiatory rites are
ordained to ward off the evil arising from births during these

u II

Sloka 72. The child born under the same star as
the father or under the 10th star from the father's (see
sloka 78 for the meaning of Janmarksha and Karmarksha)
will occasion the loss of the father; the child born in
the same Janmala^na and the same Makshatra Navamsa
as the father will cause the father's death on the very
day of its birth

^ ||

5^ 55^ ^TRT! I
I) ^ II
Sloka 73. The child born under the Nduaala or
Mudgarayoga will bring about the loss of what is good
or auspicious. Birth under the Viahtikarana betokens
624 Adh. IX.

a pauper and by his birth in the Gulika period of the

day, the petson born wil! have a defective limb.

virat tl w II
Slokn 74. The person born in a Rikthathithi be-
comes barren; he who is born in the Yamakantaka
period of the day will be a cripple; he who is born
under a star assailed by a bad planet will be afflicted
with ailments.
fcair 1^4 (Riktha thithi)=-qj»T7 (Chaturthi), (Navami) or
^Sifr (Chaturda .i).

iffSTh w* i
Sloka 75. When the Lagna is free from any planet
but about to be occupied by one, the son born will be
given for adoption to another person. When a biith
takes place in a Vyatipatayoga, the person bom will
have a defective limb. The child born in a Parighayoga
will die.

W> t n ^ H
Sloka 76. If a person be born in a Vaidhrutiyoga,
he will cause the loss of the father; if in Vishkambha t
he will cause the loss of wealth ; if in the Sulayoga, he
will suffer from colic ; if in Ganda he will get a goitre.

^ n

Sloka 77. The child born with teeth will cause

damage to the family from the commencement of the
second to the conclusion of its fourth month ; the rising
of teeth at the time of birth may cause the death of the
father in the fith month of the child. When this
critical period is over, all may go well.


ww ll ^ II
m i^r: l
UH: 3^n^3i^i: H II
Slokas 7S—80. The star in which the Moon is at
the time of birth of a person is to be reckoned as the
first and is called sisirtf (Janmarksha); the tenth there-
from is called (Karmarksha); the 16th, they say, is
styled (Sanghathika) ; the 18th is named
(Samudaya); the 19th is called araw (Adhana) ; the 23rd
is known as'Wftw (Vainasika); the 25th, the 26th and
the 27th stars are called respectively (Jati),
(Desa) and (Abhtsheka). If the (Janmarksha)
and other stars above enumerated be occulted by malefic
planets at the birth of any person, they will cause death
on the very day of birth ; if occulted by benefic pla'
nets, they will produce benefic effects.

H ii

^ ll <:? II
".'26 arrawrftauilr Adh. IX.

n^ sfit^i 5^ II II
Slokas 81—32. The Ganda in the months of VaT
sakha, Sravana and Phalguna is such as relates to the sky;
in the months of Ashadha, Pushya, Margaairsha and
Jyeshtha, the Ganda is such as affects men; in Aswija,
Kartika, Chaitra and Bhadrapada, the Ganda is such as
relates to the Pathala or the nether world; in the
month of Mag ha, the Ganda or risk to be run is death.
The evil of Ganda which relates to Pathala and the sky
Pushkara does net concern this world and so does not
really exist for us.

Sloku S3. The father should behold the face of a
son as soon as born; by seeing the son's face, the
father is released from his debt to the Manes.

ii m II

II <:« ll

Stoka 84. The person bom under the star

(Aswini) will have a great deal of intelligence, wealth,
tncdesty, sagacity and fame and will be happy ; if at a
perscn's birth, the Moon be in the star (Bharani),
he will have a defective limb, be addicted to another's
wife, cruel, ungrateful and will possess wealth; if in the
SI. 86-86 UTOISWIWS 627

star fRw (Krittika), he will be energetic, lord-like in

status, not dull but with some valuable learning ; if in
(Rohini), he will know the weak points of others,
be lean, enlightened but addicted to women not his
Compare the effects given here in slokas 84—90 with those
given in Brihatjataka ch, XV!.

^sitin ^ ^ritrs ^Ti«:

^ ^rfsnrt li ^ II
Sloka SO. If a person be born in (Mnga'
sirsha), he will be soft-hearted, wandering, squint'eyed,
love-sick and ailing ; if in atnp (Ardra), he will be des--
titutc of wealth, fickle, with much physical strength
and addicted to base actions ; if in (Punarvasu; he
will be dull-witted, strong in wealth, famed, learned,
and lusting for women ; if in (Se<!) Pushya he will love
Gods and Brahmins, possess wealth and intelligence,
enjoy royal favor, and have a large circle ol relations.

wfi 5°^: iri ^ I

%tr^^pfm5r^cit hw fdf j n tS. (I

Shka 86. If a person be born under the starafH^f
(Aslesha—i.e. when the Moon is in that asterism), he
will be silly; betraying ingratitude by his speech, of
hasty temper and depraved; if in the star mn ^ Mag ha),
he will be lustful but devoted to virtuei indulgent to
638 Adh. IX.

his wife, proud and wealthy; if in (Poorva'

phalguni), he will be restless, practising evil, liberal
strong and longing for women; if in (Uttara-
pbalguni) he will be voluptuous, with a lofty sense of
honor, grateful and intelligent.


^T9lt Hint H^:

Sloka 87. If a person be born under the star

(Hasta), he will be devoted to love and to virtue, be
friend the learned and live in opulence; if in fair (Chittra),
he will be very wary, good natured, and endowed with
a high sense of honor, though longing for other men's
wives; if in wnff (Swati), he will try to please Gods
and Brahmins, devote himself to enjoyments and will
have much wealth but little intelligence; if in iWw
(Visakha), he will be proud, but uxorious, overcome his
enemies and betray much irritability.

HR? 5^? 11 6C Ik
Sloka 88. If a person be born in the star
(Anuradha), he will be very affable in speech, opulent,
easedoving, honorable, famous, and powerful; if in risi
(Jyeshtha), he will be very ill-tempered, addicted to wo'
men not his own, lordly and just; if in ^JST (Moola),
be will be eloquent, but dishonest, with his happiness
SI. 89-90 099

marred, ungrateful and indigent; if in TUtow (Poorva'

ahadha) he will be uniformly well-behaved, endowed
with a high aensc of honor, well off and calm minded.

WT. ^ wrq;
im ^

^sr: gcraiT^5CW II ^ H

Sloka 89, If a person be born in the star

fUttarnshadha), he will be honorable, cf a tranquil
nature, happy, possessed of wealth, and learned; if in
the star «i9«i (Sravana), he will have reverence lor Brah-
manaa and the Gods, be of the governing class, opulent
and pious ; if under wftw (Sravishtha), he will be credu-
lous, wealthy, plump in the thighs and the neck and
joyful; if in the star sraBaw (Satabhishak), he will
be an astrologer, tranquil, sparing in diet and daring

wrt II H

Sloka 90, If a person be born in ivnOTV (Purva-

proshthapada), he will be bold in his speech, mischievous,
cowardly and weak; if in the star (Uttara.
proshthapada), he will be gentle in his nature, liberal,
opulent and learned ; if in (Revati), he will have a
broad mark in his person, will be love.sick, lovely, clever
in counsel, will have sons, family and friends and will
enjoy steady continuous prosperity.
630 Adh. IX.

ii n

^ ^m7 (^r?)
^rai ^i t ^s^nrsit 'Tti^ l
fr^mi 3«&
^THWrUH^?; 5^^?? II W n
Sloka 91. If at the birth of a person, the Moon be
in Mesha, he will eat sparingly, long for women and have
enterprising elder brothers; if in Vrishabha, the person
born will be liberal, lovely, rich in fame, of excellent
behaviour, and have his children all daughters; if in
Mithuna, he will be blessed with long life and skilful in
ministering to love during amorous pleasures and evincing
a fondness for jest and merriment; if the Moon be in
Kataka at a person's birth, the lattcr's heart will be im-
passioned with love; he will lead a wandering life and
will speak eloquently.
c/. ffsirm; XVII—1 to +.

snsiR fWi ^ ^rs^; || ||

S^jJkj 92. If a person be born when the Moon is
in Simha, he will have broad eyes, a beautiful face, grave
looks and will be happy ; if the Moon be in Kanya at a
person's birth, the latter will be afflicted with a craving
for sensual enjoyment, of graceful address, eminent in
learning and prosperous ; if in Tula, the person will view
with reverence Gods and Brahmanas, show affection
SI. 93-94

towards his relatives and will be opulent: the person bom

when the Moon is in Vrischika will be heedless, ailing,
avaricious and given to wandering.
cf, fSoSTcra: XVII—5 to 8.


jftsre? ^3^513 II «
SLikii 93. When the Moon occupies Dhanus, the
person born will have handsome limbs and bright eyes;
he will be the choicest specimen of his family and con-
versant with the arts; if the Moon be in Makara at a
person's birth, the latter will be acquainted with music,
broad.headed and addicted to women not his own; the
person bom when the Moon is in Kumbha will be without
virtue or morality and inimical to learned men while
surpassing in knowledge; if the Moon be in Meena at a
person's birth, he will have a handsome person, be learn-
ed and become the lord of many wives.
cf. xvii—9 to 12.

I) I)

"rchr* 3^% Tto:

vimnf; 11 w 11
Siok.i 94. The person born when the Moon is in a
Navamsa owned by Mesha will be a commander of an
6SZ aniwninui# Adh. IX.

army, opulent and distinguished by reddish eyes and

destined to become a freebooter; if the Moon be in a
Navamsa owned by Vrishabha, the person bom will have
his body, the face and the shoulders fat, but his frame
will not be compact or well knit; when the Moon occu-
pies a Navamsa of Mithuna, the person born will have a
lovely form, will serve under a. master as a scribe and will
be learned; if the Navamsa occupied by the Moon
belong to Kataka at the birth of any person, he will be
black and will be without the joys of having a father or
a son.

sqiws 3^% fen*

^5; SRis^r ll^MI
Sloka 95. When the Moon is in a Sitnha Navamsa,
the person burn will have a fat body and a lofty nose,
and will be famed for his wealth and strength ; if the
(Navamsa occupied by the Moon belong) to
(Kanya), the person born will be distinguished for his
sweet words, lean in person and clever at dice ; when the
Moon is in a (Navamsa) of (Tula), the person
born will be a gallant, in the service of a king and with
lovely eyes ; the person born when the Moon is in a
tam (Vrischika navamsa), will have a defective limb,
will be poor, lean, wandering in quest of service and

ifrittr 11 ^ it
Sla 97"^98 638

Shka 96. If the Moon be in a srrfw (Navamsa)

owned by ^3^ (Dhanus), the person born will be lean and
long-armed, liberal, devout and .vealthy; if in a
(Navainsa) of (Makara), the pci'son bom will be
covetous, black in personal appearance and will have a
wife and sons ; if in a (Kumbha navamsa), the
person born will be hypocritical and henpecked ; and if
the Moon be in a jfhfwfar (Meena navamsa), the person
born will have a soft voice, but speak spiritedly, will visit
holy places and be blessed with sons.

11 hbiTHij 11

It ^vs H
Sloka 97. A person will be victorious over nis
enemies and possessed of wealth and cattle if born in the
(Vishkambha yoga); subject to the will of
other people's wives if bom in (Preeti); long-lived and
healthy, if bom in wjpnra; (Ayushman); happy, if born
in the OTHW (Sowbhagya) yoga ; voluptuous if born in
(Sobhana) ; murderously inclined if born in arrawt
(Atiganda); wealthy and devoted to the practice of virtue
if born in (Sukarma); and taking away other people's
wife and money if born in 'ffrt (Dhruti).

