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12/2/2018 Gmail - Your Cheat Sheet to Jumpstarting Your Wealth Gene

Adriana Gastelum Pons <>

Your Cheat Sheet to Jumpstarting Your Wealth Gene

1 mensaje

Dawn Clark <> 10 de febrero de 2018, 03:39



I'm so glad you got your complimentary copy of Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene!

As promised in the book, I am also sending you this Cheat Sheet.

Learning how to Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene is vital for anyone wanting to create a better life.

In the Cheat Sheet below, you'll:

1. Discover how key markers inherited in your DNA can be holding you back from making
more than enough money, and what you can do today to turn your struggle into success.
2. Get 7 Jumpstarts for your Wealth Gene
3. Receive valuable guidance on how to start taking action today

Enjoy! And as Spock would say, "May you live long and prosper."

With Love and Light,… 1/7
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Dawn Clark
Bestselling author, Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene

P.S. Here's a little encouragement from Janet for you:

Working through the Recode DNA for Wealth gave me the ability to ask for what I need and re-
educate myself to be employable at a better rate. It provided me with the confidence and williness
to put myself out there in a new way. I also decided to try my hand at a side business online. It was
an amazing transformation in terms of my williness to expand my money making. Now, I'm doing
great at my job and have gotten a lovely raise. I've also started the groundwork for my own
business and look forward to continued growth and profit. The sky is the limit for me.

--- Janet D, Manchester

Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene Cheat Sheet for ADRIANA

SECTION 1 - You Were Born with Incredible Potential

You are more than just a body. You are more than just a mind. You have a unique soul-print that
beamed into a little body, ready to step into your potential! But there's a catch...the body you
beamed into came pre-programmed with inherited beliefs, fears and doubts encoded in your DNA.
You can think of it like inheriting a computer that has viruses. These 'viruses' are incongruent with
your soul's potential, and compromise your ability to bring that into fruition. Until you get rid of the
DNA 'viruses' holding you back, you will experience struggle and hardship... but there is a solution!

SECTION 2 - Cherry Blossom Triggers… 2/7
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In a breakthrough experiment, researchers at Emory University proved that fears and core beliefs
are passed down between generations through DNA. They exposed mice to the smell of cherry
blossoms while simultaneously scaring them, creating a Pavlovian Response. Afterwards, each
time the mice smelled cherry blossoms, they became afraid. What was more shocking though, is
that generations later, the descendents of these mice, inherited this fear. Imagine, even if there
were a piece of cheese hiding under cherry blossoms, they wouldn't have gone for the yummy
tidbit, because of an inexplicable fear that left them running away from the opportunity at hand.

Research proved that the fear imprint had been coded in their DNA and passed down through what
is called transgenerational epigenetics. What this means for you is that you may experience fear,
or an aversion to opportunity, due to inherited DNA viruses. These can limit your ability to succeed,
but there's good news... DNA is changeable! You can learn how to recode your DNA with positive
imprints that support wealth, health and loving relationships.

SECTION 3 - Power Up Your Soul Print… 3/7
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To Jumpstart your Wealth Gene, you need to start by rekindling the connection with your Soul Print
- the essence of who you are. Your soul urge. This is essential for you to be able to differentiate
between the viruses you inherited, versus what you came to do. Remember, you have a destiny - a
passion and a reason for being here. You deserve to experience abundance, and do things you're
passionate about.

But all too often, those nagging viruses we inherit from our parents and grandparents get in the
way. Things like "life is a struggle" and "It's not safe to reveal myself" or "there's not enough".
These are your Cherry Blossom Triggers.

So the key is to stop doing things that disconnect you and start doing things that reconnect you.
This is because that soul's essence is where you will find your passion, will power and capacity to
create the authentic wealth you seek in life.

Here are 7 tried and true methods for improving your DNA for wealth and success! This will
help you overcome the drag you are experiencing from the imprints you inherited.

