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i RR) k Building VOCABULARY from Word Roots N pe Guided Practice 7 Book , y 7 ee Xeoyg elerya (-13 ers ulcos corpor = “body” Latin Bases corp, Prt tee LL ittee Ci eceo a CM ee Part A: Meet the Root Divide and Conquer yy writing the meaning of the Pretixg, s “conquer” them b ‘cond! in the last blank. Use the Prefiy Bay, Directions: “Divide” the words below and then e whole word and bases in the blanks. Then write the meaning of th and definitions below to help you fill in the chart. Base/Suffix means Word means Prefix/Base means . unanimous 2. corpulent -ulent = full of a 3. animosity -osity = fullness ee . incorporate . incorporeal fOWeorscra| oe -al = pertaining to 6. equanimity 7 magnanimous magn- = big | 8. animated x | fs . corpuscles -(us)cle = small | _ His Personality and quick wit made him popular at parties. . This footnote presents an important idea that you should into the main paper. . Some pleated pants make me look more than | really am. } f > In all of her daydreaming, she had fallen in love with the image of the perfect man. wo . The classwas in their decision to chip in for a gift for the school principal upon the announcement of her retirement. ‘ 6. It was quite a gesture on your part to donate all of your video games to the Salvation Army. Such generosity redounds to your credit. th punishment is banned in all public schools across the United States. oa ‘ ' S while the judges were criticizing my we | managed to maintain my performance in the talent show. 9. Everyone was shocked by his unexpected display of against ] teachers and other authority figures. t j 10. In biology, we learn about our red and white Latin Bases corp, corpor = “body” Pena ue Coal Part C: i Read and Reason Reading for Meaning Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Corporal Punishment Were you spanked as a child? If you become a parent, do you think you will spank you, child? Spanking, or corporal punishment, is used to discipline children in some families. Yet others believe corporal punishment is not good for the child. ied to resolve the debate. She looked at the results of had been conducted over more than 60 years. She ces in children were Psychologist Elizabeth Gershoff tri 88 studies of corporal punishment that wanted to see if corporal punishment and 11 behaviors and experient related. She wanted to answer questions like these: Does corporal punishment cause the child to obey the parent? Does corporal punishment affect the child’s relationship with the parent? Does corporal punishment lead to abuse? Does corporal punishment lead to adult problems? Dr Gershoff found “strong associations” between corporal punishment and all I| behaviors and experiences. Only one association was positive. Spanking is associated with the child obeying the parent. Also, frequency and severity make a difference. The more often cor more harshly a child is hit, the more likely that he or she will have behavior problems. Dr. Gershoff cautions that her findings do not mean that all children who are spanked will turn out to have problems. Studying corporal punishment is difficult because researchers must rely on what parents say about their discipline. Dr. Gershoff also says that corporal punishment can be different, depending on the families. For example, parents may differ in how often or how forcefully they spank. Finally, factors like parent-child relationships can make a difference. Dr. George W. Holden writes that Dr. Gershoff’s findings “reflect the growing body of evidence indicating that corporal punishment does no good and may even cause harm.” Dr. Holden says that parents should not use spanking as a disciplinary tool. |. Why do you think parents use corporal punishment? Do you think they should? Why? 2. Should corporal punishment be used in schools? Why? —— PETS hese T9 re EU CM Tea Part D: Writing Sentences Extend and Explore Directio: = Work with a partner to write sentences that contain the following words. You may use references. 1. corporeal and incorporeal 2. esprit de corps +3. animate and inanimate DID YOU KNOW 2 The United States Constitution (Article 1, Section 9) protects all citizens from unlawful arrest and seizure. A “writ of habeas corpus,” which is Latin for “You a may have the body,” may be issued to - release a prisoner from jail so that he or she can appear “bodily” before a judge to give reasons for his or her arrest. It allows the suspension of habeas corpus in cases of rebellion, invasion, or when the public safety requires it: only in these rare instances may people be put in jail without recourse to a judge to determine if they have been lawfully detained. During the American Civil War, in 1861, Abraham Lincoln issued a Presidential Proclamation suspending habeas corpus in order to protect the faltering Union. Congress followed his lead in 1863 by empowering the president to suspend habeas corpus throughout the entirety of the war. i ~~ ae Context Word animation “One for all and all for one!” rocks, minerals, and other nonbreathing objects incorporeal C. acartoon character sings and dances on esprit de corps peers D. Before | put my cake batter in the oven,| thoroughly mix the wet and dry ingredients together. 4, ________ inanimate Bese 1) incorporate. What a generous gesture on your part! magnanimity There's no such thing as a ghost: your imagination is playing tricks on you. 7 unanimous G. Ihave a right to ask a judge why | was arrested and put in jail. | 8. habeas corpus H. The class took a vote and everyone agreed. Briefly describe a situation to which these words or phrases might apply. 9. corporate loyalty: = | } i ee ow eee 10. animosity:

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