634 WTOIllWra Adh. IX.

Sloka 98. If a person be born in the (Sula

yoga), he is wrathful and quarrelsome; if in (Ganda),
he is addicted to evil practices; if in (Vriddhi), he
is able to discourse wisely; if in SW (Dhniva), he will be
exceedingly wealthy; if in (Vyaghatha), he will be
ferocious; if in (Harshana), he will be wise and far-
famed; if in (Vajra), he will be wealthy and lustful ;
if in (Siddhi), he will be the refuge of all and lord
like ; if in'^tfttia (Vyathipatha), he will be deceitful,

wngv #JB: IIII

Sloka 99 If a person be bom in the (Va-
riyayoga), he will be lustful to a culpable extent: if in
(Parigha), he will be inimical but wealthy : if in
(Siva), he will be well-versed in sciences and scriptures,
wealthy, quiet and liked by kings ; if in ftw? (Siddha), he
will be devoted to virtue and engage in,the performance
of sacrifices ; if in OTwi (Sadhya) he will be virtuous: if in
fpn (Subha) he will be beautifully formed, wealthy, love,
sick and affected with phlegm-

?rn«^ IR0011
Sloka 100- If a person be born in the IV (Sukla
yoga), he will be virtuous, eloquent in speech, wrathful,
fickie-mlnded and learned; if in nv (Brahma), he will
81. 101-102 635

have a lofty sense of honor, with secretly kept wealth,

be liberal, and capable of forming sound judgments ; if
in (Aindra), his life will be universally beneficent;
his intellect will be all comprehensive; and he will
possess much wealth ; if in (Vaidhruti), he will be
cunning, calumniating others, powerful, liberal and

II +f«l'Wi ii

Sloka 101. If a person be born in (Bavakara'
na), he will engage in juvenile works and will be
valiant; in (Balava) he will be modest in his dress
and deportment and will be honored by kings ; if in
'llw (Kaulaval, he will have elephants and horses
with him and will do all that he does in a handsome
way; if in^Rra (Thaitila), he will speak softly and impress
sively and will be virtuous.


qR^HiRiyqi mw ll n
Sloka 102. If a person be born in (Garaja-
karana), he will be without foes and powerful; if in
*fiR[(Vanij) or (Vanijakarana), he will be a
clever speaker and intrigue with mistresses indulging a
guilty passion for him; if in (Vishtikarana),
686 jftrnifaofe Adh. IX,

he will be hostile to every body, addicted to sinlul

deeds, under public censure, but honored by his
attendants and self-reliant.

Sloka 103. The person born in (Sakuna
karana) will be an astrologer and enjoy steady pros-
perity ; the person who has his birth in the wh (Karana)
called (Chatushpada), will have a multitude of
misfortunes, will be acquainted with every business,
very gentle, intelligent, famous and wealthy ; if a person
be bom in (Nagavakarana), he will be dignified,
rich, exceedingly strong and boastful •, in PNgtwi (Kinr
stughna karana) is born a peison who works for others
and is fickle'minded and fond of mirth.

II ^**5^ II

staff tawrsfrfl
hri I

« ?<>« ii
Sloka 104. The person bom in the (Mesha
lagna) will be hostile to bis relatives, of wandering
habits, lean in person, hot-tempered, quarrelsome,
proud, weak-kneed, possessed of uncertain weakh and
heroic. The person at whose birth the rising sign is
Itsr (Vnshabha) will own many cows, pay diligent
SI, 105-106 697

homage to elders and to the Brahma^as, will be fond of

learned disputations, inclined to wandering, fortunate,
lustful, calm-minded and with but few sons.

f^Rl^ 11 ?oH ||
Sloka 105. If r7>5?t (Mithuna) be the rising sign
at the birth of any person, he will be voluptuous, fond
of relatives, compassionate, exceedingly prosperous,
worthy, acquainted with the real nature of the world
and the spirit, contemplative, liked by the virtuous#
very beautiful, but ailing- The person born in the
***«!><* (Kataka lagna) will have sumptuous meals, cloth'
ing and jewels, a soft voice, and a mind inclined to
fraud, but will be virtuous, bulky and taking delight in
dwelling in the mansions of other people.

# T%f i

Sloka 106. The person born in the ffr^nsr (Simha

lagna) has but few sons, is hostile to people contented
with what they have (but would not better themselves),
brave, will charm kings, overcome foes, long for women
and repair to a foreign place; the person at whose birth
the rising sign is ^ir (Kanya) will be skilled in various
works, prosperous, talented, of sound judgment, taking
pleasure in the blandishments of lovely women, fond of
relations and sincere.
638 Adh. IX.

n ?<>« n
Sloku 1,7. The person bom in the g®ra»«i(Tula
lagna) will have a lovely face and charming eyes; he
will be honored by kings^ learned, fond of the pleasures
of love, possessing women, wealth and lands ; his prin-
cipal teeth will not be close but apart; he will be calm,
pensive, but irresolute and exceedingly timid.

ino< II
Sloka 108. The person born in the iftraan (Vris'
chika lagna will be silly with cruel looks, exceedingly
fickle-minded, proud, long'lived, wealthy, learned,
hostile to good men and nursing sorrow (pensive).
The person whose Lagna at the time of birth is
(Dhanus) will be wise, the best of his family, prosperous
and possessing fame and wealth; the man born in the
fMakara lagna) will be fond of lovely women,
perfidious and will speak dejectedly.
lieiog silly is not inconsistent with bcinp learned; James I of
England was declared by some historian to have been the most
learned fool in Christendom.
?l. 109-111 sRWswinr!

Sloka 109. The person born in the (Kumbha
lagna) will be craftyminded, fond of dalliance with
women not his own. of miserly habits and master of
much wealth. When (Meena) is the rising sign at
a person's birth, he will be learned, sparing in his enjoy
ments, kind to his friends and endowed with spirit and
strength, while possessing much corn and wealth.

II (ikiiitfq II

S'oka 110. If the Lagna be an odd sign, and the

ffci (Hora) be owned by the Sun, the person born will
be of a cruel disposition, lustfol, rich and honored by
kings. But if, the Lagna being an odd sign,, the fftr
(Hora) be that of the Moon, the person born will be
eloquent, liberal, handsome, compassionate, but will
have an intriguing wife.

!ni5<RTfqis^r: 5®^^! ^ X\\

Sloka 111. If a person be born in the Sun's iln

(Hor 1) in an even rising sign, he will be clever in coun-
sel, sensible of favors received, but irresolute and
exceedingly timid. If a person be born in the fin
(Hora) belonging to the1 Moon in an even Rasi, he will
be fearless in speech, lazy and fond of a virtuous wife.
S40 WFPnfTSm Adh. IX.

ii n

%T] Vlfcl
* ll WR n
Sloka 112. The first Drekkana of fiaf (Simha),
(Mesha), (Kumbha), ?far^ (Vrischika) and (Ma-
kara); the last Drekkana of jffii (Meena), (Vrischi-
ka), (Simha), (Tula) and the middle Drekkana
of vKataka) and (Vrischika) are, for the most
part declared by the sages to be malefic,
mrofi ^ I
Sloka 113. The first Drekkanas of (Kataka)
and rfli (Meena), the middlemost of 'fit (Meena) and
(Kanya) and the last of ftw (Vriahabha) and
fii^r (Mithuna) are the six water-bearing Drekkanas.

^if^ni^iifT^TTT i

Sloka 114. The second of ire (Mcsha), >Tgri (Dha-

nue), fw (Vrishiibha), ^ (Kumbha) and (Maka-
ra) and the first of g^r (Thula), (Kanya) and
(Mithuna) and the last of Dhanus ', (Kanya)
and (Kumbha) are termed benefic Drekkanas.

Shka 115. The last of .Maka ra)^"* (Mesha)-,

51. 116-117 641

and (Kataka), the first of f** (Vriahabha) and

vi^ (Dhanus) and the middlemost of (Mithuna),
&ssi (Thula) and ftrf (Simha) are termed mixed Drekka»
nas, say the astrologers with one accord.
5 l

arraT f^ts: q?3^5s IIWH

S-oka 116. The person born in a malefic Drekkana
■will be evil-minded, of wandering habits, addicted to
evil deeds and in bid repute; the person born in a
nbivrd^ioi (Thoyadhara drekkana) will be liberal, volun'
tuous, compassionate, bent on agriculture and irrigation,
and void of morality ; the person born in an auspicious
Drekkana will have rich and happy sons, a lovely form,
will be tender-hearted; the person born in a mixed
Drekkana will be ill-behaved, addicted to young women
not his own> of cruel aspect and fickle-minded.

H \\
P rs ^
Jlldl^Rr fKWt*?! ^>1^1
qfarsr ?BWfi H wh'*
wnft 7T»ft fqt® wfr II ? ?\9 M
Sloka 117. If a person be born in a (Surya-
navamsa), he will be evil minded, strong, prolific, rich,
tawny-eyed and lustful; if in a Navamsa owned by the
Moon, he will be voluptuous, addicted to young women
not his own, learned and rich in cows ; ii in a Navamsa
of Mars, he will be addicted to cruel deeds, fickle'
-« ^
Adh. IX.

minded, of wandering habits, afflicted with bilious com'

plaints and avaricious; if in a Navamsa belonging to
Mercury, he will be liberal, impassioned, handsome and
well-known for his learning and good name,

wungnffr nrfrnm;
IMA qrqrgr^: i
ST; tr^sfrs^qaiTqf wRraqftr ^r: u
iqqm wqnsrfscRlfti^TO'R^: qf^issaghwqr^qq: gtfB; j
qf^qftipif q^sfrar g>n?: Jqqqg^g^q: qfnir^^qtlr u
%^TTO *fq®: qf^Rqq; TBqflfcl^TiaV
iftnw: $q<qrff?nfitt ^ I
qrqtssq^: q#
*?: ^isrfqq^sfafq^: w?rfirai5r qt: N
sqra«5R5®i^q: w«aqf^^f«lq¥w®r

sftmrg: «qf^q;^5 f *i®r u?fr wsrw:

R;jq^7?q|j;[5q»jqiiUfU SR: «

JT^f% IK IWff^W ^qrflqTlf III \C U

Sloka 118. If a person be born in a Navamsa of
Jupiter, he will have golden hair in his person, and will
be eminent, talented, beautiful, clever in counsel, speak'
ing learnedly, of a cheerful mien, and liked by emperors;
if in a Navamsa owned by Venus, he will delight in the
society of women not his own, be liberal, comfortably
placed and learned; if in a Navamsa belonging to Saturn,
91. 119-120 6#8

he will be evil-minded, indigent, with large teeth, and

afflicted with ailmentB.
srfg: qwr i
pRrftiniqt wjirn:
f^Ttrnt grgrti^r sd^sqiw*: H
wfii ^rera^: g^rfn; I
Sir; wl'inq;
wrfraT% n
vAr^tTg^frw ?5nw: »T^Ri Wfl"W; l
unr^t yrjjrHr u
T^hi^flrg gaw Rf*^: gwg^^f^aifiar ar i
3&: gen; rg; Jigrnrt«r s^gR ^ t wrg n

^rrat ihsi^Hl mm i

Sloka 119. If a person be bom in a (Dwada-

samsa) owned by x^i (Mesha), he will be a mischievout
robber and take to the evil ways and practices of such
a vicious class of people; if in a twelfth portion of a
sign owned by yw (Vrishabha), he will have plenty of
women and wealth and will suffer from diseases ; if in
a jpfsitfr (Dwadasamsa) belonging to (Mithuna),
he will be a gambler but well'conducted.
644 Adh, IX.

Sloka 120. If a person he borli in a 5i4?ii5T (Dwada'

samsa) of viz (Karkata), he will be addicted to bad
practice#; if in a sfr^rNr (Dwadasamsa) owned by fa*
(Simha), he will be virtuous, engaged in the business of
a king and will be attended by brave men ; if in a
in^rm (Kanyad wadasarnsa), he will be a gambler and
addicted to women; if in a Thula dwadasamsa, he will
be engaged in trade and have abundance of money.

Sloka 121. If a person be born in a Kr*?im (Dwa-
dasamsa) owned by (Vrischika), he will be a
murder-loving mister of rogues and robbers; if in a
(Dwadisamsa) belonging to (Dhanus), he will
diligently pay homage to the Manes, Brahmins and the
Gods ; if in the (Dwadasamsa) of *«c (Makara),
he will be the lord of growing corn and will have
servants ; if in a Jf^rbr (Kumbha dwadasamsa),
he will be a mischief maker ; if in a (Meena
dwadasamBa), he will be rich and learned.

II i%ri5rT;^ n

—^ il^^n
Sloka 122. If a person be born in a thirtieth
Si. 12.W124 645

portion owned by Mars in any sign, he will be fickle,

stifbvoiced and cruel-minded ; if in one belonging to
Saturn in any sign, he will be addicted to wandering
and of a depraved mind ; if in a fW5Ti?i (Trimsamsa) of
Jupiter in any sign, he will be wealthy ; if in a thirtieth
portion owned by Mercury in any sign, he will have
great respect for hia preceptors and the Gods, delight in
the society of virtuous men and be attended by relativec ;
if in a (Trimsamsa) of Venus in any sign, he wil.
be loving, lovely and happy.