Here's how to get started:

1) Read the news

Research has shown time and again that watching the news creates bigger stress loads than
reading or listening to the news. But there's more...because visual news stories ping our emotions
through sensationalized drama and trauma, the negative imprints you carry of suffering and
struggle, are re-resonated. This, in turn drowns out the centered, trusting, quiet voice of your soul's
essence, and strengthens deeply seated beliefs that life is a struggle.

2) There's Magic In Your Smile

We all know laughter is good medicine, but did you know it was scientifically proven to render
positive changes all the way down to your cell tissue? To that end, watch TV shows and media that
make you laugh. Smiling alone creates positive brain neural messaging that benefits your health
and happiness. The feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all
released when a smile flashes across your face as well. This not only relaxes your body, but it can… 4/7
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lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Endorphins relieve pain and serotonin serves as an anti-
depressant/mood lifter. And, beyond all that, smiling creates a positive epigenetic response that
can turn on markers that support your wealth, health and longevity.

3) Turn ON Your "More than Enough" Mindset

What would you do with an extra $200,000?

Allow yourself to dream, and dream big. Imagine you have more than enough... what would you do
with it? Write the answer down. Feel the joy inside of you. Feel the relief. In that resonance of bliss,
you have the potential to rekindle your connection with your soul print, and that helps to Jumpstart
Your Wealth Gene.

Allow this vision to override nagging thoughts of "there's not enough" or "that's not possible for me"
and other struggle imprints that hold you back.

Humanity has done the impossible time and time again. We've invented cures to ailments and
developed technology that connects us in ways we didn't dream of 50 years ago. At core, you
know amazing things are possible for you. Now, it's time to claim them.

4) Making Room For Passion

If you didn't have to work, what would you do?

Take a walk and give it some thought. Research published by the National Academy of Sciences
shows that increases memory and strengthens your brain. Prompting the walk with a question, and
allowing your mind to explore the possibilities, go hand in hand with you remembering who you
really are, at core, and getting back in touch with your passion and your soul's potential. And while
you're walking, take time to smell the roses, be in awe of the sunset, and put some bliss points into
your life.

5) Discover What Makes You Tick

If you had 2 months to travel anywhere you wanted to go, where would that be?

Your soul yearns to explore, play and find it's passion. Travel is a gateway for the type of play you
need to unlock deeper connections with your essence and the insight it brings. Give yourself the
gift of exploration. Take time to really think about this, and then hop online and explore. Ultimately, I
hope you pack your bags and adventure, but in the meantime, virtual vacations give our brain the
playground it needs to figure out what really makes you tick.

6) Turn down the Stress

Stress causes DNA damage. Money problems, a heavy work load, caregiving — these common
pressures have helped make stress an everyday part of modern life. And the problem is, the cycle
becomes self-perpetuating. Stress re-resonates other stress markers that you inherited, causing
them to get stronger. These imprints include, "there's not enough time," "life is a struggle" and "my
needs don't count." Now's the time to break the cycle.

There are simple, effective, and easy to implement solutions you can start today to lower your
stress levels:

Meditate for five minutes daily

When in a stressful situation, like traffic, focus on taking ten deep breathes… 5/7
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7) Recode Your DNA for Wealth

To make life easier, you've got to get rid of the DNA Viruses that are undermining you. Until you do,
you'll always be trying to play the game of life on a computer riddled with viruses, that keeps
crashing, losing memory, and underperforming.

If you haven't already registered for the upcoming online workshop, be sure to grab your spot now!
Seats are filling up fast.

There, I'll show you step-by-step how you can Recode your DNA for Wealth, Health, and
Happiness and overwrite those struggle imprints at core once and for all.… 6/7
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And if you haven't already downloaded your copy of Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene with your
personalized chapter, be sure to do that here before the link expires.

Now, close your eyes and smile... Remember, you were born with infinite potential. You are
loved and you deserve the best in life! Your DNA is changeable, and the future is in your


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