: limn
Sloka 123. The person who is bom in the
(Satvavela) is eloquent, conforming to the duties and
practices of the wise, devout, constantly persevering,
pure, bountiful, possessed of lustre, learning and beauty,
truthful and without enemies.

Sluka 124, The person born in the laiWr (Rajo.

vela) will have happiness, wealth, fame, beauty and
strength ; he will overcome his foes and will be love-
sick at heart; his mind will not be kindly disposed
towards his relations. The person born in the
(Tamovela) will try to secure the wealth and women
belonging to others and will lose his happiness thereby.
646 ■snmwifauft A6h. IX.

He will be a master rogue, at variance with his relations

and venerable superiors and fickle-minded.

Stoka 125. The times pervaded by the qualities of

inwtfThamas - darkness), (Satva . purity) and
(Rajaa-passion) are to be reckoned by semi-yamas (half'
yama=an hour and a half or 3^ Ghatikas) regularly in
the order (Thamas), (Satva), (Rajas),
(Thamas), (Satva), Till (Rajas), Ac. from Sunday
forward through the other days of the week.
According to this sloka, each day is divided into 16 half-
yamas; the first arirnir (Ardhayama) as well as the last of a
Sunday is a (Thamovela); the first and the last of a
Monday are Satvika ; of a Tuesday, Rajasa ; of a Wednesday,
Thamasa ; of a Thursday, Satvika ; of a Friday, Rajasa; of a
Saturday, Thamasa.


Tm u u
Sloka 126. Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury,
the Moon, Saturn-this is the order in which the lords of
the Horas follow in succession. The Hora in any diy
of the week is reckoned beginning with that day i £. its
lord. The Hora on the night of the week'day chosen
is reckoned from the 5th week-day therefrom.
For example, the first Hora of Monday is the Moon's; the
next, Saturn's; the one after that, Jupiter's; and soon till the be.-
SI. 127-128 srohswii 647

ginni«g of tbe night. The first Hora on Monday nigfU is to be

reckoned from the 3th day .from Monday i.e. Friday. The lord of
the 1st Hora on Monday night is Venus; the 2nd belongs to Mer-
cury, the third to the Moon, the 4th to Saturn, the 5th to Jupiter,
the 6tb to Mars, the 7tb to the Sun, and bo on.
SPiraW'T ftrRral H
Sloka 127. The effect of a person's birth in the
Sun's (Kalahora) is pain and fatigue; in the
Moon's, prosperity ; in that of Mirs, sorrow and sick'
nees; in Mercury's, learning and wealth; in Jupiter's,
possession of every kind of blessing, in that of Venus,
conjugal bliss ; in Saturn's, the loss of property.

Sloka 128. :The various effects upon a person's life

due to his birth being connected (1) with the presence
of Gulika in a certain bhava, (2) with a particular cyclic
year, (3) with the former or latter half of the same; (1)
with a particular season of the year; (5) with a particu-
lar month thereof; (6) with a particular half-month; (7)
with a particular day of the Moon in the half'month; (8)
with a particular star in conjunction with the Moon on
that day ; (<*) with the particular sign occupied by the
Moon then ; (10) with the particular yoga ppevallfflg at
the time; (11) with the Karana special for the day is
question; (12) with the half (Hora), 3rd (Drekkana)^9th
(Navamsa), 12th (Dwadasamsa), or 30th (Trimsamsa)
portion of a particular sign; (13) with a Thamasa, Satva
or Rajovela, and (14) with a certain Kalahora—the aeve-

xal effects due to the birth being viewed from various

standpoints have been treated of effectively by the
blessing and grace of the Sun and other planets.
Thus ends the 9th Adhyaya in the work
(Jatakaparijata) compiled by Vaidyanatha under the aus-
pices of the nine planets.
It is worth while to know when and how the various eftects
treated of in this Chapter will come to pass in the life of any per*
son. in this connection, the followinjr slokas of Uataka-
bharana) will be found interesting;—

wfafa? ts i n

raftsr^Tt ^ g-ifrsatsiw ^nr^mn n ^ n

^rTT%wrf#r^'?i 'irtrI
wnhr# 5swr<T^5iT<it w«T^W]%5r»r^]irn n 3 it
The effects of the year and other divisions of time wherein a
birth takes place have been described. The occurrence of those
effects should be settled as follows : what has been slated for the
year, will lake place during the ripening of tha dasa of the lord of
the flPTtl (Sav.uia) year (la?, a year of 300 days); the effect for the
half-year and the Siason during the das a of the Sun ; that for the
mon^A, during the dasa of the lord of the month; that for the
half-month TO (I'aksha) as well as for the aslerism, during the
dasa of the Moon; that for the irti'-t (TJiitlii) and lire Wl (Ka-
rana), in the sub-period of the Moon in the 'Sun's dasa; that for
the meek day -ttr (Vara), during the dasa of the lord of the week-
jiy; that for the •fi't iYoga), should he considered with reference
to a horoscope wherein the Sun and the Moon are strong; that for
the Layna, during the dasa period of the lord of the Lagna ; that
for the Rasi which has a planetary aspect on it or is the seal of a
bhava should be deduced in this way—I. e. as likely to occur
■during the dasa of the lord of that'Rasi-



AdhjrBgra X.
The following eleven sloliki from fKlTOC'r ([foramaUarakda)
are inserted hete, because they form an appropriate introduction
to this Chapter.
«ni?N> is® i
^■rt 'B^r Stttnf^effcregvFum! u i it
Each planet moving from the place it occupied at the birlh of
a person admittedly produces its own peculiar effect varying with
its progress through the 12 Uasis. Owing to the admitted varia-
tion in this effect, the ancients say that it 0cannot be laid down »s
absolutely identical (even) in the case of persons born under the
same star,
** ft*?: BfTTi wsnwffw »
W a«IT BFTT: fwitl T % II ^ u
Astrologers declare that to be the ^MKTtsT (janmarasi) of a
person wherein the Moon was at the time of his birth. The several
places in which the planets and the Lagna may be in all possible
ways cannot consist of seven.
erarB^rrera^ jTis^ ifnws* gwrgirrR »
•K55TR rlBf ^ ftrfrn^Tirr «tr<7, || ^ 11
Hence every person js declared to have eight signs as the
seats of the seven planets and the Lagna and it is with reference
to these eight places that all the good and evil effects of a person's
life due to the disjoined or conjoined states of the planets and the
Lagna are calculated a process which when completed, the
4II<WI (Ashtakavarga) result as it is called will become revealed.
82 649
650 arrcrorrfoffc Adh. X


9«ii^ ga^i^ripnH if n if
With reference to its siwrrf (Ashtakav'arga) the Sun is de-
clared exceedingly auspicious in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th,
lOlh and 1 ith places from itself, Mars and Saturn ; in the 6lh 7lh
and 2lh places from Venus; in the 5th, 6th, 9xh and 11th places
from Jupiter; in the 3rd» 6th, 10th and Llth places from the
Moon; in the 3rd, 5ih, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th from Mer-
cury ; and lastly in the 3rd, 4lh, 6th, JOth, I Ith and 12th places
from the Lagna.

sriu: II 's u
The Moon is auspicious in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and I Ith placet
from the Lagna; in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th
places from Mars ; in the 1st, 3rd, 6tb, 7th, 10th and llth places
from itself; in the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and llth places from
the Sun; in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and I Ith places from Saturn ; in the
1st, ird, 4th, 3th, 7lh, 8th, 10th and llth placet from Mercury;
in the l«t, Ith, 7th, c th, 10th, 1 Ith and 12th places from Jupiter4*;
and lastly, in the 3rd, 4fh, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and llth places
from Venus.
%nin*irtn: qzftrerft
uewd! i
*11, gftdiw 5*15
•fwmwinE^ Rpfta u * n
Mars is auspicious in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and llth
places from itself; in the 3rd, 5tb, 6th, 10th and 11th places from

"'In the let, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th lOtb and llth places from
Jupiter, according to some.

the Sun; in the 3rd, 6th and lith places from the Moon; in the
1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th places from the Lagna; in the 3rd>
5th, 6th and 11th places from Mercury : in the 6th, 10th, 11th and
12th places from Jupiter; in the 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th places
froin Venus; and lastly, in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and
11 th places from Saturn.

ftmrtTrHv i

Mercury is auspicious in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4lh, 5th, 8th, 9lh
and 11th places from Venus; in the 1st, 2nd, 4lh, 7lh, 8th, 9th,
10th and llth places from Mars and Saturn; in the 6th, 8th, lllh
and 12th places from Jupiter ; in the 5th, hth, 9tli, I ith and 12th
places from the Sun ; in the 1st, Srd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th I Ith, and
12th places from itself ; in the 2nd, 4th, Cth> Sth, 10th an;! llth
places from th ; Moon ; in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, Bth, 10th and
llth places from the Lagna.
ifar.q; 3%: Hftro&BV wrti;

Jupiter is benefit iu the 1st, 2nd, 4ih1 7th, 8th, 10th and
llth places from Mars; iu the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, |7th, 8th, 9th,
)0th and llth places from the Sua ; in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th,
3th, 10th and llth places from itself; in th; Jst, 2ad, 4th, 5tli,
6th, 9lh, IDth and llth places from Mercury ; in the 1st, 2nd, 4th,
5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and llth places from the Lagna; in the
2nd, 5ih, 7th, 9th and llth places from the Moon ; in the 3rd, 5th
6th, and 12th, places from Saturn ; and lastly, in the 2nd, 5th,
6th, 9th. lOth and llth places from Venus,

et'TPi srereft
651 arowwilhufc Adh. X-

inn. >rfJn?3iTW«r<f!W5 f srr^wWfc^ n ^ u
Venus is auspicious in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5lh, 8th,
9tli, 11th and 12th places from the Moon; in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4lh1 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th places from the Lagna ; in the Ist,
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 1 Ith places from itself ; in
the Slh, llth and 12th places from the .Sun ; in the 3rcl, 4th, 5th,
8th, 9th, IOth and llth places from Saturn ; in the 5th, 8lh, 9th,
10th and llth places from Jupiter ; in the 3rd, 5th. 6lh, 9th and
llth places from Mercury ; and lastly in the 3rd, 5th, (ith, 9th,
llth and 12th places from Mars.*

•»5Wfire?i 3tit sinjA'iwfmRinfJg t

.t^vijiqwr Tgri? K
ii I « ii
Saturn is henefic in the 3rd. 5th. 6th and llth places
frora itself ; in the 3rd, 5th, 6th. 10th and llth and 12th places
from Mars; in the 1st. 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th.10th and 11th places from
the Sun ; in the 6th. 8th. 9tb. Iflth, llth and 12th places from
Mercury; in the 3rd, 6th and llth places from the Moon ; in the
1st, 3rd, 4th, 6lh, 10th and llth places from the Lagna : in the
6thi llth and 12th places from Venus; and lastly in the 5th, 6th,
llth and 12th places from Jupiter.

RuRThraifaiar IPttw
ur; sfr im II ('piw:)
The benefie positions have hecn cnifuerated ; the rest
are to be understood as malefic. Tim t wo fold distinctions viz.
of benefie and malefic should be clearly set forth. The planets
produce the efiect of whichever of these two preponderate in the
*But according to Parasara, the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, llth and
12th places from Mars.
qwfcvOTi 653

Ashtakavarga calculations made from the Rasi they occupy at the

lime of birth {vide previous Slokas). In their own, friendly or
(Upachaya) places, the planets invariably advance the
benefic effect revealed by Ashtakavarga. In their depression, ini-
inimical or (Apachaya) places, (hiy generally fail to sustaio
whatever good effect may appear from the Ashtakavarga process.

From where the planets are at the time of birth, the benefic
and malefic dots should be marked. A planet in its progress
through a Rasi produces the effect of the malefic or benefic dots
appearing therein (as ascertained from its Ashtakavarga).
* In other books (Rekha) is used to denote what
(Bindu) signifies here viz. a benefic dot the term (Bindu)
in other books is employed in the sense of a malefic dot. This
has to be kept in mind in making out quotations from other
««««'«)«> 5n<gr rT^rK^nctiW*!, J

The several places detailed above are to be reckoned with

respect to the Rasi (and not the Bhava) occupied by each of the
7 planets and the Lagna at the time of birth. These places should
be understood as benefic and the rest malefic. As each Rasi
happens to be counted 3 times (once for each of the 7 planets and
the Lagna) for ascertaining the benefic as well as tlie malefic
places, the," maximum number of countings cannot in any case
exceed 3. If after computation of a planet's are-lTT'T (Ashtakavarga)
it is found that a particular Rasi has more countings on the bene-
fiic side than on the malefic, it means that the net result is bene-
ficial to the native.
If we should denote a benefic place by a dot (') and a malefic
one by a vertical stroke (0, we can at a glance understand the
difterence between these two kinds of countings in any
G64 Adh. X.

(Ashtakavarga). The effect of a planet's arrival in any bhava (hh)

in its progress through the orbit 'TRf (Gochura), is benefic, mixed
or malefic according nr. the number of benefic dots in .the Itasi
representing the bhava in the (Bhinnasbtahavarga) of
the planet is greater than, equal to or less than Dots short of
the prescribed minimum indicate untoward effect produced by a
planet belying any favourable position it may occupy: while dots
in excess of the prcsci ibed mini mum betoken good, notwith-
standing the unfavourable position of the planet concerned. For
example, if all the 8 happen to he benefic it means that the result
is fully beneficial. If only 7 ef them are benefic and I malfic,
the result is 7___"or j ^ |,enft|icial. If in any Rnsi the number of
benefic dots he 6 and that of malcfiic strokes be 2, the result is-—"
or i beneficial. If the number ol benefic dots be 5, we should say
t -3
that the eflect will be — or ith beneficial. If it should be 4,
4 —4 •
the result is ( or 0; that is neither good nor evil, but neutral
and so on.
T: gir: wirs: wqra I

Take for example the horoscope mentioned in Brihat Jataka,

Chapter VII, Sloka 6, and reproduced below :

■L'»£jn:l Met'. 1 1
'SUo 0
Venus SunlO Moon ! 111 n m 1 i| 1 1 1 1 1 n N i
271> __3
Jupiter Aslitaktivarg t j
1111 ot Mil's | iH1
Benefic (!■•*«—39
Rasi Kundali
Mars 1 1 1 Strokes -6(i j II 1

Saturn 1 in 1 iiiini 111 mm

20° 1

In the sign Kfesha, there ar« 3 benefic dots and 5 malefic

strokes. The 3 benefic dots neutralise with 3 of the malefic
strokes. The net result is 2 malefic strokes which means that
Mars when passing through this sign will be productive of or ith
evil. Similarly for the othet signs. There is one peculnrity to
be noticed in the (Ashtakavarga) of Mars. In sign Kumbha
in the example there are 3 dots and only 4 strokes instead of 5.
This is because the lOlh place from the Moon has been declared
to be ineffective, that is, neither benefic nor malefic—
Chandraddigviphaleshu—for the ■3fS47-?'T (Ashtakavarga) of Mars.
That place has therefore not been taken fc the calculation. The
net evil arising there is thus only 4— 3 or Ith-
In the case of a planet with more benefic dots, the benefic
influence will be all the greater and more marked if the planet
concerned should also be posited in an (Upachaya) house
(with respect to the Lagna or the Moon), or occupy a friend's
house, or his own sign or his exaltation Kasi.

fiisafaqar irenmRiAaj gtr M

If on the other hand the planet though gelling more benefic
dots should happen to be in an atT'Tif (Apachuya) house (reckoned
either from the Lagna or the Moonh or in his depression sij n or
inimical sign, the good effect will be considerably reduced. If in
the above case there be more malefic strokes instead of benefic
dots, it will worsen the bad effect.
writ I
« «(air?qTq it
N. B,—The (Upachaya) or yi-PT (Apachaya) places
have to be reckoned with respect to the Lagna or the Moon at the
time of birth and not by the position of the planets at the time of
»lN4 'Gochara).
666 OTwwriwna Adh. X.

^ an?r%s»|j« g ^vr^t i n
Also ^T?f
atsnsgiwer^ vvr Hfr gww: I
<r?5lWR W«(^<4i4 U
These authors have in their turn specifically stated, by the
words 'janmakale), 5e?f (Sutau)i (Janmani)i that
good and bad places have to be determined with respect to the
positions of planets at birth-time only. But at the time of produ-
cing the efiectsr all planets excepting the Moon will cause their
full good or bad effect to come to pass provided they are strong
and not otherwise. In the case of the Mooni even if she is benefic
(i.e., placed in places such as (Upachaya), etc.i and the Rasi
containing the Moon happening to be associated with benefic dots)
if she does not possess strength* she produces only evil effects;
for (Devakirti) says —
jwjje Cr^g I

Varahamihira too has said in his work 3WI (Yalta) about the
inability (to produce effects) on the part of planets devoid of
strength owing to their being in depression* defeat in planetary
war. or combustion* etc.
uffafoar isifajjar ftrwtfr 5W: 1
jprn vrgf^r gift n
Thus it will be seen that whatever eflects—good or bad—•
have been ascribed owing to the planet being placed in a sign of
exaltation. Swakshetra. Upachaya* efc., it always refars to the
position of the planet at the time of birth ; and whatever effects,
good or bad, that have been ascribed to the planet itself generally
without reference in any way to the particular place of occupation
should be construed as indicating the result of the planet's transit
to the concerned place.
It may be mentioned here that in several Panchangams the
benefic'ffcr ( Gochara) phalas of planets are mentioned ; i.e., if

particular planets in their orbit in the zodiac pass through parti-

cular places from the Moon, they become auspicious and so on.
It will be seen that these are simply the benefic positions of that
particular planet with respect to the Moon in that planet's Ashtaka-
varga and do not completely represent the entire benefic results of
that planet
The Ashtakavargas are used in connection with transits. For
example Saturn transiting the 3rd Oth and 1 llh places from the
Moon is good provided the benefic dots in those places are above
4. Suppose he is transiting the 3rd house from the Moon in a
nativity where the benefic dots are below 4. He will not be very
good. His coming in the 3rd house is no doubt good; but much
cannot be ejected of him because of the small number of benefic
dots. The oosition in the 3rd house though good, the small num-
ber of benetic dots therein disqualifies him to do good.
It is a fact indisputable that planets wield a certain amount
of influence, whether for good or evili during their transits at the
time of consideration in accordance with the number of benefic
dots which the planets gain to their credit in their respective
Ashtakavargas based on the oosition each of the planets occupy at
the time of birth.
For exampie, let us consider the influence which the planets
may produce on the sample horoscope given under, say, about the
first week of December 1932.

Rah u j Lagna
Moon Merc.
Sat. | Sun Kahu Planelary
Radix _ positions
Horoscope about the first Mars
Saturn week of Dec. jupjter
I 1932 Ketu

668 arawmws Adh. X.

It will be seen in the above that the Sun is occupying Vrischi-

ka and the Sun's Ashtakavarga figure in Vrischika is 5. Mars is
in Simba and the number of benefic dots in Kujas takavarga is 6.
Mercury is posited in Vrischika and the number of benefic dots
under Budha's Ashtakavarga is 5. Jupiter is in Simlii and the
number of benefic points in Jupiter's Ashtakavarga is 3. The
planet Venus occupies Tula and the number of benefic dots there
jn the Ashtakavarga of Venus is 6. Saturn is in Makara ; and in
Sani's Ashtakavargai the number of benefic dots in Makara is 4.
Thus( the sum total of benefic dots for the said week for all the
six planets taken together comes to 29.
Now 48 benefic dots are the maximum fixed to pass a nativity
for good in all respects. It may however be safely predicted that
the native will be free from worry loss, etc., and his situation
will only be of a normal nature if the sum total of the benefic dots
of all the six planets taken together comes to 24. In this speci-
men horoscope, as the number of benefic dots comes to 29, it can
safely be said that the native will be free from anxiety and worry
in the said period. The less the number of benefic dots, the worse
will be the effects to be experienced by the native
Bhattotpala adds :
Varahamihira has stated (Brihat Jataka, Chapter VIII, Sloka
23) that when two similar effects hut contrary in nature are
produced by one and the same planet (owing to its ownership of
two houses, or ownership of one house and occupation of another
house), the result will be nil when the two effects referred to are
equal in degree and that it will partake of the nature of the
preponderating effect in case they are not of equal degree.
ffrroil at* u
A question may now be asked what the author's object was
by making a similar declaration again through the words " rfif
CT." The answer is—
" No, it is no repetition at all. What was stated before without
the aid of Ashtakavarga Table relates to the canccllatioD of two
aimilar effects but of a contrary character. For example, a
planet in one capacity may be a giver of wealth ; the same planet
in another capacity may cause loss of wealth. In such a case,
both the effects are similar in character and become neutralised
with the consecjuence that the native neither acquires wealth nor
incurs any losses. But if the planet's capacity to give wealth be
in any way stronger for more reasons than one, the same will of
course predominate over the opposite current (of the other effect)
and the result will bean influx of some money. In the present
verse it has been stated that there is cancellation in the case of
good and bad effects even if they are not similar in nature. This
view is further supported by (Badarayana) and
(Yavana) as they have admitted this principle while speaking
about Ashtahavargas and their several effects. Thus, for example,
a certain planet may be the giver of gold on account of a certain
reason. The same planet may on account of some other reason
cause toss in silver. Though the effects in these two cases are
not similar (because both are not in respect to gold, nor to silver),
merely on account of the effects being opposite in nature (one
giving and the other taking away), the result is neither benefic,
nor malefic. After such considerations of each Rasi on account
of its 8 countings* if it is found that beneftc points outnumber the
malefic, the effect of the planet on that Rasi should be declared
as benefic to the extent of the excess benefic dots as already staled.

Now the following question may be asked: Well, if Ashtaka-

varga then is so important for ascertaining the nature of the effects,
what was the necessity for Varahamihira treating separately in
his Brihat Samhita the (Gocharaphala) of planets with
respect to the Moon's place at hirth? The answer is, the inten-
tion of Varahamihira is that such of the effects which have not
been stated in connection with the Ashtakavarga should be stated
in the (Gochara). Further, as (Gochara) is wide-known
to all, and as it has been treated of by many authors in their
works, it has to be inferred that Varahamihira too has adopted the
same course followed by his predecessors. For he has said in his
work TWl (Yatra),
to 1 tr i
660 «icwiR«r% Adh. X.

Yavaneswara too, after describing *he effects sep irately, had

accepted this Ashtahavarga system alone as of primary import-
ance ; for he has said

Badarayana also has said

Tat ^ wraf iim: 9T^'7: I
srft^t u
and has thus accepted only the Ashtakavarga method.


The process of finding the benefi: dots in the Ashtakavargas
of the several planets in accordance with the method given in
pages 650-652 swjtra involves heavy labour and considerable time
especially when it has to be done for several horoscopes. Some
methods of simplifying this work have been suggested in the past,
but a new contrivance has now been devised which has several
ncrits. It not only does away with the patient labor involved in
the dull and routine process, but also shows the results in such a
way that one can see at a glance how the henefic dots in any
particular house have been contributed. The (Sarvashta-
ka varga) figures can also be very easily read from the plates at a
glance. The practical uses to which the results can be put are,
as is known to astrologers, several. The more important of these
uses have been explained in this Adhyaya in their appropriate
The construction of the Ashtakavarga plate and the method
of reading the results from the same will now be explained.
The contrivance consists of nine circular plates (discs of
zinc, copper or brass), of successively larger radii placed one
0ver the other in the order of their size, the largest being placed
at the bottom and the smallest at the top. A radius of one inch

for the smallest and three inches for the largest, the difierence
between the radii of successive plates being itb of an inch will be
found suitable. The bottom-most plate has an axle with screw
arrangement fixed to its centre about which the other plates
revolve. By tightening the screw at tlie lop, the plates can be
fixed up in any desired position. Each plate covers the central
portion of the next bigger plate, exposing to view only a circular
strip or rim. The top plate is of course fully exposed.
The top plate and the narrow strips of other plates are each
divided into 12 equal parts. The dividing lines are so drawn that
they form a straight lias when the1 plates are"adjusted for any
horoscope. The twelve divisions of the top plate are assigned to
the twelve signs of the zodiac. In the visible rim of the next
bigger plate are arranged the figures indicating the benebc dots
counted from the Sun in the several Ashtakavargas. The next
plate contains figures of beuefic dots counted from the Moon ; and
the next one, from Mars ; and so on in the order of the Sun, the
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Lagna.
One of the di visions of each of these plates contains a dot denoting
the position of the planet to which the plate relates. Thus the
dot in the largest plate indicates the position of the Lagna.
To adjust the plates for any horoscope, keep the bottom-most
plate in position and rotate the next plate (relating to Saturn)
until the division containing the dot is as many divisions removed
from the dot in the Lagna plate as Saturn is removed from the
Lagna in the horoscope under consideration. For example, if
Saturn occupies the 8th house from the Lagna, move the plate
relating to Saturn till its dot comes to the 8th division from the
dot in the Lagna plate. Tlien hold the two plates in position firmly
and proceed similarly with the third plate- Then hold the three
plates in position and proceed with the fourth and so on. When the
Sun's plate also has been thus fixed, rotate the topmost plate until
the name of the particular Rasi representing the Lagna in the
horoscope under consideration is brought directly above the divi-
sion containing the dot in the Lagna plate. It will now be found
that the divisions containing the dots in the several plates are
662 airaOTiffcrft Adh. X.

directly below the signs of the zodiac respectively occupied by the

planets at birth, so that the positions of the planets in the radix
of the native can now be read oul from the plate itself. Fix up
the plates by tightening the screw at the top. They are now
ready for reading the results. The ' 1 's indicate henefic dots
relating to the Sun's Ashtakavarga ; the ' 2's indicate those rela-
ting to the Moon's, and so on. The number of ' 1 's in the several
plates in the ' Mesha' division represents the benefic dots in the
Ashtakavarga of the Sen in that division; the number of ' 1 's in
the several plates opposite to ' Vrishabha" representing the beneftc
dots in the Sun's Ashtakavarga in Vrishabha and so on. Similarly,
the number of ' 2's in the divisions of the plates opposite to
' Mesha' represents the benefic dots in ihe Ashtakavarga of the
Moon in ' Mesha ;' the number of ' 2's in the parts of the plates
opposite to ' Vrishabha,' the benefic dots in the Ashtakavarga of
the Moon in ' Vrishabha;' and so on. The number of ' 3's will
similarly yield the results foi Mars, ' 4's for Mercury, * 5's for
Jupiter, 'fi's for Venus and ' 7's for Saturn. The figure in the
next page shows the plate properly arranged for the positions of
the planets in the sample horoscope given below;-—

Lagna Venus Moon




It will be seen that the dotted division of the plate relating

to the Sun has been brought against Kataka as the Sun occupies
Kataka in the Knndali : the dotted part of the plate
6 63

S>c--?/ X
9S 9i> X
!.«' £f? j>>f>
^ 1+ /-^ M ,>Ji\^\Jr\-<r\*n'
M r*/ \ <D
K »TAK * ATV-ri
^v-T /«; '
tnX- 'V/N/^r/l/«./!£>
4 I?. XX
3^ 4:5
xXX - tK
^3 ^ a j-yc I6-
S-flV- 1^1
/ - i « i-

relating to the Moon has been arranged against Mithuna as the

Mooa occupies Mithuna; the dotted part of the plate relating to
Mars has been brought against Simha as he occupies Simha; and
so on. It will further be observed that there are six ' 1 's in the
divisions against Mesha, four in the divisions against Vrishabha,
and so on. Similarly, there are five 'Z's against Mesha. four ' 2's
against Vrishabha, and so on. These represent benefic dots in the
Ashtakavargas of the Sun, the Moon, etc., in the several houses.
The number of figures (irrespective of wbat planet they relate to)
in the several divisions against a particular house indicates the
Samudaya Ashtakavarga (Bg^PTlg^if) in (hat bouse. For example,
it will be found that there are 3-1 figures in the divisions against
Mesha. 34 is therefore the number of benefic dots in Mesha in
the Samudaya Ashtakvarga. Similarly for other houses.
664 Adh. X.

n \ n

W ^JT^W^ITT W>', |
ffg^RR^t mkwt II ^ II

Slokas 1 and 2 If a diagram of the zodiac with

the rising sign and the positions of the Sun and other
planets (at the time of any person's birth) &c. be drawn,
and if all the benefic dots produced by the separate
Ashtakavargas (8 fold groups of figures) be set down
according to the directions contained in the Ashtaka-
varga formulas each containing eight divisions in respect
of the eight sky'rangers beginning with the Sun and
ending with the Lagna or the rising sign we should
then obtain the figures 48, 49. 39, 54, 56, 5 2 and 39 to
represent the benefic dots of the Sun and other planets.
The figure 337 will tepresent the aggregate benefic dots
of the planets, (Sarvashtakavarga) or the sum
of all the Ashtakavargas is called (Samudaya) i.e.

jt n $ n

Shka 3. In whatever bhava represented by Me^ha

and other signs occur eight benefic dots given by pk'
nets, that bhava, they surve to support, strengthen and
SI. 4-5 '^nrhwrm: 665

prosper. Houses containing 5,6 and 7 dots become

beneficent. Those that have 3, 2 or I dot are not
auspic ious.

it v? ii
Sloka 4. When a house has 4 dots, it produces
mixed effects. Those houses that have no figure in
them are productive of disease, infamy and danger. I
now proceed to explain the full effects of the Sun and
other planets being associated with dots 1, Z, etc,, as a
result of the separate Ashtakavargas.

f^r n MI
Sloktz 5. A planet associated with one dot pro-
duces various kinds of diseases, miseries, dangers,
wanderings and similar hardships, while with two, it
leads to mental anguish, condemnation by one's king
(censure by the sovereign) and deprivation of food by
The excess of henefic over malefic dots may be 2, 4, 6 or 8
which when put in ordinary language mean ■ or 1, ■ or i. y or,
5 or full. Hence the following slokas

666 wrw/Nrlt Adh. X.

*8 ^^^?nqr ST^rrHq^ ^ i
f^: f^t wai nm n
isf*!: 1^1^: «rf|^^»Tt I
Haft: WtQ^Z- 11
q: %*' ^Tcl <tf|: PIH". B Tl^t ^ I
q^ q^fq; q qq; f.^q ^ict 11

Sloka 6. When the number of dots are three, it

causes many bodily privations and discomforts due to a
wandering life as well as much mental uneasiness. The
planet with four dots yields a mixed kind of fruit con-
sisting of pleasure and pain, expenditure of money and
accession of wealth.

fajuwrft i

II« n
Sloka 7. Where the dots happen to be five, it
leads to the attainment of good apparel, fondling of
children, association with the good, acquisition of
learning and wealth. A planet that has 6 dots secures
a form fresh and fascinating, excellence of character,
victory in war, wealth, fame strength and fine vehicles.

ll d ll
Sloka 8. When the number of dots go up to 7,
SL 9-11 667

the planet brings honors such as accrue from the poa'
session of horses and other means of transport, an army
and superior riches. When the maximum of eight dots
is reached, it opens out a prospect of kingly glory
graced with its seven-fold adjuncts

Some hooks read '.WjprihT-R which would mean kingly glory
graced with every one of its adjuncts.

3rats?q«n 11 ^ II

Sloka 9- A planet is invariably bcnefic in.his

own varga in any sign which has five or more dots. If
otherwise, it yields no good effect. In its range in a
sign which is without dots, it becomes positively

arfoTORCK ^ ^ II II
Sloka 10. Alt planets without exception, stand-
ing, it may be, in their exaltation signs, in a friendly
sign or other benefic places and possessed also of the
strength which a Kendra or similar position gives,
produce untoward effects if they happen to he associated
with dots short of the required minimum.

^TRi^rar ^ ^ JTrtW^RT: I
g ^ n n II
Sloka 11. But planets on the other hand which
may be in bad positions and have even reached their
depression point, or an inimical sign or portions of the
668 aravnfon# Adh. X.

aame will invariably yield good if associated with dots

which are in excess of the prescribed minimum.

n ^ li
Sloka 12, When Saturn passes through an empty
(void oi figures) house in the Ashtakavargas of the Sun
and other planets, he occasions on a large scale diseases,
dangers from enemies and other troubles to father and
other relations whom the several planets represent.

II #1^11
sir ^

ll II
Sloka 13. When the Sun is in the rising sign and
in that part of it which either belongs to an enemy or
forms his depression point and when he happens to be
associated with 3 or 2 dots, the person born is sickly.
But if the same Sun should be in . the rising sign in
which 5 or more dots appear and which happens to be
his exaltation sign or his own house, the person born
becomes a king and is endowed with long life.
Parasara adds
suf^iieWi ^ t

^ HT^; II
SI. 13

^ Wliftfri * FRiq: II
^ fqqqiftsft i
inq 11
gqit ^ ^1 I
f^r 3Tiq^ n
5JJira?5TS\5PlT^ I
fai™ tr<T ^ #f^?r qNR5^ n

55Wg%r<T5ft7r^iqi ^ It
5 ^fSITRSl H^: I
sjptsfi ^ n
^ fq<lWR?foi
c. ^5im R5Tq: |
g%d 11
RRigtR 3TRi: 1
^ rris^ II
311^; toRlfeffi: I
cc c
^ I)
?IJTfIf«Tsfq fqrf^ST
C H^rgrl;
^ )
rir mm Rf?i n

^ ^Ir^l RIB Rf?l RRRTrl I

^RTRR 11

cif^RT^ ^^raf^^tq^sfs ^i ii
ml RIR^ I
670 airaiprntirK* Adh. X.

^3: n^vii
Slckti. 14. When the Sun occupying a Kendra or
Trikona position is assochtcd there with 6, 5, 7 or 8
benefic dots, the person born or his father will have his
death in his 22a<3, 35th, 30th or ?6th year respectively-

W ^T^-f tTR^ |)
Sloka 15. If, at a person's birth, t'Sun occupy-
ing a Kendra position in conjunction with the Moon,
Saturn and Mercury should hive in that position 2 net
benefic dots after the necessary reductions are made.
^ Trikonasodhana A Eakadi.
patyasodhana), the father of the person, say the wise
astrologers, will have a lease of abundant administrative
power setting in after the completion of the first ten
years (of the person born).


^Tfim tT<PT
RH fTfkT i
^THiTR ^
^ II ^ ii
Slokti 16. If, in the Ashtakavarga-whether of the
Sun or of the Moon-there be a house void of benefic
dots, the (solar) month corresponding thereto and the
sign itself are to be avoided for the purpose of every
auspicious undertaking in the persons life. If the
Moon occupying the Lagna be associated with 1, 2 or i
SI. 17 671

benefic dots, the person born will suffer from disease

and debility. If the Moon in the above position be
also in conjunction with 2 or 3 planets; the person will
meet with his death in his 37th year.
Parasara adds

^15^ ^ ^ II
fi5i^r gq-wiRi i

^ qm iTi^if^ i
€^1% Sff fiqf: P'-IR II
<1^ wi ^f3^FdWfri«I I

iji^r f^rnir^t^ fqg; i

JTIcJ^'dNr n

fa|ia& sn ^ rf^T!
Sloka 17. When the Moon occupying a Kendra,
Trikona or the 11th bbava is also in its depression or
inimical sign and is not waxing and when the benefic
dots associated with the bhava occupied by the Moon
happen to be 2 or 3, the bhava in question, say the astro'
logers acquainted with the subject, is extinct.
672 Adh. X.

^ ^ mmfai l
^52% 5i^nH 5 sngT
^Tl II It II
5/18. If the Moon possessed of strength be
in a Trikona, Kendra, or the Ilth bhava and if the
number of benefic dots in the bhava in question be 4
or more than 4, the bhava becomes advanced. Jf the
Moon in a Kendra position becomes associated with 8
benefic dots, the persons born under this yoga will be
eminent for their learning, fame, wealth and strength
and will become masters of men.

ii n

^ tisji II 1% II
Sloka 19- When Mars in exaltation or in
(Swakshetra) occupies the 9th, the 4th, the Ist or the
10th bhava, and is associated with 8 benefic dots, the
person born will be lord of wealth to be counted by the
million. If Dhanus, Mesha, Simha, Makara or Vrischika
be the rising sign, and Mars occupy it and be associated
with 4 benefic dots, the person bom will be a king.
Parasara adds
SI. 20 673

^ >f^5f5r: I

^f^rT, |
^ m 1 II

m i?fqT^qra: qqi^ I
q^ ijqtffi ^ q II

^ifq q*r qq ijqtqn: II

q3[iftw>3R^«3 I
^ qicr ll
n^: ^qTHT qqi
q^rq $5«TM ?I^R3trq Hq^ |
q-qr^^qqt: qilsfqq»ft<r wft-
^i?T: i^rqf n

^Rssjqr ^i\h ^ q^qf^n ^ l

5nWfSq5ft^f^TT qf^ ^tRFTT
gqq^qqi ll R° n

Sloka 20. If Mars be associated with 8 benefic

dots the person born will become a petty prince; if
the above be in the 10th or in the Ist bhava, the person
born will be a king. If he be already a scion of a royal
family, he will become lord of the whole country. If
Mars be in exaltation or in *7$? (Swakshetra) in addi-
tion to the above, the person born will be an emperor.
674 WlfTOlfalrit Adh. X.

M ii

^ wr^f: iR^ii
Slokn 21. When Mercury in a Kendra or Trikona
becomes associated with 8 benefic dots, the person born
will be pre-eminent in the learning peculiar to his caste
and will have great enjoyment. If Mercury in exalta^
tion be associated with but one, two or three benefic
dots, the bhava occupied by the planet is advanced- and
not impaired.
cf, Parasara.

u w ll
Sloka. 21. Find in which house there is the
greatest number of benefic dots in the Ashtakavarga of
Mercury. In the month corresponding to that house
the commence men c of any serious study wi'I culminate
in the acquisition of every branch of learning. Mark
the house which is void of benefic dots in the Ashtaka
varga of Mercury; when Saturn passes through that
house in the course of its progress through its orbit,
some **3 (Bandhu) or Vrill Jnati, a near paternal rela'
tion) will die; some benefit or advantage enjoyed till
then will be lost.
SI. 23 qwitavrai 675

U 3^51 II

3^T%^5(TnT^^mT^ ^ ^ tl II

Sloka 23. Note the house that has the greatest

number of benefic dots, in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter.
In the lagna corresponding to the house found, impreg-
nation will answer its purpose resulting in an offspring.
Cattle, wealth and vehicles located in the direction
indicated by the 8ii;n in question will begin to multiply.

Para sara adds
55pri*RTfcF.H |
7*1^1 II
qrw to i
Balabhadra reads instead of

also wnr
!I?Fang^i% ^ r^i i
^13f^5r m ||
^ ^lr^tTT?fi I
«n^5^*nm4g Tfrr; n
qr^T 5"THimii i
sjfrwfl 1
N^qprqt^TT m tr^hrpiwf 5^: 1
HtTHTqif^ qirq^l ||
^teq ^ I
676 Adh. X.

Ok. STfr^I d^T^TfT^T: II

swqgtTfF'w w: I
gcinfqfpi^ Hqq. II
3T?qifini: n f%4t 3^ igq'tsfq qi i
ff3fa*TtJ7^ qi fi^r 5^H*nfc^fi. II
i^|q|Siq5rtai I
tfST il

tdiR^^^nffr l

^ II W ii
Sloka 24. If, at a person's birth, the Sun occupies
a house which in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter gets the
least number of bencfic dots, the person born will be
luckless in that every undertaking for his benefit will
fail. If Jupiter occupying the 6th, the 12th or the 8th
bhava be associated with 5 or more benefic dots, the
person born will be long-lived, very opulent and victo-
rious over his enemies.

grgfi fi l

srmi sWiqrai ^ ll ^ II
Sloka 25. If Jupiter, whether in exaltation, in
(Swakshetra\ in a Kendra, in the 9th bhava or in
a portion of some ^rfsi (Rasi) unconnected with the
planets depression or inimical house and not in eclips-
ing proximity to the Sun—if Jupiter in any one cf the
SI. 26-28 ^erotswii 677

positions above named be associated with 8 benefic

dots, the person born will become a king by virtue of
his own fame and glory.

miRjjuii%mi: II 11
Sloka 26. When persons of Brahmanical extrac
tion come under such a yoga of Jupiter as has been
described in the preceding sloka, they become lords of
great beneficence equal in status to kings and admired
for their conspicuous intelligence, energy and other
great qualities.

as (sra?) i
sr^RS^I II ^ ll
Sloka 27. If Jupiter in conjunction with the
Moon becomes associated with 7 benefic dots in the
positions referred to in sloka 25, the persons born under
the yoga will have women, wealth and sons in abund'
ance; if with 6 benefic dots, the persons concerned
will have much wealth and many vehicles ; if with 5
benefic dots, they will have victory and virtue.


an^tiNHKtR'frT^ ll ^ n
Shka 23. When Venus occupying a Trikona or
Kendra position is associated with 8 benefic dots, the
person born will be at the head of an army and transport
animals; if Venus in the above position be associated
with 7 benefic dots, the person born will be lord of
I, ^ *1
wwirrniici Adh. X.

wealth and precious stones and have unfailing enjoy->

ment up to the end of his life.
Paiasara adds

^ ^ I)

qr ?!^5: |
qi qr?Tf?n u
g^Tjin: |
3Tf5R<tiKHI^«1 1RTiMT 3F»T5?n^ II
whi ^ 5^1^ i
^ m ii
^fiRran^t qif^ qrps^ i

?RT »F*T^ flrrf^l^r I

%qiT% HcT^; ||
%: |
fg^pi fl*ll ||
*r^SM^T ^ |
sfNRt qN«5^» 5ft^4liTft^(ri 11

'^r^putsft qr i
SI. 29 679

*0^ ii
^Tini\ iF^iRt f Jfrct »r^RT«n i
^fRqft ^^1 ^T ^1 il
rfffi JT^^rrit i
^T m ^TlRoil ^ Hiqf q R^iq: II
^ STrfSnr sqq^sf^ I
^ g^TT^Icl, ||
qoi^qjjTJlTf^fTT I
H^^iT^rqr qr ^rhi^ Jjnif^^fTT ll
^nnniq^ sq^ipfra^sft
^qTqmii^wqTf^TifT: \
ffl^hWJMlfu^l: feqt q^t! H^T'.
H^T5THf*>m: ||

^i q^iq^Jr^q qiqki i
^ifqi fq^^qna: ll

5 ^rsq
—•t^rfwrqkf^m l

#^lg5Rpft^ JTW^ ll II
Sioka 29. Bat if Venus be in depression or occupy
the 7th, the 12th or the 8ch bhava, the aforesaid rwrobi
(Rajayoga) wilt be destroyed; in the direction indicated
by the house with the least number of benefic dots in
the y*iK^^ (Sukrashtakavarga), it is best to have the
chamber which is to contain the bed by means whereof
women are to be won and kept in willing bondage.
680 iravnnaifr Adh. X.

sn^r WT I

S^J ^S5qni3i II ii
Sloka 30. If in the >ire?^r (ABhtakavarga)of Saturn,
there be a sign thoroughly void of benetic dots, the
person bom will meet with death or sustain loss of
wealth when the planet passes through the sign in
question; if the planet occupying a Kendra be associated
with one, two, three or four benefic dots and if the
Kendra be the planet's exaltation sign, any child deli'
vered from the womb at such a time will be short-lived,
Parasara adds

q ll

sqrRpR il

qqt rj ^rgqtq: I
^nv:qif.jjaR ^ flplicq qSTfl: ||

5 rrfrq^t II
ang^ot 3 g I
SI. 81 681

88^51^^? I)
8^18*^ 8 8^ 8Tfe «fi8 ^ I
88 81% "88 <B1 8^1 8lf^ II
85^ %!. ^<11
^n%588l4l'l 8 %8: II
M^Ig^Ki;it8f trft 8^1
8%^, ^1% 8^ 8^11|
8^1888^8 Rsq^t ^Slft ^f®| I
f| rfNrYM^Pf8. II
81TT8 H^T-aH'?! "fi<n 1*11^8 ^I'l<rlHg1l'TM*li I
8^15?^ 8T^ fn% STtf^ 8^ 8T 1^88188 II
88^8 8r8f89r8^8 3 8588, I
8^1 f8^88t 8f8: II

8gir Wi^r

5F8T%mftS3 ^RR!^ I

^Rlf^tKS5#N888 8ll


Sloka 31. When Saturn with abundant strength

occupies the Ist, bhava and is associated with 6 or S
benefic dots, the person born will sustain loss of wealth
accompanied by much suffering from his very birth. If
the planet in depression or in an inimical house be
associated with S or more benefic dots and if the Mcon
occupies an auspicious Varga, the person will have long
661 Adh. X.

in^n^ n ^ n
Sloka 32. When Saturn occupying the 5th or the
Ist bhava is in an eclipsed state or in the house of an
enemy or in depression and is associated with 5 or 4
benefic dots, the persons born under the above yoga
will be possessed of female slaves, camels and property.
If Saturn in the same position be associated with 8
benefic dots, the persons born will be lords of townships,
possessed of administrative machinery characteristic of
cities ; if the number of benefic dots be 7, the persons
affected by the yoga will possess abundant wealth.

II $FrlR1SWfi II

MWK* ^ II ^ II
Sloka 33. If you draw up a diagram consisting of
9 parallel lines at equal intervals from East to West
crossed by 13 parallel lines from North to South with
the same intermediate space as before, there will arise a
table containing 96 squares in 3 rows comprising the
results of each of the several Ashtakavargas.

iRd hi^pi: I

Sloka 34. The Lagna, the Moon, Mercury, Venus,

the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are the lords of the
divisions indicated in the 8 rows extending from South
8134 688

to North of each sign and yield, every one of them, the

benefic dots appearing in the 12 houses of its row.
Note that the planets here have been mentioned in the order
of their orbits round tne Zodiac.
Let us now draw the srerKRi^ft'i (Prastharashtaka Varga)
Table and set therein the benefic dots for the Sun's Ashtakavarga
in the sample horoscope referred to in page 657 supra.
The 43 benefic dots will be distributed as shown below ;
There are three benefic dots in Mesha, and it will be seen
that these have been contributed by the Sun, Mercury and the
Lagna. While the other five planets have each contributed a
malefic one.
When the Sun transits through the sign Mesha, he will give
benefic results only during three periods vie., the 4th, the 6th and
the 8th portions, that is when he is passing from (1) I li0 to 15°
(2) 181° to 22V a.nd (3) 26f to 30° of that sign ; the remaining
five periods will prove malefic. Similarly in the case of the restv
-C 1
S2 JU«50 ! rl J Ma
-a■ -a -£!5
.so C4 •C
W X * 3 OV "3 'S* -S sn 8
a s w a 55 M a
Sat- i \ 1 i t i 1
uro I
Japi* 1 1
ter i
Mars i 1 I 1 1 fI i i 1
Sun i i 1 1 i 1 1 I
Venua i - i i
Mer- i 1 i I
cury i 1 I
Moon i 1 i i
Lifgna i i i 1 1 i 1
= 3 = 7!-2i = 2 = 7 = 3 = 3 = 5 = 4 = 2 -5 -5
684 Adh. X.


HT^e^T ^ wr^i ^i ^Tlf^ ]|

3 2?: Wl I
f^ff tl
8Wiwl' w^iSTM cTrsniwiftlf^^f^^^^ I
tf ^ s^FR \]

^^i; w?n;«TOn I
3ra<^(HT«nFTi Jr^ns Rf^PT^i tl II
Sloka 35. If a planet be associated with benefic
dots, it produces its full beneficial effect; if it be not
connected with benefic spots, there it no beneficial
effect produced ; a planet in its depression or inimical
sign or in an eclipsed state causes sorrow even if it be
associated with benefic dots.

II frfitW^RT II

Sloka 36. Draw five parallel straight lines at

equal intervals from East to West; and across these
lines draw five others with the same intermediate space,
in such a manner that the four inner squares (out of the
16 resulting ones) should appear omitted. You have in
the diagram the 12 celestial signs that rule over the
East andjptherjquarters and are the owners (jointly) of
the starry
SL 37-88 685

^fa^iRJr^T ^fifwr: ^5: II ^ 11

Sloka 37. In the Aahtakavarga of any one of the
Sun and other planets, take the signs by the triangular
groups (1) Mesha, Simha, Dhanus (Z) Vrishabha, Kanya,
Makara (3) Mithuna, Tula, Kumbha (4) Kataka, Vrischi-
ka, Mcena; and examine the benefic dots in the 3 signs
composing any group. If in any one sign of a group,
the number of benefic dots be less than that in each of
the remaining two, or equal to that in each of the other
two, or be ^ero, the same will have to be subtracted
from the number of benefic dots in each of the three
signs of the group chosen.

Sloka 38. If a sign in a triangular group has the

least number of benefic dots, the other two signs must
have their benefic dots altered into this least number.
If a sign have no benefic dots, the remaining signs of
the same group will keep their figures unaltered. If all
the signs of a triangular group have the same number
of benefic dots, they must all be removed [i.e. replaced
by ^eros).
ef. TO5IT

^ fifrsrsN * srtv^ n

To this adds in his

686 Adh. X.

The two slokas represent the opposite views of two distinct

schools. The confUcting views rest on two distinct interpretations
put upon the sloka enunciating the rule for fiNjliTSIPPTi (Trikona-
aodbana). ^ tvlff which when translated
will stand thus:—When one of three triangular houses contains
the least number of benefic dots the same is to be subtracted from
the figure in each of the triangular group. This rendering is not
accepted by some who maintain that "cRt5=t frj means that
the figures in the three signs of a triangular group are to be altered
so as to equal the least number. The latter view is advanced by
TWHT (Balabhadra) and appears to be current in Southern India.
For the example referred to in sloka 34 above, the subjoined
charts show the Suryashtakavarga figures before and aft^r Trikona
reduction :

5 3 ! 7 2 3 2 2

5 Ashtakavarga 2 2 2
of the Sun. After Trikona
48. Sodhana
2 7 2 3

4 5 | 3 3 3 2 2 2


li ^ II
Sloka 39. Leave out the signs Simha and Kataka.
The figures in the five pairs of the remaining signs
belonging to the five 'planets reckoned from Mars,
SI. 40-41 687

whether alike or unlike, represented by sero, associated

with planets or not associated with them, have to be sub*
jected to the process of the reduction styled
(Bkadhipatyasodhana), and their net value obtained,
c/. "trar
^ fijcftq I
flf I
^ ^ a^THT^ ||

q|3^ ll

S'jfofiMt ^r: ^ ^ W, II

^15^ W^7 ?f STTH I

<.4c^ci 'R jjvqt •T^hlfsirl'T qRtq^
Sloka 40. Jf the two Rasis having a common lord
be both occupied by planets, no reduction need be made.
If one of the two Rasis (whether occupied or unoccu-
pied) have no benefic dots, then also there is no
reduction. If one of the two Rasis be occupied and
contain more benefic dots than the other, remove the
figure in the latter,- If both the Rasis be unoccupied
and have the same number of benefic dots, remove both.

Sloka 41. When one of the two Rasis is occupied

688 wnwiRwril Adh. X,

by a planet and the other not, and both have the same
number of benefic dots, remove' the figure in the unoc-
cupied Rasi. If both the Rasis be unoccupied and have
an unequal number of benefic dots, the greater figure is
to be replaced by the less.
^ Grim if&to Jf^qr:
Sloka 42. When only one of the two Rasis with
a common lord is occupied by a planet and has a smaller
number of benefic dots than the unoccupied Rasi, the
figure in the latter is to be made equal to the former.
The Ttikona reduction is to be made first of all; the
net figures are then to be subjected to the ^rfaowr
(Ekadhipatya) reduction.

gfajr: iraiuif 30^ u ^ u

Sfoio 43. The net figures after the two reductions
in the several signs are to be multiplied each into its
(Rasimana), i.e. Rasi factor; and the products
made into a total is called trrcirjvw (Rasigunaka) i.e. the
sum of the Rasi'products. The net figures associated
with the Sun and other planets in the several signs are
to be multiplied each into its appropriate planetary
factor or JTlTra (Grahamana). The total of these pro'
ducts is called (Grahagunaka), i f- total of Graha

^ 11 vv 11
Si. 44-46 689

*3* l
stsrewfoRnn ^ ^r^i^-

?fr8ira«nsg^^T3: II »i
Slokas 44 & 4o. Ascertain the ttum'total of .the
Rasi products obtained by multiplying the figures in
the several signs from Mesha onwards by their appro'
prlate Rasi'multipliers. These for the 12 signs from
Mcsha onwards are 7, 10, 8, 4, 10, 5, 7, 8, 9, 5, II and
12* Ascertain also the sum-total of the Graha products
obtained by multiplying the figures in the signs occu'
pied by the several planets into their appropriate Graha
multipliers. These for the 7 Grahas from the Sun
onwards are 6, 6, 8, 5, 10, 7 and S. Add the aggregate
of Rasi products to the aggregate of Graha products.
Divide the grand total by 30. If the quotient should
exceed 12 years, divide it by 12 and what ift left exhibit*
the Ayus or period erf life given by the planet.
c/. "Km
fipnwr i

g ^1451^ Tit: II
TWT: ^JTI^RI ^fftliTHT jpnfl \\

8^1 TiflBit 11
ftf^qi5454fi g 3 #Ifl. I
Adh. X.

2 2 0 2 24 h i1 n 16
Sun's A. V. Sun's A V.
2 After 2 22 After Kasi- 8
reduction (SI. 44-45.)
0 Slokas 39-42 3 0 Rasi Gunaka 30 1
= 162.
2 2 0 16 i 14 0
1 "

Similarly the (iralia Gunaka will be (J0, [composed of 10+14

for Mercury and Venus in Mithuna, 10 for the Sun in Kataka,
20 for Jupiter in Tula, 1(> for Mars in Vrischika, 10 for Saturn
in Kumbha and 10 for the Moon in Meeua.j
The sum of Rasi Gunaka and Graha Gunaka is 162 + 90 or 252,
The Ayus contributed by the Sun is or 84 years. Simi-
larly for the other planets,
But both (Balabhadra) and (Manlhreswara) pres-
cribe a method diflerent from this; for calculating the

^ it

Multiply the sum total of the two products (viz,, those for
Rasi and Graha) by 7 and divide the product by 27. The quotient
will be in years, months, etc. When the number of years thus
obtained exceeds 27, subtract from it 27 or multiples of 27. The
result will be the Ayus given bv the planet when not liable to the
reductions to be mentioned at the foot-note to the next sloka.
81.46 691

^ Md^lWMd^l I
^ il \\
Sloka 46. If a planet be in ita exaltation, double
the number ol years obtained for it by the Ashtakavarga
process. If it be depressed or eclipsed, the number of
years in its case is to be halved. Obtain by proportion
the Ayus when the planet occupies an intermediate
position In the case of Mars when retrograde, the
Ayus obtained is to be doubled.
Compare what say on the subject :
g i

sn^ i

i:^T ^ it
m«n qq^ qqf i
qrgqq^irqrq: ^qi^qhrq; n
The Ayus obtained is to be halved when the planet yielding
the Ayurdaya has another planet associated with it in the same
bhava. The same reduction is to be made when a planet is dep-
ressed or obscured by the Sun's rays. If the planet occupy an
jnimical house or be in the visible hemisphere, the reduction is by
jt. When the Sun and the Moon being in the nodes suffer eclipse,
the reduction is also by Where several reductions crop up, it
will be enough if the greatest of them be made. The net years,
months, &c. thus obtained is to be multiplied by 324 and divided
flfil ^wwiRwil Adh. X.

by 365. The life-period will be obtained in years (of 365 davo)

months, etc, In this way, ascertain severally the t>asa periods of
all the planets. The Ashtakavarga process is the besi of all.

n vm II
Stoka 47. In the case of planets that have attained
their wtei (Moolatrikom, Swakshetra) or a
friendly house or occupy such benefic vargaa as their
exultation, and are in conjunction with benefic planets
or are aspected by them, the Ayus is to be calculated in
the manner prescribed above. When a planet is in the
varga of a malefic or inimical planet the Ayus arrived
at must undergo reduction.

Sloka 46. The number of years representing the

maximum period of life in the case of men is obtained
by putting together the figures denoting the years given
by the Sun and other pUnecs. These latter, some say
upon the authority of great teachers (like twiFt-Parasara)
should be supplemented by the number of years for the
Lagna (deduced from the Lagna ashtakavarga) in order
to get the Ayus conformably with the conditions of
any horoscope that may be under examination.
The fallowing slokas from TOflT (Parasara) give the details
of the airmid (Lagnashtakavarga).
aw surei feastq i
SI. 48 svnrni 609

f|^T I
(WT ^ %W> ^T li
% 51% F^wjiJ^ cTCT I
^ ^ g^«P(m II
rNI Pn% WW |



tir^ * i 5 3 41 on Hn:

1 ! 1 1 §
2 1 1 1
3 I 1 ( 1 1 1 6
4 1 1 1 1 5
5 1 1 1
6 1 1 7
1 ! ! |
7 i 1
8 I ! 2
9 1 1 2
10 1 I 1 1f 1 1 | 7
11 1 1 1 1 1 | 7
12 2
1 1

In the Lagna Ashtakavarga, the benefic places of the Lagna

are the 3rd, 4th, 6th lOtb, llth and 12th houses front the Sun
the 3"d, 6th, 10th, llth and 12tb houses from the Moon; the 1st,
3rd, 6th, 10th and llth houses from Mars; the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th,
694 Adh. X.

8th, 10th and 11th Ihouses from Mercury ; the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th, 9th, 10th'and 11th houses from Jupiter ; the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 8th and 9th places from Venus; the 1st, 3rd. 4th, 6th,
10th and lllh places from Saturn; and lastly, the 3rd, 6th, 10th
and llth places from itself.

30^ wm* II II
Sloku 49. When the Moon occupies any bhava
other than a Kendra and is in conjunction with another
planet, it is the Ashtakavargayurdaya that should be
calcu'ated. The same Ayurdaya is appropriate when
the 10th bhava is occupied by benefic and malefic

I dfatRlfffTTTT: I
^ ii Ho ii
Sloka 50. The figures indicating benefic dots that
appear in the signs occupied by the Sun and other planets
in any (Bhinnashtakavarga) when put together
represent the number of years of Ayurdaya arising from
that Bhinnashtakavarga subject to the reductions men-
tioned already.
The total of the net Ayurdayas in the 7 Bhicnashtakavargas
is the length of life, according to the viev expounded in this sloka.


(I H? N
SI. 51-63 60S

Sloka 51. In the Aahtakavarga of any planet, make

the two reductions and multiply the total of the temaia'
tng benefic dots into the number of benefic dots (before
reduction) in the particular bhava whereof the planet is
(Karaka,) reckoned from the place occupied by the
planet. Divide the product by 11 and ascertain the
aster ism corresponding to the remainder. When Saturn
passes through this asterism, death will take place of the
person indicated by the bhava and its (Karaka).
If the Sun be the (bhavakaraka), it is the father
that will die; if the Moon, the mother; if Mars, a bro-
ther; if Mercury, a relation; if Jupiter, a son; if
Venus, a wife ; if Saturn, it is the owner of the horofl'
cope that will die; if at the time mentioned, the persons
named do not die, some others on a par with them will
die or much wealth and prosperity will be lost.
Thus? in the example in p. 657, the 9th house counted from
the Sun is Meena. The figure there in the Sun's Ashtakavarga Is
5 (vide chart in p. 686). The sum total of the benefic dots re-
maining after the two reductions is 19 (see p. 690). Multiplying
5 by 19 and dividing by 27 we get 14, The 14th star counted
from Aswini is fon (Chithra). When Saturn passes through thie
asterism? we have to say that the-father of the native or some
others on a par with him may die or much wealth and prosperity
may be lost.

II aw W&WWl: II

cm; qmfeqq
ii ^ it
Sloka 52. Draw up a diagram of the zsodiac cxhi'
biting in its several houses the aggregate benefic dots
696 Adb. X.

given by the Sun and othet planets and arranged appro*

priately in Mesha and the other Rasie. I shall now
pfoceed to treat of the effect upon each bhava of the
benefic dots grouped in 'it.
The following 2 mnemonic slokas from (iT^Vt) Manthres-
wata'fi (Phaladeepika) give the aggregate of the benefic
dots appearing in the 12 places with reference to the seven planets
and the lagna in the several Ashtakavargas; The order of the
planets is from the Sun onwards, and Lagna appears as the 8th.
The figures are indicated by the convention commonly called
WtTlf&WT (Katapayadhisankhya) given below.; (l) (Ka-
dinava), (2) zifTJTf (Tadinava), (3) (Padipancha), (4) !n«rRl
3 i 33» 315357«a 3 5 3 3 5 8 3 83TI
4 5 35 3 3444673 31 5 36 6 13S6 7S
flrdt nuHft 9^«iiifdfgfr ifif^uhw 5 n
89 1334342473 83 33 44 2 34 3 63
ft »TR3Tifr»birV^T: I
38 44 4 3344461 53 65 36188 671

The figures in the 12 places from the Sun are lespectively 3,

3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 5, 7, 2; from the Moon, 2, 3. 3, 2. 2, 5, 2, 2,
2, 3, 7, 1 ; from Mars," 4, 5, 3, 5. 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 2 ; from Mer-
cury 3, I, 5, 2, 6, 6. 1, 2, 5, 5, 7, 3: from Jupiter? 2, 2, I, 2. 3, 4,
2, 4, 2, 4, 7, 3; from Venus, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 3: from
Saturn 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3> 3, 4, 4, 4, 6i 1; from Lagna, 5, 3) 5. 5. 2.
6, I, 2, 2, 6. 7, 1.
The statement in the next page shows in a iabulal form the
figures of benefic dots for the (Sarvashtaka Narga) accord-

* The figures from Mars ought to be 4, 5, 3. 4, 3, 3, 4, 4. 4,

6i 7» 2. But see foot-note to fliEie^Ht'f.fSlikrashtakavargaJ p. 652,
5 The figures from Jupiter ought to be 2, 1, L 2, 3, 4. 2, 4, 2.
4, 7, 4. But see foot note to (Chandrashtakavarga) p.
<>l 59-63 691

ing to the above slokas tor the sample horoscope referred to in

page 657- It enables one to find out from a glance bow many
benefic dots have been contributed by the several planets in each
of the 12 Rasis.
1 ( •s 1 -
c iP , . 5
p et
y. ^ 1 *r. *■> > n: J] 1 ^
Mcalm 5 3 7 6 4 *
1 I 37
3 2
1 1
V rialiabh:! 7 5 | 4 *•J.I 4 3 4 I 31
1 I
Mithmu 2 2 1 •J 2 2 4 5 24
KaUika 3 c: 1 j 1 -i j 3 3 3 23
^ i 1
Siinlij 5 6 .') 7 oo 3 5 37
Kauja 2 f 4 3 4 .') 30
TnU 3 2 omJ 6 2 4 4 O 26

VriNchika 2 4 G i 4 4 G 29

Dhanus ;■) •> 5 1 1 2 1 22

Makara 4 7 3 2 3 I 2 24
Kumbha 5 1 4 5 1 4 1 5 2 27
i3 i i
Meeua 3 2 O 5 4 3 2 6 28
Total 13 -6 49 4g ) 40 42 4u (337

Sloh'i 55. In the (Sarvashtakavarga), the
096 Adh. X.

number of bencfic dots up to 25 appearing in any bbava

are void of effect. From 25 to 30 benefic dots in a
bhava produce medium effect. More than 30 benefic
dots in any bhava produce happiness, wealth and fame
while serving to advance the bhava wherein they appear.
Statement showing the several (Bhinnashtaka Var-
ga) figures for the same horoscope.

cury <0a



o u

ka Varga J!

Mesha ' 3 7 4 4 7 6 6 37 6

Vrishabha 7 3 5 5 3 4 4 31 3
2 rtA 2 6 4 6 2 24 4
Kataka 2 3 1 3 7 S 2 23 4

Simha 7 6 6 6 3 4 5 37 5

Kanya 3 6 4 5 5 4 3 30 4

Tula 3 3 f 4 5 6 2 25 3

Vrischika 5 1 6 5 6 3 3 29 5

Dhanus + 6 3 4 3 1 1 22 3

Makara 2 5 > 3 4 4 4 24 5

Kumbha 5 2 , 4 5 6 3 27 4
Meena 5 5 * 5 4 3 4 28 3
Total 48 49 39 56 32 39 337 49
SI. 64-68 699


S^HI »r«ir5i ^Jgl; wnq ^(TT ^JrTT I

wfef^TTg ^ ^
HiTmifri g^fa^nf II

^ ^iRntf^^hPTRIT^ HHVII
Sloka 54. Planets occupying, it may be, their
exaltation, their own, a friend's house, a Frikona, a
Kendra, or an (Upachaya) place or possessed of
such strength as is derived from being in benefic vargas,
may do evil if associated with insufficient benefic dots
(in the ^r^ec^r-Sar vash takavarga).

Sloka 55. Planets which as occupying portions of
the 12th, the 6th, the 8th or the 7th bhavas are consi-
dered malefic ; secondly, those that are in the vargas of
their depression signs or of malefic or inimical planets ;
3rdly and lastly, those that conspire in conjunction with
the lord of the sign occupied by (Mandhi) to
work evil—these three classes of planets, if only associ-
ated with a higher number of benefic dots, produce all
important beneficial results to the person concerned.

pfl faRsfaaran II ^ n
700 Adh. X.

Slokn 56. If in the (Sarvaehtaka-Varga)

the number of benefic dots in the 11th bhava be greater
than that in the 10th, but the figure in the 12th lower
than that inthellth and if the figure in the Lagna
exceed the figure in the Itth bhava, the person born
will be happy with abundance of wealth, fame and

(I H\9 II
Slokn 57. Three divisions made of the 11 signs,
the first commencing with Mcena, the second with
Karkataka and the third with Vrischika and exhibiting
each its own benefic dots in its respective 1 houses ace
made to indicate the first, the middle and the concluding
portion of the life under examination. Some opine
that the three grand divisions are made from the
(Vyayabhava) to begin with.
SL 68-60 701

Shka 58. Some recommend the omiasion of the

benefic dots in the 12th aa well as in the 8th bhava
from their several divisions ; the aggregate benefic dots
in any one division ahou'd be compared with the same
in the other two If the figures in the three divisions
be equal, the life of the person concerned would be a
mixed one with its joys and sorrows evenly distributed;
if unequal, the lower figure implies diminution of com-
foit, i.e. misery; the higher one betokens increased
comforts, i.e. prosperity.

wspftorer l
^ qrqqi^
Sljkn 59. If benefic planets occupy the signs of
any division, the portion of life corresponding to this
(khanda) will be happy. If the signs of a ^'5 (khan-
da) have both malefic and benefic planets in them, the
effect on the portion of the life typified by the w*
(khanda) will be mixed; if any division contains malefic
planets exclusively, the period of life represented will
abound in accessions of affliction. If the number of
benefic dots in any division be small, the person born
will suffer from disease and mental pain and will be
speaking evil things. If there be a preponderance of
benefic dots in a ^3 (Khanda), the person concerned
will enjoy extensive prosperity in the period of life
thus distinguished.

fH 5# snm h»toiisu3i II $<> il

702 Adh. X,

Sloka 60. If a person have his birth under a yoga

betokening great prosperity, he will, upon the expiry of
a number of years indicated by the wefewri (Sarvashtaka
Varga) igures in the Lagna, be in a fair way to get a
royal vehicle (such as a palanquin), riches, sons and
knowledge surpassingly great.

Sljfcri 61. When the lord of the 12th bhava occu'

pies the 1st represented by a Rasi belonging to Saturn,
and when the lords nf the Lagna and the 8th bhava are
weak, the person born will live as many years as there
are benefic dots in the Lagna in the Harfe^^Sarvashtuka

writ I

Slokti 61- When the lord of the 4th bhava is in

the Lagna and the lord thereof is in the 4th, and when
the number of benefic dots in each of the Rasis occupied
by these planets is c3, the persons born will "become
lords of men and centres ol kingly gloiy,

Sloka 63. When the Ist, 4th and the 11th bhavas
are each associated with benefic dots exceeding 30, the
person born will, after his 10th year, attain to power
and prosperity in abundance culminating in kingship.
SI. 64-67 703

»n% ^ ^ II W (I
Sloka 64. Jf the number of benefic dots ir the 4th
and in the 9th Rasi from the Lagna lie between 25 and
30, the person born will be rich as Kubera at the end
of 28 years or in some year subsequent thereto.

Wm sr# ll^n
Sloka 65. When Jupiter occupying the 4ch bhava
in exaltation is associated with 40 benefic dote and the
Sun is in Mesha identical with the Lagna, the person
born will become a king and be in command of a 100,000

*## Sim: mbftm ii it

Sloka 66. With 40 benefic dots in the Lagna,
with Jupiter in Dhanus, with Venus in Meena, with
Mars in exaltation and with Saturn in Kumbha, the
person born should become an emperor blessed with
every kind of good fortune.

lanfafe ^iti% sntiJ II^II

Sloka 67. The four quarters beginning with the
East have been assigned to the four triads of Rasis
whereof the first are Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna and
Kataka (Vtde Adhyaya I si. 13). With reference to a
horoscope that may be under examinacion, ascertain the
quarter in which there is an abundance of benefic dots ;
*04 Adh. X.

it is there that the owner of the horoscope will get an

accession to his wealth, etc.

w ilarii (I
SLika 68. Find the aggregate of benefic dots from
the Lagna to Saturn (both inclusive^ Multiply it by 7
and divide the product by 27. When, in the asterism
indicated by the remainder (reckoned from Aswini) or
its Trikona, the Sun and other malignant planets pass,
the person concerned will suffer from diseases and other
ills on a large scale.

Stoka 69. Deal in the above way with the aggre-

gate of benefic dots counted from Saturn to Lagna, and
with those from Mara to Lagna, as w 'll as from L gna
to Mars, severally. Find the aggregate of benefic dots
in the Rasis occupied by benefic planets and the star
indicated thereby. When a benefic planet passes
through this asterism, good things, they say, may be

affWTW?! ^ (^TRiBflT^ |


^*1511^1: 1
SL 70 705


The following additional information based oa the

(Sarvasbtakavarga) figures are extracted from

^rTH^ JFIf^BrlT I

of^ JR:ikr ^ II

^TrWgqcf4^^rf^ Wtsi^l
ififwj itfc 6n^:

riqrq^^fqnsnqift twg. n
q) ff%: ifamfaftssfiT&n ^
qoii i
^ a Tiwfq-
fWP^qf^ ||

qy^Vqi * imft 11 vso n

SI ka 70. Make the Trikona anU Ekadhipatya
reductions in regard to the rreta;^ (Sarvasbtakavarga)
figures. Out of the figures left after the two reductions
in the several Rasts, go on subtracting as often as
possible. If the reduced figure happens to be 12 itself,
it's not to be taken away. The figures contained in
Mesha and other Rasts are to be thus treated.
706 Adh. X*

npnf i
jp^fr^^tq n
»r^5TTf^f^ I
5 ^ T#| II
•pfrpjoi^Fg ^4^ ?<w im i
"v fi *«.
m ^ HFTfq^fa^: |(
flaffofrlf^i 3TI5;^: ai^q^ |
2 dfrfg hu«3 5VlV^ (T^ I
qrfto 3 ||
ti^4 to f^i i
TTrllf^s^gq^TS^ ||

5^1 ^ I
f^^tr m^ii^i#?
55H13: 1111

Sloka 7i. Multiply the net figures in the

Sarvashtakavarga (after the reductions mentioned in
the previous sloka have been made) by the zodiacal and
planetary factors and make an aggregate of the products.
Multiply this by 7 and divide the product by 27. The
quotient consisting of years, months, days, etc., if in
excess of the standard Ayus, i.e. 100 years, should be
diminished by 100 years; if short of 100 is to be kept
unaltered. This will represent the TSTXiSt (Nakshatra
Ayus) which when multiplied by 324 and divided by
365 will give the period of life correctly in solar years.
SI. 72-73 vrntmnv: 707

pW^Tl^T II ^ II
Sloka 72. The years making up the life whether
short, middle or long of a person (obtained by the pro*
cess above mentioned) will square with the period
otherwise obtained, by the diminution or addition as
the case may be of a multiple of 27 ascertained upon an
examination of tbe aspect, if any, upon the Lagna, by
benefic planets.

ll ^ 11

li wtoanqj n
Slofta 7). In the work 6f Jatakaparijata compiled
by Vaidyanatha and containing the essence of treatises
on planetary effects such as Parasara's, the chapter on
benefic dots, appearing in the Ashtakavargas designated
mnt (Prasthara), faw (Bhinna) and (Samudaya)
has been treated by the grace of the entire body of
The following from (Balabhadra) for ascertaining the
month and the asterism of the death of a person will be found
ii 3m nmaMH u
708 Adh. X.

RlT^^lfr<T(J1r<Jwi*ti (

»TliF$2^n: pnc'IT w: I

?nsit ^ I
fTfr^®FI^ II
^rrf^1^4T% ^ *n i
qr»i ^ 11

3Tg^^ ^ ^ #11
SRI^WTTI^T^^^iTIR'nfft ^T 11
^ ^ ftf^?lcl I

^li S«l^ II

End of the 10th Adhyaya.

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